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taimis condtion?


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i have a very good question on this. We know Taimi has some sort of illness but what is it? I have some to 1 of the 2. One is some sort of Cancer the second is some sort of desias like the the spell plague. I would like to also know if its magic based or is it nonmagic base? I ask becouse it been brought up like 3 times but as to what it is is very unclear. As part of the lore i would like to know so i can brace my self for how she might pass or how we might be able to cure it.

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Her condition was explained [a bit in Season 1](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Taimi/dialogue/season_1#After "a bit in Season 1"). It's a [degenerative disease](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Degenerative_disease "degenerative disease") that began in her legs and will eventually spread to the rest of her body, killing her in time. Not magical at all, but the disease name or its specific symptoms haven't been clarified (though I do want to say there were forum posts back when she was introduced at the end of Season 1 that elaborated more than in-game; I want to say it got compared to a real disease out there, but can't remember which).

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We know very little, but it is a degenerative condition (or disease) which affected her legs from birth, but was always likely to spread as she aged.


What it is is unlikely to be named or elaborated on since it is largely irrelevant, although the mystery gives them scope to dismiss it as incurable. It is effect on her and how she overcomes her physical frailties which is the important bit. It could even be something exclusive to Asurans

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Was it Osteoporosis? Nah, that would mean she'd have suffered many fractures already. (Also can be treated.)Myositis ossificans progressiva? That would explain why her movement is painful and there's no cure. Attempting to remove the ossified muscles just causes explosive bone growth. It's not pretty.

It could also be a progressive form of muscular dystrophy. In that case we may be able to delay the disease by forcing Taimi to take steroids (that's a big maybe, not doctor approved). There is no known cure either.

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From the [last time this came up](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/438327):


> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> Taimi's reunion (in the middle of LS4.2) with her college colleague has sparked some speculation about whether she might be interested in the technology that made Blish how he is today, as a way to help her deal with her "degenerative disease." That made me wonder what we really know about Taimi's condition (and whether she really needs the tech for herself or whether she has some Scruffy 4.0 project in mind).


> The only thing I could find on the wiki was [from Season 1](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Taimi/dialogue/season_1#Before_collecting_Scruffy.27s_Parts):

> > **Player Character:** Are you injured? What happened to your legs?

> > **Taimi:** I was born this way. My legs were never strong enough to carry me very far. Don't pity me, though. I hate pity. And I don't need it because I do just fine for myself.

> >

> > **PC:** I can see that. Can your legs be cured?

> > **T:** That remains to be seen. The degenerative effects of my condition may spread to other parts of my body as I get older, but for now it's just the legs.

> >

> > **PC:** How far can you walk?

> > **T:** I can get in and out of Scruffy when I need to. For example, I can walk from my bedroom to the water closet. Just don't ask me to be your partner in a dance marathon.


> **What else do we know with certainty?** I'm interested in actual in-game quotes and canonical details from ANet blogs/interviews.


> (I realize few of us can resist the urge to speculate; that's fine too. I just ask that you include your source, if you have one. Thanks :) )


> _Edit:_ I've asked the same question of ANet [in the Official Forum Chat](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/32450/what-do-we-know-about-taimis-degenerative-disease)

> (basically: they aren't ready to say anything about what we might already know, to prevent hinting at the future direction of the story)


> @"Aaron Ansari.1604" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > I'm still more interested in hearing if anyone has information about Taimi's "degenerative disease."


> Besides from what you quoted in the OP, there's more dialogue [here](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Edge_of_the_Mists_(living_world)) that establishes her condition could spread to other parts of her body as she gets older. There's also [this developer chat.](

) To bullet point:

> *It's a degenerative bone disease that they deliberately didn't name.

> *Its main effect at this stage is to make walking quite difficult for her.

> *They've intended from the beginning for Taimi to try to stop the spread, reverse it, or find other options if that's not possible.

> *They hoped to create content at some point where the disease is a central crisis.



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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> Her condition was explained [a bit in Season 1](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Taimi/dialogue/season_1#After "a bit in Season 1"). It's a [degenerative disease](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Degenerative_disease "degenerative disease") that began in her legs and will eventually spread to the rest of her body, killing her in time. Not magical at all, but the disease name or its specific symptoms haven't been clarified (though I do want to say there were forum posts back when she was introduced at the end of Season 1 that elaborated more than in-game; I want to say it got compared to a real disease out there, but can't remember which).


According to more recent quotes, the developers were deliberately vague. Any mention of specific analogs was speculative on our part. I've done some digging into the old forums and can't find _developer_ comments about Taimi's condition. Do you have some keywords in mind? I don't mind doing the legwork; I'm just not sure where else to look.



Why do you say "not magical at all"? Since we don't know anything about it, why couldn't it be magical? She only says two things to narrow things down:

* "I was born this way."

* "The degenerative effects of my condition may spread to other parts of my body as I get older, but for now it's just the legs."


Now, that _sounds_ to me as if it's strictly biological and probably genetic rather than magical, but there's a lot we don't know about magic in Tyria (and we know next to nothing about Taimi's ancestry). That is: "it's almost certainly true that Taimi's condition is not magical" is not quite the same as "it's definitely true."

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> @"Belishine.7493" said:

> my question is now if they not ready to talk about it then why bring it back up in the story?


In the context of the quote, the reason they were unwilling to discuss it was the fear that they might give something away. That's standard procedure for ANet- they won't openly discuss plot threads until they're tied off, until their role in the story is resolved and finished for the time being. They did the same with Joko, the gods, and the Pact, just to name a few recent examples.

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> @"Aaron Ansari.1604" said:

> Besides from what you quoted in the OP, there's more dialogue [here](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Edge_of_the_Mists_(living_world)) that establishes her condition could spread to other parts of her body as she gets older. There's also [this developer chat.](

) To bullet point:

> *It's a degenerative bone disease that they deliberately didn't name.

> *Its main effect at this stage is to make walking quite difficult for her.

> *They've intended from the beginning for Taimi to try to stop the spread, reverse it, or find other options if that's not possible.

> *They hoped to create content at some point where the disease is a central crisis.


I thought it was a bone disease but I couldn't find a source on it. Thanks.


> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > Her condition was explained [a bit in Season 1](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Taimi/dialogue/season_1#After "a bit in Season 1"). It's a [degenerative disease](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Degenerative_disease "degenerative disease") that began in her legs and will eventually spread to the rest of her body, killing her in time. Not magical at all, but the disease name or its specific symptoms haven't been clarified (though I do want to say there were forum posts back when she was introduced at the end of Season 1 that elaborated more than in-game; I want to say it got compared to a real disease out there, but can't remember which).


> According to more recent quotes, the developers were deliberately vague. Any mention of specific analogs was speculative on our part. I've done some digging into the old forums and can't find _developer_ comments about Taimi's condition. Do you have some keywords in mind? I don't mind doing the legwork; I'm just not sure where else to look.


> ****

> Why do you say "not magical at all"? Since we don't know anything about it, why couldn't it be magical? She only says two things to narrow things down:

> * "I was born this way."

> * "The degenerative effects of my condition may spread to other parts of my body as I get older, but for now it's just the legs."


> Now, that _sounds_ to me as if it's strictly biological and probably genetic rather than magical, but there's a lot we don't know about magic in Tyria (and we know next to nothing about Taimi's ancestry). That is: "it's almost certainly true that Taimi's condition is not magical" is not quite the same as "it's definitely true."


No key word beyond "bone" / "bone marrow" disease, really, which it seems came from the video Aaron pointed out.


And I say not magical because it's a disease. If it were magical, it'd be a curse. Even the Affliction, called a disease, wasn't really a disease just as the Scarab Plague was more of a pestilence (though plague is not an inaccurate term either...).

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I always thought it was like ALS, but not ALS. But bones, huh? Makes me think of my grandmother who had Paget's disease. Don't think you are born with that, though. So that's probably not it.


Off topic question, but related: do we know how Taimi's parents died? Because now I'm wondering if what she has is genetic and if her parents had it, too?

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> Her condition was explained [a bit in Season 1](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Taimi/dialogue/season_1#After "a bit in Season 1"). It's a [degenerative disease](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Degenerative_disease "degenerative disease") that began in her legs and will eventually spread to the rest of her body, killing her in time. Not magical at all, but the disease name or its specific symptoms haven't been clarified (though I do want to say there were forum posts back when she was introduced at the end of Season 1 that elaborated more than in-game; I want to say it got compared to a real disease out there, but can't remember which).


With the presentation, that sounds like gullain barre syndromeor myasthena gravis which affects the muscles which start from the paralysis of the lower extremities and can eventually spread upward which can cause paralysis of the diapraghm leading to respiratory arrest.

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> @"Clyan.1593" said:

> Meh, should just use a cleanse skill to remove the debuff on those bones.


Maybe not directly, but I like the direction this is going. Why not build a os-o-fix device, that injects Elixir C into the body? At the same time we could place a Signet of Resolve on Taimi and cure her with the frequencies of Soothing Stones.

While we're at it, we could upgrade Sruffy 2.0 into Scruffy 2.5 and install Ether Renewal machines and a Mending dispenser.

Even if that doesn't cure her outright, it may slow down the progression of her disease to a crawl, but at the cost of confining her to her golem even more.

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> @"Castigator.3470" said:

> > @"Clyan.1593" said:

> > Meh, should just use a cleanse skill to remove the debuff on those bones.


> Maybe not directly, but I like the direction this is going. Why not build a os-o-fix device, that injects Elixir C into the body? At the same time we could place a Signet of Resolve on Taimi and cure her with the frequencies of Soothing Stones.

> While we're at it, we could upgrade Sruffy 2.0 into Scruffy 2.5 and install Ether Renewal machines and a Mending dispenser.

> Even if that doesn't cure her outright, it may slow down the progression of her disease to a crawl, but at the cost of confining her to her golem even more.


I was joking, but alright, why not. Another idea would be to put her into a golem, like Blish did.

Actually since Blish vanished in the mists in this patch and at the same time Taimi mentioned her condition I have a feeling there is some connection somehow. Like I can imagine the devs talking about what to do with Taimi's condition and then they came up with something around Blish and Taimi. That'd explain why Blish had to go and why Taimi mentioned her condition in the same patch. Think about it. Her talking about it was so casual, it almost seemed like shoehorned into the story. That's probably because they finally found a good solution for it.

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