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Roll back duo q in high ranked again


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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > > @"Elementalist Owner.7802" said:

> > > > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > > > > @"Elementalist Owner.7802" said:

> > > > > Agree. There is enough ELO hell due to the lack of population, now we have to deal with tryhard duo queue players coordinating with mirage portal?

> > > > >

> > > > > Just another reason to stay away from this game... I'm sure the numbers will speak for themselves.

> > > >

> > > > WTH man(are you?)...the whole point is to coordinate with each other

> > > > you should look for a single player game

> > >

> > > I'm happy to (and I do) coordinate with the other 4 players on my team. Having one of them in voice coms with me, however, is an unfair advantage over solo queue players. Don't misrepresent the argument.

> >

> > Its not an unfair advantage because nothing stops them from doing exactly the same and its freaking nuts to claim that it is.

> > The game should insentivise people to form pre-maids and communicate with each other instead of relying completely on the auto-grouper and playing with people who might as well be bots.

> > (the game is clearly built around communication and cooperation -_-)


> errr no its really not: when 90% of the game can be done solo without talking at all, id say its built around the solo experience.


> However as someone who doesnt pvp often and doesnt do ranked because im just not that competitive: knowing that i could go up against people who are talking to each other via voice doesnt make me want to find someone to do the same with it makes me not want to do it all because it is an unfair advantage over the massive amounts of players who wont, or better physically *CANT* get in voice comms with other people.


So just because you're lazy or unwilling to put in a LITTLE bit of extra effort, you want the devs to force everyone to play solo?


That is very, very selfish behavior.

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> @"Nova.3817" said:

> if anything ranked should require you to form a team and unranked be a solo que haven


Its just the oposite, in ranked you "gain" a **personal rank ** not a team rank until this is this way ranked have to be the solo site. Playing duo , trio, quad or team you hide your **personal rank** into a figured team rank.

The game need some more team formats, true, but this is not the actual ranked

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I'd just rather take separate solo ranked and duo/team ranked queues, along with the (very slightly, I'm guessing) longer queue times I'll face as an exclusively solo queuer. Like I said in an earlier post, both this season and last season, most of my matches below and up to 1600 have been mostly made of fellow solo queue folks. I don't think I'll really suffer from being forced to select a solo queue for ranked, and it would still allow all of you who want to team up to do so.


Now for the people who want duo queue, but don't like the idea of separate solo/duo queues for ranked because of longer queue times, I say tough shit. All that talk about "duurr don't impose your solo-only mindset on us duoQ people" applies equally to you.

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> @"megilandil.7506" said:

> > @"Nova.3817" said:

> > if anything ranked should require you to form a team and unranked be a solo que haven


> Its just the oposite, in ranked you "gain" a **personal rank ** not a team rank until this is this way ranked have to be the solo site. Playing duo , trio, quad or team you hide your **personal rank** into a figured team rank.

> The game need some more team formats, true, but this is not the actual ranked


i understand how its a personal rank system..... but to me in a team game (5v5) should be team rated.... a personal leaderboard its all well and good but you got to remember its inside a team format at least in my mind choosing to play solo is choosing to play handicap if you want to look at it that way...to me the leaderboard should only show teams as it was when it was originally introduced

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> @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > @"Megametzler.5729" said:

> > > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > > In a multiplayer game people are looking for a solo experience, have you lost your mind?

> >

> > Are you talking about the NPC bossfights in Queen's Jubilee? Because that's the only real solo experience I know in GW2.

> >

> > That argument is just stupid and not well thought through. As that argument "i wanna play with friends" is.

> >

> > With duoQ, the leaderboard does not represent individual skill anymore, so they removed the individual titles. Fine. Kind of. Still, I hope they have some different system coming up. Yes, I am being naive.

> >


> The only stupid thing here is looking to play a multyplayer game alone.


The point you are missing is ranked is for evaluating players on an individual basis. Duo que messes with that rating. It is a lot harder to read the map and figure out who the weak players are by yourself than it is when you are on comms.


There is AT for competitive team play, unranked and Eotm for casual PvP, and WvW for more organized large scale combat.

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So first of all i assume, that most players here aren't actually affected by the duo-q change for rating >1600, below that duo q was always possible. And if anything changed, i'd say from what i saw that match quality has increased slightly on higher ranks this season because more people are queing again. In the past many arguments pro and contra duo q have been made and i see why it got removed. But in practice we have to acknowledge that the removal of duo q only lead to frustrated players on the higher skill level and thus caused even more decline in population. So far i am glad that duo q for r >1600 is back.

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> @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> Punishing good people for being good sounds like a great idea .. if your goal is to further kill the population.


can you read or what?

the problem is not good players - he's not complaining about getting stomped. he's complaing about getting stomped by 2 coord people when you dont have one on your team as well. please, learn to read next time

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> @"Nova.3817" said:

> if anything ranked should require you to form a team and unranked be a solo que haven


But then the toxic people that want leaderboard would have to join groups and learn to deal with other people instead of just raging, blaming their team, quitting and hoping they never see their teammates again.

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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > @"Nova.3817" said:

> > if anything ranked should require you to form a team and unranked be a solo que haven


> But then the toxic people that want leaderboard would have to join groups and learn to deal with other people instead of just raging, blaming their team, quitting and hoping they never see their teammates again.


You don't actually think the duos rethink their own actions if they lose a game, do you? :wink:

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> @"Meridian.9103" said:

> So first of all i assume, that most players here aren't actually affected by the duo-q change for rating >1600, below that duo q was always possible. And if anything changed, i'd say from what i saw that match quality has increased slightly on higher ranks this season because more people are queing again. In the past many arguments pro and contra duo q have been made and i see why it got removed. But in practice we have to acknowledge that the removal of duo q only lead to frustrated players on the higher skill level and thus caused even more decline in population. So far i am glad that duo q for r >1600 is back.


The way the matchmaker works, if the highly rated duos are in queue long enough they will have padding added to their rating. That lowers their rating used for matchmaking. It is not uncommon for them to end up playing gold level opponents. queuing in off hours increases their chances for unbalanced matches. So anyone gold 2 and up is affected by this.

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> @"Megametzler.5729" said:

> > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > > @"Nova.3817" said:

> > > if anything ranked should require you to form a team and unranked be a solo que haven

> >

> > But then the toxic people that want leaderboard would have to join groups and learn to deal with other people instead of just raging, blaming their team, quitting and hoping they never see their teammates again.


> You don't actually think the duos rethink their own actions if they lose a game, do you? :wink:



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I remember people making posts about this back when anet first introduced duo q, begging for anet to remove it. After it was removed people begged and begged for duo q back and now that it's back, were begging for it to be removed again? Why? Why remove team queuing in the first place in a mode that encourages team play?

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> @"Jalal.6783" said:

> High ranking plat games are way too steamrolly when there is a duo q on the enemy team. They usually play 2 cc heavy, high damage burst, and mobility classes such as holo thief and absolutely wreck everything and are everywhere at once. It was a good try arenanet but now the quality of games is absolutely down the gutter when there is a duo q. The rare times the games aren't lost from the first mid fight, it is still the duo q is smashing and one shotting people all game so regardless of the win, it's not fun and no one enjoys being on the receiving end of that just so 2 players can enjoy the game and ruin it for the other 5. Ruins the solo q experience.


Then duo q with the same comp, that's why they brought it back.

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> "Duo que is only hated by a very vocal minority. Those who enjoy duo que aren't on the forums, they are busy enjoying the game."


> Ecks dee


Someone surely hasn't been paying attention.

Those who play duo queue have played the minimum number of games to occupy top position.

Queue times are worse than at this stage last season.

Majority (over 50% in most polls run by duo queue lovers) of the playerbase was opposed to the idea of duo queue.


Who are you trying to fool, other than yourself?

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> @"BadMed.3846" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > "Duo que is only hated by a very vocal minority. Those who enjoy duo que aren't on the forums, they are busy enjoying the game."

> >

> > Ecks dee


> Someone surely hasn't been paying attention.

> Those who play duo queue have played the minimum number of games to occupy top position.

> Queue times are worse than at this stage last season.

> Majority (over 50% in most polls run by duo queue lovers) of the playerbase was opposed to the idea of duo queue.


> Who are you trying to fool, other than yourself?


![](https://i.imgur.com/K57aMA3.jpg?1 "")


"MiNImUm nUmBeR oF GaMEs"

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > @"BadMed.3846" said:

> > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > "Duo que is only hated by a very vocal minority. Those who enjoy duo que aren't on the forums, they are busy enjoying the game."

> > >

> > > Ecks dee

> >

> > Someone surely hasn't been paying attention.

> > Those who play duo queue have played the minimum number of games to occupy top position.

> > Queue times are worse than at this stage last season.

> > Majority (over 50% in most polls run by duo queue lovers) of the playerbase was opposed to the idea of duo queue.

> >

> > Who are you trying to fool, other than yourself?


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/K57aMA3.jpg?1 "")


> "MiNImUm nUmBeR oF GaMEs"


damn, number 8 looking hella sexy

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> @"Zawn.9647" said:

> > @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> > Punishing good people for being good sounds like a great idea .. if your goal is to further kill the population.


> can you read or what?

> the problem is not good players - he's not complaining about getting stomped. he's complaing about getting stomped by 2 coord people when you dont have one on your team as well. please, learn to read next time


"Roll back duoQ for high rating"

Can you read or what?

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > @"BadMed.3846" said:

> > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > "Duo que is only hated by a very vocal minority. Those who enjoy duo que aren't on the forums, they are busy enjoying the game."

> > >

> > > Ecks dee

> >

> > Someone surely hasn't been paying attention.

> > Those who play duo queue have played the minimum number of games to occupy top position.

> > Queue times are worse than at this stage last season.

> > Majority (over 50% in most polls run by duo queue lovers) of the playerbase was opposed to the idea of duo queue.

> >

> > Who are you trying to fool, other than yourself?


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/K57aMA3.jpg?1 "")


> "MiNImUm nUmBeR oF GaMEs"


While the games have increased over the last few days, it's still low numbers if you think about how many days have gone by. Number 1 still sits with 30 games only.


My point is, top 10 or even 30 are such a small number in this game when you think about number of games played. You guys are insignificant when it comes to impact on matchmaking. Duo queue mess is back and ruining the fun as always. Queue times are worse. The change has give people opportunity to play with friends and that's fair enough. But the arguments presented for duo queue and benefits to queue times were utter garbage.

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