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Pet "stables" in Sun’s Refuge or purchasable Lounge


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I think all veteran players and Ranger lovers would rejoice if something like this were added to Sun’s Refuge or made into a purchasable lounge area... https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lounge (Edit- More like a place where you can tame juvenile pets with a new ranger after you have tamed them once to unlock in your stable. Not suggesting to remove them from the pet window and force character to visit the stable to switch pets.)




"The Zaishen Menagerie Grounds is an explorable area where the Zaishen Order takes care of the charmable animals you have unlocked on your account. Charmable animals can be brought in from the wild, or purchased here and trained for you by the Order.

There are various climates in this one area that create the appropriate habitats for the charmable animals."


"The Zaishen Menagerie is account based, which means that any charmable animal you unlock will be available to all characters on that account, both PvE and PvP. You cannot, however, bring other players into your own menagerie, it is only for yourself and your heroes.


If you speak to Emryd the Tamer with an animal companion (pet) in your party, she will unlock yours or your hero's current pet at its current level and evolution tier and all lower tiers for that charmable animal. Similar to other pet tamers, she is able to take the current pet and release it, allowing you or your hero to charm another animal as a pet. Provided you have a Moss Spider Egg, Emryd can take it and unlock the Moss Spider.


Helena (Zaishen Keeper) will unlock the next tier of any charmable animal that is already unlocked, or unlock the lowest tier of any locked charmable animal from any campaign you own, at a cost of either a combination of Zaishen Coins and gold, or Balthazar faction."

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> Would take up to much space to have all my pets in suns refuge I rather have them in my "bag of holding".


Thanks for bringing this up, I updated the OP to be clear about my request.


My thoughts were to have an area where a newly made ranger character can go to tame juvenile pets after they are tamed once and unlocked for an account. Wasn’t meant to take out our pets from the panel and force characters to visit the stables to swap pets... I’m thinking of this as a convenience feature for ranger vets.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> Ah I see so its more for alt rangers then new ones, dont see the point to have more of 1 class myself and if so this seem likea qol for the minority of players.



People collect cats for the home instance; this seems equally fun.

I think the OP's suggestion could be modified so that anyone can collect pets for their menagerie, that it wouldn't depend on having a ranger (new or otherwise).


And, if that's the case, it could be expanded to include animals that aren't part of the charmable animal system at all.



Still, I'd like to wait to see what the new instance actually is and how it works before worrying about what it might be missing.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> Ah I see so its more for alt rangers then new ones, dont see the point to have more of 1 class myself and if so this seem likea qol for the minority of players.



So because you don't see the point you automatically assume the majority doesn't want this? How did you come to the conclusion that your wishes or likes represent the majority?


I mean it may or may not be true that only a minority has multiples of the same class but to simply base that on your own preferences seems rather thin to put it kindly.


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  • 11 months later...

This has been an oft-requested feature since GW1 had almost exactly this in the Menagerie. Can definitely agree in concept, though effective implementation might come as a "surprise" to some (aka "exactly what it says not what you wished it was").


The Skyscale (and certain other mounts) quests/activities add some additional layers to a possible Menagerie feature: not merely Pet sanctuaries, but interactions and mini-activities for the creatures, as well as stables and interactions for all your Mounts (and ideally some Mount skins, though that might be a stretch).

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