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Question for guild wars one players

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frankly, big chunk of changes GW2 introduced to the table at launch were adressing issues I had at the time with GW1. Weapon skills, weapon swaps, and skill chains solved my issue with weapon-tied skills killing off ability to utilise all those weapon swaps you had access to in gw1 (best you could viably get would be either different flavours of same weapon set, or one swapfor actuall playing and other for mana cap for emergency energy-requiring casts when low on energy)


jumping was also nice considering that at that time I was growing tired of limited movement options in GW1, and dodge seemd also very nice tool for combat.


for the "only mashing 1" argument - it's totally not like GW1 didn't have cheese comps requiring player todo nothing except of not luring more than one group at once to succeed (most notable ones being discordway and subway - there were very little outliers you couldn't clear with these, and most of them were considered end-game group content....)


as for direction GW2 headed off post launch..... Mastery OP mentions does not feel any worse that rep grind in gw1, and it most of the time grants me more utilities for PvE content than GW1 titles did, I was kind of concerned when AN have announced mounts but after seeing them in action I must say they did it great, and I stil find it very enjoyable to pull off interesting tricks on my griffon (two examples of the ones I enjoyed most when successfull at timing - dive from top waypoint in draconis mons with getting all the way up to flax spot on boost from diving - that one is crazy timing xD - second - in sun's refuge, lift off around the cliff bit in old command post, dive to the tunnel to the middle area and lift off with second ability after crossing it)


for the most of time in gw2 I'm enjoying my time, recently I have come back for few visit in GW1 due to silly schedule on uni giving me long hours between lectures, where I am left with my oldie laptop which cannot run GW2 at all but runs GW1 pretty decently, but other than that personally most of the time I feel more drag towards gw2 than gw1

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I'm far more invested in the story than I was in the earlier years, expansions and living world have improved the game a lot from the vanilla which is imo as far from original GW as Gw2 has gone tbh.


GW2 is not GW1 though and I always knew that but imo they've done a good job at connecting the two, specially in recent years with living world, PoF and tons of throwbacks to GW1 lore.

LW4 has also done a super job imo of finally making an Elder Dragon feel like damn Elder Dragon.


So yes while there are a few disappointing elements of Gw2 for us old Gw1 players I for one am absolutely more invested in the game now than I was at launch.

Specially when it comes to the games story :)

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> @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > 4) Limited skill slots to 8. This only gives 3 skills for damage, 2 utility, 1 heal, 1 elite, and rez signet. I always have to drag a pocket healer all the time if I want more than 3 damage skills.


> While I agree with several of your points (no trading post/auction hall is a *huge* time waster and source of frustration in GW1) this point is kind of absurd.


> GW1 is entirely a party-based game. After the very first tutorial areas you are never supposed to leave an outpost without a full group - that's why there's a selection of NPC "Henchmen" to simply add to your party in *every* post-tutorial outpost (except elite missions).


> "Dragging a pocket healer" is a really strange way of looking at that, because *not* filling up your party (either with players or NPCs) is actively hindering yourself barring super specialized farming routes. Bringing a single healing skill for yourself stops being relevant faaaaar before you get your first Elite skill!


> For the vast majority of the game, you have **8** people to spread what you need over. I usually whent 2 defense (heal/protection), 1-2 control (interrupts etc), 4-5 damage dealers.


Hence, "I" have many issues. And yes, I have to drag a healer, Alesia is the worst henchman healer until I can recruit my first hero healer (e.g. Tahlkora).


I did enjoy having henchman and when they added waypoints for heroes. But the point of #4 is having a limited skill slot of 8 compare to GW2 skill slot of 10.

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i like GW1's hybrid class, which was very unique within the market, but I can understand why anet decided to replace it with hybrid weapon skills instead, because it was a nightmare to balance


I do like GW2's freedom of exploration and level scaling system, and continue with gear ceiling from GW1, this means i can spend more time in real life, and coming back after a long downtime does not make my characters irrelevant to the current end game contents


dont like other 99.99% of other MMOs where they continuously raising character level and gear ceiling; WoW's L120 is stupid, having to constantly regearing 8 toons expansion after expansions is tiresome, too much time is spent on regearing rather than doing new raids

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Imo, GW1 took player agency far more seriously. Being able to design professions is a dramatic example of player agency. Spamadan was a pain in the ass but the game provided enough player agency for us to mint our own currency with ectos. GW1 is a stripped down hot rod and we were part of the pit crew. GW2 is luxurious but chauffeured.

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> @"Psientist.6437" said:

> Imo, GW1 took player agency far more seriously. Being able to design professions is a dramatic example of player agency. Spamadan was a pain in the kitten but the game provided enough player agency for us to mint our own currency with ectos. GW1 is a stripped down hot rod and we were part of the pit crew. GW2 is luxurious but chauffeured.


Very succinct comparison. Player agency is sorely missing from GW2.


I felt like I was driving GW; in GW2, the itinerary is all planned and I go along for the ride.


Comparing GW to GW2 is like comparing the proverbial apples and oranges - or maybe apples with avocados.

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GW2 is far away from what GW1 was, but it's still a unique thing to me. However if I could have had any influence I'd totally have wished for a more GW1-themed game. Having like a 1000 skills to choose from and a high difficulty from the very start of the game was what made GW1 really interesting to me.


Beside the game mechanics the one thing I totally dislike about GW2 is how it has a totally different tone when it comes to the actual world. GW1 was like a barely populated world, there were a few cities and outposts, the world felt prehistoric, mysterious and seemed to inhibit any race to spread like a plague.

Now every race is like all over the place, it feels crowded and too lively for my taste. Especially the Asurans seem totally off to me, there's too much semi sci fi stuff going on, their architecture doesn't fit into the original GW universe at all. I don't understand how after the tidal wave it was possible to populate the world so much when before this catastrophic event that seemed not to be possible in the slightest.


But yeah, I still like GW2 because it offers something different, it looks nice and it's just fun in general.

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> @"Clyan.1593" said:

> Beside the game mechanics the one thing I totally dislike about GW2 is how it has a totally different tone when it comes to the actual world. GW1 was like a barely populated world, there were a few cities and outposts, the world felt prehistoric, mysterious and seemed to inhibit any race to spread like a plague.

> Now every race is like all over the place, it feels crowded and too lively for my taste. Especially the Asurans seem totally off to me, there's too much semi sci fi stuff going on, their architecture doesn't fit into the original GW universe at all. I don't understand how after the tidal wave it was possible to populate the world so much when before this catastrophic event that seemed not to be possible in the slightest.


I agree about the tone of the world - Tyria in GW1 felt bleak and dangerous, whereas in GW2 it feels safe and snuggly and densely populated. This especially bugs me with the human population - the human race is supposed to have been in decline for 250 years, and yet it feels like there are far more humans now than there were in GW1.


I think this actually _is_ to do with the game mechanics though. GW2's system of dynamic events and renown hearts pretty much requires an abundance of friendly NPCs in every map.

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I played GW1 for a few months a decade ago, been playing GW2 since beta. So I like GW2 a lot more than GW1 and I'm happy with it. GW1 was too instanced for my liking (boring & lonely maps except for cities) and my character felt weak alone (I was useless without Heroes). Also, the skill bar was limited to 8 skills if I remember correctly. I play Firebrand, Engi and Ele because I enjoy having 30+ active skills. GW1 also had very limited character/armor customization, no jumping and mounts. GW2 is an improvement in every way. The only thing I like more about GW1 is the UI customization!

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> @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> Thats the general direction of gaming anyhow. Earlier games were barebones and crude that were a challenge and made you feel accomplished. These days something like that is niche and more handholding is required.


Because when they add challenging content in games now, there will be loads upon loads of complaining. Games follow the direction needed by the players, casual, easy, effortless games with lots of hand holding.

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