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Unpopular Opinion: Requiem Light armor set is just Meh.


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I'm sorry for the person who created Requiem light armor, but honestly it's just ugly to me. I admit that the Heavy Requiem set is actually awesome and I wish light Requiem set was similar to Warbeast light armor honestly.


I honestly wish that Anet could create more armor like Bladed or Warbeast but with Requiem effects for Light class.

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I personally dont like the medium set at all but the light and heavy sets are nice. Ill take the light requiem skin for my medium armour guys and have light redesigned, but thats just wishful thinking. Instead maybe they should have a theme in mind when designing medium armour instead of basketting them in the middle in terms of bulkiness/protection so they sit inbetween the two other weights i.e. medium armour dont have to be all half plates or padded armour. If anything I think they should be more so on the lightweight side than heavy as thieves need to sneak around and rangers should be fleet of foot.

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My two cents:


I suppose the glowy effects are too overwhelming, I cannot see my character from behind it. Med and light Requiem chest and leg pieces don't have the glowy parts, so I can swap the rest and enjoy the intricate design, but heavy? Nope, the best part is obstructed by the glow.

Shoulder pieces are very wide for some reason for all three weights. Not sure if it's scaling caused by the body types I pick, but they are ruining the look.


Elegy light is a blessing though.

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I know this thread is about "unpopular opinion" (honestly, it's just an edgy threat to me), however these armor skins aren't that bad at all.

You might wanna look into the skins from GW1 and then you might understand, that there never really was ultra super crazy monster cool armor skin either.

And there is also a reason for it. Because ANet wants you to keep looking for new skins. If there was a ultra cool armor skin already there'd be no reason to farm the next one.


Here's my unpopular opinion: Bladed heavy helmet skin is just gross and makes me wanna puke. Seriously, what is that abomination?

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> @"Clyan.1593" said:

> You might wanna look into the skins from GW1 and then you might understand, that there never really was ultra super crazy monster cool armor skin either.


Really? Never?


![](https://i.imgur.com/X9OzP9Z.jpg "")


Kylara Nightsong's distant ancestor Kylara Nightsong would like to point out her Vabbian Necromancer armour.

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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > @"Clyan.1593" said:

> > You might wanna look into the skins from GW1 and then you might understand, that there never really was ultra super crazy monster cool armor skin either.


> Really? Never?



> Kylara Nightsong's distant ancestor Kylara Nightsong would like to point out her Vabbian Necromancer armour.


Well we have different taste then. I personally find that armor you show in the picture nothing special, looks nice, but that's all.

And that's how I view all GW1 skins. They never go over the top.

Even obsidian armor was just a normal looking skin, and that one is crazy farmy / grindy. And yet since it was so rare you would stand out wearing it easily.

But look at GW2 in comparison, its full of crazy armor, because people always want more. You can see green glowing charrs with mystical space fur and ghostly sparkles around them... it's rediculous.

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I think the requiem sets are again flashiness > aesthetics. And that is made clearer still when you see the elegy sets which are the basic designs and have nothing going for them.


The philosopher Immanuel Kant said: _"enjoyment" is the result when pleasure arises from sensation, but judging something to be "beautiful" has a third requirement: sensation must give rise to pleasure by engaging our capacities of reflective contemplation. Judgments of beauty are sensory, emotional and intellectual all at once._


And that about sums it up for me. I get that some people enjoy this flashy stuff, but for beautiful designs I look at GW1. They didn't need flash and even though the graphic quality is old, the designs still stand. Now there are a very few exceptions. Not everything in GW2 looks terrible or over the top, but you do have to really look for it. A lot of my characters are dressed in the sense of "the best I could do" rather than being really happy with their look. I do find that situation disappointing.


When I see Blocki's screenshot up here, I just really don't get that (s)he's showing off because it frankly looks horrible to me. It's not flattering at all. Oh well, that's my opinion. If people think this is awesome looking that's great for them. I just don't see it that way.

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> @"Clyan.1593" said:

> > @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > > @"Clyan.1593" said:

> > > You might wanna look into the skins from GW1 and then you might understand, that there never really was ultra super crazy monster cool armor skin either.

> >

> > Really? Never?

> >

> >

> > Kylara Nightsong's distant ancestor Kylara Nightsong would like to point out her Vabbian Necromancer armour.


> Well we have different taste then. I personally find that armor you show in the picture nothing special, looks nice, but that's all.

> And that's how I view all GW1 skins. They never go over the top.

> Even obsidian armor was just a normal looking skin, and that one is crazy farmy / grindy. And yet since it was so rare you would stand out wearing it easily.

> But look at GW2 in comparison, its full of crazy armor, because people always want more. You can see green glowing charrs with mystical space fur and ghostly sparkles around them... it's rediculous.


Well, we agree on one thing, though: there is no link between "flashy" and "cool". The Vabbian Necro thing is (ultra super crazy monster) cool precisely because it's slightly understated and yet utterly unmistakable - nothing else in GW1 (or, sadly, GW2) looks like it - and beautiful with it. If ArenaNet put up a poll of which GW1 armour set I'd like to see next in GW2, Vabbian Necro would be way up at the top with "oh, look, what's that way down there?" Norn Paragon a distant second, and all the rest in a big pile of meh at the bottom.


(Noteworthy point: we already have Krytan Ranger imported as Krytan, and Profane Necromancer as Profane, and Warrior Primeval as Primeval.)


All that said, I do like the Requiem heavy set. (Even without the head and chest pieces.)

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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> Well, we agree on one thing, though: there is no link between "flashy" and "cool". The Vabbian Necro thing is (ultra super crazy monster) cool precisely because it's slightly understated and yet utterly unmistakable - nothing else in GW1 (or, sadly, GW2) looks like it - and beautiful with it.


Okay, I can see your argument then. However I'd still say that the requiem armor beside the flashy stuff is quite normal looking, there is nothing special going on with the armor skin (check leg heavy armor if you don't know what I mean). And I don't think it's THAT ugly, like some people here say, that's just exaggerated. Even if for example the straps are a problem to one or another, you still can dye them the same color as the main part and it will visually fuse together. Seems to me people just need an excuse for not feeling grinding.


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> @"Astrolicus.3716" said:

> I'm sorry for the person who created Requiem light armor, but honestly it's just ugly to me.


All three have certain elements about them that make the final result rather unattractive to wear:

* The heavy set has the bulky chest piece and a helmet that removes beards. The female version, once more, creates fat legs on your character, while her chest piece looks comically slim in comparison. And then there's the unnecessary spikes on the shoulders.

* The medium set has an ugly high, funny shaped collar (almost like a court's herald). The chest piece has no shape at all, making your torso look like a tree trunk. Also, the leg pieces are asymmetrical. The shoulder pieces look like they belong on a heavy set. And let's not talk about the head piece that makes your character look like they had no brain under that flat skullcap.

* The light set has those useless metal buckles all over the place whose shape, in addition, does not fit the design. The leathery part on the left leg does not fit the design, either, and looks just weirdly placed there for no good reason. The shoulder region of the chest piece doesn't make the shoulders look particularly manly (on male chars), and the actual shoulder pieces don't fit a light design at all.


So... as mentioned before, I was majorly disappointed and only finished both collections for the title and the ascended armor box.


> @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> The Light Requiem set is my favourite, purely for the chest and pants.


I used the pants on my Sylvari Mesmer, too, but only because the game doesn't provide me with any pants option other than the Ascalonian ones, which make his hips look super weird, like there had been big chunks cut out of them.


> @"Clyan.1593" said:

> You might wanna look into the skins from GW1 and then you might understand, that there never really was ultra super crazy monster cool armor skin either.


That's just a shameless lie:









(Necromancers' was quite monotonous, so I didn't link it)

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