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Superior Sigil of Nullification [Merged]


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> @"xXMapcoXx.9614" said:

> > @"Hanth.2978" said:

> > > @"Eliphas.4862" said:

> > > > @"Hanth.2978" said:

> > > > There is no way Anet will put in a fix so that these sigils can be crafted or obtained on the cheap, too many people have already spent 5g 10g or even 15g to finish these collections. For Anet to do that now would just be a slap in the face to those people who grinded that gold in order to buy them.

> > > Well, clearly those people were confortable enough to pay that price, why would they feel bad if they willingly gave their gold to the barons, even if they knew it was a rip off, they are part of the problem in the first place.

> >

> > It's not a perfect system, cannot argue that. Let's face it this is not the first time barons manipulated the market, we've seen it before and anet's seen it before. Anet knew what was going to happen and they did it anyways, driving up the price of sigils. Anet has the data, they see people willing to spend 100's of gold for an exotic weapon, exotic precursor, a dye etc. What's done is done, I understand people are not happy about what happened but it happened. As we speak people are buying those sigils at 14g-15g and they continue to because they want the skins.


> what pisses me off is people were able to complete the collection then drive up the price so im to be punished cuz i didnt burn through the collection in a set amount of time? thats what happen here


The price would have ended were it is at right now either way.


If you were not specifically intending to rush the new content trying to find exploitable opportunities you would be in the exact same position you are now: forced to spend x amount of gold.


I can accept people being angry at the implementation and the resulting price, but please leave this illusionary "I could have been the one who got the skins cheaper" farce at the door. The price climbed over a lengthy period of time (this very thread started when the price was significantly lower) and you at no point decided to buy Sigils because you either were unaware or wanted them for 2s a piece. You would not have been one of the early buyers under no circumstances flippers or no flippers same as many others here.

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> @"Hanth.2978" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > @"Hanth.2978" said:

> > > There is no way Anet will put in a fix so that these sigils can be crafted or obtained on the cheap, too many people have already spent 5g 10g or even 15g to finish these collections. For Anet to do that now would just be a slap in the face to those people who grinded that gold in order to buy them.

> > Adding halloween skins to forge results probably was a slap to the face to anyone that bought one for 1000s of gold when TP was their only source. And that's only one example. Consider birthday dye kits, or nodes+recent black lion tokens, for some others. They also had no compulsion to introducing new, easier sources for named exotics for PoF specialization weapon collections (that made the prices of those tank on TP).

> >

> > So, you were saying?

> >

> >


> Too easy, Halloween skins were not being traded at the capacity as these Sigils. Barons were the few who could actually purchase those skins in the 1000's, not casuals who make up by far the largest population of this game. You bring up nodes, fair point but how long were nodes expensive until tokens became a thing? Yeah exactly a very long long time and no quick fix was implemented to decrease the price.

What about pricey gemshop dyes then? Adding them to birthday dye kits (and later to black lion chest drop tables) had a massive impact on prices. You also conveniently omitted named exotics for PoF specialization weapon collections.


Anet had no compulsion to doing that kind of adjustments before, so it's unlikely this would stop them in the future. If they aren't introducing a fix (yet), it's for other reasons.



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> @"Tyson.5160" said:

> I am personally going to farm SW for bags and Arc drops, while at the same time, toss any major sigils into the forge as a result of salvaging, manage to get a sigil already. I personally refuse to purchase these things off of the tp.


Tomes work faster. If you have any, that is...

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> @"xXMapcoXx.9614" said:

> > @"Hanth.2978" said:

> > > @"Eliphas.4862" said:

> > > > @"Hanth.2978" said:

> > > > There is no way Anet will put in a fix so that these sigils can be crafted or obtained on the cheap, too many people have already spent 5g 10g or even 15g to finish these collections. For Anet to do that now would just be a slap in the face to those people who grinded that gold in order to buy them.

> > > Well, clearly those people were confortable enough to pay that price, why would they feel bad if they willingly gave their gold to the barons, even if they knew it was a rip off, they are part of the problem in the first place.

> >

> > It's not a perfect system, cannot argue that. Let's face it this is not the first time barons manipulated the market, we've seen it before and anet's seen it before. Anet knew what was going to happen and they did it anyways, driving up the price of sigils. Anet has the data, they see people willing to spend 100's of gold for an exotic weapon, exotic precursor, a dye etc. What's done is done, I understand people are not happy about what happened but it happened. As we speak people are buying those sigils at 14g-15g and they continue to because they want the skins.


> what pisses me off is people were able to complete the collection then drive up the price so im to be punished cuz i didnt burn through the collection in a set amount of time? thats what happen here


That is an unfair characterization of the situation. There were only enough sigils on the market when the collection began its existence for less than 1,000 players to complete it, so even if people were intentionally buying up the stock to drive up the price, they were just beating the market to it as once the first 1,000 people bought up the supply the prices would STILL be right where we are now due to the rate of supply. I know it is fashionable these days to blame "the rich" for everything, but all they really did was facilitate a more rapid approach to equilibrium price so unless you honestly believe you should have been one of the first 1,000 to complete it, what "the rich" did had no impact on you at all.

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> @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> The sigil should.be rare seriusly is it not good that this previusly worthless item finally is worth something stop complaining i doubt anet will add another source for maybe not everyone should have the amor. Not happy with prices then get 25 alts to do story and obtain it its not that hard.


25 alts lmao. Your own statement showcases how ridiculous it is. I think well contine to complain, thanks.

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> @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> get 25 alts to do story and obtain it its not that hard.


It's not in the story, it's in the level up reward at 64, I believe?


> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"Scalpels.2809" said:

> > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > Imagine iron ore in a mine. At what point does it become supply to the market? Was it billions of years ago or is it once it is mined and refined?

> > >

> > > What you fail at is understanding that the term "supply" can refer to very different types of supply yet you use the term synonymous as though it always meant the same.

> >

> > This is hilariously erroneous.

> >

> > Ore in the Earth arrived there by cosmic chance. The universe or the planet is not sentient, thus absolving it of any role in the market.

> >

> > The dev team, however and until proven otherwise, so far as I know, is sentient and does have an impact on both supply and demand. To argue otherwise is just suspiciously obtuse.


> For it being so hilarious, you missed the point I was making by a galaxy.


> The planet being non sentient has nothing to do with the fact that a natural resource not yet mined or harvested does not count as supply in the market.


> Similar to a Sigil not yet acquired. ArenaNet sets the framework of how the Sigils can be acquired similar to how the Earth was created billions of years ago. Again setting the Framework for the supply but not providing the supply to the market.


> The difference being that the games framework can be changed, something I never disputed and never disagreed with.


Then you have no point because your analogy is not simply apples to oranges, it's apples to basketballs.


Anet has a direct impact on market supply and demand. The Earth cannot simply produce more iron ore based on market feedback. Just because you have latched on to some catchy libertarian terminology such as "framework" doesn't mean you can apply it liberally.

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> @"mtpelion.4562" said:

> That is an unfair characterization of the situation. There were only enough sigils on the market when the collection began its existence for less than 1,000 players to complete it, so even if people were intentionally buying up the stock to drive up the price, they were just beating the market to it as once the first 1,000 people bought up the supply the prices would STILL be right where we are now due to the rate of supply. I know it is fashionable these days to blame "the rich" for everything, but all they really did was facilitate a more rapid approach to equilibrium price so unless you honestly believe you should have been one of the first 1,000 to complete it, what "the rich" did had no impact on you at all.


Would it have reached equilibreum regardless? Of course, limited supply and all that. I think you miss the complaint: it was less people than a 1000 (to use your number) that had an active role in getting it to that point. When people bought x amount for themselves and then bought a large y amount to run up the price, that's where the complaint rests, and yes those people are to blame (to use the strict definition of "blame", ie to be responsible for an event/action/etc). There are real life historical parallels, which is why the term "robber baron" is getting thrown around.


That being said, if we want to stick with the history lesson, everyone who is irritated by this should just bow out and expect nothing will be done about it. It is what it is.

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> @"Hesacon.8735" said:

> The collection "Patron" requires an investment of 1000 gold for a cosmetic item (a title) and 5 AP.


> Even at current prices, this achievement is a bargain.


It would be if everyone was dumb enough/willing to spend that gold for the Patron achievement to begin with. But they ain't. So it really isn't.

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> @"Scalpels.2809" said:

> > @"mtpelion.4562" said:

> > That is an unfair characterization of the situation. There were only enough sigils on the market when the collection began its existence for less than 1,000 players to complete it, so even if people were intentionally buying up the stock to drive up the price, they were just beating the market to it as once the first 1,000 people bought up the supply the prices would STILL be right where we are now due to the rate of supply. I know it is fashionable these days to blame "the rich" for everything, but all they really did was facilitate a more rapid approach to equilibrium price so unless you honestly believe you should have been one of the first 1,000 to complete it, what "the rich" did had no impact on you at all.


> Would it have reached equilibreum regardless? Of course, limited supply and all that. I think you miss the complaint: it was less people than a 1000 (to use your number) that had an active role in getting it to that point. When people bought x amount for themselves and then bought a large y amount to run up the price, that's where the complaint rests, and yes those people are to blame (to use the strict definition of "blame", ie to be responsible for an event/action/etc). There are real life historical parallels, which is why the term "robber baron" is getting thrown around.


> That being said, if we want to stick with the history lesson, everyone who is irritated by this should just bow out and expect nothing will be done about it. It is what it is.


Yep, already done so. I will have enough sigils for the first step that needs them thanks mainly to my laziness in claiming level rewards on multiple alts but not the next. Guess the machine will just have to collect dust in the library along with the poor Researcher who will be waiting months for me to eventually finish it.

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> @"mtpelion.4562" said:

> > @"xXMapcoXx.9614" said:

> > > @"Hanth.2978" said:

> > > > @"Eliphas.4862" said:

> > > > > @"Hanth.2978" said:

> > > > > There is no way Anet will put in a fix so that these sigils can be crafted or obtained on the cheap, too many people have already spent 5g 10g or even 15g to finish these collections. For Anet to do that now would just be a slap in the face to those people who grinded that gold in order to buy them.

> > > > Well, clearly those people were confortable enough to pay that price, why would they feel bad if they willingly gave their gold to the barons, even if they knew it was a rip off, they are part of the problem in the first place.

> > >

> > > It's not a perfect system, cannot argue that. Let's face it this is not the first time barons manipulated the market, we've seen it before and anet's seen it before. Anet knew what was going to happen and they did it anyways, driving up the price of sigils. Anet has the data, they see people willing to spend 100's of gold for an exotic weapon, exotic precursor, a dye etc. What's done is done, I understand people are not happy about what happened but it happened. As we speak people are buying those sigils at 14g-15g and they continue to because they want the skins.

> >

> > what pisses me off is people were able to complete the collection then drive up the price so im to be punished cuz i didnt burn through the collection in a set amount of time? thats what happen here


> That is an unfair characterization of the situation. There were only enough sigils on the market when the collection began its existence for less than 1,000 players to complete it, so even if people were intentionally buying up the stock to drive up the price, they were just beating the market to it as once the first 1,000 people bought up the supply the prices would STILL be right where we are now due to the rate of supply. I know it is fashionable these days to blame "the rich" for everything, but all they really did was facilitate a more rapid approach to equilibrium price so unless you honestly believe you should have been one of the first 1,000 to complete it, what "the rich" did had no impact on you at all.


Certainly a strong argument against including the sigil in the collection in the first place, and against failing to remedy the problem by creating additional supply now. Well done . . .

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> @"Scalpels.2809" said:

> > @"mtpelion.4562" said:

> > That is an unfair characterization of the situation. There were only enough sigils on the market when the collection began its existence for less than 1,000 players to complete it, so even if people were intentionally buying up the stock to drive up the price, they were just beating the market to it as once the first 1,000 people bought up the supply the prices would STILL be right where we are now due to the rate of supply. I know it is fashionable these days to blame "the rich" for everything, but all they really did was facilitate a more rapid approach to equilibrium price so unless you honestly believe you should have been one of the first 1,000 to complete it, what "the rich" did had no impact on you at all.


> Would it have reached equilibreum regardless? Of course, limited supply and all that. I think you miss the complaint: it was less people than a 1000 (to use your number) that had an active role in getting it to that point. When people bought x amount for themselves and then bought a large y amount to run up the price, that's where the complaint rests, and yes those people are to blame (to use the strict definition of "blame", ie to be responsible for an event/action/etc). There are real life historical parallels, which is why the term "robber baron" is getting thrown around.


> That being said, if we want to stick with the history lesson, everyone who is irritated by this should just bow out and expect nothing will be done about it. It is what it is.


I see two main complaints here:


1. Robber Barons!

2. Some variation on "Shouldn't have used that Sigil" (under which I include arguments about the supply rate being too low)


My comment was primarily directed at the first complaint, since any impact the "barons" had was momentarily fleeting and ceased to actually impact anyone after a few hours on the first day. Ergo, unless you ACTUALLY bought your sigils back on patch day, a robber baron did not in any way impact you. That initial supply that the barons acquired and resold has no impact on today's price due to supply churn.


I have no issues with the second complaint as it has some legitimate merit. I understand that the sigil was selected for lore based reasons (nullifying the magic) and recognize that it is entirely possible that since they no longer have an on staff economist, it is likely that the economic impact was either not looked into or wasn't thoroughly reviewed.


I do think that ALL runes/sigils should have a crafting recipe (that is available in game so as to not be limited by one-time content merchants/currency) and that all runes/sigils should be able to be salvaged into base components (so that the garbage ones can be returned to the market as useful materials and thus have some real value).


Full Disclosure: I am personally fine with the current price as it gives me a reason to burn through my birthday scrolls and tome of knowledge (which I normally only use once a week for a key farm). I'm not working on the collection (because I never rush these things knowing that price over time will decline and thus it makes more sense to sell all my sigils now and then buy new ones later when the price is lower).

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> @"Scalpels.2809" said:

> > @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> > get 25 alts to do story and obtain it its not that hard.


> It's not in the story, it's in the level up reward at 64, I believe?


> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > @"Scalpels.2809" said:

> > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > Imagine iron ore in a mine. At what point does it become supply to the market? Was it billions of years ago or is it once it is mined and refined?

> > > >

> > > > What you fail at is understanding that the term "supply" can refer to very different types of supply yet you use the term synonymous as though it always meant the same.

> > >

> > > This is hilariously erroneous.

> > >

> > > Ore in the Earth arrived there by cosmic chance. The universe or the planet is not sentient, thus absolving it of any role in the market.

> > >

> > > The dev team, however and until proven otherwise, so far as I know, is sentient and does have an impact on both supply and demand. To argue otherwise is just suspiciously obtuse.

> >

> > For it being so hilarious, you missed the point I was making by a galaxy.

> >

> > The planet being non sentient has nothing to do with the fact that a natural resource not yet mined or harvested does not count as supply in the market.

> >

> > Similar to a Sigil not yet acquired. ArenaNet sets the framework of how the Sigils can be acquired similar to how the Earth was created billions of years ago. Again setting the Framework for the supply but not providing the supply to the market.

> >

> > The difference being that the games framework can be changed, something I never disputed and never disagreed with.


> Then you have no point because your analogy is not simply apples to oranges, it's apples to basketballs.


> Anet has a direct impact on market supply and demand. The Earth cannot simply produce more iron ore based on market feedback. Just because you have latched on to some catchy libertarian terminology such as "framework" doesn't mean you can apply it liberally.


Maybe go back and read WHY I compared the two. It had to do with explaining which supply was of relevance to the market directly. That is player supply added to the market. Obviously Arenanet and the framework will affect everything.


Arenanet could right now give 1000 players 25 Sigils, if no one added any of them to the market, the supply side would not be affected. The market demand side would, yet Arenanet added supply into the game. You not wanting to stick to proper terminology is not my problem.


EDIT: going to repost this since some people just want to lump everything together:


> Arenanet designs the loot table for the mob, thus setting the framework for the supply into the game

> Players kill the mob getting the loot thus adding to the supply into the game.

> Players then either:

> A.) save the loot thus adding to the potential supply in game, but not the market

> B.) consume the loot themselves thus reducing their demand for said loot on the market

> C.) list the loot on the trading post thus adding to the supply on the market (which is paramount to deciding the price on said market).


> Multiple different types of supply (if we assume that the framework and potential supply can be counted as such) with different actions all affecting the price, but in the end only the final result: how much supply enters the market defines the function of price.


Arenanet does not directly affect market supply, players do. There is a difference in input.


Now to you this might be all the same since all you care about is result based analysis and you decide to lump everything together leaving factual details aside. It does not make it any more true though. This is exactly what I am constantly referring to when saying I dislike people not paying attention to terminology. The fact that one can be changed and the other not, has no bearing on the definitions.

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This is utterly frustrating to someone like me, who prefers to take on the content when they feel like it.

Had I gone and rushed through it like some others, done it on day of release, the price tag for this achievement - or the skins that come with it, which I value far more, would have been significantly lower. Not the ~500 gold it went up to now.


I don't mind the cost per se, what I do mind is the inequality for those who don't feel like rushing everything on first day. Usually it's those people who want it early that have to pay more to get the stuff, that's the price you pay for getting it before everyone else. It would have been fine, had they used materials that are expensive but that everyone is able to procure through working on it, instead of "maybe hoping for utter luck" or spam-leveling characters to a certain point. Having a very limited supply for something that was very likely going to be wanted by many was sure to cause a great rise in price for that commodity. These sigils can't be crafted. Their supply was already limited to - as others stated before - only a thousand people getting the achievement before the episode was released. At that point we aren't even talking about those who take advantage of it, buying up the market asap.


Such kind of miscalculation really takes quite a chunk of fun out of the game for me. It just feels unfair to be punished for taking time to play the game.

Does ANet really want us to rush through everything, is what I wonder...because that's what such mechanic is telling me.

And it still being this way, after patches and all, makes me worry that it will just stay that way. Ignored by the devs.


Let me reiterate: it's not necessarily the price that frustrates me so much, it is the inequality for those who don't rush the content.

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> @"Hesacon.8735" said:

> The collection "Patron" requires an investment of 1000 gold for a cosmetic item (a title) and 5 AP.


> Even at current prices, this achievement is a bargain.


That title is "I'm rich, you know", meaning that achievement is *supposed* to be expensive. It's a little ridiculous to compare it to the situation surrounding this collection.

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> @"Blanche Neige.7241" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:


> >Whatever they are, Anet has reasons for doing what they did


> This is also an extrapolation.



No it's not. You honestly don't think they had a reason to choose the sigil? That makes no sense. Even if their reason was "it's where the dart hit the dartboard" ... it's a reason.

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> @"Syrus.2174" said:

> This is utterly frustrating to someone like me, who prefers to take on the content when they feel like it.

> Had I gone and rushed through it like some others, done it on day of release, the price tag for this achievement - or the skins that come with it, which I value far more, would have been significantly lower. Not the ~500 gold it went up to now.


> I don't mind the cost per se, what I do mind is the inequality for those who don't feel like rushing everything on first day. Usually it's those people who want it early that have to pay more to get the stuff, that's the price you pay for getting it before everyone else. It would have been fine, had they used materials that are expensive but that everyone is able to procure through working on it, instead of "maybe hoping for utter luck" or spam-leveling characters to a certain point. Having a very limited supply for something that was very likely going to be wanted by many was sure to cause a great rise in price for that commodity. These sigils can't be crafted. Their supply was already limited to - as others stated before - only a thousand people getting the achievement before the episode was released. At that point we aren't even talking about those who take advantage of it, buying up the market asap.


> Such kind of miscalculation really takes quite a chunk of fun out of the game for me. It just feels unfair to be punished for taking time to play the game.

> Does ANet really want us to rush through everything, is what I wonder...because that's what such mechanic is telling me.

> And it still being this way, after patches and all, makes me worry that it will just stay that way. Ignored by the devs.


> Let me reiterate: it's not necessarily the price that frustrates me so much, it is the inequality for those who don't rush the content.


With the limited amount of supply in the game at the point of release, not many players would of been able to rush through the content anyway.. that luxury fell to those that were online at the time, swallowed up that supply pretty rapidly and then flipped it.

Best thing players annoyed by this malarkey of a collection can do is to wait it out, keep your hands in your pocket and vote with your wallet imo… it could be a long wait though.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"Blanche Neige.7241" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> >

> > >Whatever they are, Anet has reasons for doing what they did

> >

> > This is also an extrapolation.

> >


> No it's not. You honestly don't think they had a reason to choose the sigil? That makes no sense. Even if their reason was "it's where the dart hit the dartboard" ... it's a reason.


They had a story type reason. You have to nullify "X". However, they were shortsighted in the use of a sigil that has low availability for the population at large. They seem to have not remembered how the sigil is brought into being. i.e. 64th level reward, or extremely rare drops rivaling precursors. So they created a monster of the problem by using said sigil.

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> @"Heibi.4251" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"Blanche Neige.7241" said:

> > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > >

> > > >Whatever they are, Anet has reasons for doing what they did

> > >

> > > This is also an extrapolation.

> > >

> >

> > No it's not. You honestly don't think they had a reason to choose the sigil? That makes no sense. Even if their reason was "it's where the dart hit the dartboard" ... it's a reason.


> They had a story type reason. You have to nullify "X". However, they were shortsighted in the use of a sigil that has low availability for the population at large. They seem to have not remembered how the sigil is brought into being. i.e. 64th level reward, or extremely rare drops rivaling precursors. So they created a monster of the problem by using said sigil.


You could be right about the availability ... but you don't know; you don't have the data that tells you the supply potential for that sigil.

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> @"Heibi.4251" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"Blanche Neige.7241" said:

> > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > >

> > > >Whatever they are, Anet has reasons for doing what they did

> > >

> > > This is also an extrapolation.

> > >

> >

> > No it's not. You honestly don't think they had a reason to choose the sigil? That makes no sense. Even if their reason was "it's where the dart hit the dartboard" ... it's a reason.


> They had a story type reason. You have to nullify "X". However, they were shortsighted in the use of a sigil that has low availability for the population at large. They seem to have not remembered how the sigil is brought into being. i.e. 64th level reward, or extremely rare drops rivaling precursors. So they created a monster of the problem by using said sigil.


and the quantity of said sigil. It could have been just 1 sigil but no.

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The problem is, the longer it takes, the less likely this will be changed, as that would then again be unfair to those who already completed the achievement at the higher cost.

One sigil per item would have been fine...ish. At least not as horrible as it is now. But as I don't see them go in and reduce the requirements afterwards, I'd rather expect to see them implement a recipe for crafting the sigils ... or they'll just do nothing. But it seems like - going by the size of this thread - there's quite a bunch of people who're riled up about this "issue".

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