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Condi Mirage Feedback [Merged]


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> @"Alatar.7364" said:

> > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > > @"Jasper Defthand.3018" said:

> > > I'm getting sick of seeing 2 mirages on all my teams and enemy teams, theres 10 player slots in a match and 4 of them in all of my matches are Mirages. They arn't fun to fight against, and I see them every where. This flavor of the month is out of control.

> >

> > Thief remain flavor of 6 years and counting and remain out of control since. Guess who received more nerfs from than to now between these two? thief or mesmer?

> >

> > Mesmer


> Thief has never been "flavor" in the way you are trying to suggest except for short while after release, it's been meta for being useful to the Team not for being obnoxious overpowered ****, nobody and I mean **nobody** ever had any issues deleting Thief player from the face of this Earth should the thief attempt to 1v1 unless being horribly outskilled by its player.


Poor thieves...

And their self-proclaimed skillfullness.

Some professions are countered by thieves, one of which is... surprise surprise... The one that gives name to this thread.

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> @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > @"Alatar.7364" said:

> > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > > > @"Jasper Defthand.3018" said:

> > > > I'm getting sick of seeing 2 mirages on all my teams and enemy teams, theres 10 player slots in a match and 4 of them in all of my matches are Mirages. They arn't fun to fight against, and I see them every where. This flavor of the month is out of control.

> > >

> > > Thief remain flavor of 6 years and counting and remain out of control since. Guess who received more nerfs from than to now between these two? thief or mesmer?

> > >

> > > Mesmer

> >

> > Thief has never been "flavor" in the way you are trying to suggest except for short while after release, it's been meta for being useful to the Team not for being obnoxious overpowered ****, nobody and I mean **nobody** ever had any issues deleting Thief player from the face of this Earth should the thief attempt to 1v1 unless being horribly outskilled by its player.


> Poor thieves...

> And their self-proclaimed skillfullness.

> Some professions are countered by thieves, one of which is... surprise surprise... The one that gives name to this thread.


Some professions are countered by Thieves =D OK, Rev and... Nothing else. It was to Mirage before its extreme builds it has now, not to mention your argument is extremely invalid to my response to that poster.

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The changes are difficult to assess, unless you deem the mesmer class as a whole including base mesmer as overperforming. If it is just Mirage then the changes should be specific to the Mirage weapon set, traits, and skills.


Otoh if base mesmer and chrono are overperforming as well, adjustments need to be made across the entire class.

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> @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > Id say its extremely weird for someone to get upset by that but this is the pvp subsection so I guess I shouldn't expect anything less.


> It wasn't you who got temporarily banned from forums a couple of weeks ago or last week?



I'm too blunt sometimes and a bit of an Ahole.. Im also Australian and jokes can be taken the wrong way.

Ontop of that, even though I speak for myself and from my own perspective, some people get defensive for no reason or aggressive and my Ahole Australian personality kicks in and decides to stir the pot for a laugh... I rightfully get banned frequently for this and Im sure most devs could confirm that for you.


I've sadly been around a while but only a few users here such as Crab can see it for what it is, a bit of fun..


In this case, @"mortrialus.3062" usually doesn't respond in such a manner which is why I was shocked and left my last comment, for all I know he was in a previous heated engagement with someone.

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> @"Alatar.7364" said:

> > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > > @"Alatar.7364" said:

> > > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > > > > @"Jasper Defthand.3018" said:

> > > > > I'm getting sick of seeing 2 mirages on all my teams and enemy teams, theres 10 player slots in a match and 4 of them in all of my matches are Mirages. They arn't fun to fight against, and I see them every where. This flavor of the month is out of control.

> > > >

> > > > Thief remain flavor of 6 years and counting and remain out of control since. Guess who received more nerfs from than to now between these two? thief or mesmer?

> > > >

> > > > Mesmer

> > >

> > > Thief has never been "flavor" in the way you are trying to suggest except for short while after release, it's been meta for being useful to the Team not for being obnoxious overpowered ****, nobody and I mean **nobody** ever had any issues deleting Thief player from the face of this Earth should the thief attempt to 1v1 unless being horribly outskilled by its player.

> >

> > Poor thieves...

> > And their self-proclaimed skillfullness.

> > Some professions are countered by thieves, one of which is... surprise surprise... The one that gives name to this thread.


> Some professions are countered by Thieves =D OK, Rev and... Nothing else. It was to Mirage before its extreme builds it has now, not to mention your argument is extremely invalid to my response to that poster.


So necros now win against thief :)

As for mirage, 2xecto, steal every boon from BD, condi cleanse on demand, higher evade uptime, more mobility on combat.

Guess you're "being horribly outskilled".

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> @"kappa.2036" said:

> The ability to dodge crucial attacks at the right time has always distinguished good players from bad players.

> Dodging is - in fact- a real invulnerability if used at the right time, and is accessible to all classes. In this regard, there are specific effects that prevent dodge, like immobilize, fear and other control effects: all these factors have always balanced the fight in guild wars 2.


> Unfortunately, the mirage ability called "mirage cloak" eludes everything I mentioned before. In fact, this ability allows the mirage not only to not worry about being knocked on the ground or immobilized, but also to use his skills while evading attacks.

> We need mechanics that promote good and healthy gameplay, and THIS should be against your combat philosophy, Anet...

> In my opinion, mirage cloak should not be accessible if you are stunned or immobilized, exactly like a regular dodge. And this is just the tip of the iceberg.




I agree with promoting good and healthy gameplay but you are singling Mesmer which is not just at all. Thief itself can elude everything and can perma evade everything.


What is not good and not healthy is making exceptions and to point fingers at one instead of the other, Anet must examine ALL unhealthy and toxic gameplay by All professions alike-with no exceptions

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> @"Rysdude.3824" said:

> > @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > Get to top100 and you will see less mirages


> Genuinely curious question here as Im not a PvPer but have seen this said more than once. Which professions are most common in the top 100?




Ben stated somewhere that Mirage is the most played profession of the final teams in ATs, followed by Holo if i remember correctly.

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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > @"Jasper Defthand.3018" said:

> > I'm getting sick of seeing 2 mirages on all my teams and enemy teams, theres 10 player slots in a match and 4 of them in all of my matches are Mirages. They arn't fun to fight against, and I see them every where. This flavor of the month is out of control.


> Thief remain flavor of 6 years and counting and remain out of control since. Guess who received more nerfs from than to now between these two? thief or mesmer?


> Mesmer


Man U mesmers alway bring up other classes when mesmers are being called out. Mesmers as a whole may have high skill cap but also lowest to be effective. The only op thing about thief is DE due to traits in its trait line like stealth on dodge. Every mesmer spec is far easier than any class to be effective especially Condi Mirage due to its bloated toolkit and its game breaking mechanics. The reason thief’s ten times the nurf mirage threads vs even DE tells a story also why there’s so many new mesmer players jumping on the easy mode class, u gonna tell me core/dd are easy mode? Try fighting a soulbeast,guard or holo on DD or core and see how u do compared to ur mesmer. I’ve geared mesmer for pvp and wvw and it is not comparable to thief in any way other than mesmers being given most of the thief’s tools lol most players actually run after my first Condi shatter burst where as on thief usually I’m the one resetting to re engage lol

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> @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > @"Alatar.7364" said:

> > > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > > > @"Alatar.7364" said:

> > > > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > > > > > @"Jasper Defthand.3018" said:

> > > > > > I'm getting sick of seeing 2 mirages on all my teams and enemy teams, theres 10 player slots in a match and 4 of them in all of my matches are Mirages. They arn't fun to fight against, and I see them every where. This flavor of the month is out of control.

> > > > >

> > > > > Thief remain flavor of 6 years and counting and remain out of control since. Guess who received more nerfs from than to now between these two? thief or mesmer?

> > > > >

> > > > > Mesmer

> > > >

> > > > Thief has never been "flavor" in the way you are trying to suggest except for short while after release, it's been meta for being useful to the Team not for being obnoxious overpowered ****, nobody and I mean **nobody** ever had any issues deleting Thief player from the face of this Earth should the thief attempt to 1v1 unless being horribly outskilled by its player.

> > >

> > > Poor thieves...

> > > And their self-proclaimed skillfullness.

> > > Some professions are countered by thieves, one of which is... surprise surprise... The one that gives name to this thread.

> >

> > Some professions are countered by Thieves =D OK, Rev and... Nothing else. It was to Mirage before its extreme builds it has now, not to mention your argument is extremely invalid to my response to that poster.


> So necros now win against thief :)

> As for mirage, 2xecto, steal every boon from BD, condi cleanse on demand, higher evade uptime, more mobility on combat.

> Guess you're "being horribly outskilled".


Condi cleanse in demand =DDD Thief can cleanse only 3 conditions once every 30 seconds because you can't use Shadowstep since it a) cleanses condi on second part so due to perma 16+stacks of Confusion you can't use it b) Is thieves only hope of surviving the fight and even that is questionable since Illusionary Ambush which has god damn 20 sec CD.

Mirage has numerous ways to Interrupt plasma and it's been proven in other thread that Mirage has just slightly lower evade uptime than S/D Thief so good luck getting it in the first place.


Yes, Necro can win vs Thief much much more easily than can Thief win vs Mirage since anyone who's not dumb will shut down IR by Wurm or Spectral walk, so since Necro (both Reaper and Scourge) has more hard CCs than Thief has stunbreaks the possibility of Thief getting insta-gibbed after some time in fight with Necro is so damn high, unlike when fighting Mirage where everything is completely rng due to ridiculously low CDs on detarget skills.

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> @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > @"Alatar.7364" said:

> > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > > > @"Jasper Defthand.3018" said:

> > > > I'm getting sick of seeing 2 mirages on all my teams and enemy teams, theres 10 player slots in a match and 4 of them in all of my matches are Mirages. They arn't fun to fight against, and I see them every where. This flavor of the month is out of control.

> > >

> > > Thief remain flavor of 6 years and counting and remain out of control since. Guess who received more nerfs from than to now between these two? thief or mesmer?

> > >

> > > Mesmer

> >

> > Thief has never been "flavor" in the way you are trying to suggest except for short while after release, it's been meta for being useful to the Team not for being obnoxious overpowered ****, nobody and I mean **nobody** ever had any issues deleting Thief player from the face of this Earth should the thief attempt to 1v1 unless being horribly outskilled by its player.


> Poor thieves...

> And their self-proclaimed skillfullness.

> Some professions are countered by thieves, one of which is... surprise surprise... The one that gives name to this thread.


That's pretty much false. " Counter " is a big word. To me, a true counter is something that is going to always win easily.


As a thief, or even warrior, you obviously can beat a mirage or a necro. But you forget to say that this involves a lot of skill, and it's still extremly easy to die from a very small mistake.


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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > > @"Jasper Defthand.3018" said:

> > > I'm getting sick of seeing 2 mirages on all my teams and enemy teams, theres 10 player slots in a match and 4 of them in all of my matches are Mirages. They arn't fun to fight against, and I see them every where. This flavor of the month is out of control.

> >

> > Thief remain flavor of 6 years and counting and remain out of control since. Guess who received more nerfs from than to now between these two? thief or mesmer?

> >

> > Mesmer


> Man U mesmers alway bring up other classes when mesmers are being called out. Mesmers as a whole may have high skill cap but also lowest to be effective. The only op thing about thief is DE due to traits in its trait line like stealth on dodge. Every mesmer spec is far easier than any class to be effective especially Condi Mirage due to its bloated toolkit and its game breaking mechanics. The reason thief’s ten times the nurf mirage threads vs even DE tells a story also why there’s so many new mesmer players jumping on the easy mode class, u gonna tell me core/dd are easy mode? Try fighting a soulbeast,guard or holo on DD or core and see how u do compared to ur mesmer. I’ve geared mesmer for pvp and wvw and it is not comparable to thief in any way other than mesmers being given most of the thief’s tools lol most players actually run after my first Condi shatter burst where as on thief usually I’m the one resetting to re engage lol


Burnfall isn't a mesmer.


> @"Alatar.7364" said:

> > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > > @"Alatar.7364" said:

> > > > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > > > > @"Alatar.7364" said:

> > > > > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > > > > > > @"Jasper Defthand.3018" said:

> > > > > > > I'm getting sick of seeing 2 mirages on all my teams and enemy teams, theres 10 player slots in a match and 4 of them in all of my matches are Mirages. They arn't fun to fight against, and I see them every where. This flavor of the month is out of control.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Thief remain flavor of 6 years and counting and remain out of control since. Guess who received more nerfs from than to now between these two? thief or mesmer?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Mesmer

> > > > >

> > > > > Thief has never been "flavor" in the way you are trying to suggest except for short while after release, it's been meta for being useful to the Team not for being obnoxious overpowered ****, nobody and I mean **nobody** ever had any issues deleting Thief player from the face of this Earth should the thief attempt to 1v1 unless being horribly outskilled by its player.

> > > >

> > > > Poor thieves...

> > > > And their self-proclaimed skillfullness.

> > > > Some professions are countered by thieves, one of which is... surprise surprise... The one that gives name to this thread.

> > >

> > > Some professions are countered by Thieves =D OK, Rev and... Nothing else. It was to Mirage before its extreme builds it has now, not to mention your argument is extremely invalid to my response to that poster.

> >

> > So necros now win against thief :)

> > As for mirage, 2xecto, steal every boon from BD, condi cleanse on demand, higher evade uptime, more mobility on combat.

> > Guess you're "being horribly outskilled".


> Condi cleanse in demand =DDD Thief can cleanse only 3 conditions once every 30 seconds because you can't use Shadowstep since it a) cleanses condi on second part so due to perma 16+stacks of Confusion you can't use it b) Is thieves only hope of surviving the fight and even that is questionable since Illusionary Ambush which has god kitten 20 sec CD.

> Mirage has numerous ways to Interrupt plasma and it's been proven in other thread that Mirage has just slightly lower evade uptime than S/D Thief so good luck getting it in the first place.


> Yes, Necro can win vs Thief much much more easily than can Thief win vs Mirage since anyone who's not dumb will shut down IR by Wurm or Spectral walk, so since Necro (both Reaper and Scourge) has more hard CCs than Thief has stunbreaks the possibility of Thief getting insta-gibbed after some time in fight with Necro is so kitten high, unlike when fighting Mirage where everything is completely rng due to ridiculously low CDs on detarget skills.


If you get hit by 16+stacks of confusion with a thief, you're playing poorly. F2 is usually done after axe 3 which is has a big dodge me sign on it.

Numerous ways to interrupt?! Lucky proc from chaos storm and F3 (clones running to you) unless you consume plasma at melee range, which is, again, poor play.

As for dealing with condis - signet, shadowstep, sd 2.


I think necros will disagree on that one.


Edit: forgot about the slightly lower evade uptime. Check again the vigor uptime on each profession.

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> @"Rysdude.3824" said:

> > @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > Get to top100 and you will see less mirages


> Genuinely curious question here as Im not a PvPer but have seen this said more than once. Which professions are most common in the top 100?

Well I think there are no real outliers.


Condi mirage, boonbeast, scourge, FB (mostly duo), rev, holo are the most common, in no particular order.

Next tier, aka a bit less played is warrior (SB mainly, and some core), thieves (varying builds), core guard.

Then chrono bunker, reaper, weaver.


This is without taking a look at the actual top100 at the moment, just based on my average experience (so take it as anecdotal evidence).


What I find interesting is, mirages, reapers maybe even scourges are under-represented at the top level in ranked compared to lower ranks, while for example revenants are more common. But yeah that's mostly because of different skill caps probably.


> @"schloumou.3982" said:

> Ben stated somewhere that Mirage is the most played profession of the final teams in ATs, followed by Holo if i remember correctly.

I would actually interested in that, if you find the post itself.


Also AT-s are pretty different from ranked que

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> @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > > > @"Jasper Defthand.3018" said:

> > > > I'm getting sick of seeing 2 mirages on all my teams and enemy teams, theres 10 player slots in a match and 4 of them in all of my matches are Mirages. They arn't fun to fight against, and I see them every where. This flavor of the month is out of control.

> > >

> > > Thief remain flavor of 6 years and counting and remain out of control since. Guess who received more nerfs from than to now between these two? thief or mesmer?

> > >

> > > Mesmer

> >

> > Man U mesmers alway bring up other classes when mesmers are being called out. Mesmers as a whole may have high skill cap but also lowest to be effective. The only op thing about thief is DE due to traits in its trait line like stealth on dodge. Every mesmer spec is far easier than any class to be effective especially Condi Mirage due to its bloated toolkit and its game breaking mechanics. The reason thief’s ten times the nurf mirage threads vs even DE tells a story also why there’s so many new mesmer players jumping on the easy mode class, u gonna tell me core/dd are easy mode? Try fighting a soulbeast,guard or holo on DD or core and see how u do compared to ur mesmer. I’ve geared mesmer for pvp and wvw and it is not comparable to thief in any way other than mesmers being given most of the thief’s tools lol most players actually run after my first Condi shatter burst where as on thief usually I’m the one resetting to re engage lol


> Burnfall isn't a mesmer.


> > @"Alatar.7364" said:

> > > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > > > @"Alatar.7364" said:

> > > > > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > > > > > @"Alatar.7364" said:

> > > > > > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Jasper Defthand.3018" said:

> > > > > > > > I'm getting sick of seeing 2 mirages on all my teams and enemy teams, theres 10 player slots in a match and 4 of them in all of my matches are Mirages. They arn't fun to fight against, and I see them every where. This flavor of the month is out of control.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Thief remain flavor of 6 years and counting and remain out of control since. Guess who received more nerfs from than to now between these two? thief or mesmer?

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Mesmer

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Thief has never been "flavor" in the way you are trying to suggest except for short while after release, it's been meta for being useful to the Team not for being obnoxious overpowered ****, nobody and I mean **nobody** ever had any issues deleting Thief player from the face of this Earth should the thief attempt to 1v1 unless being horribly outskilled by its player.

> > > > >

> > > > > Poor thieves...

> > > > > And their self-proclaimed skillfullness.

> > > > > Some professions are countered by thieves, one of which is... surprise surprise... The one that gives name to this thread.

> > > >

> > > > Some professions are countered by Thieves =D OK, Rev and... Nothing else. It was to Mirage before its extreme builds it has now, not to mention your argument is extremely invalid to my response to that poster.

> > >

> > > So necros now win against thief :)

> > > As for mirage, 2xecto, steal every boon from BD, condi cleanse on demand, higher evade uptime, more mobility on combat.

> > > Guess you're "being horribly outskilled".

> >

> > Condi cleanse in demand =DDD Thief can cleanse only 3 conditions once every 30 seconds because you can't use Shadowstep since it a) cleanses condi on second part so due to perma 16+stacks of Confusion you can't use it b) Is thieves only hope of surviving the fight and even that is questionable since Illusionary Ambush which has god kitten 20 sec CD.

> > Mirage has numerous ways to Interrupt plasma and it's been proven in other thread that Mirage has just slightly lower evade uptime than S/D Thief so good luck getting it in the first place.

> >

> > Yes, Necro can win vs Thief much much more easily than can Thief win vs Mirage since anyone who's not dumb will shut down IR by Wurm or Spectral walk, so since Necro (both Reaper and Scourge) has more hard CCs than Thief has stunbreaks the possibility of Thief getting insta-gibbed after some time in fight with Necro is so kitten high, unlike when fighting Mirage where everything is completely rng due to ridiculously low CDs on detarget skills.


> If you get hit by 16+stacks of confusion with a thief, you're playing poorly. F2 is usually done after axe 3 which is has a big dodge me sign on it.

> Numerous ways to interrupt?! Lucky proc from chaos storm and F3 (clones running to you) unless you consume plasma at melee range, which is, again, poor play.

> As for dealing with condis - signet, shadowstep, sd 2.


> I think necros will disagree on that one.


F2 is not the main source of Confusion in the most broken and overused builds nor even its main dmg nor is it actually even required to be used at all since you benefit so much more from keeping the clones for cover and for Distort, how can you defend Mirage without even knowing this.


I like how you ignored the fact which I stated that Thief can't use Shadwostep to clense and just slapped it in your post anyway because out of arguments I guess, completely the same goes for IS as it removes only one damn condi out of cca 4 that are permanently on you and Confusion is NOT the priorities one in the order of condi removal, not to mention this skill once again damages you before cleansing the one condi.


Also, you forget that F3 interrupts on each clone so almost every time you get interrupted twice by this skill due to the good ol' Daze bug that prevents you from moving, changing current direction or even dodging, which is by the way caused by the spam of it which is of course case of F3 clones.

Next you "forget" about interrupt of Torch 5 and in case of Scepter build the Pistol 5.


Necros are welcome to disagree if they like, but I play Necro in Rank too and Thieves are absolutely nowhere near the _great threat_ you are making them out to be, to me.

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> @"Stallic.2397" said:

> I love that people told me it's my skill level and not the fact that mirage is over powered. So I switched to my mirage and now I'm trolling/dominating every player I come across.


> Best part is now I'm getting tons of hate whispers in spvp cause I'm supposedly playing the most over powered class in the game. Go figure!


This. Though, back when I was saying mirage was OP no-one was deluded enough to argue against it. I guess now that Scourge is out of the spot-light, mirage players who want to keep being OP have no patsy to hide behind.


Don't worry mirage players. Anet won't nerf you into non-existence, mesmer has always been relevant and always will be relevant. They'll just make it a fair playing field. I know no-one likes nerfs but as long as you are actually skilled with it, you'll be fine post-nerf. If you get nerfed into oblivion on accident, I'll be the first to suggest a buff :)

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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> > * We can talk about their ability to spam conditions and power damage like crazy, with relative impunity.

> > * We can talk about the number of evades, dodges, and blocks they are given access to and how this allows them to stay in a long fight while being a glass cannon.

> > * We can talk about how they can practically ignore CC's thanks to mirage cloak, making punishing them for screwing up worthless.

> > * We can talk about stealth and detargets, and how it makes combat with them unpleasant.

> > * We can talk about their ability to teleport great distances and skip out when things get too rough.

> > * We can talk about ease of play and skill floor/cap, and how rewarding the spec is for the effort.

> >

> > But that's missing the forest for the trees. The simple truth is that condi mirage is simply DOING TOO MUCH, period. Any one of the things on the list above makes a halfway decent build, but all of the above makes it kind ridiculous. I don't want the spec nerfed into the ground, but you can't honestly play any other class and think "Yeah, condi mirage is balanced."

> >

> > PS: I play a conversion holo, specifically designed to counter condi mirage, and it can still beat me if I screw up. **I almost never get a kill because they run away first**


> Pointing finger at Mesmer again??

> Making exceptions?


> Thief, warrior, ranger not included?


> ![](http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-shAotysxb_c/UIRdk7PKjRI/AAAAAAAAKWc/x4UBN7QRHak/s1600/36e7vz.jpg "")



Excellent whataboutism.

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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > @"Jasper Defthand.3018" said:

> > I'm getting sick of seeing 2 mirages on all my teams and enemy teams, theres 10 player slots in a match and 4 of them in all of my matches are Mirages. They arn't fun to fight against, and I see them every where. This flavor of the month is out of control.


> Thief remain flavor of 6 years and counting and remain out of control since. Guess who received more nerfs from than to now between these two? thief or mesmer?


> Mesmer


Hahahaha what? You must be joking? Thief can't 1v1 or hold a point and gets 1 shot.


Mesmer is the complete opposite. Very funny. I barely see thieves in my games. Unless they're a feeding deadeye or rarely a slightly annoying d/p mosquito.

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Take exhaustion off elusive mind and put it on mirage cloak itself causing exhaustion on stunbreak and Condi removal if ulusive mind is traited Their now it would be comparable to unhindered combatant trait. Naming shadowstels etc as stunbreak to defend mirage cloak is ridiculous because it’s a SKILL not a built in mechanic and has a decent CD, which mirage has other similar skills so. Better yet make mesmers blocks all 1 1/4 seconds like the one block thief has lol.

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> @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > @"schloumou.3982" said:

> > Ben stated somewhere that Mirage is the most played profession of the final teams in ATs, followed by Holo if i remember correctly.

> I would actually interested in that, if you find the post itself.


> Also AT-s are pretty different from ranked que


No post but Holo was at 12.7% play rate, behind Mirage in ATs.


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> @"Cheeseball C.8395" said:



> My last post was maybe nerfing mirage by removing evades off clones' infinite horizon trait. Some mesmers got on my post and tell me to get good or to play it so i did. This is me facerolling day 2, i'm bad at this class but can do BS like this.


Try another by clicking all your skills. Probably the same result ?

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