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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas - [Merged]

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> @"Rauderi.8706" said:

> Anyone with enough alts definitely needs an improved character select screen.


> * More characters visible per page (or all of them visible, like in a MOBA)


Please, yes this is a serious issue after 10+ characters


> * Smaller character image so it fits on the screen

> * List of the day's daily quests (would be helpful, but now that Daily Class Winner isn't in PvP, not heavily necessary)

> * Sorting functions (Recently played, Least played, Crafting levels, Race, Profession, etc.)


I just love your post


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Ability to ignore previously completed objectives is a very welcome QoL feature. Now if only Anet would reduce PoF (and LWS4) aggro range from 900 to 600, I'd actually do stuff in PoF instead of avoiding it like the plague except when I absolutely have to go there. A lot of players really hate this stupid aggro range.


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> @"tim.4596" said:

> > @"Rauderi.8706" said:

> > Anyone with enough alts definitely needs an improved character select screen.

> >

> > * More characters visible per page (or all of them visible, like in a MOBA)


> Please, yes this is a serious issue after 10+ characters


> > * Smaller character image so it fits on the screen

> > * List of the day's daily quests (would be helpful, but now that Daily Class Winner isn't in PvP, not heavily necessary)

> > * Sorting functions (Recently played, Least played, Crafting levels, Race, Profession, etc.)


> I just love your post



Agreed a zoom in zoom out may help also I like fusions and backpacks to be visible

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Two WVW requests:


1. can I please stop getting the reward chest in the Hero weapon track that gives me lentils and a cooking recipe? I'm running that track multiple times to unlock all the weapons, and I ran out of unknown recipes many, many weeks ago.

2. for the autoloot skill or maybe put an extra slot in that requires points, can I please autoloot when downed? I know I get it if I respawn at wp and the opposing player dies after I respawn. However, sometimes the fight is a long way away (yes, even with a mount) and you're hoping your side wins and can rez you fast. No fast rez=disappearing loot. I feel sad about my steel chest that dropped today when I was dead.

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My suggestions for GW2:


**A Mad King Thorn vs King Joko Standalone Episode.** Can even charge $10 for it to alleviate some of the costs of development. We just want it to be funny. But-that's-not-how-death-works level of funny. Possible rewards of a pumpkin which gives a Trick-or-Treat Bag once a day at the home instance.


**Buried Lock Chest**: There needs to be one which can be accessed outside of Dry Top. While the home instance one for gems can make sense, how about a guild mission to add one to the Guild Hall?


**Travel Gizmos:** A Book (Passport) to place miscellaneous travel gizmos like city portals, home stone portal, VIP Lounges, etc. Sun's Refuge as well.


**Repeatable Dailies**: An option to have pre-selected dailies. I am thinking specifically of the daily Sunken Treasure Hunter.


**PvP:** A selection option to resign a PvP match. Those who play PvP know that squash matches will happen - not matter how the matchmaker is programmed. What is not fine are those players who effectively quit when they know the match is lost and do just enough not to get called out on throwing a match. So how about an option to resign a match when the score differential is 150 or greater. In my experience, comebacks from that great a differential is exceedingly unlikely and I'm sure your metrics point that out.


**Library:** A library to place all these books and tomes which we do not want to destroy but otherwise have no place to store.


**Desert Crafting Material Coffers** - An option to select to "Use All Selecting Flax Fibers".



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Sometimes when the game crashes, the game picture stops and won't move anymore, and we can't change window to the boxy error window that asks us if we want to send an error message to Anet. That window is under the game picture


When it happens, we can press alt tab to see the other windows and apps that are open, but we can't change to them or use them because the game picture is always sitting on top of them. The only way to get rid of the game picture is to restart the computer


Please improve the error window so it always stays on top and lets us tell Anet about the error

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When the little box says do you want to change maps because there are fewer people on your map, most times the new map has fewer events done (e.g. is a lower tier in Dry Top). **Please shift players onto the higher level map**, rather than the opposite. This is especially annoying in maps like Dry Top when purchases (e.g. weapon recipes) only show up on vendors at T4 or greater, and when events (like the Queen skritt) only occur when the map is T4 or greater.

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A way to convert skin consumables of already unlocked skin into transmutation charges would be nice . Destroying it or hoarding it is the only option if you dont want to use it right away and it clutters the bank. Personally, destroying it feels like destroying a free transmutation charge and that doesnt feel good .

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> @"eirylee.3561" said:

> A way to convert skin consumables of already unlocked skin into transmutation charges would be nice . Destroying it or hoarding it is the only option if you dont want to use it right away and it clutters the bank. Personally, destroying it feels like destroying a free transmutation charge and that doesnt feel good .


This! I have always thought this would be smart!

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Give us templates.


1) Build templates - Pretty self explanatory. It doesn't have to change our gears, if that's too difficult. Just change our traits and utility skills.


2) Wardrobe templates - Due to how limited the transmutation system is, I just set my wardrobe on a character once and never change their armors. If we could save wardrobe templates and switching between saved templates is free of any transmutation charges, I would create a lot of wardrobe templates for each of my characters, which would most likely result in me buying transmutation charges because I would probably need like 100 charges per character to create multiple wardrobe templates.


3) Mount templates - Since I don't want to save dozens of screenshots for my mounts' dye set ups, I just don't change my mount dyes or skins. As such, I have no need to buy more than 1 mount skin. If we could save mount templates, I would buy more mount skins.

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Make UI mount setting for PvE seperate from WvW.

I have Raptor as my setting for User Interface mount. But once i go to WvW UI Mount changes to Warclaw. When i get back to PvE, UI Mount still Warclaw. And i have to change it back to raptor.


I have no plans to use Warclaw in PvE, so i don't have hotkey, neither i need it to be default on UI selection in PvE.

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If you're not going to remove the Aviator box from the game, and I assume you're not, please give us the option of turning it off by clicking on the icon. This, along with black lion traders, is used to troll people in HoT metas - they are placed directly on the item to loot.


Another option is to put in an x, y, z radius around loot items like the chests in AB and the crystallized supply caches behind the meta wall in TD that prevents those items being placed.

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#QOL for achievements


1. Sort by Tier completion or total completion. When sorted by total completion, have thin yellow lines in the big box to still see where the tier completion checkpoints are.

2. Recommended achievements, show top 3 achievements per section. Also allow people to say "I don't want to do this achievement now or ever" so they don't show up as recommended. (e.g., pvp, wvw, pve (split in story journal, secondary content (raids and fractals) and main overworld))

3. Classify your achievements and award AP accordingly. (*)


(*) Currently, some extremely easy achievements grand you like 10 or 20 ap even.

while other challenging, or grindy achievements may only reward you 1 to 5 ap.

this kind of distribution is unacceptable in my point of view

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