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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas - [Merged]

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-Ascended Utility buff to go with Ascended Food.

-Another overhaul of the loot and have the loot that can't be traded on the market or sold to vendors to at least be sold for copper.

-Option to reduce damage numbers around enemies because they are so big sometimes I can't even see the action.

-Home instance we can customize some.

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Appearance templates. I have 438 transmutation charges, because I don't want to be hassled through the wardrobe and dye system every time I want to change things up. This might sound silly, but I also don't want to spend charges every time I swap appearances, even though I have hundreds of them. I wouldn't mind if it costed transmutation charges for every change to a template, but I would mind if I had to pay to swap between templates.

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Having bought all the vendors in the Eye of the North (including 50g for a pointless bank vendor when bank access is available at every crafting station) it was a little disappointing that the Xunlai chests ...don't actually do anything interesting. It'd be nice if they were additional personal storage, even if just an extra 10 slots and only accessible within EOFN. Or make them some kind of weird toy where you can put in something and randomly get back something of a similar value once a day.

Or leave one of them as bank access and make the other guild bank access.


Or if not one of the chests, how about some other way to acquire a guild bank vendor for EOTN?

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-Let us disable group members' nameplates already!

-Let us hide others' back items and infusions.

-Ability to follow players in the same group. (No this has nothing to do with multiboxers, they can do it without this if they want.)

-If possible, since embiggening and miniature tonics and blobheads are a thing I believe it is possible, give me an option to see other characters same as my race or size.

-Stop these annoying repetitive help texts appear when you encounter a world object that you haven't unlocked its mastery yet.

-Give lengthy pauses between some npcs' speeches. "Don't see why we should have to take orders from mice and talking cabbages." "Don't see why we should have to take orders from mice and talking cabbages." "Don't see why we should have to take orders from mice and talking cabbages." "I'm rich you know" "Curse that scarlet"

-Let us customize the appearance of the skill bar, health bar, general UI, officially. like eso does.

-Separate spawned items' (box o' fun, food platters, mesmer portals...) and world objects' (npcs, chests, quest objects...) interaction key binds and give back warrior's banner bundles.


Please. :)



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Sorry if i will be blunt with you right now but WTF!!!

When will you add Mystic Forge recipe to change stats of WvW Infusions??? (!!!)


Fractal infusions have MF recipe to change stats. But why WvW infusions do not? The very same recipe for Fractal infusions should be used for WvW Infusions.


Since i've started to craft legendaries, and with some changes to runes and traits over the years i have WvW Infusions leftovers because i had to replace them. For example, there is no need to overcap Concentration. Changes to Rune of Leadership have made me replace 7 WvW concentration infusions ( 36 additional concentration from rune, -35 concentration from 7 infusions). They are now in my bank collecting dust. If only i could change their stats via Mystic Forge, i could give those to my other characters.

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Its been awhile since I last post here so mods please move to correct section if not already. I have searched for the wording, and couldn't find a similar topic so I'll start.


This is a Feature was was eventually available in Guild wars 1 by mod (See through Menus), and is available to some degree in all modern Games MMOs and otherwise ( Assassin's Creed, New World) . where we still have our menus but are still able to see through it to the live game-play. or at the very least have the option to reduce the opacity of said menus to increase the immersion, and improve the overall Quality of life.

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Please think about adding a Guild specific Event calendar in-game. It could have api keys ability so it would be able to allow people to announce events in voice chat programs. This is a needed piece of Guild Content for those who find lack of coordination as well as separation of in-game people vs voice chat people a thing within their guild.

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I want a guild hall decoration that would help my guild celebrate racial justice and/or gender equality - How about a banner that could be craftable as a Black Lives Matter banner or an LGBQT flag. It would be cool to have a guild mission or quest to obtain it. Hmm, maybe completing a heart in which you speak up for someones rights or stop a racist act? I love the heart just outside of Amnoon in which you aide the refugees and smack the forged recruiters around - maybe something along those lines?


Oh and that Norn Moustache?

That seriously needs to be available for Charr, too...

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If I recall you can adjust the transparentcy of inventory window (bags) I think it may be in the Inventory windows settings. Im not at my PC right now to check.


Side note: I would personally like more opaque or even fully opaque chat screen because on many maps like snow maps I can 100% not see the text well enough to read it without clicking on the chat box to make it more opaque (when its selected).


In WvW Im often forced to use my inventory on the go and during fights to refresh food, or throw siege. I suggest positioning your bag so its off to the side.

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> @"misterman.1530" said:

> I would like the option to hide entire sections of the UI. For instance, I don't need to see my Personal Story or Dailies on the top right of my screen all the time. Allow those to be toggled on or off.



They can now, they add the option a little while ago maybe 3 months back or 4

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> @"Trise.2865" said:

> > @"Harvest.2506" said:

> > > @"Trise.2865" said:

> > > Why are you opening menus in a place where there is action to look at?

> >

> > Goblers for wxp boost before taking a tower or keep


> Oh, so cheating. You want to cheat. Carry on then.


Stepping up my game Legitimately already with widescreen support, so Anet could step up theirs.

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A few suggestions:

* "Harvest my home instance" in some fashion - whether arming MOX (or similar) with some tools, a consumable with a permanent version you have to use when entering the area, or a.n.other route! Would be an instant gemstore buy!

* Shared harvesting tools slots - I think this has been mentioned in numerous incarnations

* Can we please get permanent aoe harvesting (reaping) picks and logging axes, I am not buying 3 sickles just for the glyph! (And fixed to work in others Home Instances would mean I'd buy them on 2 accounts rather than one :))


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I was wondering by creating a legendary weapon, it should unlock a dye collection for the legendary weapon color's scheme. I mean most of us are fashion wars... It would be neat to have a nice short collection to unlock colors from legendary weapons to our dye section so we can match our outfits to our weapons.

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More choices at the guild commendation trader: Dungeon tokens ticket, mystic clover, self hair kit, amalgamated stones, currencies?

Also, please, consider adding an empty Inquest Lab, for RP purposes.


Very important QOL: Please add Consoles to access the following locations:

-Moto Lab in Rata sum, the one from SAB back to school. (Tark Hall, rata sum)

-Rakt hidden lab in gandarran field (Cornucopian Fields)

-Arcane Eye hidden Lab in kessex hills (Wizard Fief)


Pictures of entrance locations: (Minimap showing location and rectangles indicating them)



Pictures at same location indicating the assets that have to be removed / bypassed: (Rata Sum one also need the inside console to be interactable for the konami code)



Please, ok you don't like RPers, but at least, make our life easier. I'm just asking to add asuran consoles to access those three places. :'(

I KNOW it's possible, crucible of eternity have consoles to bypass doors once a path is finished.

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