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[SUGGESTION] Improve reward system in WvW


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> @"joneirikb.7506" said:

> 1: Farming.

> 2: Again AFK farming defense events.

> 3: Own dedicated AFK commanders/squads, farming.

> 4: Which results in players throwing rams everywhere and building them, farming.

> 5: Encourage Karma-Train/Monoblob


> Rewards in WvW are so much better than what they used to be, you actually gain resources rather than expend them nowadays. It is in a much better spot than it has ever been regarding rewards. That said, not saying it can't be improved upon, but the way in which you improve upon it can be very touchy, since it's so easy to break a system like WvW and fall into pure farming.


> There is also the very touchy area that "rewards defines behavior", so rewarding wrong things rewards wrong behavior, and that people will always take the path of least resistance. This is even more important in WvW as a multiplayer modus where the other players are the content. So any kind of rewards needs to reward behavior that is beneficial to everyone and not just farmable or trollable (technically pip farmers right now).


> That, and there is also the point that gameplay itself is also a reward. As well as we've seen with pip farmers, that bringing people into the game mode that doesn't care about the game mode and just want to farm it, doesn't really bring anything good for those that enjoy the game mode.


> So how would you create a reward system that avoids all those pitfalls, and actually encourage healthy WvW play ?


First you need to define healthy wvw play so we don't all end up talking past one another.

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> @"Israel.7056" said:

> > @"joneirikb.7506" said:

> > 1: Farming.

> > 2: Again AFK farming defense events.

> > 3: Own dedicated AFK commanders/squads, farming.

> > 4: Which results in players throwing rams everywhere and building them, farming.

> > 5: Encourage Karma-Train/Monoblob

> >

> > Rewards in WvW are so much better than what they used to be, you actually gain resources rather than expend them nowadays. It is in a much better spot than it has ever been regarding rewards. That said, not saying it can't be improved upon, but the way in which you improve upon it can be very touchy, since it's so easy to break a system like WvW and fall into pure farming.

> >

> > There is also the very touchy area that "rewards defines behavior", so rewarding wrong things rewards wrong behavior, and that people will always take the path of least resistance. This is even more important in WvW as a multiplayer modus where the other players are the content. So any kind of rewards needs to reward behavior that is beneficial to everyone and not just farmable or trollable (technically pip farmers right now).

> >

> > That, and there is also the point that gameplay itself is also a reward. As well as we've seen with pip farmers, that bringing people into the game mode that doesn't care about the game mode and just want to farm it, doesn't really bring anything good for those that enjoy the game mode.

> >

> > So how would you create a reward system that avoids all those pitfalls, and actually encourage healthy WvW play ?


> First you need to define healthy wvw play so we don't all end up talking past one another.


You are right, and that is a titanic pitfall, since no one is going to agree on it, unfortunately. So either:


1: Whatever ANet says is healthy gameplay


2: Anything that actually makes people play against each other in some way.


Personally think that "healthy gameplay" in WvW is anything that makes players seek conflict with other players. Anything from fighting over a keep, 2vs2 over a camp, dueling on a shrine, using siege against enemies etc. That won't catch everything (scouting for ex). Essentially, I want everyone showered in rewards for engaging the enemy in some way, and no rewards for avoiding the enemy. There are bound to be lots of problems with that, obviously.


But I agree that the definition of "healthy gameplay" might be more important to discuss than the rewards, yet.

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> @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > For me its not a problem to make exotic stuff on wvw, the problem is with ascended one. To make one piece (~70g)u need 3-4 days of T4 fotms. To make piece of the same in wvw u need 2, 5 months. That the first thing that should get change.

> > But about just Gold I have 2 solutions, im curious about your thoughts :

> > Give rewards for all the kills: on players, guards, sentries, dolyaks and other active events like taking camps Tower keeps etc.

> > Another one would Just count all your participation at the end of skirmish/matchup and give money or another rewards depending on all the stuff u did in week.

> > I think both systems encourage players to active gameplay

> >



> That is weird, because I can get 2 ascended pieces with FULLY selectable stats per week (helm-boots-gloves-shoulders), or 1 chest/1 leggings. Why does it take you 3-4 months? Huge inaccuracy right there. Moreover, you get more rewards the more you play, from reward tracks (5-5.5 hours per track, plus the bonus stuff you get from repeating the diamond chest). Also, why do we need to compare WvW with PvE, reward-wise? Not ALL pve yields the money Istan does, or silverwastes. WvW is good in rewards right now. You have the CERTAIN chance of getting ascended equipment, obsidian weapons, mistforged weapons.

> We also get 6 coins/week, if we finish diamond chest. PER WEEK. Given that we get 20 coins PER MONTH for logging in, that would make us another 24 coins (4 weeks). An increase above 100%.

> A lot of us have been playing the mode before any of this was introduced, because it was fun. Rewards are decent in wvw right now. Please, keep the pve mentality in pve.

> Have fun!


Im rank 250 and i looted 2 ASC chests by now, yea im happy i got em but its Just pure luck. 70 %of matchup i get to Diamond so i do some of that. U get 3 Grand aster shards per week so this is how i did my calculations

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> @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> So you are telling me that repairing shouldn't give currency, even if they farm gold this way. They are helping the team.


Keep telling yourself that, but if you give me the ability to kick players from a server I'll be kicking a lot of players for repairing.

Repairing walls at random does not imply "helping". It usually implies draining supply which is bad.


> And 99% of the commanders are playing the game and ppl are following them. These people will be rewarded - which play the game. I am not saying the others may not exist too, however everything depends on the way this system is implemented. Even they will be stimulated to repair. Your 4. is hilarious also. You will throw a cata to build it for 5 copper and the cata costs more - good luck with that - I am pretty sure these changes will stimulate exactly this (sarcasm). If the system is implemented in a way to reward the players that are actually playing the game everything will be only in a positive direction. Even if there are defend farmers they will still do better than the pip farmers because they will try to defend/repair/build siege etc.


Your suggestions are awful. 99% of the commanders have QUIT the game. The ones that remain play and get people to follow. Unless they wipe a few times, then half of htir people are afk pipfarming. Because they'll still be rewarded.


Give us rewards for ACTIVE gameplay preferably OFFENSIVE gameplay. Not spam repairing sm walls which are trebbed 24/7, with the other side spam repping the tower that is trebbing sm while being trebbed itself.


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> @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> 1. Repairing should give currency.


I'll just spend all the supply repairing even if the attackers aren't neutralized yet. Please come attack.


> 2. Attacking and defending should give currency to each interval.


I'll just camp an objective for defense event and escort yaks. Please come attack.


> 3. Being in a squad with more than X people should give currency each interval (5 mins this time). Will you just stay in a squad not doing anything? Gl finding a commander which won't kick you!


I'll just tag up and we'll all sit around and collect gold every 5 minutes.


> 4. Any form of spending resources (not only repairing) should give currency, make it 1 copper per hammer swing if you want.


Wait, isn't this the same as #1? Let's siege cap the map!


> 5. Taking a keep/sm/mine should also give currency.


Isn't this the same as #2?

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> @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > For me its not a problem to make exotic stuff on wvw, the problem is with ascended one. To make one piece (~70g)u need 3-4 days of T4 fotms. To make piece of the same in wvw u need 2, 5 months. That the first thing that should get change.

> > But about just Gold I have 2 solutions, im curious about your thoughts :

> > Give rewards for all the kills: on players, guards, sentries, dolyaks and other active events like taking camps Tower keeps etc.

> > Another one would Just count all your participation at the end of skirmish/matchup and give money or another rewards depending on all the stuff u did in week.

> > I think both systems encourage players to active gameplay

> >



> That is weird, because I can get 2 ascended pieces with FULLY selectable stats per week (helm-boots-gloves-shoulders), or 1 chest/1 leggings. Why does it take you 3-4 months? Huge inaccuracy right there.


Because nobody SANE buys T2 ascended pieces. Unless you get minstrel stats, they cost MORE than just crafting it regularly. So hey, the time gate is only 1 week to PAY MORE THAN CRAFTING???? Nice!


ascended helm / boots / gloves / shoulders by crafting while BUYING ASCENDED MATS ON TP - no timegate : 37-50g each unless you need MINSTREL.


ascended helm / boots / gloves / shoulders in WVW while paying league tickets if you buy grandmaster marks they're ~40-45g for a piece + 15g for memories of battle + tickets = 55-60g. Even if you craft everything yourself - you better off straight crafting the armor. Hell, you better off BUYING the stuff to craft from TP and crafting insta than doing ANY wvw for it.


I'll let you do the math on pants and chest but you'll see it doesn't look better :)


So about gold... Is it ok if i don't take your word on it considering you advise players to buy ascended armor that is more expensive than just... not playing WvW and crafting it?


>Moreover, you get more rewards the more you play, from reward tracks (5-5.5 hours per track, plus the bonus stuff you get from repeating the diamond chest). Also, why do we need to compare WvW with PvE, reward-wise? Not ALL pve yields the money Istan does, or silverwastes. WvW is good in rewards right now. You have the CERTAIN chance of getting ascended equipment, obsidian weapons, mistforged weapons.

> We also get 6 coins/week, if we finish diamond chest. PER WEEK. Given that we get 20 coins PER MONTH for logging in, that would make us another 24 coins (4 weeks). An increase above 100%.


Sick. 24 mystic coins a month. I raidclear once a week. Gives me ~300 magnetite shards, 50g+ liquid gold per week. It gives an ACTUALLY CHEAP full ascended set AND more gold than WvW just about every month. And I play 5x more wvw than i do PvE.


> A lot of us have been playing the mode before any of this was introduced, because it was fun. Rewards are decent in wvw right now. Please, keep the pve mentality in pve.

> Have fun!


I agree we shouldn't boost rewards - especially not for half afk play as this user suggests - but please don't spread inaccurate bullshit. You cannot compare PvE loot to WvW. You cannot pretend WvW is rewarding or in a good place. Be honest to users and tell them as it is. Rewards are shit but they need to be for WvW not to die to PvE lootfarmers. Never buy ascended from WvW unless you do it for the SKINS because the armor is a scam.

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> @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > > @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > > For me its not a problem to make exotic stuff on wvw, the problem is with ascended one. To make one piece (~70g)u need 3-4 days of T4 fotms. To make piece of the same in wvw u need 2, 5 months. That the first thing that should get change.

> > > But about just Gold I have 2 solutions, im curious about your thoughts :

> > > Give rewards for all the kills: on players, guards, sentries, dolyaks and other active events like taking camps Tower keeps etc.

> > > Another one would Just count all your participation at the end of skirmish/matchup and give money or another rewards depending on all the stuff u did in week.

> > > I think both systems encourage players to active gameplay

> > >

> >

> >

> > That is weird, because I can get 2 ascended pieces with FULLY selectable stats per week (helm-boots-gloves-shoulders), or 1 chest/1 leggings. Why does it take you 3-4 months? Huge inaccuracy right there. Moreover, you get more rewards the more you play, from reward tracks (5-5.5 hours per track, plus the bonus stuff you get from repeating the diamond chest). Also, why do we need to compare WvW with PvE, reward-wise? Not ALL pve yields the money Istan does, or silverwastes. WvW is good in rewards right now. You have the CERTAIN chance of getting ascended equipment, obsidian weapons, mistforged weapons.

> > We also get 6 coins/week, if we finish diamond chest. PER WEEK. Given that we get 20 coins PER MONTH for logging in, that would make us another 24 coins (4 weeks). An increase above 100%.

> > A lot of us have been playing the mode before any of this was introduced, because it was fun. Rewards are decent in wvw right now. Please, keep the pve mentality in pve.

> > Have fun!


> Im rank 250 and i looted 2 ASC chests by now, yea im happy i got em but its Just pure luck. 70 %of matchup i get to Diamond so i do some of that. U get 3 Grand aster shards per week so this is how i did my calculations


You get 365 tickets/week. Hence 2 armor pieces/week. Youre new to wvw, so please dont take that pve mentality here. Thanks, good day.

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> @"Etheri.5406" said:

> > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > > @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > > For me its not a problem to make exotic stuff on wvw, the problem is with ascended one. To make one piece (~70g)u need 3-4 days of T4 fotms. To make piece of the same in wvw u need 2, 5 months. That the first thing that should get change.

> > > But about just Gold I have 2 solutions, im curious about your thoughts :

> > > Give rewards for all the kills: on players, guards, sentries, dolyaks and other active events like taking camps Tower keeps etc.

> > > Another one would Just count all your participation at the end of skirmish/matchup and give money or another rewards depending on all the stuff u did in week.

> > > I think both systems encourage players to active gameplay

> > >

> >

> >

> > That is weird, because I can get 2 ascended pieces with FULLY selectable stats per week (helm-boots-gloves-shoulders), or 1 chest/1 leggings. Why does it take you 3-4 months? Huge inaccuracy right there.


> Because nobody SANE buys T2 ascended pieces. Unless you get minstrel stats, they cost MORE than just crafting it regularly. So hey, the time gate is only 1 week to PAY MORE THAN CRAFTING???? Nice!


> ascended helm / boots / gloves / shoulders by crafting while BUYING ASCENDED MATS ON TP - no timegate : 37-50g each unless you need MINSTREL.


> ascended helm / boots / gloves / shoulders in WVW while paying league tickets if you buy grandmaster marks they're ~40-45g for a piece + 15g for memories of battle + tickets = 55-60g. Even if you craft everything yourself - you better off straight crafting the armor. Hell, you better off BUYING the stuff to craft from TP and crafting insta than doing ANY wvw for it.


> I'll let you do the math on pants and chest but you'll see it doesn't look better :)


> So about gold... Is it ok if i don't take your word on it considering you advise players to buy ascended armor that is more expensive than just... not playing WvW and crafting it?


> >Moreover, you get more rewards the more you play, from reward tracks (5-5.5 hours per track, plus the bonus stuff you get from repeating the diamond chest). Also, why do we need to compare WvW with PvE, reward-wise? Not ALL pve yields the money Istan does, or silverwastes. WvW is good in rewards right now. You have the CERTAIN chance of getting ascended equipment, obsidian weapons, mistforged weapons.

> > We also get 6 coins/week, if we finish diamond chest. PER WEEK. Given that we get 20 coins PER MONTH for logging in, that would make us another 24 coins (4 weeks). An increase above 100%.


> Sick. 24 mystic coins a month. I raidclear once a week. Gives me ~300 magnetite shards, 50g+ liquid gold per week. It gives an ACTUALLY CHEAP full ascended set AND more gold than WvW just about every month. And I play 5x more wvw than i do PvE.


> > A lot of us have been playing the mode before any of this was introduced, because it was fun. Rewards are decent in wvw right now. Please, keep the pve mentality in pve.

> > Have fun!


> I agree we shouldn't boost rewards - especially not for half afk play as this user suggests - but please don't spread inaccurate kitten. You cannot compare PvE loot to WvW. You cannot pretend WvW is rewarding or in a good place. Be honest to users and tell them as it is. Rewards are kitten but they need to be for WvW not to die to PvE lootfarmers. Never buy ascended from WvW unless you do it for the SKINS because the armor is a scam.


Etheri, I will say this one last time, in the nicest way possible. Bud, play another game. Your toxic, passive aggressive or downright aggressive posts get boring after a while.

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> @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > @"Etheri.5406" said:

> > > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > > > @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > > > For me its not a problem to make exotic stuff on wvw, the problem is with ascended one. To make one piece (~70g)u need 3-4 days of T4 fotms. To make piece of the same in wvw u need 2, 5 months. That the first thing that should get change.

> > > > But about just Gold I have 2 solutions, im curious about your thoughts :

> > > > Give rewards for all the kills: on players, guards, sentries, dolyaks and other active events like taking camps Tower keeps etc.

> > > > Another one would Just count all your participation at the end of skirmish/matchup and give money or another rewards depending on all the stuff u did in week.

> > > > I think both systems encourage players to active gameplay

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > > That is weird, because I can get 2 ascended pieces with FULLY selectable stats per week (helm-boots-gloves-shoulders), or 1 chest/1 leggings. Why does it take you 3-4 months? Huge inaccuracy right there.

> >

> > Because nobody SANE buys T2 ascended pieces. Unless you get minstrel stats, they cost MORE than just crafting it regularly. So hey, the time gate is only 1 week to PAY MORE THAN CRAFTING???? Nice!

> >

> > ascended helm / boots / gloves / shoulders by crafting while BUYING ASCENDED MATS ON TP - no timegate : 37-50g each unless you need MINSTREL.

> >

> > ascended helm / boots / gloves / shoulders in WVW while paying league tickets if you buy grandmaster marks they're ~40-45g for a piece + 15g for memories of battle + tickets = 55-60g. Even if you craft everything yourself - you better off straight crafting the armor. Hell, you better off BUYING the stuff to craft from TP and crafting insta than doing ANY wvw for it.

> >

> > I'll let you do the math on pants and chest but you'll see it doesn't look better :)

> >

> > So about gold... Is it ok if i don't take your word on it considering you advise players to buy ascended armor that is more expensive than just... not playing WvW and crafting it?

> >

> > >Moreover, you get more rewards the more you play, from reward tracks (5-5.5 hours per track, plus the bonus stuff you get from repeating the diamond chest). Also, why do we need to compare WvW with PvE, reward-wise? Not ALL pve yields the money Istan does, or silverwastes. WvW is good in rewards right now. You have the CERTAIN chance of getting ascended equipment, obsidian weapons, mistforged weapons.

> > > We also get 6 coins/week, if we finish diamond chest. PER WEEK. Given that we get 20 coins PER MONTH for logging in, that would make us another 24 coins (4 weeks). An increase above 100%.

> >

> > Sick. 24 mystic coins a month. I raidclear once a week. Gives me ~300 magnetite shards, 50g+ liquid gold per week. It gives an ACTUALLY CHEAP full ascended set AND more gold than WvW just about every month. And I play 5x more wvw than i do PvE.

> >

> > > A lot of us have been playing the mode before any of this was introduced, because it was fun. Rewards are decent in wvw right now. Please, keep the pve mentality in pve.

> > > Have fun!

> >

> > I agree we shouldn't boost rewards - especially not for half afk play as this user suggests - but please don't spread inaccurate kitten. You cannot compare PvE loot to WvW. You cannot pretend WvW is rewarding or in a good place. Be honest to users and tell them as it is. Rewards are kitten but they need to be for WvW not to die to PvE lootfarmers. Never buy ascended from WvW unless you do it for the SKINS because the armor is a scam.


> Etheri, I will say this one last time, in the nicest way possible. Bud, play another game. Your toxic, passive aggressive or downright aggressive posts get boring after a while.


Hey @"Voltekka.2375" , your toxic, passive aggresiveness towards PvE newbs isn't appreciated. See :


>You get 365 tickets/week. Hence 2 armor pieces/week. Youre new to wvw, so please dont take that pve mentality here. Thanks, good day.


I see you treating PvE players the same way I treat you.


The only reason you're crying about my passive aggresive posts telling me to quit the game is because... oh right, I like to call out your bullshit because despite playing WvW a LOT more than most pve players, you still don't really know what's going on. I'll allow it and let you continue to believe you're special, unique and have great opinions. Clearly earning ascended in WvW is amazing and it only takes a week for TWO WHOLE PIECES? Hype!


You tell the PVE player to stick to their domain, I just do the same to you. It's funny how when you do it it makes sense, yet when you dismiss my arguments because i'm too rude that also makes sense. Thnk about it ;)

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> @"Etheri.5406" said:

> > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > > @"Etheri.5406" said:

> > > > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > > > > @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > > > > For me its not a problem to make exotic stuff on wvw, the problem is with ascended one. To make one piece (~70g)u need 3-4 days of T4 fotms. To make piece of the same in wvw u need 2, 5 months. That the first thing that should get change.

> > > > > But about just Gold I have 2 solutions, im curious about your thoughts :

> > > > > Give rewards for all the kills: on players, guards, sentries, dolyaks and other active events like taking camps Tower keeps etc.

> > > > > Another one would Just count all your participation at the end of skirmish/matchup and give money or another rewards depending on all the stuff u did in week.

> > > > > I think both systems encourage players to active gameplay

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > That is weird, because I can get 2 ascended pieces with FULLY selectable stats per week (helm-boots-gloves-shoulders), or 1 chest/1 leggings. Why does it take you 3-4 months? Huge inaccuracy right there.

> > >

> > > Because nobody SANE buys T2 ascended pieces. Unless you get minstrel stats, they cost MORE than just crafting it regularly. So hey, the time gate is only 1 week to PAY MORE THAN CRAFTING???? Nice!

> > >

> > > ascended helm / boots / gloves / shoulders by crafting while BUYING ASCENDED MATS ON TP - no timegate : 37-50g each unless you need MINSTREL.

> > >

> > > ascended helm / boots / gloves / shoulders in WVW while paying league tickets if you buy grandmaster marks they're ~40-45g for a piece + 15g for memories of battle + tickets = 55-60g. Even if you craft everything yourself - you better off straight crafting the armor. Hell, you better off BUYING the stuff to craft from TP and crafting insta than doing ANY wvw for it.

> > >

> > > I'll let you do the math on pants and chest but you'll see it doesn't look better :)

> > >

> > > So about gold... Is it ok if i don't take your word on it considering you advise players to buy ascended armor that is more expensive than just... not playing WvW and crafting it?

> > >

> > > >Moreover, you get more rewards the more you play, from reward tracks (5-5.5 hours per track, plus the bonus stuff you get from repeating the diamond chest). Also, why do we need to compare WvW with PvE, reward-wise? Not ALL pve yields the money Istan does, or silverwastes. WvW is good in rewards right now. You have the CERTAIN chance of getting ascended equipment, obsidian weapons, mistforged weapons.

> > > > We also get 6 coins/week, if we finish diamond chest. PER WEEK. Given that we get 20 coins PER MONTH for logging in, that would make us another 24 coins (4 weeks). An increase above 100%.

> > >

> > > Sick. 24 mystic coins a month. I raidclear once a week. Gives me ~300 magnetite shards, 50g+ liquid gold per week. It gives an ACTUALLY CHEAP full ascended set AND more gold than WvW just about every month. And I play 5x more wvw than i do PvE.

> > >

> > > > A lot of us have been playing the mode before any of this was introduced, because it was fun. Rewards are decent in wvw right now. Please, keep the pve mentality in pve.

> > > > Have fun!

> > >

> > > I agree we shouldn't boost rewards - especially not for half afk play as this user suggests - but please don't spread inaccurate kitten. You cannot compare PvE loot to WvW. You cannot pretend WvW is rewarding or in a good place. Be honest to users and tell them as it is. Rewards are kitten but they need to be for WvW not to die to PvE lootfarmers. Never buy ascended from WvW unless you do it for the SKINS because the armor is a scam.

> >

> > Etheri, I will say this one last time, in the nicest way possible. Bud, play another game. Your toxic, passive aggressive or downright aggressive posts get boring after a while.


> Hey @"Voltekka.2375" , your toxic, passive aggresiveness towards PvE newbs isn't appreciated. See :


> >You get 365 tickets/week. Hence 2 armor pieces/week. Youre new to wvw, so please dont take that pve mentality here. Thanks, good day.


> I see you treating PvE players the same way I treat you.


> The only reason you're crying about my passive aggresive posts telling me to quit the game is because... oh right, I like to call out your kitten because despite playing WvW a LOT more than most pve players, you still don't really know what's going on. I'll allow it and let you continue to believe you're special, unique and have great opinions. Clearly earning ascended in WvW is amazing and it only takes a week for TWO WHOLE PIECES? Hype!


> You tell the PVE player to stick to their domain, I just do the same to you. It's funny how when you do it it makes sense, yet when you dismiss my arguments because i'm too rude that also makes sense. Thnk about it ;)


PvE mentality: Mindless pve lootfarming, which has no place in WvW as it would kill the mode even more.

Whatever floats your boat, bud. After all, thats my last reply to you in this forum. You are predictable, and unoriginal.

If you want to push your own agenda for whatever reasons, thats fine. Its boring, but fine. The talk was about wvw rewards and buffing them in a way, not a comparison between your beloved raids and ww.

With that "kitten" you call out in your mind, it is pretty obvious that youre steering the conversation to whatever suits you.

Have a good day!

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> @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

> > > I think reward tracks should just advance faster personally, it takes too long to get through one.

> >

> > 5.5-7 hours is too long?


> Yes


Got ya.


Then allow those players that are WvW only to get world completion from all of the WvW maps, instead of having to do PvE.


Allowed only for rank 2000 or higher.

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> @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > > > @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > > > For me its not a problem to make exotic stuff on wvw, the problem is with ascended one. To make one piece (~70g)u need 3-4 days of T4 fotms. To make piece of the same in wvw u need 2, 5 months. That the first thing that should get change.

> > > > But about just Gold I have 2 solutions, im curious about your thoughts :

> > > > Give rewards for all the kills: on players, guards, sentries, dolyaks and other active events like taking camps Tower keeps etc.

> > > > Another one would Just count all your participation at the end of skirmish/matchup and give money or another rewards depending on all the stuff u did in week.

> > > > I think both systems encourage players to active gameplay

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > > That is weird, because I can get 2 ascended pieces with FULLY selectable stats per week (helm-boots-gloves-shoulders), or 1 chest/1 leggings. Why does it take you 3-4 months? Huge inaccuracy right there. Moreover, you get more rewards the more you play, from reward tracks (5-5.5 hours per track, plus the bonus stuff you get from repeating the diamond chest). Also, why do we need to compare WvW with PvE, reward-wise? Not ALL pve yields the money Istan does, or silverwastes. WvW is good in rewards right now. You have the CERTAIN chance of getting ascended equipment, obsidian weapons, mistforged weapons.

> > > We also get 6 coins/week, if we finish diamond chest. PER WEEK. Given that we get 20 coins PER MONTH for logging in, that would make us another 24 coins (4 weeks). An increase above 100%.

> > > A lot of us have been playing the mode before any of this was introduced, because it was fun. Rewards are decent in wvw right now. Please, keep the pve mentality in pve.

> > > Have fun!

> >

> > Im rank 250 and i looted 2 ASC chests by now, yea im happy i got em but its Just pure luck. 70 %of matchup i get to Diamond so i do some of that. U get 3 Grand aster shards per week so this is how i did my calculations


> You get 365 tickets/week. Hence 2 armor pieces/week. Youre new to wvw, so please dont take that pve mentality here. Thanks, good day.


Seems like u play for so long, u already forgot u need 2000 lvl to buy armor for tickets. If ill keep doing Daily fractals and weekly raids i will have no need for wvw armor, thats the next problem with wvw rewarding.

And why do i play pve? Cuz i need it to get gear for wvw.

I Just hope ur passive elitism isnt meant for any1 that plays to much wvw.

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> @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > > @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > > > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > > > > @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > > > > For me its not a problem to make exotic stuff on wvw, the problem is with ascended one. To make one piece (~70g)u need 3-4 days of T4 fotms. To make piece of the same in wvw u need 2, 5 months. That the first thing that should get change.

> > > > > But about just Gold I have 2 solutions, im curious about your thoughts :

> > > > > Give rewards for all the kills: on players, guards, sentries, dolyaks and other active events like taking camps Tower keeps etc.

> > > > > Another one would Just count all your participation at the end of skirmish/matchup and give money or another rewards depending on all the stuff u did in week.

> > > > > I think both systems encourage players to active gameplay

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > That is weird, because I can get 2 ascended pieces with FULLY selectable stats per week (helm-boots-gloves-shoulders), or 1 chest/1 leggings. Why does it take you 3-4 months? Huge inaccuracy right there. Moreover, you get more rewards the more you play, from reward tracks (5-5.5 hours per track, plus the bonus stuff you get from repeating the diamond chest). Also, why do we need to compare WvW with PvE, reward-wise? Not ALL pve yields the money Istan does, or silverwastes. WvW is good in rewards right now. You have the CERTAIN chance of getting ascended equipment, obsidian weapons, mistforged weapons.

> > > > We also get 6 coins/week, if we finish diamond chest. PER WEEK. Given that we get 20 coins PER MONTH for logging in, that would make us another 24 coins (4 weeks). An increase above 100%.

> > > > A lot of us have been playing the mode before any of this was introduced, because it was fun. Rewards are decent in wvw right now. Please, keep the pve mentality in pve.

> > > > Have fun!

> > >

> > > Im rank 250 and i looted 2 ASC chests by now, yea im happy i got em but its Just pure luck. 70 %of matchup i get to Diamond so i do some of that. U get 3 Grand aster shards per week so this is how i did my calculations

> >

> > You get 365 tickets/week. Hence 2 armor pieces/week. Youre new to wvw, so please dont take that pve mentality here. Thanks, good day.


> Seems like u play for so long, u already forgot u need 2000 lvl to buy armor for tickets. If ill keep doing Daily fractals and weekly raids i will have no need for wvw armor, thats the next problem with wvw rewarding.

> And why do i play pve? Cuz i need it to get gear for wvw.

> I Just hope ur passive elitism isnt meant for any1 that plays to much wvw.


Rank 2000 is only for the special skin legendary.


Legendary armor and it's function is available much sooner.


So.., no you don't need to PvE to play WvW. Not anymore.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

> > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > > @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

> > > > I think reward tracks should just advance faster personally, it takes too long to get through one.

> > >

> > > 5.5-7 hours is too long?

> >

> > Yes


> Got ya.


> Then allow those players that are WvW only to get world completion from all of the WvW maps, instead of having to do PvE.


> Allowed only for rank 2000 or higher.


100 percent just let me buy map completes with tickets and im good to go. Also make diamond chest tickets repeatable. Those two things would have me playing wvw a lot more.

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> @"Israel.7056" said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

> > > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > > > @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

> > > > > I think reward tracks should just advance faster personally, it takes too long to get through one.

> > > >

> > > > 5.5-7 hours is too long?

> > >

> > > Yes

> >

> > Got ya.

> >

> > Then allow those players that are WvW only to get world completion from all of the WvW maps, instead of having to do PvE.

> >

> > Allowed only for rank 2000 or higher.


> 100 percent just let me buy map completes with tickets and im good to go. Also make diamond chest tickets repeatable. Those two things would have me playing wvw a lot more.


Even if they would make the mystic coins repeatable.. but tickets would be good as well. Maybe even like 2/3 if they don't want to put the full value.. but something....

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > > > @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > > > > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > > > > > @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > > > > > For me its not a problem to make exotic stuff on wvw, the problem is with ascended one. To make one piece (~70g)u need 3-4 days of T4 fotms. To make piece of the same in wvw u need 2, 5 months. That the first thing that should get change.

> > > > > > But about just Gold I have 2 solutions, im curious about your thoughts :

> > > > > > Give rewards for all the kills: on players, guards, sentries, dolyaks and other active events like taking camps Tower keeps etc.

> > > > > > Another one would Just count all your participation at the end of skirmish/matchup and give money or another rewards depending on all the stuff u did in week.

> > > > > > I think both systems encourage players to active gameplay

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > That is weird, because I can get 2 ascended pieces with FULLY selectable stats per week (helm-boots-gloves-shoulders), or 1 chest/1 leggings. Why does it take you 3-4 months? Huge inaccuracy right there. Moreover, you get more rewards the more you play, from reward tracks (5-5.5 hours per track, plus the bonus stuff you get from repeating the diamond chest). Also, why do we need to compare WvW with PvE, reward-wise? Not ALL pve yields the money Istan does, or silverwastes. WvW is good in rewards right now. You have the CERTAIN chance of getting ascended equipment, obsidian weapons, mistforged weapons.

> > > > > We also get 6 coins/week, if we finish diamond chest. PER WEEK. Given that we get 20 coins PER MONTH for logging in, that would make us another 24 coins (4 weeks). An increase above 100%.

> > > > > A lot of us have been playing the mode before any of this was introduced, because it was fun. Rewards are decent in wvw right now. Please, keep the pve mentality in pve.

> > > > > Have fun!

> > > >

> > > > Im rank 250 and i looted 2 ASC chests by now, yea im happy i got em but its Just pure luck. 70 %of matchup i get to Diamond so i do some of that. U get 3 Grand aster shards per week so this is how i did my calculations

> > >

> > > You get 365 tickets/week. Hence 2 armor pieces/week. Youre new to wvw, so please dont take that pve mentality here. Thanks, good day.

> >

> > Seems like u play for so long, u already forgot u need 2000 lvl to buy armor for tickets. If ill keep doing Daily fractals and weekly raids i will have no need for wvw armor, thats the next problem with wvw rewarding.

> > And why do i play pve? Cuz i need it to get gear for wvw.

> > I Just hope ur passive elitism isnt meant for any1 that plays to much wvw.


> Rank 2000 is only for the special skin legendary.


> Legendary armor and it's function is available much sooner.


> So.., no you don't need to PvE to play WvW. Not anymore.


But i need grandmaster shards

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> @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > > > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > > > > @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > > > > > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > > > > > > @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > > > > > > For me its not a problem to make exotic stuff on wvw, the problem is with ascended one. To make one piece (~70g)u need 3-4 days of T4 fotms. To make piece of the same in wvw u need 2, 5 months. That the first thing that should get change.

> > > > > > > But about just Gold I have 2 solutions, im curious about your thoughts :

> > > > > > > Give rewards for all the kills: on players, guards, sentries, dolyaks and other active events like taking camps Tower keeps etc.

> > > > > > > Another one would Just count all your participation at the end of skirmish/matchup and give money or another rewards depending on all the stuff u did in week.

> > > > > > > I think both systems encourage players to active gameplay

> > > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > That is weird, because I can get 2 ascended pieces with FULLY selectable stats per week (helm-boots-gloves-shoulders), or 1 chest/1 leggings. Why does it take you 3-4 months? Huge inaccuracy right there. Moreover, you get more rewards the more you play, from reward tracks (5-5.5 hours per track, plus the bonus stuff you get from repeating the diamond chest). Also, why do we need to compare WvW with PvE, reward-wise? Not ALL pve yields the money Istan does, or silverwastes. WvW is good in rewards right now. You have the CERTAIN chance of getting ascended equipment, obsidian weapons, mistforged weapons.

> > > > > > We also get 6 coins/week, if we finish diamond chest. PER WEEK. Given that we get 20 coins PER MONTH for logging in, that would make us another 24 coins (4 weeks). An increase above 100%.

> > > > > > A lot of us have been playing the mode before any of this was introduced, because it was fun. Rewards are decent in wvw right now. Please, keep the pve mentality in pve.

> > > > > > Have fun!

> > > > >

> > > > > Im rank 250 and i looted 2 ASC chests by now, yea im happy i got em but its Just pure luck. 70 %of matchup i get to Diamond so i do some of that. U get 3 Grand aster shards per week so this is how i did my calculations

> > > >

> > > > You get 365 tickets/week. Hence 2 armor pieces/week. Youre new to wvw, so please dont take that pve mentality here. Thanks, good day.

> > >

> > > Seems like u play for so long, u already forgot u need 2000 lvl to buy armor for tickets. If ill keep doing Daily fractals and weekly raids i will have no need for wvw armor, thats the next problem with wvw rewarding.

> > > And why do i play pve? Cuz i need it to get gear for wvw.

> > > I Just hope ur passive elitism isnt meant for any1 that plays to much wvw.

> >

> > Rank 2000 is only for the special skin legendary.

> >

> > Legendary armor and it's function is available much sooner.

> >

> > So.., no you don't need to PvE to play WvW. Not anymore.


> But i need grandmaster shards


Ummm... they are given in the 2-4th tier skirmish chests.... 3 shards a week. You will have enough for a set only from wvw.



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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > > @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > > > > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > > > > > @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > > > > > > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > > > > > > > For me its not a problem to make exotic stuff on wvw, the problem is with ascended one. To make one piece (~70g)u need 3-4 days of T4 fotms. To make piece of the same in wvw u need 2, 5 months. That the first thing that should get change.

> > > > > > > > But about just Gold I have 2 solutions, im curious about your thoughts :

> > > > > > > > Give rewards for all the kills: on players, guards, sentries, dolyaks and other active events like taking camps Tower keeps etc.

> > > > > > > > Another one would Just count all your participation at the end of skirmish/matchup and give money or another rewards depending on all the stuff u did in week.

> > > > > > > > I think both systems encourage players to active gameplay

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > That is weird, because I can get 2 ascended pieces with FULLY selectable stats per week (helm-boots-gloves-shoulders), or 1 chest/1 leggings. Why does it take you 3-4 months? Huge inaccuracy right there. Moreover, you get more rewards the more you play, from reward tracks (5-5.5 hours per track, plus the bonus stuff you get from repeating the diamond chest). Also, why do we need to compare WvW with PvE, reward-wise? Not ALL pve yields the money Istan does, or silverwastes. WvW is good in rewards right now. You have the CERTAIN chance of getting ascended equipment, obsidian weapons, mistforged weapons.

> > > > > > > We also get 6 coins/week, if we finish diamond chest. PER WEEK. Given that we get 20 coins PER MONTH for logging in, that would make us another 24 coins (4 weeks). An increase above 100%.

> > > > > > > A lot of us have been playing the mode before any of this was introduced, because it was fun. Rewards are decent in wvw right now. Please, keep the pve mentality in pve.

> > > > > > > Have fun!

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Im rank 250 and i looted 2 ASC chests by now, yea im happy i got em but its Just pure luck. 70 %of matchup i get to Diamond so i do some of that. U get 3 Grand aster shards per week so this is how i did my calculations

> > > > >

> > > > > You get 365 tickets/week. Hence 2 armor pieces/week. Youre new to wvw, so please dont take that pve mentality here. Thanks, good day.

> > > >

> > > > Seems like u play for so long, u already forgot u need 2000 lvl to buy armor for tickets. If ill keep doing Daily fractals and weekly raids i will have no need for wvw armor, thats the next problem with wvw rewarding.

> > > > And why do i play pve? Cuz i need it to get gear for wvw.

> > > > I Just hope ur passive elitism isnt meant for any1 that plays to much wvw.

> > >

> > > Rank 2000 is only for the special skin legendary.

> > >

> > > Legendary armor and it's function is available much sooner.

> > >

> > > So.., no you don't need to PvE to play WvW. Not anymore.

> >

> > But i need grandmaster shards


> Ummm... they are given in the 2-4th tier skirmish chests.... 3 shards a week. You will have enough for a set only from wvw.


> Next?


Bronze 4, silver 5 and gold 5

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> @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> So you are telling me that repairing shouldn't give currency, even if they farm gold this way. They are helping the team.


No, you are 100% wrong, please stop giving bad advice to the dev team. Repairing and building siege is very situational, if anything the amount of Wexp should be capped/time so people can't just sit there wasting supply on repairs to keep up participation.


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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > > @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > > > > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > > > > > @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > > > > > > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > > > > > > > For me its not a problem to make exotic stuff on wvw, the problem is with ascended one. To make one piece (~70g)u need 3-4 days of T4 fotms. To make piece of the same in wvw u need 2, 5 months. That the first thing that should get change.

> > > > > > > > But about just Gold I have 2 solutions, im curious about your thoughts :

> > > > > > > > Give rewards for all the kills: on players, guards, sentries, dolyaks and other active events like taking camps Tower keeps etc.

> > > > > > > > Another one would Just count all your participation at the end of skirmish/matchup and give money or another rewards depending on all the stuff u did in week.

> > > > > > > > I think both systems encourage players to active gameplay

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > That is weird, because I can get 2 ascended pieces with FULLY selectable stats per week (helm-boots-gloves-shoulders), or 1 chest/1 leggings. Why does it take you 3-4 months? Huge inaccuracy right there. Moreover, you get more rewards the more you play, from reward tracks (5-5.5 hours per track, plus the bonus stuff you get from repeating the diamond chest). Also, why do we need to compare WvW with PvE, reward-wise? Not ALL pve yields the money Istan does, or silverwastes. WvW is good in rewards right now. You have the CERTAIN chance of getting ascended equipment, obsidian weapons, mistforged weapons.

> > > > > > > We also get 6 coins/week, if we finish diamond chest. PER WEEK. Given that we get 20 coins PER MONTH for logging in, that would make us another 24 coins (4 weeks). An increase above 100%.

> > > > > > > A lot of us have been playing the mode before any of this was introduced, because it was fun. Rewards are decent in wvw right now. Please, keep the pve mentality in pve.

> > > > > > > Have fun!

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Im rank 250 and i looted 2 ASC chests by now, yea im happy i got em but its Just pure luck. 70 %of matchup i get to Diamond so i do some of that. U get 3 Grand aster shards per week so this is how i did my calculations

> > > > >

> > > > > You get 365 tickets/week. Hence 2 armor pieces/week. Youre new to wvw, so please dont take that pve mentality here. Thanks, good day.

> > > >

> > > > Seems like u play for so long, u already forgot u need 2000 lvl to buy armor for tickets. If ill keep doing Daily fractals and weekly raids i will have no need for wvw armor, thats the next problem with wvw rewarding.

> > > > And why do i play pve? Cuz i need it to get gear for wvw.

> > > > I Just hope ur passive elitism isnt meant for any1 that plays to much wvw.

> > >

> > > Rank 2000 is only for the special skin legendary.

> > >

> > > Legendary armor and it's function is available much sooner.

> > >

> > > So.., no you don't need to PvE to play WvW. Not anymore.

> >

> > But i need grandmaster shards


> Ummm... they are given in the 2-4th tier skirmish chests.... 3 shards a week. You will have enough for a set only from wvw.


> Next?


3 shards per week. I need 10 for 1 full mark, and than i need 3 or 4 marks for piece of armor depending on a part.

For full set i need 20 marks. Plz do the effort and count by your self how much time will it take to get full set -. -

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> @"joneirikb.7506" said:

> > @"Israel.7056" said:

> > > @"joneirikb.7506" said:

> > > 1: Farming.

> > > 2: Again AFK farming defense events.

> > > 3: Own dedicated AFK commanders/squads, farming.

> > > 4: Which results in players throwing rams everywhere and building them, farming.

> > > 5: Encourage Karma-Train/Monoblob

> > >

> > > Rewards in WvW are so much better than what they used to be, you actually gain resources rather than expend them nowadays. It is in a much better spot than it has ever been regarding rewards. That said, not saying it can't be improved upon, but the way in which you improve upon it can be very touchy, since it's so easy to break a system like WvW and fall into pure farming.

> > >

> > > There is also the very touchy area that "rewards defines behavior", so rewarding wrong things rewards wrong behavior, and that people will always take the path of least resistance. This is even more important in WvW as a multiplayer modus where the other players are the content. So any kind of rewards needs to reward behavior that is beneficial to everyone and not just farmable or trollable (technically pip farmers right now).

> > >

> > > That, and there is also the point that gameplay itself is also a reward. As well as we've seen with pip farmers, that bringing people into the game mode that doesn't care about the game mode and just want to farm it, doesn't really bring anything good for those that enjoy the game mode.

> > >

> > > So how would you create a reward system that avoids all those pitfalls, and actually encourage healthy WvW play ?

> >

> > First you need to define healthy wvw play so we don't all end up talking past one another.


> You are right, and that is a titanic pitfall, since no one is going to agree on it, unfortunately. So either:


> 1: Whatever ANet says is healthy gameplay


> 2: Anything that actually makes people play against each other in some way.


> Personally think that "healthy gameplay" in WvW is anything that makes players seek conflict with other players. Anything from fighting over a keep, 2vs2 over a camp, dueling on a shrine, using siege against enemies etc. That won't catch everything (scouting for ex). Essentially, I want everyone showered in rewards for engaging the enemy in some way, and no rewards for avoiding the enemy. There are bound to be lots of problems with that, obviously.


> But I agree that the definition of "healthy gameplay" might be more important to discuss than the rewards, yet.


I basically agree with your idea of "healthy gameplay." Unfortunately humans are very good at finding their way around obstacles like having to engage other players to get things. I think the general fear that many WvW people have with rewards in WvW is that increased rewards will simply bring in more people who are interested solely in the rewards and who will no doubt look for any way possible to circumvent the whole engaging other players part. Consequently the rewards can get better but the quality of play could actually decrease for players who are genuinely interested in playing the game mode for sport.


I don't know if there's any foolproof way around this problem and I've seen this sort of behavior in every MMO i've ever played. Everyone wants to get stuff but relatively few people are willing to work hard to get it.

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> @"Safandula.8723" said:

> For me its not a problem to make exotic stuff on wvw, the problem is with ascended one. To make one piece (~70g)u need 3-4 days of T4 fotms. To make piece of the same in wvw u need 2, 5 months. That the first thing that should get change.

> But about just Gold I have 2 solutions, im curious about your thoughts :

> Give rewards for all the kills: on players, guards, sentries, dolyaks and other active events like taking camps Tower keeps etc.

> Another one would Just count all your participation at the end of skirmish/matchup and give money or another rewards depending on all the stuff u did in week.

> I think both systems encourage players to active gameplay



Somone that understands me!

All I want is more currency for the active players, as I stated multiple times before.

With 6-8 hours a day farming PvE you get 120-160g.

I don't want to get that much. How about just half of that?

The system should stimulate players to play the game, not to AFK and since gold is the main currency in this game a lot of new people will come to WvW and the maps will be more active than ever, always.

Note that I am for a system that gives gold to active players as Safandula suggested - give currency for kills but carefully balance it so that active squads which are taking towers, keeps, etc. will get more gold.

I also like Safandula idea for weekly gold reward depending on the things you have done - 1295 kills + 56 tower captures + 17 times sm capture + 24 times keep captures etc etc. You world finish 1st = gold * 1.2, your world finish 2nd = gold * 1.1, your world finish 3rd = gold * 1

Just brilliant!

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> @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > > > @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > > > > > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > > > > > > @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > > > > > > > > For me its not a problem to make exotic stuff on wvw, the problem is with ascended one. To make one piece (~70g)u need 3-4 days of T4 fotms. To make piece of the same in wvw u need 2, 5 months. That the first thing that should get change.

> > > > > > > > > But about just Gold I have 2 solutions, im curious about your thoughts :

> > > > > > > > > Give rewards for all the kills: on players, guards, sentries, dolyaks and other active events like taking camps Tower keeps etc.

> > > > > > > > > Another one would Just count all your participation at the end of skirmish/matchup and give money or another rewards depending on all the stuff u did in week.

> > > > > > > > > I think both systems encourage players to active gameplay

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > That is weird, because I can get 2 ascended pieces with FULLY selectable stats per week (helm-boots-gloves-shoulders), or 1 chest/1 leggings. Why does it take you 3-4 months? Huge inaccuracy right there. Moreover, you get more rewards the more you play, from reward tracks (5-5.5 hours per track, plus the bonus stuff you get from repeating the diamond chest). Also, why do we need to compare WvW with PvE, reward-wise? Not ALL pve yields the money Istan does, or silverwastes. WvW is good in rewards right now. You have the CERTAIN chance of getting ascended equipment, obsidian weapons, mistforged weapons.

> > > > > > > > We also get 6 coins/week, if we finish diamond chest. PER WEEK. Given that we get 20 coins PER MONTH for logging in, that would make us another 24 coins (4 weeks). An increase above 100%.

> > > > > > > > A lot of us have been playing the mode before any of this was introduced, because it was fun. Rewards are decent in wvw right now. Please, keep the pve mentality in pve.

> > > > > > > > Have fun!

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Im rank 250 and i looted 2 ASC chests by now, yea im happy i got em but its Just pure luck. 70 %of matchup i get to Diamond so i do some of that. U get 3 Grand aster shards per week so this is how i did my calculations

> > > > > >

> > > > > > You get 365 tickets/week. Hence 2 armor pieces/week. Youre new to wvw, so please dont take that pve mentality here. Thanks, good day.

> > > > >

> > > > > Seems like u play for so long, u already forgot u need 2000 lvl to buy armor for tickets. If ill keep doing Daily fractals and weekly raids i will have no need for wvw armor, thats the next problem with wvw rewarding.

> > > > > And why do i play pve? Cuz i need it to get gear for wvw.

> > > > > I Just hope ur passive elitism isnt meant for any1 that plays to much wvw.

> > > >

> > > > Rank 2000 is only for the special skin legendary.

> > > >

> > > > Legendary armor and it's function is available much sooner.

> > > >

> > > > So.., no you don't need to PvE to play WvW. Not anymore.

> > >

> > > But i need grandmaster shards

> >

> > Ummm... they are given in the 2-4th tier skirmish chests.... 3 shards a week. You will have enough for a set only from wvw.

> >

> > Next?


> 3 shards per week. I need 10 for 1 full mark, and than i need 3 or 4 marks for piece of armor depending on a part.

> For full set i need 20 marks. Plz do the effort and count by your self how much time will it take to get full set -. -


You are assuming I haven't done the math. I quite enjoy doing WvW.


You noted that you HAD to do PvE. I simply pointed out that you are wrong.


You are CHOOSING to do PvE to get your shiny faster.

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> @"Zaraki.5784" said:

> Ahahahahahahahahahahah

> Yes please anet, make 3 happen! I want to earn gold with 49 more fellas in my squad for doing nothing <3


Lawl sounds a reasonable request for Anet, i kinda feel it is in their moto of how game should work.


U forgot to tell how cute quagans are and u love the pve, that would make u more creditable player.

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