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Which core/base profession do you want reworked/revamped?

Stand The Wall.6987

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I voted rev because thematicly its all over the place. I’m shooting out dark red and blacks but I’m also super shiny and pretty.


The core skills should change colors based on what legend you a channeling and should have some effects change with them as well on one skill.


As a pve player I care way more about theme than effectiveness. Lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ranger F2 in my opinion is in need of a serious rework. There are far too many useless, sub-par pets and the AI could be worked on. I think they should consolidate them into fewer more unique categories like the way expansion pets have been done, everything should be as useful as say Jacaranda or Smokescale are but in different ways (such as supportive heal/condi cleanse/buff pets, tanky pets, utility/cc pets, power/condi dps pets). We don't need like 5 different bears for example, the different types of existing bears could be used as different skins for the 1 hypothetical reworked bear pet.

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  • 3 weeks later...

> @"Lonami.2987" said:


> > @"Opopanax.1803" said:

> > The only reason engineer isn't winning this poll is because there aren't enough people left maining the class to care. It is really that bad.

> >

> > As much as necros kitten, at least people still play them.


> Engineer has pretty much the same problems as elementalist, having way too many skills, no weapon swap, and no unique outstanding mechanic. My take on it:


> First of all, enable weapon swap, and unlock main-hand mace for the core profession. Then remove the tool belt, and replace it by two slots, F1 and F2, where you will equip the kits now. Device and weapon kits are no longer slot skills, and they are replaced by two new slot skill families: Grenades (similar to the kit, using the ammo system) and Mines (traps with optional remote activation).


> Kits would be redesigned, the final result being these five: Flamethrower, Elixir Gun, Machine gun (heavy ranged firepower), Energy Cannon (Aetherblade-style, heavy area damage), and Repair Kit (wrench and welder for turret support). All of them would be stronger than current kits, but have some disadvantages, like movement restrictions or vulnerabilities.



Problem with this is forgetting about medkit for those of us that like playing healers since the auto attack is where most of the healing comes from and the rest is like 20-30 second cooldowns other than the bandage cone which is hard to aim right, that mortar kit actually has a heal skill, and such. How would those factor in? What kind of abilities would the repair kit have or would it just be toolkit in a new slot? And in your links, why have medkit skills take up a utility slot? Wouldn't that make those of us who try to play support engie with heals basically worthless because we'll rely on very long cooldowns while also taking up slots we need for other things in our utility? And with your scrapper rework, guess the healing and bulwark and stuff are gone?

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> @"Lonami.2987" said:


> Engineer has pretty much the same problems as elementalist, having way too many skills, no weapon swap, and no unique outstanding mechanic.


Not true. Elementalist has access to far more utility skills through attunements than engineer has through kits. Plus elementalist does it all without using a utility slot.


Lots of the engineer kits are variations of each other (looking at grenade, bomb, and mortar kit). You can see the same copy paste blindness skill in 4 different kits.


> @"Icefyer.9208" said:

> Problem with this is forgetting about medkit for those of us that like playing healers since the auto attack is where most of the healing comes from and the rest is like 20-30 second cooldowns other than the bandage cone which is hard to aim right, that mortar kit actually has a heal skill, and such.


Simple fix. Just add medkit and mortar kit to the kit slots. Medkit is only considered a healing skill because of bandage self and mortar kit is not really an elite skill due to the lack of cd.


My suggestion, remove the f1 and f5 skills and replace them with kit slots. Shift the toolbelt skills around so your f bar looks like 3 utility toolbelts in f1-f3 and 2 kits in f4 and f5. Kits would get a rework/buff to make up for the 2 kit limit.


Another issue that engineer has that no other class deals with is having less utility families. All other classes (other than revenant because of their mechanic) have 5 utility families with 4 skills each. This fits with the 5 core specializations, where each specialization governs a different family. Engineer has 4 families with 5 skills each. And considering kit traits are spread over all specializations which is more reminiscent of a profession mechanic and not a utility set. That leaves 2 specializations without a utility family to govern, explosions and firearms, which are arguably the least favorable specializations of the class.


To fit the formula that all other classes adhere to, engineer should be reworked. Kits should be moved to a profession mechanic slot. And lackluster utility skills should be removed to make room for two utility families. My picks for removal: elixir c, toss mine, and flame turret. Then add mines(traps) governed by explosions and ammunition(attack modifiers) governed by firearms. Kit, elite, and healing toolbelt skills can be removed, integrated, or merged with their respected kits/skills as necessary.

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I personally would say ele needs it pretty bad, they’re hit with a hybrid tax very hard to the point they can’t do shit unless they heavily spec into it, they’re an active defense reliant prof with very few active defenses cooked into their weapons.


Not to mention entire attunements are based on certain stats, and require those stats to be useful etc.


A very close second id say would be revenant who needs all their weapons to get the trident treatment, followed by necromancer.


Rangers can use a pet overhaul, but other than that they’re honestly in a great spot.

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I said elem, because it needs.

But there is also revenant : I don't get the point of revenant without Herald (even after nerfs) or Renegade !? Is there or was there a build somewhere without the elites spec ?

I think they should give revenant a F2 (a shadowstep, a third legend ... i don't know), and when you equip an elite spec you understand you lose the benefit of this F2 for an other. For now I don't see the benefit of revenant core.

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> @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:

> I said elem, because it needs.

> But there is also revenant : I don't get the point of revenant without Herald (even after nerfs) or Renegade !? Is there or was there a build somewhere without the elites spec ?


Wanna speak about necro? xD

Core is almost unplayable in any gamemode (guess there are some super cheesy wvw roaming builds)

Core just gets beat by both especs.

But if you think about the other classes, it's exactly the same.



> I think they should give revenant a F2 (a shadowstep, a third legend ... i don't know), and when you equip an elite spec you understand you lose the benefit of this F2 for an other. For now I don't see the benefit of revenant core.



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I wish the Necromancer's orginal shroud is a full range spec instead of this weird mess that it is now.

1. Life Blast - make it more like mesmer/guardian scepter 1. More fluid instead of this weird haduken thing. Adjust traits related to it to balance.

2. Dark Path - change this whole skill. Teleport away instead and leave a lesser Chillblains.


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If I had to choose? Necromancer as they need the most love. Yeah, Revenant needs some work but Necromancer players have been waiting longer. However, I don't like the idea of reworking a profession. After six long years, people have come to love the professions as they are now, even if some of them are flawed. I'll agree that part of Necromancer's problem is the Shroud mechanic but I would never agree to take that away from anyone. Yet most reworks make the professions unrecognizable and might as well be brand new profession. I also find that people call for a rework not because something is not working properly but because it doesn't work the way you like it or think it should. Which really isn't an issue that should justify a rework. Thus, I feel it is best to fine tune a profession. Take everything learned after six years of play and just make them better. Tweak the weak parts and make lackluster stuff more tantalizing.

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> @"Tehologist.5841" said:

> Kits should not be forced upon us, should have weapon swap and more than 3 weapons. Kits are not a mechanic, they are only an optional utility skill, the mechanic is toolbelt and weapons don’t impact it. I don’t buy the excuse of not having weapon swap because of optional utilities.


You don't have to buy it but that is the reason Engineer doesn't have weapon swap. It is already possible for Engineer to run with more weapon skills at a time than any other profession, save Elementalist. If Kits weren't so lackluster this really wouldn't be an issue.


> @"Durzlla.6295" said:

> A very close second id say would be revenant who needs all their weapons to get the trident treatment, followed by necromancer.



The trident thing is just a bad idea that shouldn't be extended to the rest of Revenant.


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> @"Rufo.3716" said:

> I say thief just because they are stupid with the perma stealth and run away and hide kitten. Nobody can possibly even try to catch them if they want to get away. The class is so beyond stupid right now that it would need a total rework.


Amazing how in a thread looking for positive reworks, there's still thief QQ.

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Core ranger is super crap. The pet is horrible, everything about it is horrible. Pet AI is bad, pet abilities are slow and the vast majority of abilities ineffectual.

Traps are really weak and limited because of no range, shouts are super crap, spirits are super crap, signets are meh, and survival skills are more or less mandatory because they're the only condi cleanse.


Most of the weapons are quite good but literally 3/4s of core ranger is total crap.


I don't think any of the other classes are anywhere near as bad as core ranger.

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> @"scerevisiae.1972" said:

> Core ranger is super kitten. The pet is horrible, everything about it is horrible. Pet AI is bad, pet abilities are slow and the vast majority of abilities ineffectual.

> Traps are really weak and limited because of no range, shouts are super kitten, spirits are super kitten, signets are meh, and survival skills are more or less mandatory because they're the only condi cleanse.


> Most of the weapons are quite good but literally 3/4s of core ranger is total kitten.


> I don't think any of the other classes are anywhere near as bad as core ranger.


Necromancer. Core Engineer/Scrapper. Revenant. The idea that Ranger is the worst profession in the game is just amusing. Necromancer has been at the bottom for 6 years. It always amuses me that folks actually fight to be perceived as the worst profession in the game, as if that actually mattered for anything.

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> @"scerevisiae.1972" said:

> Core ranger is super kitten. The pet is horrible, everything about it is horrible. Pet AI is bad, pet abilities are slow and the vast majority of abilities ineffectual.

> Traps are really weak and limited because of no range, shouts are super kitten, spirits are super kitten, signets are meh, and survival skills are more or less mandatory because they're the only condi cleanse.


> Most of the weapons are quite good but literally 3/4s of core ranger is total kitten.


> I don't think any of the other classes are anywhere near as bad as core ranger.


The only thing bad with ranger atm is that our old pets (pre xpac) kinda suck because they haven’t aged well and their abilities haven’t been updated to the new standard of pet. The only utilities we have that are lackluster are traps, and even then they’re brought for damage on a regular basis.


Don’t get me wrong, ranger is not without flaws, no class is, but it is very far from being the worst prof, ESPECIALLY the core prof.


Ranger is one of the like, 3 professions who actually can use their core build (no espec) and be perfectly viable and useful. Necro on the other hand.... let’s just forget about core necro...

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> @"Dace.8173" said:

> > @"Tehologist.5841" said:

> > Kits should not be forced upon us, should have weapon swap and more than 3 weapons. Kits are not a mechanic, they are only an optional utility skill, the mechanic is toolbelt and weapons don’t impact it. I don’t buy the excuse of not having weapon swap because of optional utilities.


> You don't have to buy it but that is the reason Engineer doesn't have weapon swap. It is already possible for Engineer to run with more weapon skills at a time than any other profession, save Elementalist. If Kits weren't so lackluster this really wouldn't be an issue.


> > @"Durzlla.6295" said:

> > A very close second id say would be revenant who needs all their weapons to get the trident treatment, followed by necromancer.

> >


> The trident thing is just a bad idea that shouldn't be extended to the rest of Revenant.




Why’s the trident thing a bad idea? Revenants literally begged for that functionality on all their weapons back in HoT.

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> @"Durzlla.6295" said:

> > @"Dace.8173" said:

> > > @"Tehologist.5841" said:

> > > Kits should not be forced upon us, should have weapon swap and more than 3 weapons. Kits are not a mechanic, they are only an optional utility skill, the mechanic is toolbelt and weapons don’t impact it. I don’t buy the excuse of not having weapon swap because of optional utilities.

> >

> > You don't have to buy it but that is the reason Engineer doesn't have weapon swap. It is already possible for Engineer to run with more weapon skills at a time than any other profession, save Elementalist. If Kits weren't so lackluster this really wouldn't be an issue.

> >

> > > @"Durzlla.6295" said:

> > > A very close second id say would be revenant who needs all their weapons to get the trident treatment, followed by necromancer.

> > >

> >

> > The trident thing is just a bad idea that shouldn't be extended to the rest of Revenant.

> >



> Why’s the trident thing a bad idea? Revenants literally begged for that functionality on all their weapons back in HoT.


Well, it doesn't actually fix a problem and I prefer fixing problems as opposed to just giving the illusion that you are addressing a problem. Perhaps people begged for it back in HoT but now that we have seen it in action we know that it doesn't benefit us. It is either lackluster and useless (Shiro and Jalis) or slanted and makes it clear that only specific Legends are worth running (Glint and Mallyx). It doesn't really add support elements to Revenant play (but would be taken into consideration when developing additional mechanics) and Revenant would be better off addressing issues between traits and abilities than trying to just tack on a bunch of conditions.


It would also further pigeonhole the Legends into specific functions making them less flexible. For example, Mallyx gets torment which is fine if you are running a condition dps build. However, if you are using Mallyx for its ability to manipulate conditions and boons then adding torment doesn't make your build stronger. So you either run Mallyx as a condition dps build in order to gain the benefit from the bonus or you don't and you suffer from the current problems that Revenant suffers from. End result, less build diversity. Thus, it doesn't actually help solve problems that Revenant has.


For some bizarre reason, people seem to think that the fix for Revenant is to just tack on conditions but that doesn't actually address the problems the profession has. That might fix a handful of builds but it leaves anything not directly related to those additional conditions languishing, therefore, reducing the number of viable builds.

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> @"scerevisiae.1972" said:

> Core ranger is super kitten. The pet is horrible, everything about it is horrible. Pet AI is bad, pet abilities are slow and the vast majority of abilities ineffectual.

> Traps are really weak and limited because of no range, shouts are super kitten, spirits are super kitten, signets are meh, and survival skills are more or less mandatory because they're the only condi cleanse.


> Most of the weapons are quite good but literally 3/4s of core ranger is total kitten.


> I don't think any of the other classes are anywhere near as bad as core ranger.


Ever tried core necro? xD

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