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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas - [Merged]

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Not really the mechanics, skills will be the same, kits too etc... you will just become able to swap between weapons, no advantages, you have a delay before reswap... these new gameplays could be great: you're doing fire elem with your rifle engineer, then after, when doing modnir, you swap with your hammer (scrapper) or sword (holo) for CC, half of the professions already have swap.(to be sure that we are speaking of the same thing, weapon swap= arrow icon at the left of your skills bar)

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Get rid of "upgrade extractors" in the Gem Store and replace them with a system that charges for each upgrade removal. Similar to how we can remove Glyphs from gathering tools, and add a cost to it.


My last game had a similar system that cost so much in-game currency for each modification. The higher value of the modification the higher the cost. The fact that upgrade extractors are only available via gems is ridiculous and the devs have demonstrated, via the glyphs, that upgrade removal through the Hero Panel is doable.

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Pure QoL ideas, nothing in terms of game mechanics:

1. Tonics & Gizmos need a "character tab" (like dye, outfits etc.), because I don't buy them any more because of all the storage clutter

2. Eyes of Kormir & Quartz need to interact with storage and not with backpack slots when using the Spear-marshal item & the core Hero Point locations. It works with other items too (e.g. Writs at MF NPC)

3. That strange "one charged quartz crystal" time gate can go. No other "non-ascended" material refinement is time gated.

4. Noxious Pod home instance node to be able to get Crystaline Ore outside Dragon's Stand map, because just to run to a dead map to open a few pods every few days is dumb (and what most players do theses days instead of playing an overly long map meta)

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- Swappable upgrades for Legendary weapons

- Build templates

- Remove the assembly machine from scribing

- Add GH upgrades, so we get TP in our GH

- GH Arena rework to make it work under PvP rules including the amulett system for gear

- Add Garden Plot exclusives to our storage and the underwater keys to the wallet

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- Make Tomes of Knowledge, Spirit Shards, and Transmutation Charges become tradeable on TP, or add NPC vendor that lets players convert them into other currency types.

- Make desert armors (bountyhunter, warbeast, etc) salvageable, mystic-forge-able, and/or give them a merchant sell price.

- Make account-bound selectable recipe containers (e.g. Sinister Armor Recipe Book, Sinister Jewelry Recipe Book, etc) show whether you've already learned all possible types they contain instead of having to scroll through the individual recipes and check them 1-by-1. Also, give them a merchant sell price or make them stop dropping once you've learned all of the recipes.

- Allow minor runes/sigils to be salvaged or marked as junk.

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> @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> 2. LFG Full Map Icons (If there is a group in the LFG but their map is full).


This is hard. How do you define "their map" when each of the four existing members (you want to be the fifth) is on a different map, or if they're on the same map, but they aren't all on the same instance ("/ip", roughly) of it. (For squads it's easier - you define it as the *commander's* map, but for ordinary parties, there doesn't seem to be a clear idea of "leader".)

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- Guildhall Upgrades: TP, Laurel Vendor, Crafting stations

- Home Instance Upgrades (purchasable for gems): Bookshelf, Software Upgrade for M.O.X. (plays gw2 soundtrack), Software Upgrade for M.O.X. (plays gw2 cinematics), Software Upgrade for M.O.X. (replays Vistas),

- Option for sigils & runes: treat as trash at vendors (checkbox)

- Gemstore Item: Zomoros' Magic Hat. Gizmo that can eat runes & sigils (same rightclick option for rarity as salvage kits); loot = stackable trophies worth 3 copper each

- Gemstore Item: Couch of Friendship, a large placeable couch (like the duhm-chair, but for more people)

- Gemstore Item: Additional Guild Slot

- Recipe's to craft gathering glyphs (account bound) with a scribe.

- A small (a) icon next to the name of every player that currently runs arc-dps in the background.

- Working recipe to change stats of ascended aquabreathers.

- Fix/re-enable Boost Enchantment Powder with a fair karma-booster option.

- NA/EU tags for forum accounts, or at least a note in the profile.

- XYZ coordinate command via /loc


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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> > 2. LFG Full Map Icons (If there is a group in the LFG but their map is full).


> This is hard. How do you define "their map" when each of the four existing members (you want to be the fifth) is on a different map, or if they're on the same map, but they aren't all on the same instance ("/ip", roughly) of it. (For squads it's easier - you define it as the *commander's* map, but for ordinary parties, there doesn't seem to be a clear idea of "leader".)


The commander's map.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

Over time, we've seen a lot of good QoL suggestions on the forums. It seems to be it'd be good to have a regular sticky post -- yes, yes, I know, we already have too many stickies! ;) -- so that these can be better seen, added to, commented upon, and so forth.


So here's the official QoL suggestion thread. I will try to merge in previous threads on the topic of Quality of Life, but if you see any I missed, could you please PM me to let me know?



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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> Over time, we've seen a lot of good QoL suggestions on the forums. It seems to be it'd be good to have a regular sticky post -- yes, yes, I know, we already have too many stickies! ;) -- so that these can be better seen, added to, commented upon, and so forth.


> So here's the official QoL suggestion thread. I will try to merge in previous threads on the topic of Quality of Life, but if you see any I missed, could you please PM me to let me know?


> Thanks!


Thanks, Gaile!

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> @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> > @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > > @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> > > 2. LFG Full Map Icons (If there is a group in the LFG but their map is full).

> >

> > This is hard. How do you define "their map" when each of the four existing members (you want to be the fifth) is on a different map, or if they're on the same map, but they aren't all on the same instance ("/ip", roughly) of it. (For squads it's easier - you define it as the *commander's* map, but for ordinary parties, there doesn't seem to be a clear idea of "leader".)


> The commander's map.


Yes, that's what I said, for *squads*.


Who is the leader/commander of a party (group of five)? In other MMORPGs that I've played, there is *a* leader (initially the creator of the group), and leadership can be transferred explicitly to another member by the current leader, or implicitly by the current leader quitting the party. There doesn't seem to be such a thing in GW2, and that's why I said it is hard.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

I thought I'd mention that we have a [blog post](https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/novelties-its-about-fun/ "blog post") about the new wardrobe feature for novelties.


It specifically mentions tonics: "What about Tonics? We didn’t forget about them! The number of tonics to be converted to the wardrobe was pretty daunting, but rest assured that work is well underway. As soon as we’ve made sure everything’s in working order, we’ll add a fifth slot for endless tonics." So this is on the table. :D

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Crafting Recipes Suggestions. I do not know if this has ever been suggested. It has bothered me for the nearly 4 yrs. I have played. When you interact with a crafting station your list of recipes opens up. Let's just call that the recipe book ( I dont know its formal name). I recognize that you can query your list, via the cog at the top, according to various parameters. However, this isn't always intuitive or quickly done. What would be nice to have is a simple "Collapse All" "Expand All" option. As it is now, each time you move away from the workstation and return, you have to scroll thru the list again. If I am refining a variety of material, for example, I would need to either scroll down or type in the name. If I have a "Collapse All" option, then with a click of a button I could quickly select the Refinement section. The cherry on the top of my suggestion would be that the program remembered the last selection made (either collapse or expand). Again, I dont know if this has ever been suggested, but it has been on my QoL wish list for quiet some time.

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The ability to hide shoulders on outfits would be lovely. :)


An option to permanently hide the "Your current mastery is fully trained and ready to be learned!" (or whatever that says) popup. I've still got a long way to go (don't want to do the story out of order) before I can properly unlock masteries, and having that thing jump up whenever I so much as *sneeze* is a little annoying.

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So... I'm sure this was said before... but I had an idea if your willing to hear me out... Now, I'm sure people have been asking for a player housing system over and over again. And yet, I know it could be a lot of work... I had an idea that came to me as I was roaming around Tyria. In my travels, I've seen a lot of buildings and towns that were there purely for the atmosphere. there were no events to worry about, no mobs to kill, and they look really beautiful. That's when a thought came to me: _"Why not have a housing system base off and located of these buildings, they're already here and in a nice quiet spot, and you don't need to make the building from scratch... THAT WOULD CUT THE WORKLOAD IN HALF, IF NOT TWO-THIRDS... it would be like the hero's hometown, a separate and private instance only for your home... YOUR house... and the mechanics are already in this game, aka the guild hall... "_


Now, as for how to get this home, I had an idea for that too... Why not make Deeds you can purchase for Gems and Gold (Gold being a little bit expensive). Once when you purchase the deed, you can carry it with you around Tyria till you find a building with a housing system, all you need to do is walk up to the house, interact with it, it'll say that you need a deed to have this house... which you do, hit confirm, and congrats... the house is your to freely go in out and customize the interior AND exterior around the home (at a certain distance mind you and if it's not like an apartment or something..)


Now, I had two little extra Ideas is that you can decide rather put in the game or not. The first one I was thinking you do, is you could make another crafting Profession, this one is called "Carpentry" this allows a player to create unique decor not found anywhere in Tyria. if they do not wish to be a Carpenter, they can purchase them through the Black Lion Trading Co. from other players that are selling them...


The second one is for those who love their mounts. Along with the housing system I gave and provided they have a house, they can have a little stable for there favorite mount. Nothing feels great than your favorite mount greeting you when you come home from a long day of PvP, PvE, Dungeoneering, and/or Raids...


I know there's a lot to read and I'm really sorry for that, maybe I could simplify them, but I really wanted to explain the full breadth and width of my idea ^_^;

If you have survived this lengthy read, Thank you for your time and patience...

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I don't know if it would be possible but PLEASE A-NET, add in a feature to where if I am duel wielding legendary weapons that I have an option to see both of the foot prints for the weapons. If I am using a Bolt and Rodgort I would just love for there to be an option where I can either select only Bolt's footfalls or only Rodgort's footfalls, and an option where i could have both. This has always been a problem for me because I want to see the footfalls of a new legendary that i just earned, for example Rodgort.

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Along the same line as the "Novelties" QoL improvement, could we have something like this for tonics? Even if it was more like the shared inventory tabs - a purcahsable tonic pouch - I would easily throw a few thousand gems at this. Anything that frees up this entire storage tab and a half all these tonics are taking up. :anguished:

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