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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas - [Merged]

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> @"Jagblade.4627" said:

> A very minor complaint now that I've noticed it but can Anet please take a look at the shoulder armor model scaling for Sylvari, Charr, and most all the Norn? I think we're all tired of massive, texture-stretched stock pots magically hovering a foot above our shoulders.


We have been asking FIXES on Charr for years, this was never been addressed, we still have the same armor/weapons clips as during pre-hot state.

But I do wish the same change, honestly.

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> @"killermanjaro.5670" said:

> So the request is literally an option of 'press F to get free loot/mats while I go afk because I can't be bothered to walk for a bit'. Sounds like the pinicle of laziness. What's next, a, request for an item to loot all trade caches/chests in a map at the press of a button?


That's a brilliant idea! Thanks for suggesting it. *Just kidding*

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Just going to throw out there. When you give us skins, that we already own, like the Luminious set that most 8 year players already have from achievements, it would be nice if you could change those skins into Transmutation Charges, instead of having to either destroy (most likely) or store them on an alt.

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I can't stand it anymore.... even with the gobbers.... please add an option to disable the drop of bloodstone dust/dragonite ore/empyreal fragment. I do anything and each times those stupid junk items are pilling up into my inventory! Make them sellable for coppers to merchant, anything!!

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Secret Friend calender


In the friend list (when both are friends, not just followers) u can make u'r calender avaliable for other players. It appears by a little icon next to their name.

In the calender, there is a wishlist where u can choose what gifts you wish. This wishlist can be seen by those who use the calender.

When a friend wants to gift you something he/se simply use the calender to send u someting. He chooses what to send (in the same way as when u send mail, picking something (items or gold) from his own inventory) and what date u will recieve it, perhaps on u'r birthday.

When it comes to you, it will be anonymous. U will only know that it is from any of your friends that u have shared the calender with. Youv an only share the calender with a limited ammount of ppl.


Perhaps there could be box deliverers similar to the mailcarriers for this. These will deliver secret friend boxes though, not messages (mail).



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The new "Refill" button for the Mystic Forge is nice, but could it unlock at the same time the forge's 4 slots become available again instead of when you press the accept button? I'm used to skipping the accept button and just quickly filling the slots again by double-clicking ingredients. The "Refill" button makes it more relaxed to mass forge, but not faster.

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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> Can this option be added please?

> The new wings you've started to add cause massive FPS issues for a lot of players.


So the back items are the tipping point?


Use standard models.


Particle effects are a bane.. But making it affect one item type isn’t going to be enough of an impact.


Either give an option to turn off **all** animation/particle effects, or don’t change it and have people do what they can already do which is standard models.

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I play my game at the lowest settings possible (using lowest models as well which isn't fun as I like seeing what people's characters look like :( ) But if I could get tun off other people's backpacks it would be fantastic. While they're all certainly pretty, they get in the way of jumping puzzles as well and seeing a map full of people with legendary trinkets massive/shiny backpacks does drop my fps. I begrudgingly have lowest model settings on for sake of fps, so still seeing the shiny gear is kinda odd. :/

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Mounts: ☆ Checked

Underwater skimmer: ☆ Checked

Expansion 3: ☆ Checked

Finishing exo mount set: ○ In progress

Housing: ■ Waiting for it

Asura GH decos: ■ Waiting for it

Asura Expansion: ■ Not many hopes remaining

Sab w3-4: ■ Hope I will still be here


I think, once those will be done, I will be fullfilled. That Mmo did so many good things among the years.... whereas I don't care about cantha, it will be fun surely, also impatient to see the end of icebrood saga.

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I would like if dyes are just tied to that build template, I have a condi mesmer that's a nice golden with midnight purple but when I go into my full zerk on my 2nd template it doesn't let me quickly change colours so now with twilight I need to put on a outfit just to get colours matching. This also only gets worse as I use this armor on 3 other characters and the fact that I can't change the colours without ruining the look of them on my main char I made them for means outfits are the only way to look decent while playing this game which gets stale.


Also let halo's be used with mask like you can add them together as halo's would look awesome with some mask combos

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For a QoL change i would love if you guys made it where when we decide to prioritize a certain achievement for achievement hunting, that it wouldn't replace the dailies on the top right corner of UI but perhaps make a drop down menu or like slide show where we can view all the types of dailies, achievements, and objectives perhaps. it's frustrating having to go back to achievements just to look at the dailies! and it's also annoying when there's like a bunch of events that clog up the right side of my screen!



also please give the eternity greatsword an option for permanent day or permanent night form.

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Infusion suggestion: Anonymous/No Name's Infusion (ignoring hair, eye color, equipment and other effects, turns the user unrecognizably pure black, no skin gloss)


Guild hall racing markers and mount stamina orbs.


Working carnival/fare ride decorations for guild halls.


Visitor count granted more social upgrades or guild wide boosts from people who've visited a guild's guild hall. Could be like ___ people from or not from the guild have visited the hall, so maybe for 24 hours gold find is increased or something when initiated.

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I've stated some of these before but i think they'd really make a positive difference:


-Shared gathering tool slots: It's currently really annoying swapping the tools between characters so this would be a great improvement for permanent tools


-Skin slot for tools: Personally I mostly use the skins that are quicker than others but it feels kind of a waste to have tool skins available without being able to properly use them (and i don't think it's reasonable to expect people to buy a full set for each character) so i think it would make more sense to separate the skins from the tools and bind them to a character instead (i do realize that means less transmutation charges used but i doubt most people really buy a lot of them anyway so it shouldn't really cut too much into profit)


-Map queues in pve: That error message when trying to join another map feels really weird also it's just straight out annoying having to try until there's finally a spot


-Unlock explorable dungeons: Either just unlock it for everyone or unlock it for the account after finishing it with one character


-Sorting system for characters: The scrollbar is really not good enough anymore once you start having more than 18 charcters and it just gets worse the more characters one adds


-Fix the bug where whispers don't arrive while you were in a loading screen or at least send an error message to the sender

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Rather than implementing features that would improve QoL my hope was seeing a fix in aspects of the game that would improve it.


The graphics and the game development is amazing. One of the best MMO's in my honest opinion. The aspect that concerns me the most is that although there's so many beautiful things to enjoy in this game but often gets ruined by its shortcomings. I will list the things that worry me especially with the up coming STEAM launch in November.


1) Communication: There's a serious lack of communication between the maintenance team and the players. Updates/status of what had caused rollbacks, glitches, etc are often buried or not dealt with until it gets severe. Another example of lack of informing the players is the exploitation of BOTTING. There's been so many threads about bots and players have taken the time to file thousands of tickets and write a list down for ANET but there has been zero communication back to us. Are the bots in PvP designed to fill queuing? The stripping and banning of the previous hacker was a bit extreme however not doing anything about it makes me sad.


2) Botting: Lately I've seen a huge influx of farming and PvP bots. The loop function they have to generate responses ie: saying "Thank you," "gg," "hi/hello" has been rubbing salt onto wounds when the match is lost because the bots get exploited based on rotations or movement limitations. Please address the botting and teleporting hacking please.


3) PoF Lag. HoT was well done but PoF lags still like crazy. I have to wait a few seconds to see if I died or not which ruins the whole experience. (See Sandwept Isle and/or Thunderhead peaks) because its almost unplayable.


4) New Players: With the arrival of the STEAM launch there will be an influx of new players who will have a huge learning curve as the game itself is not designed for fresh mmo players. Many 3rd party features are utilized to fill in this gap because the UI doesn't teach very well.. After introducing the game to friends and family they get discouraged because they feel overwhelmed and don't know what to do starting off. A solution could be offering a tutorial or even a basic cutscene of how to access basic features that most of us have forgotten about because it is second nature.

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About Mistlock Sactuary... Map layers with links works perfectly when you click on a instruction (E.g. when you have that "suggested location" link for a jumping puzzle daily). So, maybe, isnt that hard make that possible to every chat link when we are inside Mistlock Sanctuary (E.g. ANY waypoint).

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AGAIN i am trying to ask for SIMPLE QoL feature...

Character Model Limit - Zero (DO NOT LOAD any other player character models around your character, only npcs!!! )


Since we have no option to fully disable other player's character models, even on strongest PCs it adds unnecessary load.

All because characters now days have gear with overstack particles. The most lowest character model quality setting do not prevent the load of backpacks, cosmetic infusions, trinkets and weapons. And when it comes to activities like Tequatl with massive amount of players, game engine constantly loads-reloads closest character models.


Give us option to set Character Model Limit to ZERO. In this case only targeted characters ( allies or hostiles ) will be loaded.

We have name tags, it will allow to notice someone around you even if character model won't appear.


P.s. this is example of broken Character Model Limit+Quality on Lowest.

![](https://i.imgur.com/bnqdCMC.png "")

Why backpack and cosmetic effects still loads on top of standart character model?

It denies the very purpose of lowest character models.

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