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I really miss the cut scene conversation feature...

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It was one of the things I really liked about Guild Wars 2. Part of the art style that defines the game (and is even artfully applied to the UI windows, which I love!). If it would be possible to add it as option or even just now and again in the new story content, I would be happy to see it. :)


Ps. Will be six years this November since I first said, "This is such a beautiful game!". Please **NEVER **gross up the game by changing the UI to a boring, ugly, uninspired, idiotically-simple-to-create "Material Design" that is for unknown reasons popular... The art direction in Guild Wars 2 is already second to none!

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Nah it just breaks the immersion and the pace too much imo.

Don’t worry the art of Gw2 will forever be relevant through open world content. And frankly from now on, it would be better to stick with what they have created in the cinematic with joko (if possible).

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I think there's pros and cons to both. The big advantages of the old cut scenes to me were that I could concentrate on them because there was nothing else going on and they always had clear subtitles (important when I often need to have the sound off) and you got a really good look at the characters.


But they weren't very good if there were more than two people talking or if they were doing anything other than talking because you didn't get to see it. There's quite a few cut scenes in the personal story which don't really make sense because you're supposed to be watching someone making something or fixing something and seeing what happens and you don't see any of that, they're just standing there telling you they're doing it.


In certain situations it could also affect my immersion because pulling you out of the game world to show something that looks like two actors reading lines to each other reminds me that I'm hearing two actors reading lines to each other, and that makes any issues with the dialogue more noticeable.


I think a mix of both would work well. When there's no action going on and it's just two people having a conversation they could use the old style, and when you need to see what they're doing they use the new style. And then for anything really important or dramatic they can do an actual cut scene.

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I would actually plea that they remove them entirely and give us the same story telling similar to HoT and PoF.

It breaks the pace, the immersion and is Skippable which makes them pretty much pointless fir many players who just press the button and flashforward although they miss good story telling.

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> @"flog.3485" said:

> Nah it just breaks the immersion and the pace too much imo.


While this might be true, there were two extremely positive things about those dialogue cutscenes that are missing now:


1. Your character's face was actually emoting and _the lips were moving to adequately match the words_, which is no longer the case during dialogue.


2. You could skip them if you didn't want to listen to the dialogue for the x-th time, something you can no longer do.

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> @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

> I would actually plea that they remove them entirely and give us the same story telling similar to HoT and PoF.

> It breaks the pace, the immersion and is Skippable which makes them pretty much pointless fir many players who just press the button and flashforward although they miss good story telling.


we need skippable options for all cutscenes they have in the game now. After running through HoT twice im tired of having to watch the 1-2 minute long(or longer) cutscenes that cant be skipped. So instead i minimize my game, so Immersive!!!

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> we need skippable options for all cutscenes they have in the game now. After running through HoT twice im tired of having to watch the 1-2 minute long(or longer) cutscenes that cant be skipped.


Or listen to Taimi's endless babbling for the hundredth time during most of LWS2 and LWS3's story missions... :s Ugh, I usually use the time now to browse the web or read the news on my second monitor.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > we need skippable options for all cutscenes they have in the game now. After running through HoT twice im tired of having to watch the 1-2 minute long(or longer) cutscenes that cant be skipped.


> Or listen to Taimi's endless babbling during most of LWS2's story missions... :s Ugh, I usually use the time now to browse the web or read the news on my second monitor.


Saddly i only have one monitor :( but yes! Any time i have to stand there and listen to people talk i go do something else.

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Cutscenes never felt like immersion breaking. I really love dialogues in personal story. It just feels more magical, i focus more on storytelling with cutscenes. Hot and PoF storytelling just doesnt work like that to me. Sure npc now can walk and do things during dialogues but doesn't weel like reading a story anymore.

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> @"Karmapolice.4193" said:

> Yep, playing through the story on alts can be a nightmare because so many characters love to drone on and on and on and walk at a snail's pace while doing so. You're not writing Shakespeare, Anet, please let me skip it.


yes, seriously, there were times when I actually was tempted to yell "I don't care about your goddam bandana, Rytlock" at the screen. And that is even a tame example :)

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> The big advantages of the old cut scenes to me were that I could concentrate on them because there was nothing else going on and they always had clear subtitles (important when I often need to have the sound off) and you got a really good look at the characters.


These are exactly the reasons I liked them. What better way to get a really good look at the character you meticulously designed? Camera controls are only so good in game if you want to get a good closeup of yourself.

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I actually really liked being able to see the character that I spent almost a damn hour and a pinch of real money to build talking to other characters, and the art style and way the person I was talking to was right in front of me was wonderful. Now I just get to sit there and rotate the camera around a circle of characters while they spit out speech bubbles for 5 or 10 minutes. And if I ever do that mission again, I get to sit there and listen to all of it _again_ because I'm not even allowed to skip those long conversations now.

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I dont miss ‘em, honestly


Scenario 1

Make thief

Choose subterfugue

Wear hold to protect identity

Literally the first conversation in the prologue instance

*takes of hood to talk NPC*



Scenario 2


Meet quaggan

Quaggan conversation starts

*takes off breather to talk underwater*



Scenario 3

Be roleplayer

Wear mix of Hellfire and Flame Citadel to look like a destroyer

Meets NPC

*takes of head to reveal inferior fleshy head beneath*

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"flog.3485" said:

> > Nah it just breaks the immersion and the pace too much imo.


> While this might be true, there were two extremely positive things about those dialogue cutscenes that are missing now:


> 1. Your character's face was actually emoting and _the lips were moving to adequately match the words_, which is no longer the case during dialogue.


> 2. You could skip them if you didn't want to listen to the dialogue for the x-th time, something you can no longer do.


Well agree to disagree then.

1. The two advantages you bring up are really fluffy imo. We just really needed a good story, not solely a good presentation of story. These two advantages are really only relevant for single player game.

2. You could skip but there wasn't any incentize to so imo, because any optional achievement in story were only made at the start of season 2 of I recall correctly. I really don't mind repeating dialogues if the quality of the story have highly increased overall from the beginning of season 2 and forwards.

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I liked them a lot, and always enjoyed getting a good look at my character (didn't spend all that fashion wars time for nothing). However, I get why people weren't a fan of them and I imagine that if Arenanet brought them back the outrage would be a larger majority than the rejoicing minority.

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> @"flog.3485" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > @"flog.3485" said:

> > > Nah it just breaks the immersion and the pace too much imo.

> >

> > While this might be true, there were two extremely positive things about those dialogue cutscenes that are missing now:

> >

> > 1. Your character's face was actually emoting and _the lips were moving to adequately match the words_, which is no longer the case during dialogue.

> >

> > 2. You could skip them if you didn't want to listen to the dialogue for the x-th time, something you can no longer do.


> Well agree to disagree then.

> 1. The two advantages you bring up are really fluffy imo. We just really needed a good story, not solely a good presentation of story. These two advantages are really only relevant for single player game.

> 2. You could skip but there wasn't any incentize to so imo, because any optional achievement in story were only made at the start of season 2 of I recall correctly. I really don't mind repeating dialogues if the quality of the story have highly increased overall from the beginning of season 2 and forwards.


the incentive was being able to get through them faster and not being forced to listen to things youd heard before, i have 15 characters i dont play very much, having to watch all the cutscenes after the core game is going to be painful. It was painful having to do it on my 3 that i play the most :/


Forced cutscenes are terrible IMO, forced Dialogue that drags on and on is also terrible IMO: theres no need for it and it doesnt add anything other than wasted time if youve listened to it more than once.

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"flog.3485" said:

> > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > > @"flog.3485" said:

> > > > Nah it just breaks the immersion and the pace too much imo.

> > >

> > > While this might be true, there were two extremely positive things about those dialogue cutscenes that are missing now:

> > >

> > > 1. Your character's face was actually emoting and _the lips were moving to adequately match the words_, which is no longer the case during dialogue.

> > >

> > > 2. You could skip them if you didn't want to listen to the dialogue for the x-th time, something you can no longer do.

> >

> > Well agree to disagree then.

> > 1. The two advantages you bring up are really fluffy imo. We just really needed a good story, not solely a good presentation of story. These two advantages are really only relevant for single player game.

> > 2. You could skip but there wasn't any incentize to so imo, because any optional achievement in story were only made at the start of season 2 of I recall correctly. I really don't mind repeating dialogues if the quality of the story have highly increased overall from the beginning of season 2 and forwards.


> the incentive was being able to get through them faster and not being forced to listen to things youd heard before, i have 15 characters i dont play very much, having to watch all the cutscenes after the core game is going to be painful. It was painful having to do it on my 3 that i play the most :/


> Forced cutscenes are terrible IMO, forced Dialogue that drags on and on is also terrible IMO: theres no need for it and it doesnt add anything other than wasted time if youve listened to it more than once.


Well sure. They could always improve the current situation, so that we can skip the story if we need to. I just want point out that, imo, it is much less terrible to be forced to replay a good story with optional achievements than to have the ability to skip a story that was largely being criticized for being sort of weak.

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