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Could we have some PvE Reward Tracks?

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I like the concept of Reward Tracks in WvW, where you can choose a track and slowly work your way to certain loot that you want. I understand that Anet wants to give people who prefer to play exlusively in WvW or PvP a way to earn rewards that otherwise have to be earned in the open world. But I am not sure why this fine concept is exlusive for the realm of Player versus Player.


Many rewards in those tracks are very yummy to PvE players also (Mystic clovers, certain armorboxes, Fossilized Insects to name a few) and I do not see a good reason why these reward tracks should be exclusively tied to doing WvW or PvP. You can earn many of these rewards by grinding certain maps or replaying storylines in the Open World, however not all of them. And the good thing about having a reward track active is, that you are working your way to certain rewards while doing your favorite kind of stuff, i.e Open World content. Just like WvW players like to do the WvW stuff while their tracks fill up.


So Dynamic Events could give you a small amount of Reward Track xp. Chests from Big Bosses could give a consumable that gives you Reward Track XP. That sort of thing.


Not all Reward Tracks should be available for PvE: the Gift of Battle for instance should be a WvW-only Reward track. I was always fine with that. Also Triumphant armor and Hero Weapons tracks probably.

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WvW/PvP reward tracks are designed to get the same loot as an OW/strict PvE player. So it would reward pve players (like myself) double. i don´t think this would be a good/fair thing, and i can only imagine the drama and outcry that would come from that.

and playing open world YOU ARE slowly working your way to certain loot you want.

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PVE already has "reward tracks", they are called map rewards: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Map_bonus_reward

As for your examples, PVP and WVW players have no way of acquiring fossilized insects, dungeon tokens or LS map specific rewards, while PVE players can acquire them by playing their mode of play. This is why adding reward tracks wouldn't make much sense, essentially you'd draw players away of specific zones and instead focus on the most profitable events, even more. Let's set our reward tracks to anything we want, and go play 24/7 Silverwastes or Istan. At least with the current system there is an incentive and reason to move away of the most profitable events and spread around the world.


That said, what they could do is increase the odds of certain items, for example Fossilized Insects are much faster to acquire in PVP, because it's a 100% chance in the track, while getting one from Dry Top chests has really low chance. Re-balancing some of those rewards would be nice.

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Those Map rewards are crap, c'mon. :) Whooptidoo, finally got a silver doubloon after grinding this map all evening.


I do hear you about certain Maps becoming more abandoned if you put the rewards in a Reward Track (Dry top indeed comes to mind). Yet that is exactly what they did for PvP players(thus being able to avoid that map/content.


So not really seeing why PvP players can simply enjoy their playstyle (roaming WvW, killing players, taking objectives) while having the possibility of earning pretty much every loot reward that PvE has to offer at the same time(exept collection stuff), while I have to grind certain PvE content till my eyes bleed for the same thing. Or repeat storylines Ad Nauseum.




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> @"Tyncale.1629" said:

> So not really seeing why PvP players can simply enjoy their playstyle (roaming WvW, killing players, taking objectives) while having the possibility of earning pretty much every loot reward that PvE has to offer at the same time(exept collection stuff), while I have to grind certain PvE content till my eyes bleed for the same thing. Or repeat storylines Ad Nauseum.


Because PVP players can't get those rewards in any other way, plus a PVP and WVW player participating in the game mode, means the game mode as a whole gets more people. A player playing in Silverwastes, doesn't increase the population of Timberline Falls. PVE and PVP/WVW is completely different in that regard, PVE requires a healthy amount of players spread all over the world, while in PVP/WVW the maps are few and it's much easier to find people whatever you are doing. If they added these types of reward tracks it would be the death of PVE. Don't compare PVP/WVW with PVE


And as I said, some amount of grind is excessive and they need to tone it down a bit, Fossilized Insects is a prime example of horrible RNG. Although I doubt they'd ever go back and change old content, later content gets better.

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The PvE equivalent of reward tracks is different maps. PvP and WvW only have 1 type of content each and they can't move between areas as freely as PvE players can because it's dictated by the match you're playing so they need to use a different method to select rewards. For example Anet can't just say the Air Keep in the Desert Borderlands now gives Silverwastes rewards because WvW players can't just keep taking and re-taking the one keep if they want to focus on those rewards.


And yes there are some rewards which are exclusive to PvP or WvW, just like there's some which are exclusive to PvE, so there is some distinction between them and everything doesn't just come down to what's quickest.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> I don't do much (if any) of the PvP aspect of WvW, but I do choose the WvW Reward track I'm interested in, and fill it by engaging in the PvE aspects of WvW. It's not as fast, but I still obtain the Rewards. Anyone can.


I think the way it works is terrible, because a lot of the time (especially this week), PvE players with no interest in WvW have been filling the map queues just to obtain PvE rewards. Meanwhile I'll have people in my guild who want to have fights who give up and log out for the night because of the 50+ man queue. Meh.

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> @"Tyncale.1629" said:

> Those Map rewards are crap, c'mon. :) Whooptidoo, finally got a silver doubloon after grinding this map all evening.


> I do hear you about certain Maps becoming more abandoned if you put the rewards in a Reward Track (Dry top indeed comes to mind). Yet that is exactly what they did for PvP players(thus being able to avoid that map/content.


> So not really seeing why PvP players can simply enjoy their playstyle (roaming WvW, killing players, taking objectives) while having the possibility of earning pretty much every loot reward that PvE has to offer at the same time(exept collection stuff), while I have to grind certain PvE content till my eyes bleed for the same thing. Or repeat storylines Ad Nauseum.





Then play WvW/PvP. Part of the "reward" is to try to get people to try new areas of the game.

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Oh wow. The "i want it all" mentality. You want exclusive skins? Play the mode then. As a wvwer, I am not asking for fractal reward tracks or raid reward tracks. I also oppose any wvwer who says we should have reward tracks for fractals or raids. You know what i do to get fractal rewards? I play the content. You should try to play the content necessary for the exclusive skins you want, too. Pve already has pretty much the vast majority of skins.

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It is not the "I want it all mentaility. " I have already done 5 GoB's in WvW for my Legendaries and I am fine with having to do such content for a Legendary. I have also done Fractals for those same Legendaries, as well as Dungeons even though I am not a great fan of that content. I understand Anet wanting people to try stuff and get out of their comfort zone sometimes. But Reward Tracks do seem like a huge bonus if you are into PvP content.


For instance Reward Tracks may not give Fractal Rewards but they DO give Dungeon Rewards. So do you play that content if you want Dungeon Rewards? Or do you just conveniently set your Reward Track to a Dungeon track, nicely raking up the rewards while you play your favorite game, i.e. WvW or sPvP?


When people talk about PvE Reward tracks emptying out maps, I could argue that by having Dungeon Reward Tracks, Dungeons are now deserted because all those WvW and PvP players have no incentive to do that content since they can simply set up a Reward Track for that. Oh wait, Dungeons *are* deserted!


I do like the Reward Track feature as a whole: it is fun that you can set a certain theme for your rewards, see a bar filling up while you do your regular fun stuff and get small rewards at set intervals. You know, like WvW players already do now. Talk about wanting it all. I think PvP lovers are being catered a bit too much for if you ask me.



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> @"Tyncale.1629" said:

> When people talk about PvE Reward tracks emptying out maps, I could argue that by having Dungeon Reward Tracks, Dungeons are now deserted because all those WvW and PvP players have no incentive to do that content since they can simply set up a Reward Track for that. Oh wait, Dungeons *are* deserted!


You got it backwards, Dungeons were mostly deserted long before they added the reward tracks. Fractals aren't deserted which is why there is no Fractal reward track. Further, PVP players already had access to dungeon skins since the release of the game. But it required a high enough rank, which was hard to achieve at the time. I strongly believe the dungeon reward tracks were added to entice PVE* players to -try- PVP and for those that can't deal with dungeons to get those rewards from farm maps. Hardly their "favorite mode".


Why stop at general PVE reward tracks?

Let's add reward tracks in Raids, so you can get all PVE rewards inside Raids.

Or a reward track inside Fractals so you can get all PVE rewards inside Fractals.

This isn't going to work.


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I agree with you that Reward Tracks are a feature that could easily work for all content. If people want to raid all the time, why not give them a way to set a Track for Dry Top rewards so they can slowly work on their Ambrite collection too? Same thing for Fractal dwellers.


Why does this feature only exists for PvP-lovers? I think you are on to something.

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> @"Tyncale.1629" said:

> Why does this feature only exists for PvP-lovers? I think you are on to something.


Because, if I may repeat it for the third time, PVP players cannot get those rewards in any other way... PVE players can already get those rewards, you are asking for a -new- method of acquisition for the same rewards. This isn't healthy for the game, it needs incentive to visit those PVE maps. You keep comparing PVP and PVE for some reason, they are not comparable.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Tyncale.1629" said:

> > Why does this feature only exists for PvP-lovers? I think you are on to something.


> Because, if I may repeat it for the third time, PVP players cannot get those rewards in any other way... PVE players can already get those rewards, you are asking for a -new- method of acquisition for the same rewards. This isn't healthy for the game, it needs incentive to visit those PVE maps. You keep comparing PVP and PVE for some reason, they are not comparable.


Yeah some people don't understand reward tracks isn't an "extra reward". It's the ONLY reward, the ONLY thing we get, which gives about 2-3 gold per solid hour of WvW.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Tyncale.1629" said:

> > Why does this feature only exists for PvP-lovers? I think you are on to something.


> Because, if I may repeat it for the third time, PVP players cannot get those rewards in any other way... PVE players can already get those rewards, you are asking for a -new- method of acquisition for the same rewards. This isn't healthy for the game, it needs incentive to visit those PVE maps. You keep comparing PVP and PVE for some reason, they are not comparable.


To be fair, you were the one who decided to slice PvE up into sections, not Tyncale . . .


I still don't think PvE reward tracks is a terrible idea, but it is a fair point that few ppl come to gw2 to PvP, so most pvpers have at least tried PvE content. Many PvErs otoh have never been into PvP at all, so it is nice that reward tracks give some incentive there for ppl to at least try that content out. I never would have gone into WvW if I didn't have to, and now I love it so it worked for me . . .


But note that the OP's suggestion doesn't do anything to negate that advantage. It only requests PvE rewards tracks so PvEr's don't have to do the PvE content they don't want to do, just as PvPer's do not. It does not recommend including PvP content in PvE tracks, it actually excludes it specifically . . .

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> @"Gop.8713" said:

> But note that the OP's suggestion doesn't do anything to negate that advantage. It only requests PvE rewards tracks so PvEr's don't have to do the PvE content they don't want to do, just as PvPer's do not. It does not recommend including PvP content in PvE tracks, it actually excludes it specifically . . .


Which is hardly relevant. The problem isn't the inclusion of PVP-exclusive rewards in PVE tracks, but the addition of a track that gives the same rewards as another part of PVE.


You, like the OP, miss that PVP players have no other way of getting these rewards. THIS is their reward model, while in PVE you can perfectly go get those same rewards from other parts of the game.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > But note that the OP's suggestion doesn't do anything to negate that advantage. It only requests PvE rewards tracks so PvEr's don't have to do the PvE content they don't want to do, just as PvPer's do not. It does not recommend including PvP content in PvE tracks, it actually excludes it specifically . . .


> Which is hardly relevant. The problem isn't the inclusion of PVP-exclusive rewards in PVE tracks, but the addition of a track that gives the same rewards as another part of PVE.


> You, like the OP, miss that PVP players have no other way of getting these rewards. THIS is their reward model, while in PVE you can perfectly go get those same rewards from other parts of the game.


Sure we do, we just go to PvE and do them same as anyone else. I've never looked at reward tracks as my only or even primary way of getting PvE content, it's just frequently far more convenient . . .


To say that PvEr's should be forced into content they don't want to do but PvPr's shouldn't makes an arbitrary distinction . . .


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I highly doubt Anet would add PvE reward tracks which reward players with rewards from other areas of the game. Anet has been pretty adamant with adding unique rewards to specific areas of the game to entice players to play that content. I doubt they’re going to add something that circumvents all of that.

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