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Open World Duel option - Yay / Nay / Who cares ?


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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> First, it can't be "tested out for a week," because it involves way too much development effort to even make it available.


> Let's also get all the usual back & forth arguments out of the way by assuming that:

> * It's opt in only: unless you select the option, people cannot invite you to duel.

> * ANet figures out a way to have two people duel without leaving the instance, without others joining a scrum.

> * ANet figures out a way to either allow duelists to use PvP builds _or_ can figure out how to balance PvE rules so that it's fair in a duel.

> * ANet adds enough support staff (which might be merely one or two people) to ensure that people aren't abusing chat to get duels ("coward, you better fight me!")

> * There are no extra rewards (not even AP) that would cause a whole new set of anti-dueling arguments to overwhelm conversations about rewards.


> I'll even throw in the possibility that I might personally like dueling, if ANet were the ones to implement. I didn't think I would like WvW (and I did). I didn't think I'd like mounts, and I love them. So maybe I might like dueling.


> But, the vast majority of people don't seem that much interested. So this ends up being a huge expenditure of resources to do it right, to benefit a fraction of the community. At a time when there are dozens of other features we want, this seems like a poor use of ANet's time.


> tl;dr I'm not entirely opposed. I just can't imagine that this would be on a priority list for _discussing_, never mind implementing.


Uhm where exactly does it take way too much development effort to simply implement an extra ‘challenge to a duel‘ option when rightclicking someone’s name?

Nobody needs an extra UI for duels. Just give us the option to have duels wherever we want, let it come with an option to disable getting duel request and everyone is happy. Never understood why people would be so against something some other people want. Especially if it doesn’t affect them. And yes it wouldn’t because I wouldn’t wanna get this without the autodecline option.

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> @"Nash.3974" said:

> Uhm where exactly does it take way too much development effort to simply implement an extra ‘challenge to a duel‘ option when rightclicking someone’s name?

I don't know what to tell if you if you think it's free to add features.


> Nobody needs an extra UI for duels. Just give us the option to have duels wherever we want, let it come with an option to disable getting duel request and everyone is happy.

Just that right-click option is a change to the UI. And what does it mean to "have duels wherever you want"? Does it take you to a pvp zone? If so, you already have that option by using a pvp room to duel. If it doesn't, how does the game prevent other people from participating? It's not a minor change to the game.


> Never understood why people would be so against something some other people want.

I explained that I'm not against it. I might even like it. I don't think it's free and I'm sure ANet doesn't think it's free, so I think it's unlikely.


> Especially if it doesn’t affect them.

But it does affect people, even with an "opt in only" feature. Just because people won't see prompts doesn't mean that duelers are honorable and won't taunt people in /map or /say.





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It does affect them, though. Duelists seem to love dueling in crowded areas like banks, spamming effects all over people just trying to do business. Even with autodecline, duelists seem to like verbally harassing or emoting at those who aren't accepting the duels. (I speak from having played in WoW and ESO, both of which have open world dueling).


Join a guild that has a working arena, hop in the ring with your opponent, and duel all you like.


None of your options are "No, it leads to open world harassment and toxicity," so I didn't vote.

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> @"Donari.5237" said:

> It does affect them, though. Duelists seem to love dueling in crowded areas like banks, spamming effects all over people just trying to do business. Even with autodecline, duelists seem to like verbally harassing or emoting at those who aren't accepting the duels. (I speak from having played in WoW and ESO, both of which have open world dueling).


> Join a guild that has a working arena, hop in the ring with your opponent, and duel all you like.


> None of your options are "No, it leads to open world harassment and toxicity," so I didn't vote.


I went ahead and voted no regardless, but these are the real reasons i voted no.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Nash.3974" said:

> > Uhm where exactly does it take way too much development effort to simply implement an extra ‘challenge to a duel‘ option when rightclicking someone’s name?

> I don't know what to tell if you if you think it's free to add features.


> > Nobody needs an extra UI for duels. Just give us the option to have duels wherever we want, let it come with an option to disable getting duel request and everyone is happy.

> Just that right-click option is a change to the UI. And what does it mean to "have duels wherever you want"? Does it take you to a pvp zone? If so, you already have that option by using a pvp room to duel. If it doesn't, how does the game prevent other people from participating? It's not a minor change to the game.


> > Never understood why people would be so against something some other people want.

> I explained that I'm not against it. I might even like it. I don't think it's free and I'm sure ANet doesn't think it's free, so I think it's unlikely.


> > Especially if it doesn’t affect them.

> But it does affect people, even with an "opt in only" feature. Just because people won't see prompts doesn't mean that duelers are honorable and won't taunt people in /map or /say.





I mean duel wherever I want in this world, if I wanna duel with a friend while waiting for a certain map meta to start I don’t wanna be forced to go to a pvp map to then lose the instance I was in. I don’t think it’s free either but it doesn’t really cost that much of development effort that it shouldn’t be implemented. Because the UI changes needed for that are very very small.

Also your argument about taunting and stuff is pretty invalid because you already can do that if you want. To implement a duel option wouldn’t be a competitive feature it would be just for fun with randoms or friends while waiting for something. That’s why there wouldn’t be issues with balance or anything because again, it’s nothing serious just for fun.

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> @"Nash.3974" said:


> I mean duel wherever I want in this world, if I wanna duel with a friend while waiting for a certain map meta to start I don’t wanna be forced to go to a pvp map to then lose the instance I was in.

How do you prevent anyone else from joining in? What rule set is used in the duel? PvP? how do you make that happen in a PvE map? And if PvE rules, we know that some mechanics are split because they are too powerful (or too weak) in PvE against humans.


> Also your argument about taunting and stuff is pretty invalid because you already can do that if you want.

Except that people do not often taunt about dueling because it's not currently an option. Even so, I have seen it happen without formal dueling (typically in LA or WvW).


> To implement a duel option wouldn’t be a competitive feature it would be just for fun with randoms or friends while waiting for something. That’s why there wouldn’t be issues with balance or anything because again, it’s nothing serious just for fun.

If everyone played honorably all the time, this might be true. But people get very, very passionate about 1:1. We see it even now, without dueling being in the game.



Regardless, you don't have to convince me that this is cheap and without potential support or social issues; you have to convince ANet. I think you'd have a better chance of doing that if you acknowledged that there are constructive critiques of the idea and incorporated that into the suggestion. It's fun to imagine that this is easy to add, but ANet can't afford to "imagine" things being easy; they have to actually implement it.


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No, if you want to 1v1 join a pvp server or your guild arena and do so (some 1v1 options like skill resets would be nice in those areas) .


This game is not a balanced around 1v1 just like many other MMOs are not balanced around 1v1. The difference is the amount of whine other MMOs see based on insignificant 1v1 outcomes. We don't need that here.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> No, if you want to 1v1 join a pvp server and do so.


> This game is not a balanced around 1v1 just like many other MMOs are not balanced around 1v1. The difference is the amount of whine other MMOs see based on insignificant 1v1 outcomes. We don't need that here.


I never said anything about 1v1's i said duel option.

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> @"Sazukikrah.5036" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > No, if you want to 1v1 join a pvp server and do so.

> >

> > This game is not a balanced around 1v1 just like many other MMOs are not balanced around 1v1. The difference is the amount of whine other MMOs see based on insignificant 1v1 outcomes. We don't need that here.


> I never said anything about 1v1's i said duel option.


The answer remains the same. All is available in the guild arena and spvp servers.

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> @"Sazukikrah.5036" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > No, if you want to 1v1 join a pvp server and do so.

> >

> > This game is not a balanced around 1v1 just like many other MMOs are not balanced around 1v1. The difference is the amount of whine other MMOs see based on insignificant 1v1 outcomes. We don't need that here.


> I never said anything about 1v1's i said duel option.


So if duel is not 1 vs 1 what is it 1 vs 2, 3, 50?

Duels have been bettwen 2 people usualy mate.

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> @"Donari.5237" said:

> It does affect them, though. Duelists seem to love dueling in crowded areas like banks, spamming effects all over people just trying to do business. Even with autodecline, duelists seem to like verbally harassing or emoting at those who aren't accepting the duels. (I speak from having played in WoW and ESO, both of which have open world dueling).


> Join a guild that has a working arena, hop in the ring with your opponent, and duel all you like.


> None of your options are "No, it leads to open world harassment and toxicity," so I didn't vote.



but I voted anyway (no)

If you want to duel, go to your GH Arena or your Refuge training pit, with your buddies, or duke it out in Costume Brawl...or, hey! WvW or SPvP.

OW dueling is simply not necessary in this game and it would facilitate an unfriendly environment.

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> @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> If you want to test it, Or make it permanent, Just add a fighting area in each major cities just like in the pvp lobby. Some Bosses area as well could use one while waiting.

> But add em close anoth where everything is happening .


I would not be opposed to a designated Arena in home cities. The Black Citadel has a story related Arena. I could see something like that in each home city where folks who just want to duel randoms for fun can go, but not be able to harass folk who don't want to be bothered. I would rather folks kept PvP in our already designated areas, but if enough folks really feel the need for this, at least an arena keeps it from adding even more chaos to the Bank/TP areas.


If they could find a way, or if there is one already, to post announcements for your particular event in chat, you could use the Refuge training pit for dueling while waiting on events. Show up to event location, party with sparring partners, port to refuge, do your thing, return to sender in time for event.

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> @"Kitty La Boom Boom.4065" said:

> > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > If you want to test it, Or make it permanent, Just add a fighting area in each major cities just like in the pvp lobby. Some Bosses area as well could use one while waiting.

> > But add em close anoth where everything is happening .


> I would not be opposed to a designated Arena in home cities. The Black Citadel has a story related Arena. I could see something like that in each home city where folks who just want to duel randoms for fun can go, but not be able to harass folk who don't want to be bothered. I would rather folks kept PvP in our already designated areas, but if enough folks really feel the need for this, at least an arena keeps it from adding even more chaos to the Bank/TP areas.


> If they could find a way, or if there is one already, to post announcements for your particular event in chat, you could use the Refuge training pit for dueling while waiting on events. Show up to event location, party with sparring partners, port to refuge, do your thing, return to sender in time for event.


Well, reserved pvp area is a good compromise that i know would work well. Especially just to hang out in populated areas such as cities Or just plain waiting for an event as a boss fight.

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