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Nerf reaper


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> @"ventusthunder.5067" said:

> > @"Lexan.5930" said:

> > > @"Coolguy.8702" said:

> > > Its too strong in pvp rn, in a game mode where you have to stand on a point they dominate you hard.

> > > There autos in shroud hit at least 9k per hit and reaper 4 skill can go to 30k aoe. Their chill is also way too op

> > >

> > >

> > > Id suggest a 30% nerf to all shroud abilities or increase reaper shroud cd to 20 sec like celestial avatar

> >

> > nerf warrior rampage, mesmer shatter, thief 3 round burst, **rev staff 5** first before you complain about how "bursty" reaper is in pvp.

> >

> > or you know "just dodge"


> They already did that. Twice. You can eat a whole Surge of the Mists and still not do as much damage as a reaper autoattack.


> I don't think reaper is broken but you could literally pick any other skill to target and it'd make more sense lol




But reaper doesnt have evade frames AND CC on any skill. Like literally no skills do both, and we have no evade frames on anything. Not to mention rev has unrelenting assault which is another attack that you can use without any fear of anyone knocking out of or interupting you just run away or block or dodge

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> @"Coolguy.8702" said:

> > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > > @"Coolguy.8702" said:

> > > Just about all of reapers skills are aoe and unblockable

> >

> > Annnnd credibility hit 0.


> Care to prove it??

> And yes all of reaper and necro skills are aoe. Thats why they’ve been meta in WvW since launch. Wells are unblokable and if they use “Nothing can save you” then yes all of their skills are unblockable as well



Arent all melee weapons multitarget? Nothing can save you is an interesting skill because it only lasts for 5 seconds. Run away and come back when its over.

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> @"Coolguy.8702" said:

> > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > > @"Coolguy.8702" said:

> > > Just about all of reapers skills are aoe and unblockable

> >

> > Annnnd credibility hit 0.


> Care to prove it??

> And yes all of reaper and necro skills are aoe. Thats why they’ve been meta in WvW since launch. Wells are unblokable and if they use “Nothing can save you” then yes all of their skills are unblockable as well



No Reaper worth their salt uses NCSY. I can name about 5 or 6 utilities I'd pick before it.

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> @"Peutrifectus.4830" said:

> This is why necros get targeted first, before they can generate life-force. Stomp. It's important to pull or KB them away from any guards


Not easy to do with their constant blind, chill and fear time. Nightfall and wells make doing that a death sentence a times

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> @"Coolguy.8702" said:

> > @"Peutrifectus.4830" said:

> > This is why necros get targeted first, before they can generate life-force. Stomp. It's important to pull or KB them away from any guards


> Not easy to do with their constant blind, chill and fear time. Nightfall and wells make doing that a death sentence a times


You have to do it quick with lots of cc like. Normally a coordinated effort.


In my team, I do the stealth pull whilst others gank with dps and followup cc then next target.

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> @"Coolguy.8702" said:

> Necro mains back at it defending their op spec lol. Reaper will get nerfed, just like scourge did


Yeah, and so it goes, history repeating itself.

Instead of getting good, people cry for anything they struggle on to be nerfed.


Seems like the final goal is to have a game where all our skills do actually nothing but play fancy animations.

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> @"Coolguy.8702" said:


> It still makes all their skills unblockable.

> Compare mirage aoe to reapers, lets see which one downs 3 targets faster. Exactly, reapers aoe is far more deadly than mirages.

> I dont care if people (necro mains basically lul) dont take me seriously, my point still stands


Power Shatter takes like 0.5 seconds to execute the entire burst. You can't even finish an Axe 2 with quickness on reaper in the time it takes for mirage to oneshot someone. And if someone is standing next to the mirages target, that unlucky one will most likely die aswell, given how all of it is AoE. Whats your point again?


Reaper is just fine.

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> @"Bazsi.2734" said:

> > @"Coolguy.8702" said:

> >>blablabla

> > It still makes all their skills unblockable.

> > Compare mirage aoe to reapers, lets see which one downs 3 targets faster. Exactly, reapers aoe is far more deadly than mirages.

> > I dont care if people (necro mains basically lul) dont take me seriously, my point still stands


> Power Shatter takes like 0.5 seconds to execute the entire burst. You can't even finish an Axe 2 with quickness on reaper in the time it takes for mirage to oneshot someone.


I would agree if you told me this before the last balance, but atm reaper has the same or more 1 shot capability of mesmers and revenants. The difference is the sustain fact between them. Necro is a piece of paper, without any escape and the others are like the fusion between Flash and Hulk in terms of speed (they have even super speed, leaps and blinks) and sustain (imortalitys, healing, blocks, boons, dodge spam, etc).


Reaper certainly got huge damage per second, but its still a paper.


But i agree with the damage nerf of reaper, as well as i defend the same nerf to Herald and why not mesmer also. No one should have burst, dps, sustain and mobility in the same build.


If somebody owns huge damage, nerf his mobility or sustain. If someone else own mobility/sustain, nerf his damage. Basic reasoning.

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This thread is becoming kind of crazy. Yeah, reapers have good burst, congratz... But the point should be: What are they realistically going to do with it? They're not going to be winning any 1v1's vs meta dueling specs w/o taking BB and some sustain... And if they do that, suddenly their burst potential doesn't seem so broken. But okay, so you build yourself a one shot build anyways, now you still lack the mobility to be an effective +1, so that leaves you with blowing people up in team fights... I guess that's fine, but I'd still rather the necro on my team was playing Scourge if he was going to be exclusively team fighting.


Also, @"breno.5423", I don't know how you can say Herald's burst is out of control considering you can completely shut down a Herald by putting Chill and Weakness on him, since he can only cleanse 1 every 10 seconds without completely neutering his dps (outside of leadership runes if he's using those.) Not to mention the fact that you can just boon strip/corrupt him into oblivion too. Or call target on him for a condi bomb. Or immob him so he has to waste all his energy on soft-cc breaks. Saying a class that has so many easy counters is OP is just ridiculous, it's not like we're talking about Mirages here...

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> @"Coolguy.8702" said:

> It still makes all their skills unblockable.

> Compare mirage aoe to reapers, lets see which one downs 3 targets faster. Exactly, reapers aoe is far more deadly than mirages.

> I dont care if people (necro mains basically lul) dont take me seriously, my point still stands


I don't understand why you're comparing mirages to reapers and expecting people to just consider the vehicle of their damage and not their class mechanics/traits across the board.


You're ignoring the fact that reaper is a walking damage magnet with no escapes, ports, evades or blinks unless they specifically take flesh wurm (And using it that way is wasteful to boot. why would you take flesh wurm unless you're trying to get back to a point fast?)

People call target on necro for a reason. if you let a necro get into full shroud without wiping it on first game clash you deserve the carnage.

NCSY has a cast and can be interrupted. If it goes off, all the opponent needs to do is kite you for four seconds, give 1 for every other person with a vuln stack on them from it, to invalidate the point of that shout. People hesitate to slot it for that reason. NCSY is for cleaving boon tanks/guardians that don't pay attention.


Reaper's fine. kite them or burn them.



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> @"Coolguy.8702" said:

> Its too strong in pvp right now, in a game mode where you have to stand on a point they dominate you hard.

> There autos in shroud hit at least 9k per hit and reaper 4 skill can go to 30k aoe. Their chill is also way too op



> Id suggest a 30% dps nerf to all shroud abilities or increase reaper shroud cd to 20 sec like celestial avatar


How about **STAND AWAY FROM THEM**!?

Seriously... I love people asking for nerfs when they should L2P.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> against classes reaper is favored to win, namely bunkers and supports, a zerk reap absolutely destroys them. I just did some 15k aa chains and my god lol its pretty ridiculous.


Yeah, but nobody should really be running bunker/support builds nowadays anyways lol. Besides maybe firebrands. And elementalists, but only because they have no other options. (Eles should really just play something else altogether, though.)

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> @"Kako.1930" said:

> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > against classes reaper is favored to win, namely bunkers and supports, a zerk reap absolutely destroys them. I just did some 15k aa chains and my god lol its pretty ridiculous.


> Yeah, but nobody should really be running bunker/support builds nowadays anyways lol. Besides maybe firebrands. And elementalists, but only because they have no other options. (Eles should really just play something else altogether, though.)


true, and it was against an ele. thing is you can get those numbers or close to against anyone without toughness.

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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:



> I don't understand why you're comparing mirages to reapers and expecting people to just consider the vehicle of their damage and not their class mechanics/traits across the board.


> You're ignoring the fact that reaper is a walking damage magnet with no escapes, ports, evades or blinks unless they specifically take flesh wurm (And using it that way is wasteful to boot. why would you take flesh wurm unless you're trying to get back to a point fast?)

> People call target on necro for a reason. if you let a necro get into full shroud without wiping it on first game clash you deserve the carnage.

> NCSY has a cast and can be interrupted. If it goes off, all the opponent needs to do is kite you for four seconds, give 1 for every other person with a vuln stack on them from it, to invalidate the point of that shout. People hesitate to slot it for that reason. NCSY is for cleaving boon tanks/guardians that don't pay attention.


> Reaper's fine. kite them or burn them.





Thats because some other people brought mirage into this.


Lol no, spectral walk, flesh worm and deaths charge are great mobility skills. They also have tons of access to chill to slow people down if shit gets rough


Yea you kill him the first fight (which isnt easy to do with nightfall and their wells )but what about the other ones?? They’ll more than likely have full lf and just ruin your game


Not really, chronomancer wells and shroud quickness fix the long cast time issues reaper has. Its still a very powerful skill


Its not fine, changes need to be made to it

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> @"Kako.1930" said:

> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > against classes reaper is favored to win, namely bunkers and supports, a zerk reap absolutely destroys them. I just did some 15k aa chains and my god lol its pretty ridiculous.


> Yeah, but nobody should really be running bunker/support builds nowadays anyways lol. Besides maybe firebrands. And elementalists, but only because they have no other options. (Eles should really just play something else altogether, though.)


I kept being told that when playing mine... "tempest has no place in the meta" "Oh great we have a D/D tempest".... Then I give those cry babies some Aura share love, maintain 16s-20s of static Aura to help lock down the enemy team, give our necro some magnetic auras to help deal with the pewpews, cleanse my allies conditions, steal the enemy boons and win the games, get to rank 76 on the boards, go to bed and wake up to losing 100 or so spots :scream:

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