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Open World Duel option - Yay / Nay / Who cares ?


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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> This has been debated to death for 6 years;


> - many, many, many pve players do not want to see it intrude into the open world. Open world is a coop zone and pvp has no place there at all

> - the open world is not coded or set up for pvp. you can't just bung it in. It's a major piece of work to get it to happen for virtually no gain when pvp areas fully exist

> - the devs have not ruled it out. one dev recently said it's something they'd personally be interested in, but the two above factors mean it seems pretty unlikely it will ever happen. It certainly isn't on any impending lists and those "to do" lists are pretty extensive so they tell us


> For the record, I've played mmo's with open world duelling and with open world pvp in selected areas. It was a truly toxic environment and being able to toggle requests did nothing to alleviate it. Duelling in my opinion does not fit GW2 in the open world arena. There is no reason it can't exist in a corner of pvp or the lobby (although Guild Halls already provide a fully functional duelling Arena), but I will be happy never to see it have light of day in the open world. It just isn't needed.


I've never played any those types long enough(completely unrelated to the dueling) to really run into issues but in the cases where it is optional you still get people being annoying with PMs when you do have it off.


Guild arena requires owning an expansion. Maybe requires HoT as the message implies but either way not always usable.


> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > This has been debated to death for 6 years;

> >

> > - many, many, many pve players do not want to see it intrude into the open world. Open world is a coop zone and pvp has no place there at all

> > - the open world is not coded or set up for pvp. you can't just bung it in. It's a major piece of work to get it to happen for virtually no gain when pvp areas fully exist

> > - the devs have not ruled it out. one dev recently said it's something they'd personally be interested in, but the two above factors mean it seems pretty unlikely it will ever happen. It certainly isn't on any impending lists and those "to do" lists are pretty extensive so they tell us

> >

> > For the record, I've played mmo's with open world duelling and with open world pvp in selected areas. It was a truly toxic environment and being able to toggle requests did nothing to alleviate it. Duelling in my opinion does not fit GW2 in the open world arena. There is no reason it can't exist in a corner of pvp or the lobby (although Guild Halls already provide a fully functional duelling Arena), but I will be happy never to see it have light of day in the open world. It just isn't needed.


> This is pretty much everything that needs said, and just about everything here i agree with. and may i suggest to the moderators that this thread get merged with one of the other threads that exists for this topic?



I think you can use the report option to notify the mods for merging.

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> @"castlemanic.3198" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > This has been debated to death for 6 years;

> >

> > - many, many, many pve players do not want to see it intrude into the open world. Open world is a coop zone and pvp has no place there at all

> > - the open world is not coded or set up for pvp. you can't just bung it in. It's a major piece of work to get it to happen for virtually no gain when pvp areas fully exist

> > - the devs have not ruled it out. one dev recently said it's something they'd personally be interested in, but the two above factors mean it seems pretty unlikely it will ever happen. It certainly isn't on any impending lists and those "to do" lists are pretty extensive so they tell us

> >

> > For the record, I've played mmo's with open world duelling and with open world pvp in selected areas. It was a truly toxic environment and being able to toggle requests did nothing to alleviate it. Duelling in my opinion does not fit GW2 in the open world arena. There is no reason it can't exist in a corner of pvp or the lobby (although Guild Halls already provide a fully functional duelling Arena), but I will be happy never to see it have light of day in the open world. It just isn't needed.


> I haven't tested this out myself yet (because i don't have friends who are up to date on the story so i can't test it out with them), but the suns refuge has an achievement that seemingly provides a pvp enabled arena, with a raid message overlay saying "[Character name] has entered the arena", so seemingly for all intents and purposes, that fills the gap for people who don't have access to guild halls with the arena too (a summonable instance where you can return to the open world where you last were), essentially. There's interesting tech enabled there which allows anyone inside the arena to see anyone else inside as an enemy, whereas anyone outside the arena is viewed as an ally. It's not a perfect solution but it's a very decent inclusion and could scratch the itch of players wanting to duel (assuming the inviting player has completed the achievement which is pretty easy if i recall).


> EDIT: I for the record think that the inclusion of this more than makes up for a lack of dueling in open world. I'd personally only use it to duel my friends just for laughs etc. and nothing super serious, so once my friends get up to date with the story we'll have lots of opportunities for dueling each other. With this, there's no need for open world dueling imo.


Sadly some of these dueling guys want to be able to do so while waiting for wb to spawn or meta to reset so this wont satisfy them.

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Anet quote on this from not too long ago:




> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> I'm not against 1v1 dueling, with restrictions to areas. But as other's noted, to do this right requires a lot of work. (Specified duel areas, a way to change the skill ruleset used based on an area rather than a whole map, etc.


> We have so many higher priorities that I can't see us ever actually getting to this in the foreseeable future. Especially as we already have the means for players to create their own 1v1's via custom arenas.



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> @"LaFurion.3167" said:

> It would be amazing, engaging, learning experience for new players, loads of fun, etc to be able to duel in open world, such as in Wow.


> Leveling with a friend, then you decide to duel it out to test your skills!


> And dueling hubs outside cities, allover the world, would be amazing! The entire gw2 world is so beautiful, imagine how cool it would be to start a duel out there and fight, would keep the game so fresh and awesome.


> Plus it would be more content for certain players who really enjoy it etc.



> Add a dueling system to gw2 please and thank you! Wet dream of mine! So many cool looking characters and amazing combat system fights all over the world... hurgh.


And 1 click to "PvP Arena" to duel to test the new players skills is too hard??? You want to test skills in open world PvE, find a "Group Event Champion/Legendary" and solo it.


And if there are hubs in Open World PvE for duelling, its not new content, "its just a same old wine with new bottle" aka "PvP"

Tbh, how many PvP players actually care for the views when they duel??? In PvP, players focus on opponents, Aware of the surrounding but never focus too much on the views. And if they want to see the nice views of PvE, get out of PvP and waypoint to any PvE maps to satisfy thier needs, how hard is that???


I am strongly disagree with the suggestion. But if Anet implies one, pls do not put any sort of rewards to players (no XP, no loots, no rank, no karma, nothing) who duelling in open World PvE.


You want to duel, you already know where to go, PvP Arena, WvW

You want to explore, open world PvE Maps.

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Folks haven't mentioned another duel spot: Guild halls with an enabled arena. You even keep your PvE build and skill numbers, and you exit back to where you were in the open world when you're done. Downside from the duelists' perspectives is that they can't get back into a full map they left, and they must both be in the same guild that has its arena open or one of them must travel to the actual guild hall entrance to join the other. Upside from everyone else's perspective is that there isn't ability spam in their face when they're trying to do other stuff in the open world.

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> @"Donari.5237" said:

> Folks haven't mentioned another duel spot: Guild halls with an enabled arena. You even keep your PvE build and skill numbers, and you exit back to where you were in the open world when you're done. Downside from the duelists' perspectives is that they can't get back into a full map they left, and they must both be in the same guild that has its arena open or one of them must travel to the actual guild hall entrance to join the other. Upside from everyone else's perspective is that there isn't ability spam in their face when they're trying to do other stuff in the open world.


You can already duel in guild halls though

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> @"Sephylon.4938" said:

> > @"Donari.5237" said:

> > Folks haven't mentioned another duel spot: Guild halls with an enabled arena. You even keep your PvE build and skill numbers, and you exit back to where you were in the open world when you're done. Downside from the duelists' perspectives is that they can't get back into a full map they left, and they must both be in the same guild that has its arena open or one of them must travel to the actual guild hall entrance to join the other. Upside from everyone else's perspective is that there isn't ability spam in their face when they're trying to do other stuff in the open world.


> You can already duel in guild halls though


Exactly my point. No need for ANet to go through the tremendous bother, there's already a place to do it that isn't in the way of anyone else.

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Another reason pro dueling is that its so handy to teach! I got my gf in to gw2 she loves it now but is still a novice.



If we could duel without having to load into wvw or pvp (again, out in the beautiful open world of gw2, not the stale boring pvp maps we have had for 6 years), just show I could show her a quick combo combination while leveling it would be so cool.


Having to go to suns refuge or guild hall again is so... out dated, such a waste of all the amazing fights that could happen T_T.


Perhaps add maps or servers that allow dueling? Idk how this would work but om surprised at how many people would be against dueling so im listing a possible solution.

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And people forget how fun it could be. Waiting for an even to start? Duel people :D.



Got a friend leveling with you, or running around the world together and see an amazing spot that would be awesome for a fight? Duel! :o



Maybe separate servers that allow open world dueling is the answer. I would immediately pay to transfer to one of those :/

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While I am *very* against open world duelling just anywhere, as it infallibly means obnoxious people duelling in front of others just to annoy and incessant "challenges", I actually would find it cool in designated spots - there's an are actual fighting pit in NW Gendarran Fields, for instance.


Restricted to such places, I'm for it.

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> @"LaFurion.3167" said:

> Another reason pro dueling is that its so handy to teach! I got my gf in to gw2 she loves it now but is still a novice.



> If we could duel without having to load into wvw or pvp (again, out in the beautiful open world of gw2, not the stale boring pvp maps we have had for 6 years), just show I could show her a quick combo combination while leveling it would be so cool.


> Having to go to suns refuge or guild hall again is so... out dated, such a waste of all the amazing fights that could happen T_T.


> Perhaps add maps or servers that allow dueling? Idk how this would work but om surprised at how many people would be against dueling so im listing a possible solution.


Got any reason showing this on a monster rather then her is diffrent somehow?


I wouldent like my respective other hitting me to show me a combination just saying.


> @"LaFurion.3167" said:

> And people forget how fun it could be. Waiting for an even to start? Duel people :D.



> Got a friend leveling with you, or running around the world together and see an amazing spot that would be awesome for a fight? Duel! :o



> Maybe separate servers that allow open world dueling is the answer. I would immediately pay to transfer to one of those :/


Good luck trying to do any meta events or world bosses with so few people those special kinda of servers would have.

And forget about wvw aswell.

To work how you imagen it they would have the be exempt from the mega server technology thats in the game mate.

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> @"LaFurion.3167" said:

> Another reason pro dueling is that its so handy to teach! I got my gf in to gw2 she loves it now but is still a novice.



> If we could duel without having to load into wvw or pvp (again, out in the beautiful open world of gw2, not the stale boring pvp maps we have had for 6 years), just show I could show her a quick combo combination while leveling it would be so cool.


> Having to go to suns refuge or guild hall again is so... out dated, such a waste of all the amazing fights that could happen T_T.


> Perhaps add maps or servers that allow dueling? Idk how this would work but om surprised at how many people would be against dueling so im listing a possible solution.


No they are not means of teaching in this game as skills and stats function differently in WvW and PVP than they do in PVE, so dueling for that reason is useless.


Separate "Servers" in open world do not exist anymore, the game does try to group players on the same world together but often it just throws everyone on one map, and yes *tons* of people are against dueling. I counted once in a dueling thread, out of all the unique responses(first response, not replying to somebody else as an argument etc.) people saying no for valid reasons, to which more often than not people saying "yes" considered to be invalid "because they had never experienced such things and therefor they never happened" where (2.5 to 1) in favor of the "no" side.


The *ONLY* compromise that worked at all was to have designated zones in the cities and a few maps away from event spawns so as not to upscale the event, and even then it was very close to still favoring the people saying "no".


ANET has also said an official statement on dueling, its not a hard no, but due to all the places they have allowed it, its not on their priority list and that has been qouted above.

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> @"LaFurion.3167" said:

> Another reason pro dueling is that its so handy to teach! I got my gf in to gw2 she loves it now but is still a novice.



> If we could duel without having to load into wvw or pvp (again, out in the beautiful open world of gw2, not the stale boring pvp maps we have had for 6 years), just show I could show her a quick combo combination while leveling it would be so cool.


> Having to go to suns refuge or guild hall again is so... out dated, such a waste of all the amazing fights that could happen T_T.


> Perhaps add maps or servers that allow dueling? Idk how this would work but om surprised at how many people would be against dueling so im listing a possible solution.


In your OPINION it's fun, and even ArenaNet has already supplied an answer why it's not going to happen anytime soon. You can offer all the solutions you want, it DOES NOT fit the GW2 world or game, GW2 is not designed around it and it really has no place here. A duel is a duel regardless of where it happens, the only thing different is the environment as there are already areas you can duel in using your PvE skills.

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