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why is there no personal housing in GW2 yet

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> @"Ephemiel.5694" said:

> People are so single-minded in this thread saying that player housing is needed that they actually dare say that a mayority of players would want that instead of fixes to PvP and more actual content.


> Stop using YOUR opinions as if it counted for everyone else.


I don't see how housing will be in conflict with the people that choose not to use it? There will be people that like it and there will be people that don't like it. But how having a housing system will interfere with your gameplay? Is your concern that the development of the core game mechanics will stop because it will concentrate on clever monetization methods like housing?

This is ridiculous and I will explain why: By implementing more monetization mechanics (like housing) in the game, ANet will increase their revenue and with their revenue, they can and will increase their dev resources which will lead to more frequent core game mechanic updates, expansions and overall will make the game better. This will only improve your gaming experience. And you can choose for yourself if you want to use the housing or not

Let me know if you don't understand something.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> I know you said you want it to be like FFXIV or Runescape but having never played either of those that doesn't mean anything to me.


FF14 uses the DAoC-established approach which seems the most common: Players buy plots, depending on money different houses go onto it (size matters :tongue: ) and then they can decorate it + add QoL items like wardrobes or chests to them.


These houses exist in "suburbs", instanced areas of multiple plots, so you can visit the neighbors and all. Take a look at their house, if they invite you in. Have a get-together. Throw a party.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"MokahTGS.7850" said:

> > What I don't understand is why people get upset when the issue is brought up.

> Because many of us would prefer ANet spend their resources elsewhere. That is probably the biggest reason.



That's a really poor reason because it's complete selfishness at work there. Besides, there are always parts in games that people don't like that are necessary to attract enough players so one would hope there to be the understanding that a game like this thrives only when there is a variety of content that attracts enough different player groups to make and keep the game viable.


I find the anger against people's wishes here rather distasteful therefore. You're not in this game alone and so perhaps you should be happy that other people also get some of the things they want. I don't care for WvW, sPvP, raids and fractals much, but I do understand that some resources have to go there because without those players this game might not survive and if I want to play this game or at least the parts I enjoy of it, then I cannot escape the fact that I need those players too.


So, what is wrong with people wanting something else also? Why would it be bad? The answer is simply because it's not what you want and you don't care about the consequences.


And well, this extremely vague reference of yours, namely "many of us", might in fact be a minority. So personally I'll leave it to ArenaNet to decide whether or not housing is going to be thing in this game. However, if they do, I know I'll be happy to make use of it.


If that upsets people, then that's just petty.

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> @"MokahTGS.7850" said:

> What I don't understand is why people get upset when the issue is brought up.


Because it's totally useless and a waste of time and energy. What do you need a personal house for? It's pointless and irritating. It's nothing more than a "novelty" or a "toy" at best.



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> @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> > @"Ephemiel.5694" said:

> > People are so single-minded in this thread saying that player housing is needed that they actually dare say that a mayority of players would want that instead of fixes to PvP and more actual content.

> >

> > Stop using YOUR opinions as if it counted for everyone else.


> I don't see how housing will be in conflict with the people that choose not to use it? There will be people that like it and there will be people that don't like it. But how having a housing system will interfere with your gameplay? Is your concern that the development of the core game mechanics will stop because it will concentrate on clever monetization methods like housing?

> This is ridiculous and I will explain why: By implementing more monetization mechanics (like housing) in the game, ANet will increase their revenue and with their revenue, they can and will increase their dev resources which will lead to more frequent core game mechanic updates, expansions and overall will make the game better. This will only improve your gaming experience. And you can choose for yourself if you want to use the housing or not

> Let me know if you don't understand something.


Well I want housing but I can see the conflict clearly, they will think the resources would have been better spent on something they can enjoy instead of housing you and I enjoy.

Yea more revenue will give the nsoft share holders more money sure it wont increase the devs guildwars 2 can employ by alot sadly.

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> @"Clyan.1593" said:

> > @"MokahTGS.7850" said:

> > What I don't understand is why people get upset when the issue is brought up.


> Because it's totally useless and a waste of time and energy. What do you need a personal house for? It's pointless and irritating. It's nothing more than a "novelty" or a "toy" at best.


Aside from the fact that video games in general are nothing more than passtimes, it's still no reason to get upset. Other people like it and it's a different way to pass time. So what?


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> @"bara yaoi.3824" said:

> seriously anet u would make a lot of revenue off of this and then ncsoft would be less disappointed by the annual earnings


> im not talking about the home instance players already have thats a horrible form of housing


> i mean fully customizable housing where you can personally decorate your house and do things in it like in FFXIV or Runescape


> lots of players want their own houses and spaces to call their own and housing and decorating would be a good side activity when not farming istan or silverwastes or doing raids and fractals


> please anet add player housing in one of the next living world episodes or in the next expansion we need it and u would make a lot of money!!



You need to be more specific about how other games like "FFXIV" or "Runescape" allow you to decorate homes. Not everyone has played those games. I'd like to get a sense of how other games introduced housing to have a better understanding of how GW2 could do it. But only having played "World of Warcraft" during Cata which didn't have any housing. "Skyrim" - that allowed you to have different homes in different towns with storage chests and other storage furniture, a place to craft things and even upgrades that decorated rooms in your home for you. "ArchAge" - which had **open world** housing and allowed you to select multiple blueprint designs (if you could afford them) to build and decorate and even grow plants on your 1/4 acre plot around your house. I don't think i played long enough or remember if storage in your house was a thing. But i do remember the ability to freely move around villages and look at peoples homes. It was very much like GW2 in the sense of Fashion Wars.


Fashion Home Wars (mmm, that needs work) It could be an end game thing and wouldn't have to be open world. It could be a mix of open world and instance. **The important thing would be the ability to freely view other peoples homes without being in a party.** To display your decorated home is like displaying your armor and your dye choices to the world. It's another aspect that this game really excels at.


How would you do this? **Instanced Housing Villages** is one idea. (Just brainstorming here more ideas welcome)

I know little about coding but from what i've seen ingame it seems plausible.

* WvW maps exist so we could have instances with hundreds or thousands of people. :D (sarcastic grin)

* WvW allows placement of siege equipment sorta like decorations? (It's different i know, but i don't know if there are "object placement limits" with siege or not and this concept is something to be worked out by the devs)

* Fractals drop down menu before entering has a numbered list to choose which instance we want to enter. Something similar could be used for which village instance do we want to visit today. Allowing a person to freely explore that village without being in a party.

* Each home plot could be its own defined area, meaning a mini guild hall zone within the instance.


I'm sure new things would have to be created to some extent but having the ability to see others and showcase your house to the masses is part of the fun of decorating your home just like decorating your wardrobe. As someone who has decorated a solo guildhall like their personal house i can tell you it's kinda fun at first but then you realize there is no one to show off your wonderful decorating skills to and it becomes pointless real fast.


Guild hall decorating was a fun idea, but the implementation of it being super expensive turned off a lot of people quick. With the addition of portal scrolls and the death of the guild team Guild Halls are pretty much ghost towns now with the exception of quickly harvesting nodes and grabbing guild buffs. For Decorators like myself we can spend hours, **HOURS** in the hall just decorating. I'd hope personal housing would share the ability like with guild halls to not only decorate the inside but also anywhere in the home plot zone. Having our own personal housing that like the OP said many, many want would bring new life and a new revenue stream for anet to the game.

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> @"Okami Amaterasu.9237" said:

> Seeing as Anet have already developed a new place for us called Sun's Refuge, what they're calling another personal character instance, and are soon introducing it when the next LWS4 episode drops, let's just wait and see what they've already made for us and if it's exciting and satisfying to use. By then we'll know if customization and housing is still a long-lost dream or reality yet. :)


Well i know it won't be since its called another "personal character instance" which sounds 1) like a story instance or 2) too similar to what we already have "Instanced personal home." It seemed to suggest upgrades not decorating. Like finish this upgrade and a whole area is decorated for you. No personal decisions.

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> @"GreyWolf.8670" said:

> Do people really want to sit in their ~~garrisons~~ personal housing all day instead of being out in the world and playing? I just never understood the point of it.


I wouldn't say they are sitting... but

Yes, Decorators spend **HOURS/DAYS** in their guild halls. Decoration guilds find many fun things to do with regards to massive treasure hunts, riddle scavenger hunts, beetle skate parks, mount races specifically designed for the features of each mount, glider obstacle courses improved with griffons! Theme months - where people design around a common theme say "Magical forest". If permissions given players can design nooks/homes for themselves.


Now imagine if you could become an expert in specific decoration crafting and you could sell these creations on the TP for others to buy and place in their homes. Hey its one idea to make this profession more profitable :D


> @"crepuscular.9047" said:


> i think most people dont really give a kitten about housing just base on home instance and guild hall usage


I believe a lot of people were hyped initially about Guild Hall decorating, but when it was poorly implemented and turned out to be a HUGE gold sink a lot of poor people ran away, this is true. And with the death of the guild team guild halls really turned into ghost towns. That's not to say people don't want personal housing, (they def do) they just don't want to have to be Bill Gates rich in order to have a house they can decorate.


> especially guild hall, it's player housing on a bigger scale, but look at how much time people spent their time in there? most people go in for daily node farm, guild buff, daily guild credit merchant and runs off; all those chairs, decorations, custom made JP / race race pretty much sits there gathering dust


With the poor implementation MOST people don't have permissions to be able to decorate. So most can't use this feature which is a HUGE part of the problem. If you don't have privs there isn't as much to do. You can't fully explore (easier now with mounts) the hall because you can't place anything to climb up higher, you can't decorate a nook for yourself like anet suggested which turned a lot of people off btw, decorating in general for peoples birthdays or holidays you can't do because your locked out and kind of adds resentment and ruins the guild experience all together. (sorta had the opposite effect of what was intended) Some guilds have worked this out, but its still a huge problem.


> Remember the name of the game is "Guild Wars", not "Barbie's Doll House"


Guild Wars for the last 5 years hasn't had much to do with guilds @ war with each other.

Guild Wars is much better known for its "Fashion Wars" which works well with a personal housing decoration concept.

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Agree with kelly, while players enjoy running like sheep behind a com' (WvW), killing themselves (PvP) or farming (PvE), I love to spend time in my guildhall, crafting decos, place them. That's my thing, no matter if for anyone it's a gold sink, It's my thing I love that. Would Really Really enjoy to spend my gold in something I like (decos) than useless ugly skins (legendaries). Apart that thing, having another option to spend gold in can be cool.

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I'm a bit late to the party, but housing is one of my favourite parts of any MMO, and one of the few major aspects I find lacking about GW2. The generalised 'race instance' and massive guild halls we get just aren't the same. Add decorations and personal housing into the game, and I absolutely guarantee there would be a healthy market for it.


And shame on those who say that decorators are casuals who just sit there, not playing the game. I'm a raider, and I love exploring and combat, but I like decorating too y'know? That's beside the fact that good house decorations in games are often expensive, so you have to go out and farm for the mats/gold at the least. (Another incentive for Anet to add it to the game, it'd be a big gold sink.)

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> @"Trise.2865" said:

> Why would anyone want to play lesser versions of existing games because they're added to another game? Wouldn't you rather just play those games instead and have a better experience?


C'mon now, that's just a stupid question lol. That's like asking, why don't you go play a horse simulator instead of wanting mounts in-game? Wouldn't you have a better experience?

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> @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> I'm not against a **none instance player housing**

> But ....playing Barbie's house now, will not bring more players in atm.

> Espacially to spend money on a pink couch.

> Just saying.


The amazing housing was literally the only reason i continued playing Wild Star past the first two days.

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> @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> > @"Ephemiel.5694" said:

> > People are so single-minded in this thread saying that player housing is needed that they actually dare say that a mayority of players would want that instead of fixes to PvP and more actual content.

> >

> > Stop using YOUR opinions as if it counted for everyone else.


> I don't see how housing will be in conflict with the people that choose not to use it? There will be people that like it and there will be people that don't like it. But how having a housing system will interfere with your gameplay? Is your concern that the development of the core game mechanics will stop because it will concentrate on clever monetization methods like housing?


any content

->ANY<- content will require modelling, designing, scripting, programming, planning, resource distribution, and whatever else you have in your cheesecake.

Therefore it is IMPOSSIBLE for this 'player housing' content to NOT come at a cost of other content.

Since it's not considered either primary or secondary game content, I can understand less than 5% of the playerbase being in favour of this.

The remaining populace also have to be ready to put in enough money into the gem store to warrant the value of this home instance.


> @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> This is ridiculous and I will explain why: By implementing more monetization mechanics (like housing) in the game, ANet will increase their revenue and with their revenue, they can and will increase their dev resources which will lead to more frequent core game mechanic updates, expansions and overall will make the game better. This will only improve your gaming experience. And you can choose for yourself if you want to use the housing or not


It's not just about monetization, because I know for a fact there will be a few people who will spend all their allowances on gem store shinies.

The problem is, will it be enough? we're not talking about a small patch, we're talking about a full-on content that will require 24/7 maintenance and additions. Are you gonna pay for that? I don't wanna. So unless they can make a profit of it, it won't help with future updates and expansions. it will, in fact, then only hurt the future updates and expansions



Primary content = Living world, expansions (aka, everything directly tied to story), open world maps, PvP maintenance and WvW.

Secondary content = active world exploration without it affecting the primary game, like raids, fractals, new PvP maps, meta events, etc.

Tertiary content = non-active content that do not directly affect the game play experience, like player housing, music instruments and toys.

I'm still in the boat whether festivals like halloween and wintersday are secondary or tertiary content.

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> @"Torzini.1523" said:

> > @"Trise.2865" said:

> > Why would anyone want to play lesser versions of existing games because they're added to another game? Wouldn't you rather just play those games instead and have a better experience?


> C'mon now, that's just a stupid question lol. That's like asking, why don't you go play a horse simulator instead of wanting mounts in-game? Wouldn't you have a better experience?


Its not a stupid question at all: If i want to build a house ill go play minecraft, or SM, or even FO4 because it will *always* allow for more customization than could be offered by GW2. Players wanted mounts more for the movement buffs than anything else. It wouldnt have mattered what kinda mount they gave, and the mounts we have in game move pretty realistically which is surprising.


On top of that: *if* the sanctuary is going to be their version of player housing people who want housing are going to be /super/ disappointed if its not fully customizable which i dont think it will.

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"Torzini.1523" said:

> > > @"Trise.2865" said:

> > > Why would anyone want to play lesser versions of existing games because they're added to another game? Wouldn't you rather just play those games instead and have a better experience?

> >

> > C'mon now, that's just a stupid question lol. That's like asking, why don't you go play a horse simulator instead of wanting mounts in-game? Wouldn't you have a better experience?


> Its not a stupid question at all: If i want to build a house ill go play minecraft, or SM, or even FO4 because it will *always* allow for more customization than could be offered by GW2. Players wanted mounts more for the movement buffs than anything else. It wouldnt have mattered what kinda mount they gave, and the mounts we have in game move pretty realistically which is surprising.


> On top of that: *if* the sanctuary is going to be their version of player housing people who want housing are going to be /super/ disappointed if its not fully customizable which i dont think it will.


My point was that you don't need to go overboard on customisation or options to make a good system that can be enjoyed in-game. We're not asking for Minecraft, and furthermore, that's not needed. We're asking for a MMO housing system.


Housing is a popular feature in many MMOs. It's not that revolutionary a concept. Yes, it would require time and resources to implement- so if it's not your cup of tea that's perfectly valid, different strokes for different folks. But some here are acting like it's the weirdest thing in the world that many people enjoy it. It _would_ be a thing that people would pay gold and real life money for.


(Someone mentioned Wildstar's housing system. I fully agree with that user, housing plots in that game are amazing.)

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> @"Torzini.1523" said:

> > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > > @"Torzini.1523" said:

> > > > @"Trise.2865" said:

> > > > Why would anyone want to play lesser versions of existing games because they're added to another game? Wouldn't you rather just play those games instead and have a better experience?

> > >

> > > C'mon now, that's just a stupid question lol. That's like asking, why don't you go play a horse simulator instead of wanting mounts in-game? Wouldn't you have a better experience?

> >

> > Its not a stupid question at all: If i want to build a house ill go play minecraft, or SM, or even FO4 because it will *always* allow for more customization than could be offered by GW2. Players wanted mounts more for the movement buffs than anything else. It wouldnt have mattered what kinda mount they gave, and the mounts we have in game move pretty realistically which is surprising.

> >

> > On top of that: *if* the sanctuary is going to be their version of player housing people who want housing are going to be /super/ disappointed if its not fully customizable which i dont think it will.


> My point was that you don't need to go overboard on customisation or options to make a good system that can be enjoyed in-game. We're not asking for Minecraft, and furthermore, that's not needed. We're asking for a MMO housing system.


> Housing is a popular feature in many MMOs. It's not that revolutionary a concept. Yes, it would require time and resources to implement- so if it's not your cup of tea that's perfectly valid, different strokes for different folks. But some here are acting like it's the weirdest thing in the world that many people enjoy it. It _would_ be a thing that people would pay gold and real life money for.


> (Someone mentioned Wildstar's housing system. I fully agree with that user, housing plots in that game are amazing.)


Oh 100% i agree some people will love it, My concern for the whole deal comes in A.) how its going to work. B.) Are we only going to be able to obtain things for it that add to it outside of the achievements and such *IN* the gemstore which would dissapoint me quite a bit, and finally, C.) The push back from people who dont believe that the sanctuary is good enough.

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"Torzini.1523" said:

> > > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > > > @"Torzini.1523" said:

> > > > > @"Trise.2865" said:

> > > > > Why would anyone want to play lesser versions of existing games because they're added to another game? Wouldn't you rather just play those games instead and have a better experience?

> > > >

> > > > C'mon now, that's just a stupid question lol. That's like asking, why don't you go play a horse simulator instead of wanting mounts in-game? Wouldn't you have a better experience?

> > >

> > > Its not a stupid question at all: If i want to build a house ill go play minecraft, or SM, or even FO4 because it will *always* allow for more customization than could be offered by GW2. Players wanted mounts more for the movement buffs than anything else. It wouldnt have mattered what kinda mount they gave, and the mounts we have in game move pretty realistically which is surprising.

> > >

> > > On top of that: *if* the sanctuary is going to be their version of player housing people who want housing are going to be /super/ disappointed if its not fully customizable which i dont think it will.

> >

> > My point was that you don't need to go overboard on customisation or options to make a good system that can be enjoyed in-game. We're not asking for Minecraft, and furthermore, that's not needed. We're asking for a MMO housing system.

> >

> > Housing is a popular feature in many MMOs. It's not that revolutionary a concept. Yes, it would require time and resources to implement- so if it's not your cup of tea that's perfectly valid, different strokes for different folks. But some here are acting like it's the weirdest thing in the world that many people enjoy it. It _would_ be a thing that people would pay gold and real life money for.

> >

> > (Someone mentioned Wildstar's housing system. I fully agree with that user, housing plots in that game are amazing.)


> Oh 100% i agree some people will love it, My concern for the whole deal comes in A.) how its going to work. B.) Are we only going to be able to obtain things for it that add to it outside of the achievements and such *IN* the gemstore which would dissapoint me quite a bit, and finally, C.) The push back from people who dont believe that the sanctuary is good enough.


Yeah, that's fair. As I said it's reasonable that people would be skeptical about implementing it because of the time and resources required. I would also hope that decorations would not be obtainable solely via gemstore (though some degree of that would be inevitable), but able to be collected and/or bought and sold on the TP.


As far as the sanctuary goes, I guess we'll have to see what it brings when it comes out. On the contrary to what some people have said, I don't think there would be _that_ much pushback if people don't get exactly the vision of housing they're after (though I may be overestimating the community, lol). Housing in MMOs of course deviates by game, but most of it follows the same basic model: a little instance that you can purchase, and put decorations in, invite people to, etc. I think it'd be pretty hard to mess up that blueprint. Lore-wise, the Black Lion Trading Company could open up resort islands like Southsun Cove (except with less monsters hopefully) with homes for purchase or something, idk.

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