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> @"Carighan.6758" said:

> > @"Pimpology.6234" said:

> > GW3 is years, YEARS away from being playable. Theres several more xpacs at least with this engine. It's not like it would happen in the next 5 years, think more like 10-20 years from now and by then many things will change. And who knows if the current game engine even needs to be upgraded. It all depend on what they want to accomplish i guess.


> Is it?


> Because we don't know. I've heard my guild speculate that GW2's development seems to have "slimmed down", which was probably the whole point of streamlining and formularizing the LS episodes the way they did, needs less people in each team to develop.


> Plus, the game is 6y old now, it wouldn't be uncommon if they started development of a sequel right after PoF released if they decided to only run 1-2 xpacks after that. So you're probably (but probably only!) correct insofar that it'd be an easy 2-4 more years of development until release, but we could see the first announcements and hype soon enough if it's more on the 2-3 years side.


> They might have started GW3 development even before PoF, after all.


because it doesn't make sense to work on gw3 RN. ppl will be pissed if the ED story got split between 2 games since they loose all their progress on characters/collections/achievments/gear/account unlocks/etc. when going to the second half. anet is one of the few companies left with some sense of pro-consumer behavior so i heavily doubt they would do something not even activision blizzard is scummy enough to do.


and they could be working on anything behind the scenes but gw3 is the least likely.

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> @"iLLUMiNARSTiE.5017" said:

> Not a GW2.5 for everyone that keeps comparing these ideas to the current game..


Actually that's only what you are reading into the comments against your idea as an "Easy defense". Your ideas are all horrible even for a Guild Wars 3, not only as additions to the current game. So let's reiterate because I think you did the same thing that you are blaming others of doing (read only the first sentence and draw false conclusions)


Player killing needs to be removed from the gaming industry in general, it ruins immersion completely when players are fighting at random places. I don't understand why everyone would call that "immersive". Plus, in games that allow both, PVP worlds are dying and are not as popular, so I'm not sure how an open PVP would be a good idea for a future game either. Not to mention, the same balance issues that exist in GW2 will most likely exist in GW3 as well. Balancing a game for both PVE AND PVP at the same is an exercise in frustration. Some developers simply don't care and allow it.


Going full Open World would kill some of the best features of GW2, that should obviously be translated over to GW3. Why wouldn't they take the best features to their next game?


The idea of removing waypoints is probably the worst idea ever, don't send gaming (as a whole) so many years back. Now every self-respected game has a good means of fast traveling to alleviate boredom. Sure it's fun to walk through an area the first few times, but after that it's simply an annoyance. They went with less waypoints in Path of Fire due to mounts, and GW3 would most probably allow mounts from the start so a next game will be more like Path of Fire than the core game which was admittedly really packed with unnecessary waypoints. But removing them completely, or adding them only to cities is simply a dumb move that sends us back many many years of progress and development.


As explained by many already the game system of GW2 is fine, going more action-combat like isn't needed to have a good game. This isn't an "action based combat" game and its successor shouldn't be either. Going to a hybrid action combat already sent many GW1 fans away of GW2, now you want to remove GW2 fans from GW3. Not sure if serious.

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> @"iLLUMiNARSTiE.5017" said:

> @"Gehenna.3625" I actually respect your opinion.. Most the people here are basing their opinion about GW2 instead of, as i said, a future game like GW3. Which clearly indicates that they didn't even read this properly at all.. You've come here with a decent argument toward all of my points. And i can actually see it from your point of view now.. I guess some people like change and others don't at this point. I do think however that in a future instalment. Optional Playerkill with a decent Combat System would definitely make the game more interesting, if it didn't effect PvE'ers.. For me, i see no reason for any PvE'er to complain.. Especially about "Griefing". You're saying it would allow people to do it.. But if that was the case, they could still do it now, without the system. But hey hoo, there'll always be people that disagree and dig up reasons for every solution.


> I'm not going to answer to any of the other points as i feel those have been addressed more strongly.. And the other people that commented, primarily focused their initial reply on the image of adding these aspects into the already existing GW2. So i'm just going to ignore those comments, because they clearly ignored mine.


> Anyways! thanks for your time <3


I like having a difference opinion in a civil manner, so thanks for allowing that :)


I think what my concern is, and I may not have expressed it properly, is that I think that in a game that is built around a PvE core, there never will be enough interest to support a PvP community that will participate in that.


From my experience in other MMOs there are a lot of people that talk big when it comes to PvP but then when they get their rear ends handed to them a few times, the complaints start about imbalance, twinks and hacks etc. etc. So in games where there are a PvE and PvP servers you see that the PvP servers within not too long a time become sort of ghost towns because people move to PvE servers where they can PvP but in instances like we have here in sPvP.


So I don't think necessarily that your mastery idea is a bad idea by itself but I'm not convinced it will fit in a western MMO that is PvE oriented. What I expect to happen is that that a bunch of people get those masteries and then start blaming other players and the game for their lack of victories and being ganked all the time etc. And then people will want a toggle or a way to undo the masteries and go back to being PvE or quit the game because they can't or even make a new account that doesn't have the masteries. And this will leave the PvP community as a small group spread out over a large world. That would be my expectation.


If you then talk about a GW3 that has this concept in it, then PvP would have to be the core of the game. There are currently MMOs in development that are focused around PvP and well then a mastery system could be interesting there. So I think in the end this is the wrong type of MMO for such an idea.


So let's say that I find the idea itself very interesting, but that I don't think GW is the right franchise for this idea.

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How about we skip GW3 and go back to GW1, before they sold it to Asia and came out with Factions.

It was a much better game back then, no RNG, No loot boxes, No sell you skins.

If you wanted something cool in game, you had to work for it.

Not just whip out your credit card.

Gaming used to be about having fun.

Now its just about making money.

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I would rather see Guild Wars 2 remain an active MMO for another decade with engine upgrades as deemed desired over there being a third installment of the game. Starting from scratch with limited maps and content doesn't seem like the best idea to me and I can't even say I'd want to follow it to a third game where I have to start all over. Guild Wars 1 was dated in its instanced open-world design with hubs, it made sense for Guild Wars 2 to take its place. Guild Wars 2 is far more future proof however, and only require small engine updates to stay relevant for the foreseeable future. The kind of updates which it has received in the past 6 years too for that matter. Numerous times. Just look at their latest tech feat in the way the story cutscenes now are rendered in-game. It looks gorgeous!


> -A Playerkill system. You have PvP for smallscale, and WvW for largescale.. Even though both of these are fun.. It would add so much more depth to the game if say maybe you added an extra mastery point to the mix that made Playerkilling OPTIONAL? with like a tiny PvP bonus added, so that people who choose not to upgrade this mastery WOULDN'T feel left out in content.. It would also be much more exciting to be traveling across a map and happen to stumble upon parties fighting each other to settle differences an such. It just adds much more depth an intensity to the world map itself, an brings a much more real and immersive feeling to the in-game world, in my opinion! :open_mouth:


If what you are after are open-world ganking, they could create maps, zones and/or a system for that where PvP is enabled as you do its otherwise normal PvE content. Obviously the problem is that not all people want that and there'll be upset customers from such maps or zones within maps existing. If you allow the players to toggle the status of PvP in the open-world, then you have people liking PvP complaining about the massive amount of players running around not flagged for PvP. At least you could prevent complaints about people abusing toggling the state on and off at opportune moments by having the toggle from one state to another take at least 5 minutes, but it doesn't really fix the issue of people complaining. I personally like the idea of PvP in the open world, but I can easily see how people would complain regardless of how it is implemented. The ability to PvP anywhere in the world of Tyria would be massive for the GvG community though, so there's that. As for it being immersive.. not so sure I see it that way. Do you happen to go around attacking random strangers when you are out and about, e.g., doing your groceries? Or do you mostly leave them alone? It's a different world, it's a game, but immersion-wise, does it make sense for us to be running around attacking random allies? Why, immersively speaking, are you attacking another player? If you want to be a bandit, and demand that a player hand over Gold, ok, cool, that's immersive I guess if you "roleplay" that, but what most players do are attack without provocation, simply because they can. I don't see that as very immersive.


> -An open world map.. I know this one has been regularly talked about and considered. I just want to add my approval to the idea of an open world guild wars environment! It would indeed be THE MOST immersive world in MMO history if this was to happen in a future GW game.


Guild Wars 2 is also basically open world, or do you mean for it to have no zone transitions at all? Because mostly all games have a loading screen to go between certain parts of the world it provides. How do you propose a megaserver system such as the one GW2 transitioned to where multiple servers help fill up "empty" maps should work, without the map itself being instanced the way it currently is? I'll rather have populated maps than server-based zones again with completely dead areas. The new megaserver system was a massive upgrade to the engine that made it so you are likely to find at least a couple other players in the dead of night on all maps.


> -"Waypoints". These allow you to fast travel to any Waypoint location that you've encountered on your travels.. The reason this bothers me, is because it kind of(for me) takes away the essence of what it feels like to journey and explore the in-game world with friends, or on your own. Because there's literally like 3-7 Waypoints on every map segment. Once you've got to a location an looked at everything just once.. You just end up fast traveling half way across the world to go and collect something, because its fast and easy. Totally missing out on sooo much scenery and activity on the way. I'm not saying eliminate Waypoints completely.. I'd be completely fine if waypoints were limited to cities only.. This way, with an open-world, You would literally be forced to travel more. Experiencing a vast Beautiful world that shouldn't go to waste! <3


Waypoints are optional, there's no reason to limit them in my eyes. You don't have to use them if you want to take the scenic route. They are a huge time saver when you are just on for a short little session and want to get something specific done though, so I am very glad they are there. Getting to specific events would become more of a hassle without them being numerous as well. Again, if they are a problem _to you_, you don't need to use them. You can force yourself to take that scenic route and travel between areas and maps on your feet or a mount. Please don't force everyone else to do the same. I'm sure new players who may happen to die when out adventuring are glad they can respawn nearby and don't always need to go on a long trek to get back to where they were.


> -Lastly, Combat System.. Its not rubbish, its really good and flexible for a MMO. But obviously, time is moving forward. And if you haven't seen it yet, BDO has set the benchmark for a very diverse and dynamic Combat System.. I think this is where a lot of people may disagree. But i know most of you that disagree, is purely due to how buggy, desync, an unbalanced BDO combat is. I personally agree that its trash in that sense and that it could be better. But i also know that some of you just don't like change.. But I think if anyone could pick up from where BDO attempted a very dynamic Combat System, an succeed? It's definitely the Guild Wars DEV's. They show absolutely nothing but promise, every single time. GW2 was a big change from GW1 and everybody LOVED it. So i just know Guild Wars DEV's can set a Benchmark for future MMO's if they consider going as diverse and dynamic as it gets with their Combat System!


The MMO which you compare GW2's combat to has inferior combat mechanics if you ask me. It hasn't set any benchmarks. While I found it entertaining, I just ended up doing the same thing repeatedly, akin to "LMB, LMB, RMB" on repeat, and GW2 is just as good if not overall better. Subjective opinions of course, but I prefer GW2. Keep in mind that you can turn off auto-attack if that's what you want; Ctrl + Mouse 2 on skill 1. Or try the action camera mode that was yet another engine upgrade if you want to change things up a bit, I got mine bound to Mouse 3 (middle mouse button) to toggle it on and off.

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I'm not even in the mindset that we'll need Gw3 for a long time yet..


I can't say much about BDO as i've never played it nor have any interest in playing it, But if I had to give my opinion on what I'd like Gw3 to be.. i'd say somewhere in the middle between Gw1 and Gw2.


While I love both games I do think that at times there are many things in Gw1 I'd rather do in Gw2 and vice versa.


For example dungeons in Gw1 were so much better and more enjoyable imo than dungeons & fractals in gw2..

But you can't argue the combat system in Gw2 greatly succeeds the combat in gw1..


I'd like Gw3 to be a middle ground of those games.. bringing the best features of both games into a single game.

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Gw3 HA. I doubt it will happen. Mmos are a dying breed and very expensive to make and maintain especially with a F2P model. Gw2 is great the way it is at the current state. The devs are becoming masters at it and making a new game will mean they will start at 0 again for a 3rd time.I think they should go the WoW route and just pile on the content.

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I have said for many many years that there is nothing new under the MMO sun. The differences are in the way the components are put together and the package in which it's wrapped.


The OP has some ideas of what he would like to see in a GW-related game, and he's entitled to his opinion. (If the OP is female, apologies.) The problem is that these things have been done in other games. I have played a lot of them. Here's the issues for me:

1. A player kill system isn't in and of itself a bad idea in certain circumstances, but the truth is that the potential for griefing is huge. I am not talking about repeatedly killing a person "just cuz" although that does happen. I am talking about taking down entire raids because some players are jerks. I am talking about denying content to new players. I am talking about forcing metas and events to fail. One person can turn on a group and deliberately screw everyone just because they want to. If you want to kill another player, go do WvW or PvP. Bringing it into open world is asking for people to leave the game in droves.

2. I do agree that an open world would be nice. On the other hand, I like the way GW2 works with zones. Just a personal observation.

3. The waypoint system is nice. Most people I am sure like the idea of being able to warp over to help a friend. Yes, the maps are beautiful, but choosing to waypoint instead of walking is a matter of efficiency. Some of us do "take the long way" on occasion, but the waypoint system is so much better than having to wait on content because your team is having to run from whatever city to where you are. With some of the timed events such as bounties, the waypoint system is a need, not a luxury.

4. Finally, the combat system in GW2 is one of the easiest for everyone to adapt to their play style that I have ever seen. There seems to be a counter to (almost) every build, and a style for every taste. Want to run up and bash a mobs head in? There's a skillset for that. Want to hide behind the big warrior dude and nuke your target? There's a skillset for that as well. The cool part is that you can do both on the same character with the change of a weapon. I have played a LOT of games since the emergence of the computer (yep I'm old) and I can tell you I much prefer a simple set of skills instead of having "over 9000" skills on a half dozen skillbars that make playing Liszt's "Transcendental Etudes" look like childsplay. Even the venerable GW1 had a minimalist's dream for a skillbar. Yes, there were tons of skills, but you could only use so many of them at a time. I much prefer it that way.


The OP needs to understand that a lot of us came from games with the ideas and strategies that he is espousing and many of them left us wanting something else. EQ1 had epic map runs that took ages to complete. Aion and Archeage had player kills systems that left bad tastes in everyone's mouths for a long time. Other games had beautiful combat mechanics, but horrid customer service and QoL improvements. If the OP wants GW3 to be BDO2, then maybe the GW franchise isn't for him. Again, it's only an opinion, but it is mine, and I will defend it.

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> @"Zoid.2568" said:

> The concept of GW2 is what ArenaNet and many players wants from an mmorpg. So why throw it in the trash can?


Outdated engine which doesn't work well whenever more than 2 players are around, combat fx system which breaks usually even for a single player leading to a mess of circles and effects making all that "action combat" invisible, no space for a mod API in the GUI, lots of code bloat, **tons** of outdated systems and mechanics which could be dropped?


There's always lots of reason for a tabula rasa!

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> @"Monk Tank.5897" said:

> How about we skip GW3 and go back to GW1, before they sold it to Asia and came out with Factions.

> It was a much better game back then, no RNG, No loot boxes, No sell you skins.

> If you wanted something cool in game, you had to work for it.

> Not just whip out your credit card.

> Gaming used to be about having fun.

> Now its just about making money.


It's called Greed.

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> @"Gemnaid.4219" said:

> Gw3 will fall into the same boat as gw2: has potential to be great, but they choose not to.


So much this. ^ GW1 was perfect (though a completely different game type)... but GW2.... let's just say the apple has fallen very far from the tree. It has a lot of pros, but I feel it's ruined by so many things that are implemented. The entire fractal aspect being one of them. And let's be honest here, most of us spend our time on gw2, standing there auto attacking a boss for like 10 minutes and then onto the next boss, because it's the most efficient way to play the game. and get the achievements or items we want. not exactly interesting or fun, bosses take way too long to kill with no real strategy to them. (currently auto-attacking a bounty boss in a train as i type this). But GW2 does things great, like the combat system, but even the combat system I feel is barely at it's full potential, having more skills instead of traits would it much better. So we're not all doing the exact same thing. For PVP they can lock certain skills, like have a draft mode or something. I think GW1 still beats GW2 in combat just because of the sheer variety and strategies you could use.


GW1 was just on a completely different level though, I don't think they'll ever go back to that golden age. The music, the story, the characters, so much better. The music was phenomenal. In GW2, I don't know a single track that I think is good. And the original "destiny's edge" was way better and they barely had any writing, but they had interesting character to them. Mhenlo, Cynn, Eve, Devona, Aiden, though Aiden didn't feel part of the crew lol. And you had good "all-stars" like Rurik, Master Togo, NIKA (best girl), Kormir, even EOTN characters were better, Jora and Vekk, my bros.



bring this back. the days where I would just stare at the character screen, with that theme. i understand that jeremy soule is no longer able to work on gw, but the new guy or guys aren't doing the game justice.


also introduce someone as badass as nika or jora please. the characters in gw2 are so annoying, only ones i want in my party are taimi and delaqua.



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I think we will see at least 2 more expansions before we can talk about GW 3


In theory GW3 will be a action bases MMORPG with VR support about the class system I don't know

Open PvP ? From my direction no sir


I saw a lot of MMO which about you can say they never lived up to their potential main problem is they all choose the p2win route. Most of which were are talking are Asian in origin for the games/MMOs are one armed bandits which is really a cultural clash which what we understand under it. This is also what Gw2 does really well in opposite to the other competitors on the market.


There are some MMO's which I would like Arena NET buying and overworking and relaunch like Dragon Prophet with their monetary system


But their is also the misunderstanding that highly competitive games are desirable by a large amount of player. It isen't and even if it is with it you get every get a swamp of cheaters , gray market players ,gold sellers etc. People could see this in Archeage and what it does with a game and a lot of people knew this would happen.


The only successful MMO in this direction is EVE Online which were bought up a week ago from the makers of BDO

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> @"Monk Tank.5897" said:

> How about we skip GW3 and go back to GW1, before they sold it to Asia and came out with Factions.

> It was a much better game back then, no RNG, No loot boxes, No sell you skins.

> If you wanted something cool in game, you had to work for it.

> Not just whip out your credit card.

> Gaming used to be about having fun.

> Now its just about making money.


Gw2 has got a right balance for it imo. There are legendaries that need you to work on it not just all about gold; legendary armor and a few gen2s. I made twilight, astralaria and shining blade and I agree that astralaria which isn't just about gold is the most enjoyable and satisfying out of the 3. But I would still want to just use my cc for some of the skins or get some gold to gear up an alt. It let's me balance my time for work and family.


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Why would you want to force people to run around the world without fast travel? Just ignore the waypoints and indulge in the need for exploration yourself; I've done it myself, and the romanticized idea of adventure wears thin very quickly.


Tedious travel is one of the reasons BDO is a huge yawnfest.

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