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Queen's Gauntlet Turai Ossa : All 7 Gamblits on Weaver (Video + Guide)

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I just killed Turai Ossa with all gamblits, after 15h of try, & 3000 ticket on my Sword Weaver, & it was one of the hardest fight I had, for these reason :


- No dodge at all due to gambit

- Very low mobility due to gambit (cripple...)

- Lower DPS (due to gambit again)

- Extremely squishy : Full grievers (Power Condi / Precision Ferocity) + Gambit. Only one hit, and you are dead.

- It's a competition of time so I need to be as fast as possible, cannot play the safe way.


So basically you dont have dodge, and if you get hit once, you are dead.


How to proceed : you have to use & abuse of Evade Skills & mobility to avoid burst.

After first break bar, you can CC the boss to prevent him attacking. Focus Air #5 is a 4s CC. I also got Focus Earth #5 for a 4s invul, and . Arcana Shield for a 4s invul.

All this is a 12s of free DPS.

You also got Sword Earth #2 (1s evade) Sword Water #2 (2s evade) with low CD.

You also gain SuperSpeed when attune to Air, to gain mobility.

FGS as Elite is great for Evade & mobility.


1/ First phase (escape):

- You have few seconds to DPS the 2nd opponent before Boss attack you. I burst condition him then go away

- When Boss leap to me for first time, I use Sword Air #2 to leap to other ennemy to dodge his burst.

- Then I use FGS to evade all boss attacks. I keep DPS second opponent with Signet of Fire 1200 Range.

- I use FGS #3 to Evade Turai Ossa Projectile before his break appear. Then I precast FGS #5 #2 Signet of fire.


2/ Second phase (first breakbar)

Then I break the Bar and use rotation to be safe :

- Free DPS while broken Bar

- Then I cast Focus Earth 5: 4s invul (free DPS)

- Then I cast Focus Air #5 : 4s CC (free DPS)

- At this point I could use Shield after this But I need it for next fight. So I use Sword Evade skills : Earth #2 Water #2

- Now he phase again, reflect his projectile with Focus Earth #4


3/ Third Phase (Second Breakbar)

- Free DPS while broken bar

- DPS with Fire #2 #3

- Protect with Shield

- Use Downstate Lava Font (or just dont die)


After the 2nd Breakbar the boss gain a buff that makes him very vulnerable so the kill is fast.


Here is the video of the kill, the build is at 2 min.

Enjoy !




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> @"Kal Spiro.9745" said:

> Very epic music, but poorly timed. It went into the climax at only half way through, when nothing special was happening. Exciting ending, though.


I admit I did not really worked to put music well sync, most important is still gameplay haha.

Thanks !

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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> Pointless to do, does not even give a title or AP


It's called personal challenge or goals.


This was common in gaming before "achieve points" were a thing.


This is someone who doesn't need direction to find things to do.


Amazing OP.

That's dedication and resilience...I cannot imagine practicing that long o.o.

Do your hands not hurt? :astonished: :D



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> @"Lasiurus.4067" said:

> > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > Pointless to do, does not even give a title or AP


> This was for a competition organised by community, fastest kill with all gambits :)


Yes, but even if you win that it is only 1000 Gold. I can get that faster in other ways without having to win a competition for it (that does not only take skill, but also grind for all the gauntlet tickets). Chances are someone else will be at least a second faster and I end up with time and gold for consumables and tickets.


EDIT: I see the reward was later upped to all 3 underwater legendaries. While much better still not good enough for it to make sense to take part in such a competition.

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> @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > Pointless to do, does not even give a title or AP


> It's called personal challenge or goals.


> This was common in gaming before "achieve points" were a thing.


> This is someone who doesn't need direction to find things to do.


> Amazing OP.

> That's dedication and resilience...I cannot imagine practicing that long o.o.

> Do your hands not hurt? :astonished: :D




You don't understand. Look at his sig. This guy is so obsessed with AP he literally can't understand why anyone would bother logging in and playing the game unless it's earning them AP!

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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > > Pointless to do, does not even give a title or AP

> >

> > It's called personal challenge or goals.

> >

> > This was common in gaming before "achieve points" were a thing.

> >

> > This is someone who doesn't need direction to find things to do.

> >

> > Amazing OP.

> > That's dedication and resilience...I cannot imagine practicing that long o.o.

> > Do your hands not hurt? :astonished: :D

> >

> >


> You don't understand. Look at his sig. This guy is so obsessed with AP he literally can't understand why anyone would bother logging in and playing the game unless it's earning them AP!


Apparently even three legendaries arent worth trying. I guess personnel goals mean nothing -_-

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> @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > Pointless to do, does not even give a title or AP


> It's called personal challenge or goals.


> This was common in gaming before "achieve points" were a thing.


> This is someone who doesn't need direction to find things to do.


> Amazing OP.

> That's dedication and resilience...I cannot imagine practicing that long o.o.

> Do your hands not hurt? :astonished: :D




> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > @"Lasiurus.4067" said:

> > > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > > Pointless to do, does not even give a title or AP

> >

> > This was for a competition organised by community, fastest kill with all gambits :)


> Yes, but even if you win that it is only 1000 Gold. I can get that faster in other ways without having to win a competition for it (that does not only take skill, but also grind for all the gauntlet tickets). Chances are someone else will be at least a second faster and I end up with time and gold for consumables and tickets.


> EDIT: I see the reward was later upped to all 3 underwater legendaries. While much better still not good enough for it to make sense to take part in such a competition.


The competition & the possible prize helped for motivation, but even if I get a legendary, all the ticket already costed me 2000g so I wont gain that much.

But anyway it was really enjoyable, even with no AP/Title, for the challenge, & how I was so fucking happy when I finally did it after a full night of try hard, at 8 am.


Nearly all the fight is "scripted", each skill is calculated to be in the right order, after hundred of try & death, I know that if I go in this direction with FGS, boss will follow me with this attack, then this one, etc. Its like SAB tribulation mode, you learn from your death/error to learn the good path.

For example at 0:58 I dont use Earth #4 to DPS (its instant cast) because I knew I would need it 20s later to reflect his projectile before breakbar. All is calculated, but for this I had to die a lot & a lot.


But I took me like 3h of full try hard to even reach the first phase with break bar. With boss still at 100%

First hours were very discouraging haha.

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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > @"Lasiurus.4067" said:

> > > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > > Pointless to do, does not even give a title or AP

> >

> > This was for a competition organised by community, fastest kill with all gambits :)


> Yes, but even if you win that it is only 1000 Gold. I can get that faster in other ways without having to win a competition for it (that does not only take skill, but also grind for all the gauntlet tickets). Chances are someone else will be at least a second faster and I end up with time and gold for consumables and tickets.


> EDIT: I see the reward was later upped to all 3 underwater legendaries. While much better still not good enough for it to make sense to take part in such a competition.


If everyone felt that way then it would only take one person to achieve the feat and win!


Not everything is about efficiency or the rewards you receive. This sounds like it was a fun and monumentally challenging task. Congrats on the kill and very well done to the OP. I had a hard enough time with Turai without gambits. Great job!


PS: Did you win the competition? And if not, did the winner post their time and class played?

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> @"Glacial.9516" said:

> > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > > @"Lasiurus.4067" said:

> > > > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > > > Pointless to do, does not even give a title or AP

> > >

> > > This was for a competition organised by community, fastest kill with all gambits :)

> >

> > Yes, but even if you win that it is only 1000 Gold. I can get that faster in other ways without having to win a competition for it (that does not only take skill, but also grind for all the gauntlet tickets). Chances are someone else will be at least a second faster and I end up with time and gold for consumables and tickets.

> >

> > EDIT: I see the reward was later upped to all 3 underwater legendaries. While much better still not good enough for it to make sense to take part in such a competition.


> If everyone felt that way then it would only take one person to achieve the feat and win!


> Not everything is about efficiency or the rewards you receive. This sounds like it was a fun and monumentally challenging task. Congrats on the kill and very well done to the OP. I had a hard enough time with Turai without gambits. Great job!


> PS: Did you win the competition? And if not, did the winner post their time and class played?


Thanks :) I won second category (Twilight Legendary GS !)

Faster kill was a Chrono, then its me as second, then its another chrono / condition thief / Spellbreaker / Staff Weaver / Core Pet Ranger :)

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That's an amazing feat! I didn't even beat Liadri, though at least this year I tried her a little, and I struggled to get a one-gambit success. I hope to be more accomplished next year.


Could you remember to post this again next year when the festival returns, please? You posted your guide pretty much at the exact minute the festival ended and it would be super nice to have a chance to try to follow your excellent lead.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > Pointless to do, does not even give a title or AP


> Wow. Just **wow** at such a comment... What a character. :-1:


> It is _not_ "pointless" if the OP was motivated and had fun beating this particular challenge.


Pretty much this.

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