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POLL : Do you prefer PoF Expansion (casual/explorer) or HoT expansion (group/meta)

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> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > > > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > > > > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > > > > > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > > > > > > Well you still have control over your emotions and thoughts.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > You cannot _force_ yourself to like something. You can "force" yourself to make the best out of it, which I did, but that's not the same thing.

> > > > >

> > > > > I'm not sure I agree, after all, that's why acquired tastes are a thing.

> > > >

> > > > What does taste have to do with emotions? Feeling that a certain task is tedious has nothing to do with taste.

> > > >

> > > > I can say, "Hey, HoT maps have a unique and interesting design (which they do) and I like it (which I do)!" That is a question of taste. But feeling either excited or aggrevated by performing a specific task in the environment, that's a personal emotion, not a question of taste. There are regions in each HoT map that I like better than others (taste), but saying that I find map-completing _most_ parts of HoT maps rather tedious is what I am _feeling_, and that I can't change (so all I can do is decide to put up with it or leave it, and I chose the former).

> > >

> > > Maybe the problem is the way you're playing. For example, why did you feel you had to map complete it on 11 characters?

> >

> > Maybe your opinion is no more than your opinion and everyone else is welcome to feel however they wish to feel about it? What is the point of this?


> Who said people can't feel how they wish? Who said my opinion wasn't an opinion? We're having a discussion, stop throwing accusations around, this forum is bad enough for being ridiculed as a safe spot.


No safe spot. As I said, what is the point of this? Don't like it? That's cool. Don't respond. Or do. Whatever floats your boat, man.

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> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> As someone who has played a HUGE amount of games from many genres, including ones known for incredible map design like Dark Souls 1, I feel like I can safely say that Heart of Thorns, without a doubt, is the better expansion, and the maps are truly amazing and organic.


> I can't stress that enough. Any critique of the HoT maps is simply because you're not that good at the game and can't appreciate being immersed and challenged.


Your opinion is not fact.

Though, your final sentence sounds like something a fan of Dark Souls would say. "If you don't like this game, you either don't like challenge or you suck... it doesn't matter what you say or what you think, my opinion is superior to yours so I get to tell you what you think and what you really mean."

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The bias is pretty clear in the question, but whatever the case the only real reason I go to the PoF maps is to slowly chip away at achievements. Besides that and the story I don't feel like there's really anything to do there besides bounty hunting. The HoT maps feel more alive and like better quality content to me. There may be some differing opinions on the map designs, but the maps and their meta events are far more interesting than what PoF has to offer.

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> @"Calvsie.3675" said:

> I like all three for different things.


Me too. The final HoT mission is among my favorites. I also liked the jungle design and the introduction of gliders.


But PoF I liked a lot more for its story. I really don't care much for the Sylvari, the Mordrem or the repetitive fighting of Elder Dragons, so this was a nice change with Joko and his minions being involved, his crazy manipulation of history books, the Elonian nobles, the refugees etc. I only wish there had been more of the beauty of Elona to behold, as there is too much wasteland for my taste (although the content was diverse, so I never got bored). Also, "The Departed" is a master piece of a story mission.


The core campaign includes the personal story, which - up to Claw Island - is dear, beloved content to me for its option to choose your path in the story (and the several different paths depending on your race and heritage). It was rich to explore your heritage and felt much more personal to your character than any other content. I wish there was more of this story design mechanic in the game.

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I'm more on the HoT side but I think the best would be to mix of both expansions. If you are going to introduce 5-6 new maps, just make 2-3 of them event/meta heavy like let's say AB or TD and 2-3 of them casual/chill exploration. I've played PoF for about 2months since release and got everything that I wanted out of them, haven't been to desert for a long time now, only going when it's part of daily. On the other hand, I'm still doing HoT maps from time to time, even though I farmed them crazy amounts.

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> @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> The same way I prefer the Nightfall and Eye of the North balance over the dragging boredom of Prophecies and the pressing hectic pace of Factions, I will prefer a middle ground of good metas and good exploration in possible future expansions.




HOT has a steep entry barrier and high rewards and replayability. POF has easy accessability and no rewards or replayability. Somewhere in the middle a good product is hiding.

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I really enjoy both Core and PoF for the design of the maps and the events. However, the difference for me between PoF and Core is that Core is FUN.


I can adventure through the Core maps over and over on dozens of characters, but I can't force myself through the PoF maps even a first time due to the absurd aggro range, follow distance and density of enemies in all of the areas. It's not fun and it really is a pity due to the areas being beautiful with interesting events to take part in. Disappointingly, I'd rather go wander around a Core map for the 500th time or make a 33rd character and level them up and still have fun and enjoy it than to take even one step further into Vabbi from the entrance area (I kept hoping the next map would be better - it only got worse so that is as far as I've been able to force myself to go in the PoF maps).


I have absolutely no interest in HoT due to disliking absolutely everything about the design of its areas and enemies, so I didn't buy it.





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The only reason people care about HoT is that it gives wildly disproportionate rewards, while PoF's rewards are more in line with what you get in the core game. That's the secret.


Also the way HoT handles hero challenges is god-awful and makes map completion even more of a slog than the map design already did (and I say that as someone who enjoys map completion!).

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> @"Blanche Neige.7241" said:

> The trouble with HoT is that after so long a time after release, it's almost impossible to do some metas if you don't play on very specific times when there is enough players to do them. Some of those are in deep need of a rework so they scale better with the actual players actively trying to do them.


Well, they are all on set timers so unless you show up at those times it's impossible to complete the meta no matter how many players are present. But as a player who frequently participates in HoT metas, the only one that isn't pretty much a sure thing at this point is VB because it is 45 minutes long, not as straightforward as "kill bosses", and has the worst rewards. Otherwise, HoT metas are completed around the clock and you often don't even have to use LFG anymore (although it's still recommended if you want to be sure you get on the right map instance!).

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The only reason I visit core-HoT zones is to get the easy-obtainable HPs or a few group ones if I'm lucky. I don't care anymore about the rest. Dragon Stand meta once and never again. HOWEVER, I also don't hold my inital "grudge"/"hate" of HoT anymore, so it's not all that bad as how it may sound, and as a story player no map structure is going to hold my interest for a long or medium amount of time. Overall? I agree that a balance of all three would probably be the best. Choices should never be bad, unless the choices themselves are.

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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:


> Well, they are all on set timers so unless you show up at those times it's impossible to complete the meta no matter how many players are present. But as a player who frequently participates in HoT metas, the only one that isn't pretty much a sure thing at this point is VB because it is 45 minutes long, not as straightforward as "kill bosses", and has the worst rewards. Otherwise, HoT metas are completed around the clock and you often don't even have to use LFG anymore (although it's still recommended if you want to be sure you get on the right map instance!).


VB metas this days comes to: log on parked alt, kill Matriarch, get VB Hero chest. Takes 2 minuts, no more.



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I think people misunderstand that HoT is very difficult for casuals for the first time , and it become 'tolerable' when one got a mount.. but a HOT as it is , when you first entered it (without any masteries) , is a badly designed and badly tuned place that make many people quit GW2..


not everyone play GW2 in large zerg group doing endless meta for loot while following a zerg mindlessly


zone wide meta event should not a be all end all for GW2 and im glad POF rectify the mistake of HOT of catering for hardcores only , and go back to GW2 roots that is friendly to casuals and meta event is OPTIONAL not mandatory

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I really hate HoT, I barely go back HoT map even there is daily mission in HoT maps. Call me n00b or whatever, the frustration of being in HoT maps get me mad every single time, there is absolutly no fun to explore, just frustration. I regret buying HoT if not for the elite spec. On the other hand, I appreciate every HoT hero points train leaders, if you are in those train, do donate.

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> @"buntalanlucu.4036" said:

> I think people misunderstand that HoT is very difficult for casuals for the first time , and it become 'tolerable' when one got a mount.. but a HOT as it is , when you first entered it (without any masteries) , is a badly designed and badly tuned place that make many people quit GW2..


> not everyone play GW2 in large zerg group doing endless meta for loot while following a zerg mindlessly


> zone wide meta event should not a be all end all for GW2 and im glad POF rectify the mistake of HOT of catering for hardcores only , and go back to GW2 roots that is friendly to casuals and meta event is OPTIONAL not mandatory


You are assuming that "hardcore" players play meta events and like following big blobs... perhaps some of them do, but in my opinion most actual "hardcore" players do not like that kind of content at all. I guess it depends on how you define hardcore and casual. And besides, if such a gigantic amount of players goes and enjoys meta events, like Palawadan or the old AB multi loot and you say those are "hardcore" players, then some people around these forums need to re-evaluate their idea on how many hardcore and how many casual players play this game.

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> @"phs.6089" said:

> > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:


> > Well, they are all on set timers so unless you show up at those times it's impossible to complete the meta no matter how many players are present. But as a player who frequently participates in HoT metas, the only one that isn't pretty much a sure thing at this point is VB because it is 45 minutes long, not as straightforward as "kill bosses", and has the worst rewards. Otherwise, HoT metas are completed around the clock and you often don't even have to use LFG anymore (although it's still recommended if you want to be sure you get on the right map instance!).


> VB metas this days comes to: log on parked alt, kill Matriarch, get VB Hero chest. Takes 2 minuts, no more.




Well, I suppose you're right. There's not much point to T4.

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