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Favorite LS so far (spoilers)

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Eh, they all had their good and bad points.


LS1 was bolder about changing the world and making it feel current, but it's also completely inaccessible now.


LS2 fixed that and improved the storytelling, but it didn't have much in the way of new maps. It also required story completion to attempt achievements (boo) and gated story progress behind OW events that are somewhat difficult to solo, on maps that aren't played too much outside of dailies.


LS3 had nice rewards, and a decent variety of maps, but it also had Exposition Taimi and Emo Braham, and the story was a mess of too many threads without satisfying resolution of any.


LS4 has better storytelling so far, but with so many story instances chained back to back, it can get hard to tell when to break. The maps are punishing on potato computers, kourna is meh, and I'm getting sick of desert. I'm also a little skeptical that they can introduce and satisfyingly resolve a new narrative arc in three episodes.

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LS1, will always be LS1 due to the quality and all the great moments!! Sad that the content isn't accessible anymore. Apart some toxic buds and fractals.

The good days with massive events involving strategies and organization, all the map was affected not only 1% like now. Not to mentions the whole set of emotions: Fear, Tensions!!!! Liked scarlet and her minions. Clockwork chaos was one of my favorite moments with battle for lion's arch.

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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> LS1, will always be LS1 due to the quality and all the great moments!! Sad that the content isn't accessible anymore. Apart some toxic buds and fractals.


Quality? Were you there? Until the siege of Lions Arch, it was nonstop complaints about bad writing, no story development, and how Scarlet was a massive Mary Sue. Every single episode up till then was "Scarlet gathers two enemy factions into an alliance. They build a weapon. We destroy it. Scarlet escapes due to plot armor." Everyone HATED LS1 while it was happening.

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Yeah was there, plz don't assume everyone is YOU and integrate them within your sentence, was great for me, if for you not, then that's it, it's my opinion. Let's wait for the final poll result. About quality: We never saw that awesome events like this again: marionette, scarlet's knights, miasmas, tower of nightmare, aetherblade invasions...

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hmm sorry browser said can't access with this permalink, if you want to play let's play, when you ask players about their favorites organizations they will say "Scarlet's Army, so toxic alliance, molten alliance, clockwork minions and aetherblades, isn't that strange? https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/51012/result-of-the-poll-favorite-evil-organization#latest

EDIT: you based yourself of an reddit post.... seriously

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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> Yeah was there, plz don't assume everyone is YOU and integrate them within your sentence, was great for me, if for you not, then that's it, it's my opinion. Let's wait for the final poll result. About quality: We never saw that awesome events like this again: marionette, scarlet's knights, miasmas, tower of nightmare, aetherblade invasions...


It did have a lot of hate, however one of the key points was that it wasnt replayable.


- Marionette coul have been a great world boss.

- Tower of nightmare, molten facility and aether blades refuge could have been great dungeons.

- I wasnt there in the final part against Scarlet (however my guilds linked the end of her - we all hate her for the way she appeared and was charactericed at LS1), so im not sure if the LA battle could ammount a dungeon.

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Will agree with you Lucius this time with the two first key points, partially for the third, I know that Scarlet was shown in a special manner during LS1, but was okay with her, an enemy that really done a scar in the world, that can be feared. I love the look of the ancient LA, can play in the balance too. But the community will always stay divided in two about LS1, players who liked it, players who hated it, each will stay in their camps, keeping their positions.

Also I think that peoples that started playing since Season 3 can't really judge, they haven't seen the first and the second..

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> @"Rhyse.8179" said:

> Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's just the nostalgia effect. If it was still playable, it would be clear that the two good points (TM and LA) in no way compensated for the year+ of tedium, bad writing, retcons to existing plots, and that awful giggle.


To be fair, its true gw2 story telling has improved, but LS1 first grype was the realease shedule, because of this they reduced most of content explaining Scarlet and centered in giving the LS1 out screen lore by articles.

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Hmm, tricky. Ls3 had a lot of fun, replayable maps. Ls4 has the better story, but really let itself down with the Istan map (unacceptable visual noise in events) and the dreadful episode 3 which really hurt the game imo. LS2 was prob the best structured and whilst I don't have a favourite, it's prob the one that overall came out best.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> Hmm, tricky. Ls3 had a lot of fun, replayable maps. Ls4 has the better story, but really let itself down with the Istan map (unacceptable visual noise in events) and the dreadful episode 3 which really hurt the game imo. LS2 was prob the best structured and whilst I don't have a favourite, it's prob the one that overall came out best.



I don't understand what do ppl still hate about E3? Rewards are fine now.

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I never got to play season 1 because I was busy with med school and exams. :astonished:

Season 2 is still close to my heart because of the story and it has some of my favorite boss fights. <3

Season 3's random story is all over the place but it's amazing (and a must have) for free Ascended trinkets!

Season 4 is pretty decent (so far) and it gave us Palawadan but some of the boss fights are a mess (they just throw AoEs around like crazy). This is not fun, I miss the awesome boss mechanics from season 2. The Joko fight was enjoyable, though.

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I didn’t care for the boss fights in 2, but otherwise liked the story. I like some of the events in 1, but didn’t care for what happened to Kessex (and in 2). Some of the 3 zones were fun, but I feel it unfair to pick it over 4 as 4 isn’t over. There’s been a lot to do in 4. I like the big collections that send you out all over the world. I think the last 3 maps were great. Wait, what was the first map again? Are there only 3 in 4 so far? If so, I like them all. I still play the dailies in Bloodstone Fen with a character. Really liked the full set of gliding skills in that zone.

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Season 2!!!


This season made me interested in the lore of GW.


The Summit, Omadd's machine ominous vision, Glint's Egg and astonishingly well designed chapters with Caithe- knowing her past as her.


Also reunite of Destiny's Edge and introducing 'new' Canach.


This season opened so many new paths, plots and I just loved Season 2.


"The dragon is rising. And noone in Tyria is safe from its deadly reach."


"But we can break free from our destiny. It will require strength, strategy and insight."


This artistic and so deep teaser for HoT was so great!!!


And Wynne's backstory was soo dramatic- the keeper of the most sad Dream that wanted only to live her life with the outsprings of Ventari.


And this cruel Faolain on the background.


I think none of the story was that deep, that dramatic, that unexpected than Season 2.



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> @"Rhyse.8179" said:

> > @"hugo.4705" said:

> > LS1, will always be LS1 due to the quality and all the great moments!! Sad that the content isn't accessible anymore. Apart some toxic buds and fractals.


> Quality? Were you there? Until the siege of Lions Arch, it was nonstop complaints about bad writing, no story development, and how Scarlet was a massive Mary Sue. Every single episode up till then was "Scarlet gathers two enemy factions into an alliance. They build a weapon. We destroy it. Scarlet escapes due to plot armor." Everyone HATED LS1 while it was happening.


Everyone.. sorry.. please qualify that statement.. I certainly never hated it and still believe it to be the best content delivered. Sure there were bugs and such.. show me an episode or an expansion that hasn't/didn't in fact show me an MMO that hasn't/didn't.


So if I was to use your method of qualifying your statement.. I think lots and lots of players liked the content while it was happening and after it happened.. If I were to hazard a guess I would say it was a heck of a lot more popular than anything you have to say, because of course all you can say is whether you actually liked it or not, the same as I can say the opposite.. cos at the end of the day its all subjective.

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