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Superior Sigil of Nullification [Merged]


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When I defend the moral potential of a trade floor I never forget that human flesh may be traded on the trade floor. The trade floor can facilitate the exchange of a product that would be lethally hypocritical if the trade floor were the source of moral narrative. The moral potential of the market rests with the economic actors and the narrative of shaking hands. Just the trade floor will never be enough.


Again, here is the narrative of the Tyrian handshake. Cash for time with time as RNG. RNG at best implies tradeable units of time. Any of us could spend eternity at the Mystic Forge. To deliver tradeable time, the handshake must rely on players competing over RNG. We do not get to live in a game where we don't have to establish narrative, where narrative isn't paramount.

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> @"Tyson.5160" said:

> My concern is this turning into a common trait every new episode release, which in turn makes it so I don’t feel like playing the episode and thus slowly finding some other game to play, I guess. Which is sad, since I’ve been playing this franchise since 2005 and this is the first time the game has made me feel this way.


I don't see why, it's the not the first time content has affected prices of mats people want to buy on the TP.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > No, no ... let's think here ... if the sigil didn't change price on the TP when the content was released, what would the complain be here?

> > > >

> > > > Nice try but that's not relevant. I asked a simple question, why promote and give incentives to rush content? That's the main issue here.

> > >

> > > I don't think that's relevant either ... I don't see what the promotion or incentive is to rush this content ... just like you don't see how all this is related to sigil price on the TP.

> >

> > It's simple. Those that rushed and finished the content quickly found out about the sigil, then bought 22.7k sigils (we have the data) at less than 3 silver each. How many players did this is unclear because the gw2bltc or gw2spidy websites update 2 times per day and the episode was released in-between the updates (on purpose probably). Even so, I doubt it was too many, because it was "only" 681 gold to buy all of them, a single player could've bought every single sigil once they rushed and found out what was happening. but let's say it wasn't a single person but a group of early rushers. After they bought all the available supply, they relisted them for 10g each. That's a profit of about 9gold 97 silver PER sigil that they bought, or a profit of about 226319 gold split between those early rushers that bought all the initial supply and then resold those sigils.

> >

> > What does this tell the players of this game? Next episode, and the ones after it, rush the content as fast as possible, skip dialogue and cutscenes, in order to see what kind of new collection exists that requires old cheap items, so you can buy them all at their current low market value, then relist them and make an absolutely huge profit. I guess for you, 227k gold in profit isn't enough of an incentive, and now that this non-sense is known, a player could easily do it next time alone (681 gold is nothing), provided they are the FASTEST one. Or the group of fastest ones. And you don't see this as incentive to rush the content? How much extra gold do they need to add as a reward to the first player that finishes an episode to make it enough incentive for you.


> Right ... so again ... how is that not about price? It's completely is. If the sigil had stayed at 3s ... there would be no complaint here. It all relates to the price.


Yes there wouldn't be profit if the price was the same... there wouldn't be a reward to those that rushed the content if the price was the same. But the price alone is irrelevant, when the price of silk went up it wasn't the same because it wasn't part of an Episode, nor parts of the Episode content required more Silk in order to complete collections. And I can say it again, if it was a NEW sigil added with this content there wouldn't be a problem either. You can't deny that those that rushed the content made an absolutely huge (227k gold) profit out of this situation, nor that it sets a precedent for players in the future to RUSH the content in order to reap this kind of profit.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > If you play this game, it's something you accept because it's intended to function this way.

> This is nonsense. This is the first episode that they did this. This is the first time they rewarded rushers like this, this is the first time they added extra rewards for those that started the collection early and benefited by buying the sigils and then selling them at a higher price. I don't accept this situation and I don't accept that MMORPGs intend to function this way when this is the first time in 6 years that Anet pulled off something like this.



This is not the first time. A similar thing happened when they released Mawdrey but the degree of change was less.





There has been other as well(there has been several cases of "if only I acted I could have made a pile of gold) I remember this specific one because there was someone in LA chat recommending people to flip the item.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > > No, no ... let's think here ... if the sigil didn't change price on the TP when the content was released, what would the complain be here?

> > > > >

> > > > > Nice try but that's not relevant. I asked a simple question, why promote and give incentives to rush content? That's the main issue here.

> > > >

> > > > I don't think that's relevant either ... I don't see what the promotion or incentive is to rush this content ... just like you don't see how all this is related to sigil price on the TP.

> > >

> > > It's simple. Those that rushed and finished the content quickly found out about the sigil, then bought 22.7k sigils (we have the data) at less than 3 silver each. How many players did this is unclear because the gw2bltc or gw2spidy websites update 2 times per day and the episode was released in-between the updates (on purpose probably). Even so, I doubt it was too many, because it was "only" 681 gold to buy all of them, a single player could've bought every single sigil once they rushed and found out what was happening. but let's say it wasn't a single person but a group of early rushers. After they bought all the available supply, they relisted them for 10g each. That's a profit of about 9gold 97 silver PER sigil that they bought, or a profit of about 226319 gold split between those early rushers that bought all the initial supply and then resold those sigils.

> > >

> > > What does this tell the players of this game? Next episode, and the ones after it, rush the content as fast as possible, skip dialogue and cutscenes, in order to see what kind of new collection exists that requires old cheap items, so you can buy them all at their current low market value, then relist them and make an absolutely huge profit. I guess for you, 227k gold in profit isn't enough of an incentive, and now that this non-sense is known, a player could easily do it next time alone (681 gold is nothing), provided they are the FASTEST one. Or the group of fastest ones. And you don't see this as incentive to rush the content? How much extra gold do they need to add as a reward to the first player that finishes an episode to make it enough incentive for you.

> >

> > Right ... so again ... how is that not about price? It's completely is. If the sigil had stayed at 3s ... there would be no complaint here. It all relates to the price.


> Yes there wouldn't be profit if the price was the same... there wouldn't be a reward to those that rushed the content if the price was the same. But the price alone is irrelevant, when the price of silk went up it wasn't the same because it wasn't part of an Episode, nor parts of the Episode content required more Silk in order to complete collections. And I can say it again, if it was a NEW sigil added with this content there wouldn't be a problem either. You can't deny that those that rushed the content made an absolutely huge (227k gold) profit out of this situation, nor that it sets a precedent for players in the future to RUSH the content in order to reap this kind of profit.


No the price is NOT irrelevant. If the price didn't change, there would be no incentive to rush, therefore, price IS what is causing people to rush the content. You keep saying it's not about price, then you go on to continue talking about all these people making profit from the content. WTH? If price isn't the issue here, why are you making people profiting from the content and causing others to rush to avoid being gouged the basis of your argument?



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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> There has been other as well(there has been several cases of "if only I acted I could have made a pile of gold) I remember this specific one because there was someone in LA chat recommending people to flip the item.


Yes the Superior Rune of Scavenging too in 2014 (with the Feature Pack)

The difference is, with the Rune you needed too few, with Mawdrey it was a material commonly available. as it's more than clear from the graph some people tried to play the market by listing them way too high, but it didn't last because supply of Sunstone is fine. Meanwhile, the Sigil of Nullification is mostly stable, and has been stable for a while now.


Edit: And another difference, you can finish Mawdrey at any time you wish, there are no event requirements, the Requiem armor, unless Anet changes something, has a time limit, because it's LS content and we all know how deserted LS maps turn after some time. Meanwhile, Mawdrey requires no obscure event completion as parts of the collection.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > There has been other as well(there has been several cases of "if only I acted I could have made a pile of gold) I remember this specific one because there was someone in LA chat recommending people to flip the item.


> Yes the Superior Rune of Scavenging too in 2014 (with the Feature Pack)

> The difference is, with the Rune you needed too few, with Mawdrey it was a material commonly available. as it's more than clear from the graph some people tried to play the market by listing them way too high, but it didn't last because supply of Sunstone is fine. Meanwhile, the Sigil of Nullification is mostly stable, and has been stable for a while now.


> Edit: And another difference, you can finish Mawdrey at any time you wish, there are no event requirements, the Requiem armor, unless Anet changes something, has a time limit, because it's LS content and we all know how deserted LS maps turn after some time. **Meanwhile, Mawdrey requires no obscure event completion as parts of the collection.**


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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> No the price is NOT irrelevant. If the price didn't change, there would be no incentive to rush, therefore, price IS what is causing people to rush the content. You keep saying it's not about price, then you go on to continue talking about all these people making profit from the content. WTH? If price isn't the issue here, why are you making people profiting from the content and causing others to rush to avoid being gouged the basis of your argument?


I think I answered that in the part you quoted... I even gave an example of price changes (silk), and more in the post responding to Khisanth.2948 (rune of scavenging) that wasn't the same situation at all. Price change alone isn't the problem, the Collection in question being part of a Living World Episode is. They could've added the recipe for Requiem Armor as a Halloween reward and none of this would've happened at all, despite the price change.

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> @"Lord Trejgon.2809" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > To anybody in WvW who wants this armor: Your glow is always orange, so it is a bit meh in there.


> excuuuuuuuuse me the glow on my boots is blue just as I painted it, even on desert borderland (the map where lightining screws alot with dying of the boots making them all gold in some angles instead of blueish-black with gold hints) :P


Well, there may be slight variations in hue if you have the right colors. I'm red, but I have a bright yellow in WvW and no shade of red changes anything about it.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > Again, it's not about simply changing the game, it's about giving those that rush an episode an advantage over those that don't.


> That's not a problem ... that's how the market is intended to work so that there is a equilibrium in the supply of mats;

Care to explain? Because i've just started to think the gist of the communication problem here is that your arguments seem to be based on the fact that you don't understand the terms you are using.

(Hint: the situation maddoctor is talking about has nothing to do with market equlibrium. One does not affect the other.)


By the way, do not think i haven't noticed you haven't yet answered my question about what you think was Anet's gain here.


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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"Tyson.5160" said:

> > My concern is this turning into a common trait every new episode release, which in turn makes it so I don’t feel like playing the episode and thus slowly finding some other game to play, I guess. Which is sad, since I’ve been playing this franchise since 2005 and this is the first time the game has made me feel this way.


> I don't see why, it's the not the first time content has affected prices of mats people want to buy on the TP.


Not sure honestly. I didn’t freak out when the price of mystic coins went up. Though there are reliable ways of obtaining those too. The same can’t be said for this sigil.


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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > That just doesn't make sense. You could work on this collection at your leisure as well. The mechanics of obtaining this armor are so similar to crafting, the result would have been the same. You literally dump items into a thing to get some armor ... crafting works the same way. You dump items into a 'thing' called a recipe and you get armor. The only difference is that the recipe here is contained in an object. You're just grasping at straws with pedantic arguments here.

> >

> > I don't recall crafting anything in game that required me to sit back and hope I get the result I intended.. this is not crafting this is largely reliant on yourself or others to dance round the lucky loser pole many, many times before the RNG Gods take pity.


> You don't have to do this here either. You feed the necessary mats, you get the skin. No RNG involved. The sigil is available 100% of the time, either from obtaining it yourself while leveling or buying off the TP. You only suffer RNG if you CHOOSE to obtain the sigil that way.


> > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > That's not a problem ... that's how the market is intended to work so that there is a equilibrium in the supply of mats; that's not going to change and it's not new. In fact, it's necessary for the market to function.

> > >

> > > You don't like people having an advantage, but you play an MMO where people who have more time have the natural advantage in the game. That's not something that can or should be avoided. You're thinking boils down to sour grapes; you have this ideal that everything is equal; it's not. That's not unique to GW2 either. That's any game I've ever played.

> >

> > As I said multiple times, this has nothing to do with the market, they could've added a NEW item in the NEW zone, make it as rare as they wanted (to make it expensive) and I wouldn't care about it at all.


> Except that's not being truthful because if the sigil didn't change price, people wouldn't be complaining about this content. It comes down to how you spend time in game ... and the people complaining aren't willing to spend the time ingame to do any of the paths available to them to get the sigil. There isn't an incentive to rush through the content here ... Anyone could obtain the sigils independent of their timing to do the content. People are just angry because they feel they missed out, which is unreasonable because it's the nature of MMOs and no different here in a player-driven market. If you play this game, it's something you accept because it's intended to function this way.


You just validated exactly what I wrote.. thanks.

As I said it is largely something that is reliant on either others obtaining it for you or getting lucky. Not everyone wants to go rerolling toons 25 times to get sigils, that is just crazy stupid so yes you either rely on others or you get very lucky.. very lucky.

And because there is a starved supply it means if everyone wanted to use your idea of "TP is the go to means", they can't.. either because they do not have the in game or RL resource to buy them or more to the point there isn't enough supply to be able to get them... so for many it is simply a waiting game, and likely a long one for many if the completion numbers are anything to go by.... perhaps your finally beginning to understand the real crux of this terrabad front centre content killer.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > Again, it's not about simply changing the game, it's about giving those that rush an episode an advantage over those that don't.

> >

> > That's not a problem ... that's how the market is intended to work so that there is a equilibrium in the supply of mats;

> Care to explain? Because i've just started to think the gist of the communication problem here is that your arguments seem to be based on the fact that you don't understand the terms you are using.

> (Hint: the situation maddoctor is talking about has nothing to do with market equlibrium. One does not affect the other.)


> By the way, do not think i haven't noticed you haven't yet answered my question about what you think was Anet's gain here.


I’m also wondering why the other items didn’t skyrocket in price. Maybe because there are other reliable methods to obtain these items...


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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > Again, it's not about simply changing the game, it's about giving those that rush an episode an advantage over those that don't.

> >

> > That's not a problem ... that's how the market is intended to work so that there is a equilibrium in the supply of mats;

> Care to explain? Because i've just started to think the gist of the communication problem here is that your arguments seem to be based on the fact that you don't understand the terms you are using.

> (Hint: the situation maddoctor is talking about has nothing to do with market equlibrium. One does not affect the other.)


> By the way, do not think i haven't noticed you haven't yet answered my question about what you think was Anet's gain here.



Forgive my intruding, but if using terms accurately is important then we waste time talking about the studio's realized gain. We have no way to measure their realized gain. We can with a high level of confidence, describe their intended gains.

Their number one intention was to control the rate at which players completed the collection by gating access with RNG and the market. The studio can profit from market gating.


Are you harboring confidence in a different theory of the studio's intent? Do you suspect something more sinister?

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> @"Tyson.5160" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

> > > My concern is this turning into a common trait every new episode release, which in turn makes it so I don’t feel like playing the episode and thus slowly finding some other game to play, I guess. Which is sad, since I’ve been playing this franchise since 2005 and this is the first time the game has made me feel this way.

> >

> > I don't see why, it's the not the first time content has affected prices of mats people want to buy on the TP.


> Not sure honestly. I didn’t freak out when the price of mystic coins went up. Though there are reliable ways of obtaining those too. The same can’t be said for this sigil.


Mystic coins supply is steady and dependant. You don't really pay for MCs. You pay to get them _faster_, which is one of the points that tones the arguments down. Still, even with them, the situation was so out of control that Anet was eventually forced to intervene, adding new supply sources of them to the game. And they were never even close to the Sigil levels of restricted supply.


> @"Psientist.6437" said:

> Forgive my intruding, but if using terms accurately is important then we waste time talking about the studio's realized gain. We have no way to measure their realized gain. We can with a high level of confidence, describe their intended gains.

> Their number one intention was to control the rate at which players completed the collection by gating access with RNG and the market. The studio can profit from market gating.


> Are you harboring confidence in a different theory of the studio's intent? Do you suspect something more sinister?

No, i simply do not agree with you, because i see no point in it. There's no gain in controlling the rate of completing the collection. No profit to be had here. Quite the opposite - it makes a number of players that would otherwise be playing said content disinterested with it and abandon the collection completely.


So, again, how exactly are they benefitting from the situation?

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> @"Psientist.6437" said:

> Their number one intention was to control the rate at which players completed the collection by gating access with RNG and the market. The studio can profit from market gating.


I believe they've been trying to find new ways of gating collections through the Living World episodes.

Istan has the brandstone grind to get the new weapon skins.

Sandswept has the IG collection that takes you to lots of different places even outside the map

Kourna has the turret collection

Now we have the Requiem collection


Notice how all of the above are meant not to simply gate the collections acquisition (turrets aren't even a collection) but keep players playing on the new map. And I understand this kind of reasoning, they want to find ways to keep players playing the new maps for as long as possible. Even the Requiem collection (outside the sigil) serves that same purpose. But there is no way to get the sigil from that map, it doesn't bring players together to play in the new zone, unlike all the other methods. Instead it sends players away, as there are better gold farms in the game.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > Again, it's not about simply changing the game, it's about giving those that rush an episode an advantage over those that don't.

> >

> > That's not a problem ... that's how the market is intended to work so that there is a equilibrium in the supply of mats;

> Care to explain? Because i've just started to think the gist of the communication problem here is that your arguments seem to be based on the fact that you don't understand the terms you are using.

> (Hint: the situation maddoctor is talking about has nothing to do with market equlibrium. One does not affect the other.)


> By the way, do not think i haven't noticed you haven't yet answered my question about what you think was Anet's gain here.



Don't worry, I have no plans to answer questions I can't give good answers for. I don't know what their gain is because I don't know why they made this content. Maybe they think people want some kind of armor between legendary and 'regular' with some kind of flashy lights, so they gave it in a fitting storyline kind of way instead of just throwing it in the GS or some other lame approach. I don't have data to understand 'gain'; it's a pretty enigmatic term you've decided to latch on here. What I do know; there ARE people that are not frustrated or dissatisfied with the way this content is implemented because it's not a unique thing to buy mats off the TP to get something you want in a crafting/forging like way.


As for explaining 'equilibrium', that's basically what you get when you have steady in and out of mats, which is balanced by price. So basically ... when mats build up in supply, prices goes down, when mats get scarce, price goes up. Somewhere in the middle is a price where people are happy to buy and sell around the same amount, the number of mats that enter and leave are about equal. BOttomline ... when people dictate the prices, you get that equilibrium because at some point, people looking to buy find people willing to sell at a maximum ... the point of equilibrium. I think Anet has a measure for that and when they see it's not being achieved, they act, like in the case of leather/Doric Lake. I'm probably not describing it with the most economic of terms here ... that's not my gig, but the concept is similar to other fields.


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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> Don't worry, I have no plans to answer questions I can't give good answers for. I don't know what their gain is because I don't know why they made this content. Maybe they think people want some kind of armor between legendary and 'regular' with some kind of flashy lights, so they gave it in a fitting storyline kind of way instead of just throwing it in the GS or some other lame approach. I don't have data to understand 'gain'; it's a pretty enigmatic term you've decided to latch on here. What I do know; there ARE people that are not frustrated or dissatisfied with the way this content is implemented because it's not a unique thing to buy mats off the TP to get something you want in a crafting/forging like way.

In other words, you have no idea what they wanted to accomplish, and you don't know whether they accomplished it or not. Thus, you really have no basis whatsoever to claim they couldn't have made a mistake in this case. You simply assume so, without having anything to back it up.


> As for explaining 'equilibrium', that's basically what you get when you have steady in and out of mats, which is balanced by price. So basically ... when mats build up in supply, prices goes down, when mats get scarce, price goes up. Somewhere in the middle is a price where people are happy to buy and sell around the same amount, the number of mats that enter and leave are about equal. BOttomline ... when people dictate the prices, you get that equilibrium because at some point, people looking to buy find people willing to sell at a maximum ... the point of equilibrium. I think Anet has a measure for that and when they see it's not being achieved, they act, like in the case of leather/Doric Lake. I'm probably not describing it with the most economic of terms here ... that's not my gig, but the concept is similar to other fields.


But this has absolutely nothing to with allowing a small number of players to control the market by the grace of being the first few to finish the content (by using a material that is relatively easy to be controlled, due to low initial price and extremely limited supply). It also has nothing to do with encouraging rushing through the content in order to be in that small abovementioned group of people that will profit, instead of the much bigger group of those that will lose out by being late.


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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > If you play this game, it's something you accept because it's intended to function this way.

> > This is nonsense. This is the first episode that they did this. This is the first time they rewarded rushers like this, this is the first time they added extra rewards for those that started the collection early and benefited by buying the sigils and then selling them at a higher price. I don't accept this situation and I don't accept that MMORPGs intend to function this way when this is the first time in 6 years that Anet pulled off something like this.

> >


> This is not the first time. A similar thing happened when they released Mawdrey but the degree of change was less.


> ![imgur](https://i.imgur.com/R8uLhKm.png)

> ![imgur](https://i.imgur.com/PPP7LXu.png)


> There has been other as well(there has been several cases of "if only I acted I could have made a pile of gold) I remember this specific one because there was someone in LA chat recommending people to flip the item.


Cuz we still had John Smith at the helm and he had an idea of where to drive the economy and by how much. Welcome to the Lehman Bros now featured in GW2 straight from the white collar prison. :lol:

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> @"TwiceDead.1963" said:

> Wow, this is still going?


> I have nothing to contribute. Carry on.

It's still going because Anet hasn't fixed the problem or even had the balls to say "we wanted this to happen, suck it nerds".


> @"Tyson.5160" said:

> They would have been better off having mystic coins as part of the collection or some T6 material instead. Would the price jump up? Sure, a bit, nothing ludicrous, though, much like the other materials in this collection. No one would have bought the entire stock of coins.

The best thing is, _they kind of did_. Amalgamated gemstones are required too (as are ecto, quite a lot of them I believe since buying the other two sets requires only ecto and mistonium), but _their_ prices barely changed because... let's see here... you can get those for yourself just by playing the game without kowtowing to the robber barons. Sure is a coincidence, that.

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> @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > @"TwiceDead.1963" said:

> > Wow, this is still going?

> >

> > I have nothing to contribute. Carry on.

> It's still going because Anet hasn't fixed the problem or even had the balls to say "we wanted this to happen, suck it nerds".


> > @"Tyson.5160" said:

> > They would have been better off having mystic coins as part of the collection or some T6 material instead. Would the price jump up? Sure, a bit, nothing ludicrous, though, much like the other materials in this collection. No one would have bought the entire stock of coins.

> The best thing is, _they kind of did_. Amalgamated gemstones are required too (as are ecto, quite a lot of them I believe since buying the other two sets requires only ecto and mistonium), but _their_ prices barely changed because... let's see here... you can get those for yourself just by playing the game without kowtowing to the robber barons. Sure is a coincidence, that.


Sure but AMA gems and mystic coins have a reliable source. This sigil doesn’t. The items in this collection have reliable sources, but the sigil.

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> @"Tyson.5160" said:

> > @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > > @"TwiceDead.1963" said:

> > > Wow, this is still going?

> > >

> > > I have nothing to contribute. Carry on.

> > It's still going because Anet hasn't fixed the problem or even had the balls to say "we wanted this to happen, suck it nerds".

> >

> > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

> > > They would have been better off having mystic coins as part of the collection or some T6 material instead. Would the price jump up? Sure, a bit, nothing ludicrous, though, much like the other materials in this collection. No one would have bought the entire stock of coins.

> > The best thing is, _they kind of did_. Amalgamated gemstones are required too (as are ecto, quite a lot of them I believe since buying the other two sets requires only ecto and mistonium), but _their_ prices barely changed because... let's see here... you can get those for yourself just by playing the game without kowtowing to the robber barons. Sure is a coincidence, that.


> Sure but AMA gems and mystic coins have a reliable source. This sigil doesn’t. The items in this collection have reliable sources, but the sigil.

That was the point I was making, yes.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"Lord Trejgon.2809" said:

> > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > To anybody in WvW who wants this armor: Your glow is always orange, so it is a bit meh in there.

> >

> > excuuuuuuuuse me the glow on my boots is blue just as I painted it, even on desert borderland (the map where lightining screws alot with dying of the boots making them all gold in some angles instead of blueish-black with gold hints) :P


> Well, there may be slight variations in hue if you have the right colors. I'm red, but I have a bright yellow in WvW and no shade of red changes anything about it.


well my blue seems be unaffected, but the metal bits seems very poorly painting with dark colours (it will make no difference between midnight blue, shadow abyss, midnight red and basically everything in this side of scale. While still being much brighter than the same colour on literally-every-other-armor-piece :/


> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> No, i simply do not agree with you, because i see no point in it. There's no gain in controlling the rate of completing the collection. No profit to be had here.


Just because you don't see the point does not mean there is none. Just saying.


aside from most recent implementation of gating content that is being mostly discussed in this thread giving backlash there is at least one "benefit" of controling how many and how fast players are completing the collections: namely, studio controls how much time absolutely minimum it takes before they get hugeload of people complaining again how there is "nothing left in game to do". and if you were paying attention AN is playing with different waysof time-resource-whatever-gating of certain collections in living story at the very least since season 3.




> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> Notice how all of the above are meant not to simply gate the collections acquisition (turrets aren't even a collection) but keep players playing on the new map. And I understand this kind of reasoning, they want to find ways to keep players playing the new maps for as long as possible. Even the Requiem collection (outside the sigil) serves that same purpose. But there is no way to get the sigil from that map, it doesn't bring players together to play in the new zone, unlike all the other methods. Instead it sends players away, as there are better gold farms in the game.


that gave me an idea: what if there is "reliable" way of getting those sigils hidden somewhere on the map itself, but hidden in such a place that no one found it just yet, and silence of AN on this aspect is because of them waiting for us to find it? *imagines one of AN devs reading the thread with popcorn in hand shouting at monitor "if ya scrubs have spent half the time you are arguing in here on looking you'd find it already!"*

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> @"Lord Trejgon.2809" said:

> aside from most recent implementation of gating content that is being mostly discussed in this thread giving backlash there is at least one "benefit" of controling how many and how fast players are completing the collections: namely, studio controls how much time absolutely minimum it takes before they get hugeload of people complaining again how there is "nothing left in game to do". and if you were paying attention AN is playing with different waysof time-resource-whatever-gating of certain collections in living story at the very least since season 3.


Finishing everything and then waiting to acquire the sigils only also leads to "nothing left in game to do". Getting the sigils isn't content, you farm for them, still nothing new to do. The way the collection is set-up, is also disrupting the flow of the map itself. Play on the new map until you hit the paywall of the sigil, go away of the map to farm the sigil (either leveling or farming in Istan/SW to buy it), go back to the zone, progress the collection again until you hit the next paywall, leave the map again to go farm for the sigil, rinse repeat til the collection is finished. The latest episode has a terrible flow in it, previous map rewards were designed in a way to keep you playing on the new episode maps, farming new currencies, but now the main farming part is away of the zone itself. Not a good way to keep players interested in the new zone at all.


> that gave me an idea: what if there is "reliable" way of getting those sigils hidden somewhere on the map itself, but hidden in such a place that no one found it just yet, and silence of AN on this aspect is because of them waiting for us to find it? *imagines one of AN devs reading the thread with popcorn in hand shouting at monitor "if ya scrubs have spent half the time you are arguing in here on looking you'd find it already!"*


That would be hilarious if true :)

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