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Make In-game Spoilers Reportable!


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> @"MauChann.3081" said:

> > @"VanWilder.6923" said:

> > Wait! Report players who are doing nothing wrong but talking about the game they are playing and enjoying the new contents???



> You can discuss the content without spoiling it for other people, You can discuss content in an appropriate way. You can also discuss content in a not public situation, like squadchat, partychat, whispers.




And... you can always just turn off map chat!

I agree that spoiling is annoying and can ruin the experience... but reporting that sort of stuff is completely absurd.

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I completed the story on the evening it came out, and I'm glad I turned off map chat. When I turned it back on I couldn't believe how many spoilers people where posting in map chat! At first it seemed to be the same 3-4 people doing it, so I figured it was just a bad map, but after changing instances a few times while doing events I found the same thing happening in each instance. I'm sure some people post some by accident, but most of the time when someone asked politely to not post spoilers they were given grief by the people posting spoilers, so it seems most people posting them are either out to deliberately ruin other players experiences, or just have a complete disregard for others.


Sure map chat is open to all, but people shouldn't have to turn off map chat while doing story (it's possible some players might not even realise you can turn it off), and people certainly shouldn't be getting grief for politely asking for spoilers not to be posted. Not sure what the solution is.

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I have map chat turned off. I don't care what is said in map chat. When you have people UNSOLICITED WHISPERING you the spoilers, it should be actionable with a chat ban. Which is why I loathe Arenanet's report system. From remarks, most the stuff is ignored anyway, which wouldn't be the case if we could say why I reported this person for Spam (they were mass whispering everyone around them multiple times). Honestly, they really do need to update their report system. To still have the same setup and it basically being unchanged from launch is inconvenient to the players and gives the impression that reports are not looked at. I shouldn't have to go and do a report on the website when I can sum up the issue in a few words in game and provide a screenshot.

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> @"MauChann.3081" said:

> You could probably report people for spoiling in public situations ingame already, like in mapchat. Yes I know you could also turn off the mapchat but that's such a horrible solution to me. Getting spoiled for Living World Episodes is so common ingame now and it should be illegal


Uhm, if someone has a specific question/needs help, that can also contain spoilers. You can't avoid them, and if you don't want to get spoiled for a new episode, the only logical solution is to not read the chat or deactivate it for the time being. Reporting people should be the last solution, unless they deliberately stand on a spot and spam spoilers for the "fun" of p***ing people off (which is childish and unacceptable, and you should report such jerks).

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Even if there was a report option for "spoiling" story what good would it do? In order to report someone for it they would have already had to say a spoiler. Meaning it's already out there, people would have already seen it. Banning people for that is completely unfair but if that WAS what reporting would do it wouldn't be immediate. It could be hours, days, weeks after the reports for anything to happen so basically.... pointless.


If you don't want to turn off map chat then just start blocking people that are talking about the story with too much detail. There's no sense with creating a report option for it because nothing would come of it. It wouldn't prevent or change anything.

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> @"MauChann.3081" said:

> > @"VanWilder.6923" said:

> > Wait! Report players who are doing nothing wrong but talking about the game they are playing and enjoying the new contents???



> You can discuss the content without spoiling it for other people, You can discuss content in an appropriate way. You can also discuss content in a not public situation, like squadchat, partychat, whispers.




For how long though? What's acceptable? 1 day?


1 week?


In the case of the expacs: forever?




No. Use what you have. Turn off chat until you complete it.

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> @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> Create a new chat tab, that only has NPC dialogues in. Switch to it until you finish the story. Problem solved.


> I don’t particularly care about mapchat discussion about new releases, I enjoy seeing people’s reactions to it though, that is fascinating.

> Unpopular opinion of mine, the story is not that deep. No story is for me, unless I find a really interesting book. But book spoilers are very easily avoided.


That's exactly what I did, created a new chat tab called "No Spoilers" and disabled all chats except Party and Private messages. I keep it on from release until I finish the content. I let my friends know they can only talk to me in those two channels during that time to avoid spoilers and absolutely nobody has a problem with that.


I've been spoiler free since Living World Season 2. Help yourself first before demanding that others control what you read.

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> @"Tzarakiel.7490" said:

> As long as players aren't personally contacting me to send me spoilers, it is my responsibility to avoid them. Wanting to punish players for discussing the game in the most obvious and natural space is hostile and unhelpful.

> I very strongly disagree with people that want to punish others for enjoying their hobbies and discussing them in a public space just because they can't take responsibility for themselves.


I agree with this. Just make a new tab and disable mapchat. Play the story and come back afterswards into the mapchat.


Personally I don't mind spoilers or else I would avoid the chat too. But I really love to hear others talk about the game. The community is lovely and it makes me happy to hear the opinion of others. I witnessed really fun and nice discussions about the story that I really enjoyed.

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I am a bit thorn on this, I completely understand that spoiling things on mapchat is not cool (cringe phrasing but couldn't think of anything else.). On the other hand ppl wanna discuss things with others, logged in on patchday 3hrs late and had a player telling me that he already finished the story, imagine ppl who are just starting today, they will inevitably see a spoiler sadly.

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You're making strict demands and who are you to say who belongs in the community? Something like this would never properly be governed fairly. People can do it unintentionally or discuss things they don't really consider spoilers, things that are forgone conclusions. Everyone doesn't have to change for you, but what you can do is when there is a fresh storyline, just switch chat tabs until you complete it.

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As much as it's very uncool to put spoilers in chat, I don't think making it reportable will actually help. Some people will see it as a challenge and will go out of their way to make the most (worst) out of it before getting a ban. Also, people might unintentionally say something that is a spoiler without realizing or meaning to. How would you know which it is? And lastly what is a spoiler? Where do you draw the line?


It's just not something that is easily enforced and probably akin to sticking their heads in a wasp's nest if ArenaNet did attempt this.

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> @"MauChann.3081" said:

> Looks like once again I have the unpopular opinion here

> But let me make very clear


> Discussing released content does NOT mean you have to include spoilers. You can always talk about the content without spoiling the plottwists, without spoiling certain key elements of character development. It never is.

> They are not the same thing!!

> You can discuss the game in a way you don't need to spoil.

> :/ really can't understand the apologists.. I'm sorry I really just can't see how you can't discuss content without spoiling things.


Sometimes you can't talk about something without mentioning spoilers.


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It's your responsibly to avoid spoilers. Yours and only yours. You can't forbid people to talk about current events.

For example, whenever a new episode of RuPaul's Drag Race airs I avoid twitter completely, because literally the first tweet I see is going to spoil me who got eliminated. I can't forbid people to talk about it just because I haven't watched it yet.

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Personally, I suscribe to the idea that if you don't want spoilers, the onus is on you to turn your chat off (perhaps turn it on if you need help). Map chat is a great place for people to discuss what happened in the story step or achievement with others who have done the same. Sharing and gathering opinions on new content is just part of the MMO experience. I mean, when was the last time you ever discussed how cool ls3 episode 1 was with your guildies or close friends?

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tl;dr if you don't want to be spoiled, hide chat & ask your friends to avoid discussing the story until you're caught up.

As a strict anti-spoiler person myself, I can't see it as my business to insist that other people enjoy the game the same way I do.



> @"MauChann.3081" said:

> You could probably report people for spoiling in public situations ingame already, like in mapchat. Yes I know you could also turn off the mapchat but that's such a horrible solution to me.

If you don't want to be exposed to the public, don't go out in public. I turn off /map and /say (and sometimes certain /guilds) the first day or so of a new episode because I want to be surprised. I remind my friends and guildies (as appropriate). Other people like getting help from even before the story starts. And some people aren't intending to 'spoil', they are just excited by the new content and want to share what they've learned.


> Getting spoiled for Living World Episodes is so common ingame now and it should be illegal,

This isn't unique to GW2 and it's not even new with MMOs. There are, for example, movie critics who do not take care to avoid including key plot twists in their summary and Wikipedia's policy specifically addresses this: if people don't want spoilers about books/tv shows/movies/manga, they should refrain from visiting the site.


So no, it shouldn't be against the rules. Especially since we already have the means to work around the issue.


> in terms of I should be able to ban people if they actively spoil, or defend spoilers in the mapchat.

Bad enough you want people suspended from the game for ... talking about the game. Now you also want to punish people who want to talk about people who want to talk about the game?


> If I can already report people for that, please let me know under which section, because I don't see it being verbal abuse either? I just think spoiling people should be erased from this game.

It's fine that you _think_ that. I hope you can understand why it's not in the community's interest for it to happen. I hope you can see how this would be a poor use of support's time.


Plus what even constitutes a spoiler? Mentioning that Caithe is in the story? Well guess what, ANet let that cat out of the bag with a "behind the voice" episode staring that NPC's actor. How about that we return the Command Post from GW1: Nigthtfall? Nope, ANet told us about that, too.

Spoiler's are in the eye of the beholder and, the easiest way to avoid getting that eye poked by a spoiler is to close it.



> Honestly, if you spoil the story, or if you defend other people spoiling ingame. You do not deserve to have any place in this community.

Seriously? You're basically saying that people who enjoy the game differently from you have no place in the community. What if those people (who are, in my experience, more numerous than the strict "no spoiler" group) decided that the anti-spoiler crowd has no place in the community?




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> @"MauChann.3081" said:

> Getting spoiled for Living World Episodes is so common ingame now and it should be illegal, in terms of I should be able to ban people if they actively spoil, or defend spoilers in the mapchat.


**You** should never be allowed to ban people.

That is Arenanet's responsibility and power. Not yours.


>Honestly, if you spoil the story, or if you defend other people spoiling ingame. You do not deserve to have any place in this community.


This is some pretty toxic gatekeeping right here.

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Its your responsibility to avoid them as you're fully aware of what to expect on release dates and have the tools to do. If people who just started the game were to say the same thing you're saying now is that fair? (I.E. If someone were to refer to Zhaitan's death). People having open discussions safely is what MMOs are about and whether you or the person next to you haven't finished doesn't mean they should be banned for it simply because they're excited about the new content and want to share with the community (Even though it is frowned upon to give spoilers right on release day). You have the foresight to know what to expect, don't blame others for what you could have prevented yourself. Trying to edit peoples behavior is like trying to teach a old dog new tricks and your extremist attitude from 0 to 60 doesn't exactly help things and just breeds toxicity on toxicity. Please rethink what you're saying for a better community because of right now you're promoting a toxic behavior that isn't just in a MMO.

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> @"Deepcuts.9740" said:

> People asking what OP is asking are very dangerous and come to think of it, evil.

> "Hey!, I don't like that particular group of people. Kill them"

> All this while having the option to turn the darn map chat off.


> >! By the way, DiCaprio's character dies in Titanic!



But in their mind they're the righteous one just doing good for what THEY think is the betterment of everyone. It's insanely delusional.

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