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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas - [Merged]

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A QoL feature at least to me, maybe polemical?


Being able to purchase gemstore items outside of the game.


(Through a second gw2 website, asking us to log in, checking the gems and the allowing to purchase, dunno like by entering your crediential/ api key the website would detect gems from the account and remove the amount)


Would be very helpful, because in many cases, i can be in holidays or without computer when a new cool item is added on gemstore, when a sale happens or anything. Having a website, would solve the problem because I know my credentials and always have a phone with me.


Through, I know, it can lead to hacking if not secured?

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> Over time, we've seen a lot of good QoL suggestions on the forums. It seems to be it'd be good to have a regular sticky post -- yes, yes, I know, we already have too many stickies! ;) -- so that these can be better seen, added to, commented upon, and so forth.


> So here's the official QoL suggestion thread. I will try to merge in previous threads on the topic of Quality of Life, but if you see any I missed, could you please PM me to let me know?


> Thanks!


A QOL improvement I'd like is to be able to completely hides all story marks of both LW and Expansions Stories.

I know you have the "Quit the episode" **BUT** after logging Off/back on again the episode re-appears. Moreover, it's still showing on the minimap !

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Please add more skins hat will be much more friendly to Daredevil.

Only skins so far that can be suitable are Daredevil's Staff and Bo. But problem here that those skins not always match desirable color scheme.


Small suggestion here:

To add more Staff skins to existing craftable Asended Weapon sets ( like [Crimson Antique weapons](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Crimson_Antique_weapons), [Cobalt Antique weapons](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Cobalt_Antique_weapons), [Weapons of the Sunless](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Weapons_of_the_Sunless) ). Whole new Ascended staff recipes can be added with slighty different requirement from regular ascended staff, for skin unlocks.

Those new skins will resemble Daredevil's staff but with colors and patterns similar to it's respective ascended collection.

This will atleast add some options to find Daredevil-appearance-friendly staff with proper color to use in desirable character's color scheme.


P.s. i would pay some $ for Daredevil's Staff of the Sunless.

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> @"Mystical.4586" said:

> **"Character Model Limit: None" (don't show any other players+mounts)**

> Maybe this would be an easy feature to implement due to there already being certain levels/limits.


> Background: We all know this option affects FPS big-time. Some of us don't really have a supercomputer and I myself have been getting lower frames since new maps got released. Especially in meta's where there's a lot of players around, FPS sometimes averages on 10 instead while I get 25 in an empty (new) map and 50 in a core tyria/older map. I think this is due to the game continuously predicting the "closest player" and trying to render a few of them. It would be awesome if there would be an option "None" so we can continue to enjoy this beautiful game!


Support that, i did a whole thread about that but image been deleted.


Point is, even with lowest character model and character limit game engine still loads weapons, backpacks and infusions. Not a single armor set adds so much amount of particles, and that in return lowers fps.

Character model limit - none\zero can solve everything.

Only Selected\targeted character models will be loading depending on character model quality settings. Having nameplates turned on will be enough to notice players around.


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when previewing off hand weapons, can we see our main hand weapon at the same time? really annoying to try and figure out if the colors for varying skins match only to realize it's slightly off and you've wasted however much gold on a skin when you could've just been able to preview both like you should be able to

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> @"AsukaLangley.8365" said:

> when previewing off hand weapons, can we see our main hand weapon at the same time? really annoying to try and figure out if the colors for varying skins match only to realize it's slightly off and you've wasted however much gold on a skin when you could've just been able to preview both like you should be able to


And/or show the closest colours to those on the weapon, if weapon colours are different to our dyes.

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> @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

> # Please use my RAM.


> From time to time, while I play GW2, I'm copying large files over on my computer or am defragmenting my drives.

> This of course causes serious delays in disk access which makes my wonder: Why does Guild Wars 2 keep loading the same data from disk? Why not keep it in memory? I got 32 GB of it and GW2 may use a lot of it.


> Example: I may teleport back to an area of the WvW map that I just was (and should have loaded to RAM) but this requires the game to load objects and textures again. Same with sound effects, skill animations, NPC's, armor skins, weapons, gliders etc.


> Why not keep it in RAM when the RAM is here. No need to keep purging these items from RAM because it is likely that they are needed a minute later. Sure, I know that many players have less powerful systems, but let's at least make use of the RAM some players actually have available.


RAM is not controlled by every app, but your OS that allocate resources for each and one. It would be a mess if every app could tell OS that they want to occupy all space in RAM and leave nothing for other apps including system resources like drivers and so on.


If you want a more precise explanation then I suggest you look up on net about how RAM and memory allocation actually work.

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You've all been there. In a meta event where a commander is yelling CC at you. Some of you know what to do, but a lot of you might not. Here is an idea that might help!


I was playing the other day on my heal scourge and had a bit of a eureka moment that I wanted to bring to the community for discussion. I noticed that Healing numbers come in as "green text", damage is obviously "white text" and barrier is "yellow text". I was thinking why not add a "blue text" with a value for damage done to the break bar as well as perhaps a percentage value so that players can perhaps learn which of their skills do how much damage in terms of soft CC vs hard CC? Not everyone reads every tooltip to know that their pull skill does X and their knockback does Y, but giving some sort of feedback besides a blue bar that just does down, might lead to people actually understanding the mechanic better.

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These are small but would help out parts of the community.


1 - **Have the game remember what mount you use in each mode.**

(Its rather annoying coming into back PvE from WvW and have Warclaw selected as the mount when you had the raptor selected, the warclaw it doesn't anything in PvE)


2 - **Have templates save what armour, weapons and backpieces are hidden and what visible.**

For example I like my characters having the Quiver as back piece if they have bow on that build, but if I swap to other build without bow I don't want back piece showing on that build. Having the build remember what is visible and isn't would be nice change as it allow people to automically have their characters the way want them between builds without having to toggle head armour, weapons and back pieces everytime.


3 - **Automatic throw away materials if you have max of it in Material storage.**

I feel like this needs to be a thing.

Countless times you get these Ascended materials, you can't sell and that you don't want because you have max amount of them stored already but still keep getting them and don't want them since you don't need, so they end up cogging up your inventory.

This should be a function is be toggled on from the material storage by the player. **ONLY when they have the max amount of that material stored in storage.**

This will stop a lot people getting annoyed getting random bloodstone dust and other items they don't want.

The items should be marked with an icon within the material storage to denote that they drop this item automically, and it should be displayed on the tool tip when they hover over it.


Blood stone dust


You've marked this item to be automically discarded upon recieving.


If they use the item for crafting or withdrawl it, then auto drop gets disabled until they have the max amount of that material stored in storage again.

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I'd just like skills to contain more information. For example, if a skill does CC, it could be colored or have an icon in a corner to show that. If a skill will move the player, there could be a right arrow if it moves the player foward, left arrow if it moves the player back. If a skill is a ranged attack, could be some icon for that, etc.

Even better is when the breakbar shows up on the boss, maybe have relevant skills highlight or something - this would probably help out new players not familiar with breakbars.

As a person who moves between different characters, I can't remember all the skills on each character and what they do. If I'm doing a raid or fractal or similar, I'll make sure I play a character in which I know the skills really well.

But sometimes, I wonder about in PvE with a character I haven't played a lot or recently. Some boss encounter is happening, so I join in, but don't remember the appropriate skills for CC. While I can hover over the skills to see what skills have CC, it is difficult to do that in the middle of an encounter, and chances are, by the time I go through all the skills, the encounter may pretty much be done, or things would have been better off for me to just be using skills to damage or buff or whatever vs trying to figure out what to do.

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There is a design failure with the need of CC in many circumstances in PVE. I rarely if ever can inflict enough defiance damage on bosses/mobs by myself and sometimes others can't either. I don't know if the number needs to be lowered but I assume the bar they have is an average of what people can do? Thats actually not a great level to reasonably assume because everyone will have builds that might not include CC skills. So what happens? You show up without much CC and can't contribute and if many of you do? Well WE ALL know what happens then. If they want CC to be a thing they need to make it a bit more easier to make a CC build. I assume they see this as an issue since the EMP does much defiance damage and is deployable.

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@"Noah Salazar.5430"


Don't think that my post comes from a place of frustration. It doesn't. I feel the forums exist for us to talk with the Devs about ways to make the game better for players and developers alike. The devs don't like getting berated by the community, and players don't like getting berated by each other either. To me, this seemed like a good enough idea to bring to the forums for discussion, and based on the response so far, I'd say people tend to like it. @"Solvar.7953" showed another idea that could be useful of helping newer players to know which skills CC as well. I think all of the discussion on this post so far is coming from a positive place, so let's keep that energy going! :)

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I'd like to see the Revive Orbs and Teleport to Friend put in the account wallet to get them out of inventory and allow them to be accessed on all character. Revive Orbs can already be used when in a defeated state so no big difference on that. The T2F could be put on the Party tool, right click on the person and there could be a teleport option there. Ornate Rusted Keys could also be moved to the account wallet as the only function they serve is to allow you to open chests.


Also can we get the map specific tools rolled into one universal scanning tool? Ones that stack in our inventory like the Charr Field Homing Beacon and Silverwastes shovels could stack charges in the wallet instead. We have to many map specific scanners like Brandstone Multitool, Listening Device Sweeper, etc. If they were tied to a universal tool it would save a lot of space. It would also be good for future development. Purchase or unlock a program module on the map and the universal tool becomes functional for that map.

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I tend to use both action cam and the default control scheme alot. Mostly the former, but I use the latter for things like casting aoe's directly under me. That being said, I would love this option mainly because I can often lose track of where my cursor was when coming out of action combat mode. In the heat of battle, it can make things much harder.

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I like this idea.


I tend to make sure the cursor is right on top of the dot when I activate action camera, but that's probably easier for me to do because I don't typically use it in combat. Maybe it's weird but I mainly use action camera when I'm travelling long distances or doing jumping puzzles - times when I'd otherwise be holding down the right mouse button all the time. So I can generally afford to spend a few seconds positioning the cursor before activating action cam, which wouldn't be practical if I was in combat at the time. Even so it would be nice to not need to do that and just know it will relocate there automatically.

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