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Novelties button... really??!


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The novelties UI element is an bothersome intrusion in the UI. It seems to be that any element on the UI should raise to the challenge of ALWAYS RELEVANT TO COMBAT or it should be hidden or removed, or given the option to hide or remove. I don't have any of these sorts of items on my account and I don't want them. But the decision add this button to the UI chances players to miss-click during combat on some junk.. Mounts and novelties buttons should all be hidden during combat, or give us a way to hide things like that.


Honestly I find it pretty offensive that you've added an "always-on" UI element (novelties) that has no functional purpose if the player has never bought novelty items which, unless I'm mistaken, are sourced exclusively through the gem-store. I'm not against putting a million useless things in the gem store for credit card click bait, I get that you have to pay the employees somehow, but adding always-on UI elements with no functional combat purpose is the wrong way to do it.


Please consider either hiding this UI feature if there are no relevant items unlocked on the account, OR just give us the ability to hide it.

At the very least put such a button FAR away from the skill bar like perhaps in the menu tab at the top.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Use the keyboard/key-binds instead of mouse-clicking in combat? Then, there would be no chance of mis-clicking, I'd guess.


i agree with them on where its currently located is just awful. i mouse click the the last half of the UI because its far easier for me to do that than to rememer all the key-binds in this game, so moving it over to the right of the mount button would be very nice.

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> @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> And today's "False Outrage" award goes to...


A little bit of this



> @"Cifrer.6013" said:

> I find it pretty offensive that you will make a forum post but cba to do the research to find out that not all novelties are from the gem store.


Nicely done.


The part of this post that does make sense is many of us wish we could have more control customizing the UI. It would allow for improved ability to prevent something like this from creating said false outrage.


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> @"yann.1946" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > It is another useless stuff added to the game:

> >

> > **The novelties thing need to be much much more, i kinda wish we could drop or create a link there to some stuff that is in the iventory like**:

> >

> > **Weapon, food, siege, traps**.

> >

> >

> > Also i want to remove the bass thing from there... theres no funciton to remove...

> >

> >

> > @OP, Idiots and useless players will love the "feature" that is ment just for very special kind of players.


> I honestly think you're underestimating the amount of players who use it.


No, i dont ~:) i know the kind of players that play this game actually...and saldly, issue is that feature is just made for some and not all, for players that only play pvp its UI clutter.

Reason ive asked before what if Anet added more functions to it, players didnt liked cause they are only about pve crap.


I still believe the "novelties access bag" should allow more than novelties, it m8 not have usage for spvp so it should not apear or Anet could add a option to hide it if we wanted from the options menu.

For WvW they could allow us to create link to stuff we have on our iventory that we prefer to have fast access rather than open iventory and search for it.



So far its visual clutter and BAD DESIGN UI since it is NOT IMPORTANT/RELEVANT to the game itself and it is only a feature to access musical instruments and strange stuff, IT IS VERY LIMITED.


There are rules when designing a UI....

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Yes the UI element for the novelties is in a bad place, is poorly designed, and just feels like a rushed job.

And for a company so prideful in their UI they gave us an incredibly limited amount of customization choices especially compared to GW1 and most of the game's competition, when a company that's so stringent about the way the game looks and the UX of the game, that button stands out as a complete aberration.

That said, how bad is your aim that you're missing any button while in combat... Sure the mounts button i could understand, since that shares the same space with the novelties, but in combat? Damn.


So while i agree that the button is not even close to being up to the standards that they imposed on themselves, and more something i'd expect from a fan add-on, i don't think it's as bad as you make it seem. I get that you might be exaggerating for effect, but that can have (and has had) the opposite effect, of making people dismiss your claims entirely.

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Only thing I can agree on is visually the UI for it is a bit lacking (and I effusive 'a bit'), otherwise this is a very ignorant post that the user claims this thing is 'pretty offensive' to him but can't be bothered to look up anything/fact check which would take just a couple minutes at most.


Sadly what op is asking for is reasonable with the hide option but maybe turn down the 'rage' meter to like a 1 not an 7.5 for something like this next time.

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> [snip...]


I love how you say that any mode that's not PvP is crap. I basically read; "This game should be only for me and what I like, anyone else are doo-doo-heads and I feel like insulting the mode they enjoy!" :smile: Do you click that row of the UI in PvP btw.? Is it obscuring anything crucial in battle? With its muted design, does it demand your attention if you look at your skills bar? How much time do you spend looking at that particular part of the screen in combat for it to become visual clutter? Would its removal make your performance skyrocket in a PvP setting? I fail to see the actual problem myself, but have nothing against them adding an option to toggle it off for those that wants that.


Oh, and for those that clicks their utility skills, but otherwise use 1-5 for the weapon skills, may I recommend binding, e.g., Alt + 1-5 for your utility skills? It makes it incredibly easy to use your utility skills in hectic environments like PvP, Fractals, newer open-world PvE content and Raids. Just make sure you don't hold Alt and press Tab accidentally of course.

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you complain about OP clicking skills. if Anet didn't want skills button to be clicked, they would have made them unclickable.


there is a demographic that find useless novelties invasive and distracting and affecting their combat performance. but let's shame them instead of finding the right UI decision by game designers.

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> @"Shena Fu.5792" said:


> but let's shame them instead of finding the right UI decision by game designers.

The thing is that lots of people agree that the UI could be better. But this thread hasn't been about, "finding the right UI", it was about naming & shaming the developers for adding a long-requested feature and the method in which that was implemented.


A thread about the UI would start off with, "here's what I'd like to see" or "here's why the current system doesn't work for me."


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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > Use the keyboard/key-binds instead of mouse-clicking in combat? Then, there would be no chance of mis-clicking, I'd guess.


> i agree with them on where its currently located is just awful. i mouse click the the last half of the UI because its far easier for me to do that than to rememer all the key-binds in this game, so moving it over to the right of the mount button would be very nice.


A solution could be just learning the one key-bind (for the Elite); I'd guess if you mis-click any other skills and hit the tiny Novelties button, the issue isn't with the Novelties button. I wonder where the outrage was with the Mounts button, if mis-clicking the Elite was such an issue in combat.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Shena Fu.5792" said:


> > but let's shame them instead of finding the right UI decision by game designers.

> The thing is that lots of people agree that the UI could be better. But this thread hasn't been about, "finding the right UI", it was about naming & shaming the developers for adding a long-requested feature and the method in which that was implemented.


> A thread about the UI would start off with, "here's what I'd like to see" or "here's why the current system doesn't work for me."



And a thread like that would probably actually gain more attention from the devs. They are much more receptive when the threads are calm, respectful, and open to communication. The novelty button was added because of how so many people were like "I really enjoy all these nifty things you guys made, but they take up a lot of bank and inventory space and I wish there was a quick way to use them on any character"


I, like many others, didn't even notice there was a button on the UI until it was pointed out to me. I find it to be very small and mostly out of the way. I was honestly kind of upset until I was told about it because I was thinking "now I have to memorize all these new keybinds I had to make?!"

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> @"Cifrer.6013" said:

> I find it pretty offensive that you will make a forum post but cba to do the research to find out that not all novelties are from the gem store.


The OP did say "unless I'm mistaken" when stating he thinks all novelties are obtained from the gem store. I'm not upset at OP, he left it open he may not know of how to obtain some novelties.

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I have found no use for the novelties button so far apart from testing it despite the fact that I occasionally use novelties, in fact I find it makes using novelties harder that the old system especially If you used multiple novelties from the same category. Under the old system - open inventory, click novelty item, click new novelty item in same category etc. Under new system, open character panel, select novelties, assign novelty item to the button, select which of the 4 items on the button is active, click button, assign new novelty item of same category to button, click button etc.

I have also found that occasionally when I click the mounts button I get an error message about chairs and I can see that I clearly clicked the mounts button.

The addition of this button only made life easier for a subsection of novelty item users, for every other novelty item user and for non-novelty item users it made things more complicated.

Non-novelty item users need an option to remove the button, and for novelty item users that use more than one item from each category the system needs a major overhaul.

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> @"Nidome.1365" said:

> I have found no use for the novelties button so far apart from testing it despite the fact that I occasionally use novelties, in fact I find it makes using novelties harder that the old system especially If you used multiple novelties from the same category. Under the old system - open inventory, click novelty item, click new novelty item in same category etc. Under new system, open character panel, select novelties, assign novelty item to the button, select which of the 4 items on the button is active, click button, assign new novelty item of same category to button, click button etc.

> I have also found that occasionally when I click the mounts button I get an error message about chairs and I can see that I clearly clicked the mounts button.

> The addition of this button only made life easier for a subsection of novelty item users, for every other novelty item user and for non-novelty item users it made things more complicated.

> Non-novelty item users need an option to remove the button, and for novelty item users that use more than one item from each category the system needs a major overhaul.


The goal of the button wasn't to make "easier to use", that was just a side effect of the button's format. The goal was to reclaim inventory slots and make them accessible across multiple characters without having move stuff around. This becomes increasing more significant the more novelty items get added to the game. That goal was met.

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> @"Rakath.4579" said:

> The novelties UI element is an bothersome intrusion in the UI. It seems to be that any element on the UI should raise to the challenge of ALWAYS RELEVANT TO COMBAT or it should be hidden or removed, or given the option to hide or remove. I don't have any of these sorts of items on my account and I don't want them. But the decision add this button to the UI chances players to miss-click during combat on some junk.. Mounts and novelties buttons should all be hidden during combat, or give us a way to hide things like that.


> Honestly I find it pretty offensive that you've added an "always-on" UI element (novelties) that has no functional purpose if the player has never bought novelty items which, unless I'm mistaken, are sourced exclusively through the gem-store. I'm not against putting a million useless things in the gem store for credit card click bait, I get that you have to pay the employees somehow, but adding always-on UI elements with no functional combat purpose is the wrong way to do it.


> Please consider either hiding this UI feature if there are no relevant items unlocked on the account, OR just give us the ability to hide it.

> At the very least put such a button FAR away from the skill bar like perhaps in the menu tab at the top.


Reminds me of WvW. Ah, an enemy! I'll... pull out my boom box apparently. Charge the enemy with all your music! The enemies actually started dancing and left. Since then I use the boom box when I'm traveling in the Mists.

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Why are you guys focussing on the gem store part? It's irrelevant, the OP made a fair point: novelties button is really annoying on the UI, that's all we have to discuss about, not if novelties are all on gem store or not (they are not, not all at least).

Imho we should be able to disable it in the options, I often miss the mount button because of it.

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