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Limit mounts for the next expansion(until map completion of the instance). Journey over Destination!

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> @"ChronosCosmos.9450" said:

> What I miss about Guild Wars was the exploration aspect of the game. If we do get an expansion like Cantha, it would be fun to explore the map with everyone without mounts. However don't completely exclude them. Just limit them until map completion for the specific instance please! Just a thought. After revisiting GW1 yesterday, I really miss the journal rather than destination aspect of the game. In GW1 everything was far away and you would have to play hours to get to a destination but it was enjoyable. Thank you for your consideration!


You can play without mounts, noone is forcing you. Don't try to take away what others paid for though.

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At first I thought "yes", keep mounts out of the next expansion, but I think I was thinking too much about the "after-effects" of mounts that are horrible (and not the mount experience): 1. The insane aggro range of "PoF type" mobs that are likely to follow you forever (which makes going on foot in a PoF map a pain and very unappealing) and 2. the horrible effect the engage skills have on pre-PoF content and maps.

If Anet manages to keep mounts on a leash in a future expansion I might welcome mounts as an enrichment to the game (as they are a selling point and won't go away anyway) again.

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> @"ChronosCosmos.9450" said:

> What I miss about Guild Wars was the exploration aspect of the game. If we do get an expansion like Cantha, it would be fun to explore the map with everyone without mounts. However don't completely exclude them. Just limit them until map completion for the specific instance please! Just a thought. After revisiting GW1 yesterday, I really miss the journal rather than destination aspect of the game. In GW1 everything was far away and you would have to play hours to get to a destination but it was enjoyable. Thank you for your consideration!


Instance? Who calls a map an instance?


Going to have to be a big thumbs down to this. I could count on 0 hands the number of times I got to 100% on a map before exploring the next one. In fact, after nearly 4 years of playing I doubt there are many maps (beyond racial cities) at all that I have at 100% completion on any character .... getting to 100% is just for kittening completionists.

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> @"Palador.2170" said:

> As I've said elsewhere, I expect there to be places to rent mounts on the new maps. That way anyone can have access to them, but you'll be better off if you have them for real and have filled out the mastery lines.


There is precedent for that at races. I would imagine they would load those vendors up with all sorts of things they got from prior expansions.


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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"Frenzify.6832" said:

> > I don't know if people like this actually exist, but what about people who don't bother completing maps?


> ::: raises hand :::


> I have only done map completion on one character and that's just for core Tyria. I haven't finished anything else. My next closest is probably around 70%.


> I actively do not strive for map completion. If it happens, then great. If not, that's fine, too. I know that people in my very small GW2 group are about the same with regards to map completion.




Yay! Glad to see I am not the only one who does not see map completion as something I *have* to do on a map. If I complete it, I complete it, but if there are things that are too annoying to be worth the trouble I do not bother with them.

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> @"ChronosCosmos.9450" said:

> What I miss about Guild Wars was the exploration aspect of the game. If we do get an expansion like Cantha, it would be fun to explore the map with everyone without mounts. However don't completely exclude them. Just limit them until map completion for the specific instance please! Just a thought. After revisiting GW1 yesterday, I really miss the journal rather than destination aspect of the game. In GW1 everything was far away and you would have to play hours to get to a destination but it was enjoyable. Thank you for your consideration!


But why punish everyone for your personal opinion? I'm sure there are many ppl who would be just frustrated about those restrictions. I would.

Nobody forces you to use mount, you are free to explore everything without them, even without any gamewide restriction.

This way you can explore everythin how you want and let all other players to explore things like they want.

Why isn't that enough?

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> @"BlueJin.4127" said:

> Oh, wow. Tons of replies. I need to catch up in reading them all. ^^


> I disagree with Anet’s mindset that mounts make Waypoints useless. I use both for different reasons that generally don’t overlap too much. I really wish that the newer zones have more than 2~3 Waypoints.


> Also, to clarify, when I said I want Anet to make maps as if mounts don’t exist, I mean don’t create maps that try to negate what mounts can do. For example, the enemy aggro behavior in PoF zones negates some of the benefits of mounts. I’m all for maps that let us use mounts in cool ways.


> Though I guess the conundrum is, should Anet make future expansions with mounts in mind? I’d say definitely don’t require PoF mounts for future expansions as it would screw over players that don’t have PoF mounts (remember Urgoz from Factions). But they can create fun optional stuff that PoF mount users can do in future expansions. Just, again, don’t create maps that try to negate the mounts players earned.


> EDIT: Skimming over some replies, I'm all for having some areas that don’t allow mounts. Some players don’t like mounts, why not have more stuff for different types of players? And while it’s easy to say don’t use mounts, I’m sure even for people who don’t like mounts, it’s not always easy actually fraining from using them.


Yes, approach it sort of like how gliding was done in POF. You did not actually *need* it anywhere. It was fun and in some cases it was an alternative to doing something with a non-griffon mount. You can do pretty much the same in later maps: not force you to be unable to use a mount but allow their use where most of the time it will not matter.


Even in core they do not make a decisive battle all of the time. Eventually you need to dismount to fight or interact. Then, after that, you can not mount up again if you are agroed.


Yes about WPs!!! I really wish we had more than a couple per map. Actually I was hoping the ones we saw in the last chapter of LS3 was a taste of things to come.

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> @"Karaha.3290" said:

> > @"ChronosCosmos.9450" said:

> > What I miss about Guild Wars was the exploration aspect of the game. If we do get an expansion like Cantha, it would be fun to explore the map with everyone without mounts. However don't completely exclude them. Just limit them until map completion for the specific instance please! Just a thought. After revisiting GW1 yesterday, I really miss the journal rather than destination aspect of the game. In GW1 everything was far away and you would have to play hours to get to a destination but it was enjoyable. Thank you for your consideration!


> But why punish everyone for your personal opinion? I'm sure there are many ppl who would be just frustrated about those restrictions. I would.

> Nobody forces you to use mount, you are free to explore everything without them, even without any gamewide restriction.

> This way you can explore everythin how you want and let all other players to explore things like they want.

> Why isn't that enough?


Because no one likes playing a game where you have to discipline yourself to play with a handicap. in order to enjoy the game to the fullest.


There are already no-mount areas in maps, but no one is telling Anet that they just want to punish people.


These kind of suggestions arent made to suggest to punish other players, but to request a certain design which creates, from the suggestors viewpoint, a certain experience which they believe is enjoyable.



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> @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> > @"Karaha.3290" said:

> > > @"ChronosCosmos.9450" said:

> > > What I miss about Guild Wars was the exploration aspect of the game. If we do get an expansion like Cantha, it would be fun to explore the map with everyone without mounts. However don't completely exclude them. Just limit them until map completion for the specific instance please! Just a thought. After revisiting GW1 yesterday, I really miss the journal rather than destination aspect of the game. In GW1 everything was far away and you would have to play hours to get to a destination but it was enjoyable. Thank you for your consideration!

> >

> > But why punish everyone for your personal opinion? I'm sure there are many ppl who would be just frustrated about those restrictions. I would.

> > Nobody forces you to use mount, you are free to explore everything without them, even without any gamewide restriction.

> > This way you can explore everythin how you want and let all other players to explore things like they want.

> > Why isn't that enough?


> Because no one likes playing a game where you have to discipline yourself to play with a handicap. in order to enjoy the game to the fullest.


> There are already no-mount areas in maps, but no one is telling Anet that they just want to punish people.


> These kind of suggestions arent made to suggest to punish other players, but to request a certain design which creates, from the suggestors viewpoint, a certain experience which they believe is enjoyable.




Yes there are no mount areas near jps so as to prevent people from using springer/griffon to skip most if not all of it. That is fair as it's a jumping puzzle. Now of we talk about an entire map, that is a handicap you're asking the devs to impose on everyone.

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> @"Sephylon.4938" said:

> > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> > > @"Karaha.3290" said:

> > > > @"ChronosCosmos.9450" said:

> > > > What I miss about Guild Wars was the exploration aspect of the game. If we do get an expansion like Cantha, it would be fun to explore the map with everyone without mounts. However don't completely exclude them. Just limit them until map completion for the specific instance please! Just a thought. After revisiting GW1 yesterday, I really miss the journal rather than destination aspect of the game. In GW1 everything was far away and you would have to play hours to get to a destination but it was enjoyable. Thank you for your consideration!

> > >

> > > But why punish everyone for your personal opinion? I'm sure there are many ppl who would be just frustrated about those restrictions. I would.

> > > Nobody forces you to use mount, you are free to explore everything without them, even without any gamewide restriction.

> > > This way you can explore everythin how you want and let all other players to explore things like they want.

> > > Why isn't that enough?

> >

> > Because no one likes playing a game where you have to discipline yourself to play with a handicap. in order to enjoy the game to the fullest.

> >

> > There are already no-mount areas in maps, but no one is telling Anet that they just want to punish people.

> >

> > These kind of suggestions arent made to suggest to punish other players, but to request a certain design which creates, from the suggestors viewpoint, a certain experience which they believe is enjoyable.

> >

> >


> Yes there are no mount areas near jps so as to prevent people from using springer/griffon to skip most if not all of it. That is fair as it's a jumping puzzle. Now of we talk about an entire map, that is a handicap you're asking the devs to impose on everyone.


I think many of us "limit mounts" people are fine with portions of maps in which to use our mounts. We just also want some areas to play only on foot.


The bigger issue is that I want variety in how the map is played. I want some areas that are limited to foot because the gameplay is different because they have to design the map differently.


I would take much of the design of the HOT maps that were made to be done without maps over the POF maps that are far more boring, spread out only because you need space for a mount to cover distance because of greater speed. And this is attested to by the fact that people dont fins them fun. There are more people running hot maps than pof and that says a lot about mounted map design.

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> @"Opopanax.1803" said:


> I would take much of the design of the HOT maps that were made to be done without maps over the POF maps that are far more boring, spread out only because you need space for a mount to cover distance because of greater speed. And this is attested to by the fact that people dont fins them fun. There are more people running hot maps than pof and that says a lot about mounted map design.


It says nothing about mounted map design and everything about replayability of content. I do HoT content because the ways I have of making gold requires them.


Instead of asking that everyone else's enjoyment of their mounts is nerfed why not just ask for more waypoints or alternative routes to places?


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> @"Celsith.2753" said:

> > @"Opopanax.1803" said:

> >

> > I would take much of the design of the HOT maps that were made to be done without maps over the POF maps that are far more boring, spread out only because you need space for a mount to cover distance because of greater speed. And this is attested to by the fact that people dont fins them fun. There are more people running hot maps than pof and that says a lot about mounted map design.


> It says nothing about mounted map design and everything about replayability of content. I do HoT content because the ways I have of making gold requires them.


> Instead of asking that everyone else's enjoyment of their mounts is nerfed why not just ask for more waypoints or alternative routes to places?



It says everything about map design. Pof maps are exactly because of maps, nothing less.


And no one is asking you to give up your enjoyment of mounts. They would be used in the new maps.


Lastly, you shouldn't ask everyone that wants more varied gameplay and map design to give up their enjoyment of the game, which is exactly what you are doing when you only allow the designers 100% mounted terrain.

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I kind of feel there's actually a consensus here that new expansion maps should be able to allow mounts in some way, but not be a hard requirement to complete the content on the map in an enjoyable way. Maybe everyone should take a breath and think on that because it looks like some people are not understanding what the other is advocating.


PoF for sure was designed around the mounts just like HoT was designed around the jungle masteries along with their corresponding LWs. Outside their designated expansion content, they're in some ways limited from their full potential but not hard locked from use. The next expansion could just continue this trend that you can use mounts somewhat or gliding somewhat, but not to their full potential. Maybe there will be significant underwater places or areas with low ceilings, or many panels to interact with to get around, but once you reach open areas, you're free to get on your mount to move about, even if there's a waypoint right in front of you. And if there's something that is easier with a mount, you could get another skill to compensate for those without PoF. Just like in the poison mushroom tunnels on Sandswept Isles where an account with HoT masteries have access to the mastery that removes the damage from poisonous environments. If you didn't have HoT, you could use the bond to share your HP pool with your mount, giving you enough time to explore those tunnels.

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