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How long are Black Lion Vouchers and Voucher Dealers available?

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> Yes, I understand there are two questions: duration of the voucher availability and how long the vendors will be in place. I had the one answer and will post the other when I get it.


Thank you for the clarification.


I didn’t purchase the Vouchers yet, but it sounds like you can use the Vouchers without using NPC’s based on your sticky on another thread. I'm guessing double clicking on the Vouchers or something will let players use the Vouchers. Then the more accurate question will be, “Can we use these Vouchers later even when they’re no longer purchasable? Or do they stop working once Vouchers sale ends?”


If they don’t rely on the presence of the NPC’s to be used, I’m guessing it’s safe to assume these Vouchers will not “expire” as there really is no reason for them to.


Sorry for being impatient, but some of us have been waiting a long time to be able to purchase unavailable items. I’m not in that group, but I’m impatient and want these outfits ASAP. :tongue: So, Gaile, if you don’t give me an answer soon, I’m afraid I’m going to have to send you an irresistible kitten every 2 hours with a note asking for updates. I will train the kitty to tilt its head and ask, “Meow?” You will not be able to ignore them.

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I have another related question, which is probably equally or more inportant imo


Will new releases eventually be retired to the vendor? And how regularly?


Cos I can see how the current system with current vendor offerings would be very good for Anet in the short term, and so-so in the medium term. But.


Edit: 1 more question, is there any planned changes to the outfit/weapon/glider teams?

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They are classified as a container in the API, so one would presume they can be used to obtain said items directly without needing a dealer. As a container it would probably use the "Choose from:" interface, like an ascended container would (as opposed to something like the fused gauntlet ticket which is a gizmo that opens a dealer that trades the gizmo for an item). I'm sure people who have purchased and used these items can confirm this.

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> @"joneirikb.7506" said:

> Dagnabit! you guys got me rushing to check if I could buy old town-clothes outfits with those, now I'm just sad and disappointed, thanks guy... :(


> I just want my big burly norn to walk around in the cold north in a tight t-shirt!


Same here. I'd looked at what the vendor was offering back when they first appeared but since then I'd mentally confused them with the vendor who converts town clothes tonics to outfits, so when the vouchers appeared and the outfit one had a picture of one of the town clothes shirts I got all excited thinking I could buy them, only to find they weren't available.


More generally I like the idea of the vouchers but I haven't bought any yet because there's nothing in the vendors current selection which I like and don't already have. If I knew more options would be added later (with or without removing some of the current ones) I'd definitely buy vouchers so I could use them as and when there's items I like. (I'm not complaining - just want to make it clear that I like the idea of the vouchers and it's something I would spend money on, I just don't want to buy stuff I'll never use for the sake of supporting the system.)

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> Given that the mordrem bloom vendors still exist in game, keeping the voucher vendors would maintain consistency


Since when was there ever consistency in this game? the only thing consistent is the inconsistency. I understand your logic, but it just does not apply here.

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> @"Trise.2865" said:

> Just like any other Black Lion trinket, the item is its own Vendor. As long as the item exists, you should be able to activate them and bring up the buy menu.


Agreed. I can't remember any case where the ticket spawns its own vendor and that feature has been removed.


Therefore, in response to the OP's concern about the LA vendor, it's moot: we'll always be able to convert vouchers, regardless of how long the vendor remains in LA. In effect, it's more of a way to preview the skins available.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Trise.2865" said:

> > Just like any other Black Lion trinket, the item is its own Vendor. As long as the item exists, you should be able to activate them and bring up the buy menu.


> Agreed. I can't remember any case where the ticket spawns its own vendor and that feature has been removed.


Someone mentioned in either this topic or another one on the subject that the Fused Gauntlet Ticket spawns a vendor. If I remember correctly that was one of the first (possibly the first) items that let you choose a reward from a selection so Anet might have been experimenting with different ways of doing it. Or it might have been a temporary measure/proof of concept while they developed the menu system to let you choose a reward.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Trise.2865" said:

> > Just like any other Black Lion trinket, the item is its own Vendor. As long as the item exists, you should be able to activate them and bring up the buy menu.


> Agreed. I can't remember any case where the ticket spawns its own vendor and that feature has been removed.


> Therefore, in response to the OP's concern about the LA vendor, it's moot: we'll always be able to convert vouchers, regardless of how long the vendor remains in LA. In effect, it's more of a way to preview the skins available.


I think the concern for the OP was whether new outfits will be added because s/he is only interested in a few of the outfits currently on offer, hence it is not moot


Edit: nevermind reread and it was another post who had that concern, not the OP


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> @"Omnicron.2467" said:

> I think the concern for the OP was whether new outfits will be added because s/he is only interested in a few of the outfits currently on offer, hence it is not moot

Right, although that's wasn't the OP's concern, it's a reasonable question.

If vouchers are like BL Statuettes or Tickets, then yeah, the specific options will vary over time. Which is good (if true) for those who want to invest now and bad for those who want to bid their time.


Personally, I'm assuming that ANet will offer the vouchers every year, probably at the Anniversary and that sufficiently old skins will be included. So I won't buy "extra" vouchers just in case; I'll buy as I need.


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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:


> Personally, I'm assuming that ANet will offer the vouchers every year, probably at the Anniversary and that sufficiently old skins will be included. So I won't buy "extra" vouchers just in case; I'll buy as I need.


I'm not going to assume, and I'm enough of an outfit piggie that I would rather buy 10 vouchers for 3500 gems than buy 5 vouchers for 2450. Such a bigger savings per outfit!



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> @"Witch of Doom.5739" said:

> > @"Trise.2865" said:

> > Just like any other Black Lion trinket, the item is its own Vendor. As long as the item exists, you should be able to activate them and bring up the buy menu.


> Keyword here being "should." Still waiting for an answer from ANet before spending my gems. The vendor in LA is still deactivated.


I, who is not an ANet Dev, cannot state with absolute certainty that it will always work always forever. I, as a fallible human, must also account for the possibility that other factors, such as network errors and back-end maintenance, may temporarily disable an item's functionality sometime in the future. Hence, the "should".


I can, however safely assume that, unless there are serious changes to how trinkets and trinket-vendors work, the item it will continue to function as designed, regardless of timing. I have evidence to support this:

the Fused Ticket, an item that "no longer exists", still summons its exclusive Vendor when used

a Transmutation Stone, an item which most players have never even seen, continues to function as designed (in its final iteration)

the Colored Keys and Triple Key, items that no longer have relevance, still retain their original dialogues when activated

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > @"BlueJin.4127" said:

> > My question is regarding the ability to “trade the Vouchers,” not the ability to “purchase the Vouchers.” I know “purchasing Vouchers” is a limited time offer. However, if I stock up on Vouchers now and save the Vouchers to use later (say, 3 months from now), will the Voucher Dealers remain in the game so I can use my Vouchers in the future? Or will the Dealers be removed soon, meaning it’s pointless to stock up on Vouchers for later use, since they’ll be useless if the Voucher Dealers are removed.

> >

> > Basically, we don’t want to buy 10 Vouchers, save half for later, and have the Vouchers “expire” on us.


> Yes, I understand there are two questions: duration of the voucher availability and how long the vendors will be in place. I had the one answer and will post the other when I get it.


I honestly don't see a need for the vendors to go away. As you need the vouchers to use it anyway. So if the vouchers go away, if you don't have one you can't purchase. The vendors could remain indefinitely without any harm, as you need vouchers to use them. If the vouchers aren't on the gem store, the vendors are basically just for show for anyone that doesn't have any vouchers, but they could remain there for people that do have vouchers.


I think people are expecting more outfits, weapon skins, and gliders / backpack skins to be added to the vendors over time. And those that purchased vouchers now while they are on sale, could buy the new skins later on if the vouchers make a return at some point.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

I have more information about the vouchers and voucher dealer:


The Voucher Dealer is not a permanent feature, which makes sense because the vouchers themselves are available only for a limited time and the dealer’s primary function is to allow players to preview items before making a purchase. The dealer may remain present in Lion’s Arch for a couple of weeks after the vouchers stop being available, but I’d imagine no longer than that.

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> @"Vavume.8065" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > Given that the mordrem bloom vendors still exist in game, keeping the voucher vendors would maintain consistency


> Since when was there ever consistency in this game? the only thing consistent is the inconsistency. I understand your logic, but it just does not apply here.


Apparently so if the vendor is going away (unless I misread..)

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> I have more information about the vouchers and voucher dealer:


> The Voucher Dealer is not a permanent feature, which makes sense because the vouchers themselves are available only for a limited time and the dealer’s primary function is to allow players to preview items before making a purchase. The dealer may remain present in Lion’s Arch for a couple of weeks after the vouchers stop being available, but I’d imagine no longer than that.


So spend the vouchers now, gotcha, no chance to have new outfits, gliders or weapons added to the vendor before it goes away right?

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> @"Dreadshow.9320" said:

> So spend the vouchers now, gotcha,

No, spend them whenever. The vendor just allows you to preview more easily. The vouchers themselves will summon their own vendor so you can spend them whenever.


> no chance to have new outfits, gliders or weapons added to the vendor before it goes away right?

Certainly not before the vendor goes away. And unlikely that _these_ vouchers will allow people to pick future gem shop items at a discount, at least, not until they are as "old" as the ones now available via voucher.



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> @"Trise.2865" said:

> > @"Witch of Doom.5739" said:

> > > @"Trise.2865" said:

> > > Just like any other Black Lion trinket, the item is its own Vendor. As long as the item exists, you should be able to activate them and bring up the buy menu.

> >

> > Keyword here being "should." Still waiting for an answer from ANet before spending my gems. The vendor in LA is still deactivated.


> I, who is not an ANet Dev, cannot state with absolute certainty that it will always work always forever. I, as a fallible human, must also account for the possibility that other factors, such as network errors and back-end maintenance, may temporarily disable an item's functionality sometime in the future. Hence, the "should".


> I can, however safely assume that, unless there are serious changes to how trinkets and trinket-vendors work, the item it will continue to function as designed, regardless of timing. I have evidence to support this:

> the Fused Ticket, an item that "no longer exists", still summons its exclusive Vendor when used

> a Transmutation Stone, an item which most players have never even seen, continues to function as designed (in its final iteration)

> the Colored Keys and Triple Key, items that no longer have relevance, still retain their original dialogues when activated


And.... GG states that it is not permanent. I did not mean to cast aspersions on you or your ideas, not at all. I was hoping you were right! I've learned the hard way not to assume anything in this game. Happy gaming!

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Dreadshow.9320" said:

> > So spend the vouchers now, gotcha,

> No, spend them whenever. The vendor just allows you to preview more easily. The vouchers themselves will summon their own vendor so you can spend them whenever.


> > no chance to have new outfits, gliders or weapons added to the vendor before it goes away right?

> Certainly not before the vendor goes away. And unlikely that _these_ vouchers will allow people to pick future gem shop items at a discount, at least, not until they are as "old" as the ones now available via voucher.




I'd like official confirmation that the vouchers will be usable after vendor is gone and that new items won't be added to vouchers pseudo-vendors before using them.

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