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An Idea - Open Map PvP


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I've been thinking this for a while, but wouldn't it be nice to have an open world PvP or duel system?

There are so many locations in the open world, be it the cities or in the field that would make great areas for a player vs player duel. I would love to see an option brought in where you could right click on the players name in local area chat and challenge them to a duel, to which if agreed to would turn both players hostile to each other, but no one else.


Of late I've found that PvP has more or less died, with what used to be 60 odd rooms which you could join, reduced down to 2 or 3. I feel that open world duels might be the next step in the evolution of GW2's PvP.

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I wouldn't mind duel since it doesn't affect me, and I would have done small duel with my friends when they were still playing. Pretty much like costume brawl, but with our own skills.

The only way I would like PvP in open world is if it was made in specific arena location. Like for example, the arena in the center of Black Citadel. Or the Heretic Arena in Istan.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> No. Not interested at all. There are other MMOs for this type of thing. Please don't bring this to GW2


This is true. There are plenty of other games to do this in. A lot of people want GW2 to have no part in anything like this. It's a shame because GW2 has a fantastic combat system and there are literally thousands of interesting terrain and environments that would make this spectacular.

Getting hassled for 1v1s, being subjected to watching others getting hassled into it and just generally adding an obnoxious point of view to a very user friendly game wouldn't be right.

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Yeah a hard no from me.

First, PvP and WvW have differences in how some skills work than PvE. PvP doesn't even handle gear and stats the way PvE and WvW does.

Second, as was pointed out, if you really want to fight other players in a duel and with PvE skills and stats there is guild hall arenas, you don't have to be in a guild to go to someone's guild hall, just in a party with them.

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> @"Skullduggery.2517" said:

> I've been thinking this for a while, but wouldn't it be nice to have an open world PvP or duel system?

> There are so many locations in the open world, be it the cities or in the field that would make great areas for a player vs player duel. I would love to see an option brought in where you could right click on the players name in local area chat and challenge them to a duel, to which if agreed to would turn both players hostile to each other, but no one else.


> Of late I've found that PvP has more or less died, with what used to be 60 odd rooms which you could join, reduced down to 2 or 3. I feel that open world duels might be the next step in the evolution of GW2's PvP.


I would actually love a single pve map to do open world pvp..say, one map of auric basin. It would be interesting to say the least.


Or a new map. Sort of like silverwastes where each side is vying to do the pve events. Lock each side to two of the forts, and win by holding your forts and siezing the other teams, with mordrem trying to kill everyone.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> No. Not interested at all. There are other MMOs for this type of thing. Please don't bring this to GW2


Uhm how would that affect you at all? It would come with an autodecline feature anyways so I don’t get your issue. Just because you personally don’t want something you wouldn’t even be affected by shouldn’t mean others who would like this feature shouldn’t get it.

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> @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

> Yeah a hard no from me.

> First, PvP and WvW have differences in how some skills work than PvE. PvP doesn't even handle gear and stats the way PvE and WvW does.

> Second, as was pointed out, if you really want to fight other players in a duel and with PvE skills and stats there is guild hall arenas, you don't have to be in a guild to go to someone's guild hall, just in a party with them.


Man this wouldn’t be about competitiveness at all. It’s just for fun nobody would care for balance/gear and stuff. It’s just a little fun thing to do while waiting for metas etc. don’t get what people have against it especially if it would come with a autodecline feature? Which most likely would be the case.

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> @"Nash.3974" said:

> > @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

> > Yeah a hard no from me.

> > First, PvP and WvW have differences in how some skills work than PvE. PvP doesn't even handle gear and stats the way PvE and WvW does.

> > Second, as was pointed out, if you really want to fight other players in a duel and with PvE skills and stats there is guild hall arenas, you don't have to be in a guild to go to someone's guild hall, just in a party with them.


> Man this wouldn’t be about competitiveness at all. It’s just for fun nobody would care for balance/gear and stuff. It’s just a little fun thing to do while waiting for metas etc. don’t get what people have against it especially if it would come with a autodecline feature? Which most likely would be the case.


And again, guild hall would work just fine for this.

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> @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

> > @"Nash.3974" said:

> > > @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

> > > Yeah a hard no from me.

> > > First, PvP and WvW have differences in how some skills work than PvE. PvP doesn't even handle gear and stats the way PvE and WvW does.

> > > Second, as was pointed out, if you really want to fight other players in a duel and with PvE skills and stats there is guild hall arenas, you don't have to be in a guild to go to someone's guild hall, just in a party with them.

> >

> > Man this wouldn’t be about competitiveness at all. It’s just for fun nobody would care for balance/gear and stuff. It’s just a little fun thing to do while waiting for metas etc. don’t get what people have against it especially if it would come with a autodecline feature? Which most likely would be the case.


> And again, guild hall would work just fine for this.


Not really, you most likely would lose the instance especially if a map is full already.


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> @"Malafaia.8903" said:

> I would really like to understand what's the reasoning for people to be against a proposal like this if (as said above):


> - You play if you want.

> - You'll not be ganked.

> - You have an option to auto-decline


> Stop being selfish. Let people have fun.


becuase it's wasted resources on something pointless


* we already have pvp, wvw and guild halls for duelling.

* resources have to be poured into making it which could have been spent on something else

* duelling would also add a pvp factor to pve balancing because now you need to balance for fuighting against players (and yes, that does make a big diffrence)


or did you think these things were made and maintained by wishing upon a star

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> @"Skullduggery.2517" said:

> I've been thinking this for a while, but wouldn't it be nice to have an open world PvP or duel system?

> There are so many locations in the open world, be it the cities or in the field that would make great areas for a player vs player duel. I would love to see an option brought in where you could right click on the players name in local area chat and challenge them to a duel, to which if agreed to would turn both players hostile to each other, but no one else.


> Of late I've found that PvP has more or less died, with what used to be 60 odd rooms which you could join, reduced down to 2 or 3. I feel that open world duels might be the next step in the evolution of GW2's PvP.


I don't think PvP died but your idea can bring nice brainstorming about adding something new.

You could also add, PvP arenas in big cities and anyone could bet on fighters.

P.S. Never lose hope on PvP, that's the spirit of a competitive gaming. :+1:

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Open world pvp would be amazing, I'm willing to sign petitions in blood if need be .. I can even provide the blood *here kitty kitty kitty* the neighbors hate me.

I always found dueling systems kind of corny though so not signing anything on that.

One thing I would like to suggest is if people do get some kind of opt-out then add war banners as drops on city npcs, so after I kill vendors and activate one it would allow us to attack everyone even though that opted-out kinda like in Allods. Do this and the neighbors pets might actually stop disappearing.


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Star Wars Galaxies had an option for open world pvp. Basically you talked to an NPC that would flag you for as "attackable". That would be the only option I can think of that would work in GW2 to make everyone happy. That way the non pvp crowd could go about their business in PVE without worry of being attacked.

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> @"Abraxxus.8971" said:

> Star Wars Galaxies had an option for open world pvp. Basically you talked to an NPC that would flag you for as "attackable". That would be the only option I can think of that would work in GW2 to make everyone happy. That way the non pvp crowd could go about their business in PVE without worry of being attacked.


it violates my eyeballs to watch other people dueling.



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We already have:

WvW for an Open World PvP

Guild Halls / Custom Arenas for duels


Why would we need PvP in PvE? So people would start annoying others spamming the request for duel? Yes if you will disable it they will follow you around and get on your nerves...

Also what if you start dueling in Open World and get aggro from nearby mobs which ends up in you being downed?

Also also skills in PvE work differently than in PvP and WvW.

We could say that when accepted you and your opponent will be put on a different instance where there are no mobs or players to get on your way but then what would be the point? It would be the same as you doing it in Guild Hall / Custom Arena. I don't see any point why this would be better than a customized Guild Hall arena or WvW dueling location.


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What you are looking for dear sir and/or madam exists...its called World vs World (or WvW for short)


If you are referring to bringing PvPing to the PvE maps then I am going to graciously decline. Even if they had an "auto decline" feature, I don't want to be running around PvE/JP's...etc and getting bothered every 5 minutes from someone looking to get their butts whupped by me. Im in PvE for casual stuff. If I wanted to fight in open world, I'd jump in WvW. It also enforces more toxic epeen which needs to stay contained in PvP.


lastly if I wanted to PvP in open world, I would play WoW. Anet is different, and I didnt like that aspect in WoW.

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