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> @"SnowHawk.3615" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > I cannot confirm I am making number 10

> >

> > I promised myself I wouldn't make anymore after the 2nd...and the 3rd...and the 4th.

> >

> > This is def my last though. Well except for the one after that obviously


> Yea I'm same way. After this last one I said "No more! Never again -that was horrible!" As I bask in my new legendary glory. 1 month later... "I think imma go for..."


This, times a thousand. Every time I finish a GoB, I think to myself that I'm not going to do *that* again, and a week or two later, most of a Sunday disappears as I keep doing one more thing to keep my T6 WvW participation going and so that I don't have to feel guilty standing in a corner letting it age out. (Turns out the Obsidian Sanctum is good for that because people actually *playing* WvW can't see you unless they go there too.)


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> @"SnowHawk.3615" said:

> I don't have Moot, Dreamer or the Cake Torch. Because they're ugly. Everything else I'm currently happy with. Shooshadoo isn't really my style and plus me and my sister typically go for opposite legendaries- such as I got Shining Blade and she went for Bolt in the beginning- now, since she doesn't play anymore I just grabbed them all aside from what I listed.

> Aurora though - I gave up on. Maybe I'll go back to it- but none of the work/time seems rewarding or worth it.


> Here are some rules that I follow:

> Make a list.

> 250 Powerful Blood - Calculate each time you get that material and tick it off I just received 6 PB so 250 minus 6= 244. and jot it down in notepad.

> Keep all of your mats. Salvage every blue and green and yellow (some exotics) that isn't 1g or over. If it's 1g or over, sell it. I just said keep all of your mats- However after you've checked to see what you need - sell all the mats you don't need. You will always get more if you salvage greens, blues and rares.

> Pace yourself. You are on your own time, so take all that you need. Don't feel like you have to have it now.

> Do as many events when you can. DS meta gives tons of loot - the HoT maps are great loot. Reward tracks in PvP and WvW. PvP ranked gives great gold if you don't mind putting up with the bullcrap.

> Do events to get karma.

> Dungeons if you can find a group- gives decent enough loot and 1g per run- and with the power creep, there is nothing to fear.

> I've never really found success in fractals but it's also not really my thing. Just go for dailies.

> I typically buy all the mats first when I look at the materials needed. And work my way up.

> No unnecessary purchases. If it's not way point costs- you don't need it.

> Remember your goal: Is to have the Legendary at some point. Keep striving for it, it will pay off.

> >No unnecessary purchases. If it's not way point costs or buying salvage kits from the merchant- you don't need it.



> I wish you good luck!




ty! "No unnecessary purchases, damn that's hard lol,i currently want the dual-faced jackal skin but I guess i'll have to let that stay for now :bawling:

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> @"Vermagus.7804" said:

> SO > @"necromaniac.7629" said:

> > Am I the only one who just wants every legendary in this game, I want bifrost the most right now though, I sold all my mats hoping that I would get a decent amount of gold to buy it but then I only got 300g then I spent it on black lion keys to only get storm dagger skin and I don't even use dagger

> >

> > Guys my friend got the chak infusion drop from the zephire boxes and now this dude got like 5 or more legendaries, and I just want Bifrost ;-;

> > I spend so much time on this game, why cant I get what want sometimes, ive been doing stuff like treasure mushroom to get that invisible slippers drop so I could sell it and ive been opening those dang boxes too, It's like the kitten game is playing ME

> >


> That was my goal too, and now I have full set of legendary armor( cloth), backpack and 9 weapon, 3 of which i don't even use anymore because i main only mezmer .. but i've been playing since launch. I would say farm your T6mats, do metas for money/ drops , clear the zones for your mastery exploration. should take you 1-2 months to get your bifrost. You're lucky..because back in the day we had to wait until precursers drop at least now you can forge them now.


ooo that's nice, but I don't understand what you mean by farm t6 mats, ye i'm tryna finish world completion currently

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> @"necromaniac.7629" said:

> Am I the only one who just wants every legendary in this game, I want bifrost the most right now though, I sold all my mats hoping that I would get a decent amount of gold to buy it but then I only got 300g then I spent it on black lion keys to only get storm dagger skin and I don't even use dagger


> Guys my friend got the chak infusion drop from the zephire boxes and now this dude got like 5 or more legendaries, and I just want Bifrost ;-;

> I spend so much time on this game, why cant I get what want sometimes, ive been doing stuff like treasure mushroom to get that invisible slippers drop so I could sell it and ive been opening those dang boxes too, It's like the kitten game is playing ME



sign up to gw2efficiency - it tells you how much your account is worth :D and many, many other useful things.

and BL keys are a waste. It's a gamble to get anything good. Better to save your gems and buy the costume, glider skin, weapon directly from the gemstore.

Go to istan and farm, farm, farm. You'll make 300g in a week or less. 30+g an hour mate if you do it right.


Farm 1 hour a day and keep poverty away :D

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For me, it isn't the Legendary weapons I want. Though I'm making a lot of them now I'm just selling the results for cash. The weapon sets I want are usually the black lion skins., which are expensive in their own way. When each skin costs 50g-100g, outfitting all of your weapons can end up costing quite a bit.


Also, invisible shoes. I hate the fact that you have to buy them for each armor class.

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I am doing my second map completion currently and OMG, that takes a lot of time! I used to complain about the Gift of Battle but that is nowhere near the timesink that map completion is. But I have decided to do it on a new character with a Profession that I never played(Revenant), and simply trying to enjoy learning a new Profession while leveling up. And I am slowly starting to enjoy it. It's easily the best way to learn a new Professions anyway: I have several "insta" level 80's and playing them is simply too overwhelming, though I managed to sortoff master the Necro(Main is a Ranger that I have played forever).


But yeah, I think this is working for me. At 28% now......


Initially I wanted to really dig into the Lore of each new Region too, you know, really *listen* to Heart Vendors, or the DE's that you stumble upon, but that did not last long. :) I do sometimes let the entire animation of a Viewpoint play out, to savor the beautiful environment. I want to pay homage to the world designers of GW2 since that is one the things I enjoy so much in Gw2.

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> @"necromaniac.7629" said:

> Am I the only one who just wants every legendary in this game, I want bifrost the most right now though, I sold all my mats hoping that I would get a decent amount of gold to buy it but then I only got 300g then I spent it on black lion keys to only get storm dagger skin and I don't even use dagger


> Guys my friend got the chak infusion drop from the zephire boxes and now this dude got like 5 or more legendaries, and I just want Bifrost ;-;

> I spend so much time on this game, why cant I get what want sometimes, ive been doing stuff like treasure mushroom to get that invisible slippers drop so I could sell it and ive been opening those dang boxes too, It's like the kitten game is playing ME



Ive got 14 legendaries. And if I was starting this game over (which I wouldn't bother to do if I could choose again)... I wouldn't waste any time on them. They're just ascended weapons. And your freedom and enjoyment of the game depends most on getting in with the right groups, taking the right risks, and learning the most challenging encounters. After you get ascended gear, everything other than that is just a distraction/scam to keep you running on the treadmill and not noticing that you're out of fun things to do.

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