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Open World Duel option - Yay / Nay / Who cares ?


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But a few weeks ago, a guy made an open request in lion's arch for a **belcher's bluff** match... And since nobody responded, he started posting sad commenting and declared everyone to be bots and NPCs... So I agreed to have a single match with him... I got begginers luck and accidentally beat him... So he insisted me for a rematch... Then I lost miserably... But I had a good time... It's been fun competing with strangers in tyria... Adds some mix and fun to gw2...


But if that was PVP duel on openworld, then, if we're a newb, make mistakes and lose or if we win against a rude person, the outcome would not be pleasant... PVP is instanced and separated from pve, yet ppl don't think twice B4 making a rude comment even if they lose... And say something like *"some monkey one shot build"* , *"your pet helped you win the fight, you're a cat"* and *"uninstall gw2 if you use that monkey one shot build"*

And I'm not even talking about ranked... :p ;)

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I made this suggestion a long time ago...

_I agree it should be AT LEAST given a shot..the open world feels empty at the moment...there is just people randomly standing here and There.

Open world dueling would give some life to maps, and open the doors to new content and hopefully people that enjoy dueling will come to the game, making it more populated.


Unfortunately, THE CURRENT gw2 community is full of haters against any kind of PVP just because they dont know how to ignore trolls or mean players. (You can tell by most comments here, they dont have arguments, most of them just say "NO! GO TO ARENAS, I DONT WANT TO BE CHALLENGED TO DUELS BECAUSE ILL GET BULLIED ON") ?????

-When an option to not recieve duel request at all could be implemented. or they could just be ADULTS and ignore the kids that behave like this...


Some people will argue that balance would be hard ....??

-Balance is already bad in PvP arenas, and world vs world which is causing the pvp players to leave the game... should they remove SPVP AND WVW Only because balance is bad?? Sure...fixing it should be first on the list, but they are not doing that anytime soon...SO..why not implement something to have simple fun in the meantime


Other argue that it will eventually lead to open world harassment and toxicity

-Its the same thing at this moment...whats stopping me from coming to you and insulting you for not joining an SPVP Arena and fight me? (hypothetically, of course I wouldnt do this) You can just ignore me and not join the spvp Arena...same in open world, just mute the player, and dont accept the duel..come one, you are a grown up, behave like one in front of the kids.

-We also already have this...when you dont have a certain class or build for a Raid/fractal sometimes you get kicked or harassed on..should that mean that we remove raids and fractals?? OF COURSE NOT i just ignore them and move on



SADLY...the real argument of many negative votes here, is like i said...people hate on PVP for some weak mentality that makes them think they will get insulted or something..so they dont like it and like a guy said they are like "NO I DONT LIKE OPEN WORLD DUELING, EVEN IF I CAN BLOCK THIS OPTION... SO PEOPLE THAT LIKE OPEN WORLD DUELS SHOULDNT HAVE OPEN WORLD DUELS EITHER >:(".



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Definitely no, don't want to be spammed of duel demands when I'm doing my farms, collections, map completion or whatever... But if an option to toggle off demands, okay then, would not bother me, but I think each gamemode should stay the same, no WvW within PvE maps, no Pvp too, no PvE in PvP maps and so on.

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> @"Blackdagger.9670" said:

> The poll shows what majority of the players want. Do it Anet! You are still alive cuz we still play your deficient game.


a 92 vote forum poll is reflective of the overall community opinion.


in other news norn stands a chance of winning chess competition against asuran champion and elder dragons make great house pets

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> @"Blackdagger.9670" said:

> The poll shows what majority of the players want. Do it Anet! You are still alive cuz we still play your deficient game.


Currently this suggestion has 34% approval.

11% would try it out for a week and then make their decision.

43% are against it for various reasons.


This suggestion has neither an absolute majority, nor does it have more yes than no votes. And even then, the sample size is too small to come to any conclusion.


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The salt in this community doesn't just lie in PvP i don't understand where people get that idea from ? people are just salty in general. Every aspect of the game has your group of salt players. IE Raids ... You know how abused raids are? you can't even play that content if you aren't running a specific build.. and people using modified programs to view and spectate your build and damage. All i want is the freedom of choice to be able to duel where ever. Accept it dont accept it. Thats the players choice. It doesn't really add too much to the current state of the game.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

I'm not against 1v1 dueling, with restrictions to areas. But as other's noted, to do this right requires a lot of work. (Specified duel areas, a way to change the skill ruleset used based on an area rather than a whole map, etc.


We have so many higher priorities that I can't see us ever actually getting to this in the foreseeable future. Especially as we already have the means for players to create their own 1v1's via custom arenas.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> I'm not against 1v1 dueling, with restrictions to areas. But as other's noted, to do this right requires a lot of work. (Specified duel areas, a way to change the skill ruleset used based on an area rather than a whole map, etc.


> We have so many higher priorities that I can't see us ever actually getting to this in the foreseeable future. Especially as we already have the means for players to create their own 1v1's via custom arenas.


In other words, "It would take more time than swiss and you won't want that, believe me."


*slow clap*

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More of a “I don’t care but with conditions”.


ESO has a dueling system where you send a request to duel another player which they then have to accept. I don’t know any other specifics about that but it could be a potential path towards this. One thing that must be included though is the ability to auto-decline duel requests.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> I'm not against 1v1 dueling, with restrictions to areas. But as other's noted, to do this right requires a lot of work. (Specified duel areas, a way to change the skill ruleset used based on an area rather than a whole map, etc.


> We have so many higher priorities that I can't see us ever actually getting to this in the foreseeable future. Especially as we already have the means for players to create their own 1v1's via custom arenas.


Thanks for responding. I appreciate the definitive statement about priorities and workarounds.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> I'm not against 1v1 dueling, with restrictions to areas. But as other's noted, to do this right requires a lot of work. (Specified duel areas, a way to change the skill ruleset used based on an area rather than a whole map, etc.


> We have so many higher priorities that I can't see us ever actually getting to this in the foreseeable future. Especially as we already have the means for players to create their own 1v1's via custom arenas.


You don't need to change anything, tbh. People would use their current equipment and the PVE skills rules. Only thing needed is to add an "Invite to Duel" option (not intrusive and not spammable) when people right click other players and if the other party accept, they turn hostile to each other.


I know it won't happen, and, tbh, it's not smt that important, just pointing out that it's not that hard to do.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> First, it can't be "tested out for a week," because it involves way too much development effort to even make it available.


> Let's also get all the usual back & forth arguments out of the way by assuming that:

> * It's opt in only: unless you select the option, people cannot invite you to duel.

> * ANet figures out a way to have two people duel without leaving the instance, without others joining a scrum.

> * ANet figures out a way to either allow duelists to use PvP builds _or_ can figure out how to balance PvE rules so that it's fair in a duel.

> * ANet adds enough support staff (which might be merely one or two people) to ensure that people aren't abusing chat to get duels ("coward, you better fight me!")

> * There are no extra rewards (not even AP) that would cause a whole new set of anti-dueling arguments to overwhelm conversations about rewards.


> I'll even throw in the possibility that I might personally like dueling, if ANet were the ones to implement. I didn't think I would like WvW (and I did). I didn't think I'd like mounts, and I love them. So maybe I might like dueling.


> But, the vast majority of people don't seem that much interested. So this ends up being a huge expenditure of resources to do it right, to benefit a fraction of the community. At a time when there are dozens of other features we want, this seems like a poor use of ANet's time.


> tl;dr I'm not entirely opposed. I just can't imagine that this would be on a priority list for _discussing_, never mind implementing.


Good points here. This is a pretty nuanced post so I can't necessarily disagree, but I will mention the whole argument of "it would cost Anet too much to implement so I think they shouldn't implement it," argument is a bad one that the community really needs to stop using. This is something for Anet to decide, not the community. Only Anet can internally evaluate whether or not something will cost too much or is/is not worth devoting resources towards.

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> @"Arcaedus.7290" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > First, it can't be "tested out for a week," because it involves way too much development effort to even make it available.

> >

> > Let's also get all the usual back & forth arguments out of the way by assuming that:

> > * It's opt in only: unless you select the option, people cannot invite you to duel.

> > * ANet figures out a way to have two people duel without leaving the instance, without others joining a scrum.

> > * ANet figures out a way to either allow duelists to use PvP builds _or_ can figure out how to balance PvE rules so that it's fair in a duel.

> > * ANet adds enough support staff (which might be merely one or two people) to ensure that people aren't abusing chat to get duels ("coward, you better fight me!")

> > * There are no extra rewards (not even AP) that would cause a whole new set of anti-dueling arguments to overwhelm conversations about rewards.

> >

> > I'll even throw in the possibility that I might personally like dueling, if ANet were the ones to implement. I didn't think I would like WvW (and I did). I didn't think I'd like mounts, and I love them. So maybe I might like dueling.

> >

> > But, the vast majority of people don't seem that much interested. So this ends up being a huge expenditure of resources to do it right, to benefit a fraction of the community. At a time when there are dozens of other features we want, this seems like a poor use of ANet's time.

> >

> > tl;dr I'm not entirely opposed. I just can't imagine that this would be on a priority list for _discussing_, never mind implementing.


> Good points here. This is a pretty nuanced post so I can't necessarily disagree, but I will mention the whole argument of "it would cost Anet too much to implement so I think they shouldn't implement it," argument is a bad one that the community really needs to stop using. This is something for Anet to decide, not the community. Only Anet can internally evaluate whether or not something will cost too much or is/is not worth devoting resources towards.


I think there's an important distinction between "I don't think they should" compared to what I wrote, which is that I don't believe that they will. It's up to me what I predict they'll decide and up to me to state if I have a preference for one choice over another.


So again, to be clear: I have nothing against the concept of dueling. I think it's more complicated to implement (both because of mechanical & social issues) than proponents seem to believe, of less interest to fewer people than stated by proponents, and because of that cost-vs-benefit, I believe that ANet isn't likely to change their mind about its inclusion.


Then again, I thought the same thing about mounts and it turned out ANet was working on them from before launch and it's one of my favorite new features in the game. (Although, I confess I think they are a lot more enjoyable for me because we didn't have them for 5 years.)


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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Arcaedus.7290" said:

> > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > First, it can't be "tested out for a week," because it involves way too much development effort to even make it available.

> > >

> > > Let's also get all the usual back & forth arguments out of the way by assuming that:

> > > * It's opt in only: unless you select the option, people cannot invite you to duel.

> > > * ANet figures out a way to have two people duel without leaving the instance, without others joining a scrum.

> > > * ANet figures out a way to either allow duelists to use PvP builds _or_ can figure out how to balance PvE rules so that it's fair in a duel.

> > > * ANet adds enough support staff (which might be merely one or two people) to ensure that people aren't abusing chat to get duels ("coward, you better fight me!")

> > > * There are no extra rewards (not even AP) that would cause a whole new set of anti-dueling arguments to overwhelm conversations about rewards.

> > >

> > > I'll even throw in the possibility that I might personally like dueling, if ANet were the ones to implement. I didn't think I would like WvW (and I did). I didn't think I'd like mounts, and I love them. So maybe I might like dueling.

> > >

> > > But, the vast majority of people don't seem that much interested. So this ends up being a huge expenditure of resources to do it right, to benefit a fraction of the community. At a time when there are dozens of other features we want, this seems like a poor use of ANet's time.

> > >

> > > tl;dr I'm not entirely opposed. I just can't imagine that this would be on a priority list for _discussing_, never mind implementing.

> >

> > Good points here. This is a pretty nuanced post so I can't necessarily disagree, but I will mention the whole argument of "it would cost Anet too much to implement so I think they shouldn't implement it," argument is a bad one that the community really needs to stop using. This is something for Anet to decide, not the community. Only Anet can internally evaluate whether or not something will cost too much or is/is not worth devoting resources towards.


> I think there's an important distinction between "I don't think they should" compared to what I wrote, which is that I don't believe that they will. It's up to me what I predict they'll decide and up to me to state if I have a preference for one choice over another.


> So again, to be clear: I have nothing against the concept of dueling. I think it's more complicated to implement (both because of mechanical & social issues) than proponents seem to believe, of less interest to fewer people than stated by proponents, and because of that cost-vs-benefit, I believe that ANet isn't likely to change their mind about its inclusion.


> Then again, I thought the same thing about mounts and it turned out ANet was working on them from before launch and it's one of my favorite new features in the game. (Although, I confess I think they are a lot more enjoyable for me because we didn't have them for 5 years.)



You're right.


I'm of the opinion though that if you want something implemented (or at least don't not want it implemented) and you see someone propose something within reason, it's best not to bring up Anet's funding situation/likelihood to implement as a counterpoint since it comes across as disagreement with the original proposal (even if you express personally being in favor of it).


This might seem like a snowflake thing or overly nitpicky, but I see so many people disagree with things based on their perceptions of Anet's capabilities/financial situation when it's just not a valid argument.

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> @"Arcaedus.7290" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > @"Arcaedus.7290" said:

> > > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > > First, it can't be "tested out for a week," because it involves way too much development effort to even make it available.

> > > >

> > > > Let's also get all the usual back & forth arguments out of the way by assuming that:

> > > > * It's opt in only: unless you select the option, people cannot invite you to duel.

> > > > * ANet figures out a way to have two people duel without leaving the instance, without others joining a scrum.

> > > > * ANet figures out a way to either allow duelists to use PvP builds _or_ can figure out how to balance PvE rules so that it's fair in a duel.

> > > > * ANet adds enough support staff (which might be merely one or two people) to ensure that people aren't abusing chat to get duels ("coward, you better fight me!")

> > > > * There are no extra rewards (not even AP) that would cause a whole new set of anti-dueling arguments to overwhelm conversations about rewards.

> > > >

> > > > I'll even throw in the possibility that I might personally like dueling, if ANet were the ones to implement. I didn't think I would like WvW (and I did). I didn't think I'd like mounts, and I love them. So maybe I might like dueling.

> > > >

> > > > But, the vast majority of people don't seem that much interested. So this ends up being a huge expenditure of resources to do it right, to benefit a fraction of the community. At a time when there are dozens of other features we want, this seems like a poor use of ANet's time.

> > > >

> > > > tl;dr I'm not entirely opposed. I just can't imagine that this would be on a priority list for _discussing_, never mind implementing.

> > >

> > > Good points here. This is a pretty nuanced post so I can't necessarily disagree, but I will mention the whole argument of "it would cost Anet too much to implement so I think they shouldn't implement it," argument is a bad one that the community really needs to stop using. This is something for Anet to decide, not the community. Only Anet can internally evaluate whether or not something will cost too much or is/is not worth devoting resources towards.

> >

> > I think there's an important distinction between "I don't think they should" compared to what I wrote, which is that I don't believe that they will. It's up to me what I predict they'll decide and up to me to state if I have a preference for one choice over another.

> >

> > So again, to be clear: I have nothing against the concept of dueling. I think it's more complicated to implement (both because of mechanical & social issues) than proponents seem to believe, of less interest to fewer people than stated by proponents, and because of that cost-vs-benefit, I believe that ANet isn't likely to change their mind about its inclusion.

> >

> > Then again, I thought the same thing about mounts and it turned out ANet was working on them from before launch and it's one of my favorite new features in the game. (Although, I confess I think they are a lot more enjoyable for me because we didn't have them for 5 years.)

> >


> You're right.


> I'm of the opinion though that if you want something implemented (or at least don't not want it implemented) and you see someone propose something within reason, it's best not to bring up Anet's funding situation/likelihood to implement as a counterpoint since it comes across as disagreement with the original proposal (even if you express personally being in favor of it).


> This might seem like a snowflake thing or overly nitpicky, but I see so many people disagree with things based on their perceptions of Anet's capabilities/financial situation when it's just not a valid argument.


Saddly though when it comes to this topic, the valid arguments against instantly get shut down by the pro duelists with very simple posts that come down "Its not a problem for me so it shouldn't be for you", or similiar posts, and neither side is willing to actually discuss a middle ground. On the old forums a thread like this was created and the vast majority of unique responses agreed that dedicated dueling arenas in cities was the best option to meet in the middle.

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PvE builds are rarely competiable with dueling, especially for low hp pool builds that run low or no hp in PvE, but require the 5k hp amulets in sPvP.


Also, some classes sustainability is seriously dependent on skills you do not use in PvE. Utilities in PvE are for maximizing dps, where in PvP they are mostly used for mobility and sustainability. Condi cleanse and stability are rarely used in PvE. If you do not have condi cleanse and stability (in some builds) in PvP, you are as good as dead.


It just does not work.

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I have played games with open world duel. Ppl just have to tag or untag, about all the verbal harassment, I've seen very little. You can always block the person and ignore it completely. I think it's a better idea add a map duels are allowed, so everybody there is willing to duel, i know that's not open world, just add a pvp version of maps super crowded like LA, DR, crystal oasis, because let's be honest, those maps will be where all the pvp is gonna happen.

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Unfortunately this game will never see the light of dueling. If it does, this will uncover all the unbalances and glitches and crowd-control exploits. This is exactly why this game is focused on teaming of 5, so all these issues can be covered up with arguments regarding teamwork.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> I'm not against 1v1 dueling, with restrictions to areas. But as other's noted, to do this right requires a lot of work. (Specified duel areas, a way to change the skill ruleset used based on an area rather than a whole map, etc.


> We have so many higher priorities that I can't see us ever actually getting to this in the foreseeable future. Especially as we already have the means for players to create their own 1v1's via custom arenas.


I don't think it needs restrictions to areas. Players will natural gravitate towards more appropriate dueling spots. Just look at World of Warcraft, where dueling could be initiated any time and any place. People naturally gravitated towards taking duels outside the city limits in Orgrimaar and Iron Forge where there were open terrain and you don't have to worry about crowds of players or NPC's obstructing your view in the heat of battle. Like how racing guilds made their own race tracks when the Roller Beetle came out.


Plus not being able to start a duel anywhere in the world like while you're waiting for a meta event to pop would defeat the purpose.


The trickiest thing with dueling is how you'd change skill rulesets to WvW's (SPvP's rule set with it's amulets and complete lack of stats seems incompatible) for those two players for just the duration of the duel.


Otherwise I don't think it needs to be too fancy. Add an option when you right click a player's healthbar while you have the selected that says "initiate Duel". A flag drops down, the other player can respond yes or no to the duel. If they say yes a countdown begins and they're both flagged hostile towards each other until one of them enters downstate or the other runs out of bounds.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> We have so many higher priorities that I can't see us ever actually getting to this in the foreseeable future.


We know that PvP is not a priority for you guys.


> Especially as we already have the means for players to create their own 1v1's via custom arenas.


There are several procedures to join into a custom arena, this keep people away.

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