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Will daily/monthly AP cap ever increase? New system perhaps?

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> @"Ardid.7203" said:

> I know I shouldn't even be writing here, but I'm always surprised by how much importance people give to AP. For me, the APs could disappear tomorrow and everything would stay the same. Is interesting to read all the intricacies, though.


For some folks, it's knowing the rewards/skins are out of reach.

For others, it's a sad ego thing.


From where I see it, I used to want the daily cap scrapped and lower the daily award post-15k, but.. after a number of days where the dailies just weren't worth it, or I just didn't feel like logging in, I'm actually glad for not "losing" anything when I decide not to do them. It's sort of liberating and allows me to wander to other games.

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In order to "revisit" something there needs to be something to fix/change.


> @"Julius Seizure.4985" said:

> Moreover, for players that are daily capped and primarily enjoy competitive play, this would allow some way for them to keep earning AP without having to grind PvE.


And in the process allow those that play both PVE and PVP to reach even higher heights, introducing even more rewards, and making competitive-only players still missing out on lots of rewards...


> There is a woeful amount of AP available to WvW and PvP players.


That's because PVP/WVW doesn't have enough content variety, nor are expansion content. A great number of AP is from the expansions, competitive modes do not require them to play.

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> @"Zaoda.1653" said:

> I think the achievement point cap was one of the most stupid decisions ever made in GW2. I'm stuck at 28,002 points - at this rate, I'll NEVER have full hellfire or radiant armour.


you are only 2k away, i am sure that would be easily possible even if you have 0 historic ap

the backpacks might be out of reach, but they are ugly and outdated anyway

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> @"Rauderi.8706" said:

> > @"Ardid.7203" said:

> > I know I shouldn't even be writing here, but I'm always surprised by how much importance people give to AP. For me, the APs could disappear tomorrow and everything would stay the same. Is interesting to read all the intricacies, though.


> For some folks, it's knowing the rewards/skins are out of reach.

> For others, it's a sad ego thing.


> From where I see it, I used to want the daily cap scrapped and lower the daily award post-15k, but.. after a number of days where the dailies just weren't worth it, or I just didn't feel like logging in, I'm actually glad for not "losing" anything when I decide not to do them. It's sort of liberating and allows me to wander to other games.


One must wonder how they think a cap is good for the game. Your post has been echoed hundreds of times, but no change.

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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > @"Zaoda.1653" said:

> > I think the achievement point cap was one of the most stupid decisions ever made in GW2. I'm stuck at 28,002 points - at this rate, I'll NEVER have full hellfire or radiant armour.


> you are only 2k away, i am sure that would be easily possible even if you have 0 historic ap

> the backpacks might be out of reach, but they are ugly and outdated anyway


He's 8K away, and that's only if you don't count the back armor. If you count that, it's 11K.


A few thousand is a LONG ways to go at 1-5 at a time. Further, everything bigger than 1 AP takes a VERY long time. Longer for people who don't PvP. Even events are capped. I figure 10-12 more years before I get just the chest armor (I'm a little under 26K).

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> @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> > @"Rauderi.8706" said:

> > > @"Ardid.7203" said:

> > > I know I shouldn't even be writing here, but I'm always surprised by how much importance people give to AP. For me, the APs could disappear tomorrow and everything would stay the same. Is interesting to read all the intricacies, though.

> >

> > For some folks, it's knowing the rewards/skins are out of reach.

> > For others, it's a sad ego thing.

> >

> > From where I see it, I used to want the daily cap scrapped and lower the daily award post-15k, but.. after a number of days where the dailies just weren't worth it, or I just didn't feel like logging in, I'm actually glad for not "losing" anything when I decide not to do them. It's sort of liberating and allows me to wander to other games.


> One must wonder how they think a cap is good for the game. Your post has been echoed hundreds of times, but no change.


Encourages players to get their AP by doing other content compared to low effort dailies, for example.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> > > @"Rauderi.8706" said:

> > > > @"Ardid.7203" said:

> > > > I know I shouldn't even be writing here, but I'm always surprised by how much importance people give to AP. For me, the APs could disappear tomorrow and everything would stay the same. Is interesting to read all the intricacies, though.

> > >

> > > For some folks, it's knowing the rewards/skins are out of reach.

> > > For others, it's a sad ego thing.

> > >

> > > From where I see it, I used to want the daily cap scrapped and lower the daily award post-15k, but.. after a number of days where the dailies just weren't worth it, or I just didn't feel like logging in, I'm actually glad for not "losing" anything when I decide not to do them. It's sort of liberating and allows me to wander to other games.

> >

> > One must wonder how they think a cap is good for the game. Your post has been echoed hundreds of times, but no change.


> Encourages players to get their AP by doing other content compared to low effort dailies, for example.


By that philosophy, they should take away gold farms or put a daily limit on the amount of gold one can earn from doing Istan or SW all day, so those players will get out and do other content.

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> @"HazyDaisy.4107" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> > > > @"Rauderi.8706" said:

> > > > > @"Ardid.7203" said:

> > > > > I know I shouldn't even be writing here, but I'm always surprised by how much importance people give to AP. For me, the APs could disappear tomorrow and everything would stay the same. Is interesting to read all the intricacies, though.

> > > >

> > > > For some folks, it's knowing the rewards/skins are out of reach.

> > > > For others, it's a sad ego thing.

> > > >

> > > > From where I see it, I used to want the daily cap scrapped and lower the daily award post-15k, but.. after a number of days where the dailies just weren't worth it, or I just didn't feel like logging in, I'm actually glad for not "losing" anything when I decide not to do them. It's sort of liberating and allows me to wander to other games.

> > >

> > > One must wonder how they think a cap is good for the game. Your post has been echoed hundreds of times, but no change.

> >

> > Encourages players to get their AP by doing other content compared to low effort dailies, for example.


> By that philosophy, they should take away gold farms or put a daily limit on the amount of gold one can earn from doing Istan or SW all day, so those players will get out and do other content.


They do.

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> @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> And somehow that's a GOOD thing? To force players to play long streams of otherwise useless content. Yeah, that's on top of my list.


As opposed to doing daily achievements, which award 10 for doing just three, that require very little effort and can typically be done in ten minutes? To be honest, perhaps AP from daily achievements should not have been in the game at all in the first place.


> @"HazyDaisy.4107" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> > > > @"Rauderi.8706" said:

> > > > > @"Ardid.7203" said:

> > > > > I know I shouldn't even be writing here, but I'm always surprised by how much importance people give to AP. For me, the APs could disappear tomorrow and everything would stay the same. Is interesting to read all the intricacies, though.

> > > >

> > > > For some folks, it's knowing the rewards/skins are out of reach.

> > > > For others, it's a sad ego thing.

> > > >

> > > > From where I see it, I used to want the daily cap scrapped and lower the daily award post-15k, but.. after a number of days where the dailies just weren't worth it, or I just didn't feel like logging in, I'm actually glad for not "losing" anything when I decide not to do them. It's sort of liberating and allows me to wander to other games.

> > >

> > > One must wonder how they think a cap is good for the game. Your post has been echoed hundreds of times, but no change.

> >

> > Encourages players to get their AP by doing other content compared to low effort dailies, for example.


> By that philosophy, they should take away gold farms or put a daily limit on the amount of gold one can earn from doing Istan or SW all day, so those players will get out and do other content.


AP and gold serve different functions. Although they’re similar, you can’t compare them in the way that you did.

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> @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> Wow. I just looked at the leaderboard for both NA and Europe: NOBODY has collected either full set of skins, because nobody has reached 39K.


> I guess that pretty much obliterates any argument in favor of caps.


No it doesn't. It gives people something to work towards as Anet adds more AP with releases.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Ze Dos Cavalos.6132" said:

> > Why the big deal if players get more ap?

> Then ANet has to invent more rewards for high AP. It's already hard enough to please a plurality of people.


That's why he suggested reusing the same skins just changing colors. It wouldn't exactly be unprecedented. I feel like removing the unique rewards entirely and making the track repeat would be better, but either is a better solution to the specific problem you mention than just creating a cap. I know there are also other reasons ap was capped, but the one you mention here is easily solved . . .

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I am OK with the daily/monthly cap being in place like it is now, although I wonder if increasing the cap for each account birthday would be a nice nod to the veteran players, so they could finish the Radiant/Hellfire set they have been unlocking since the start.

Theses days larger chunks of APs only come with money/mat sink collections and raid wings (and some fractal stuff). While I understand that the top 1k players should compete by having to master niche end game content, the (de)motivational aspect for a "normal player" having to stare at the same max AP for many weeks should also be considered.

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I would be fine with just AP and no rewards really. The rewards are just a little extra to nudge people to completionism and so they keep playing.


That they have whole sets of skins just turned it into a player perceived problem, because it is apparently too much of an incentive for certain players, while not enough of a reward for those who went that extra effort to get there.


I wouldnt mind taking the more unique rewards away if its really that big problem, but I know Anet want at least some incentive for completionism so people feel they are not really ever done and dont just quit the game all together.

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Its not about daily cap increase. The daily and monthly should remain as it is. Mine capped years ago.. I think the ap in general needs to improve. Ap from last festival was good. As it gives quite nice ap. Back in the days, the ap was more generous and its much more fun to do them. I don't know why there is a need to restrict that as the ap reward system is the same as it progress higher. All it requires is making new sets of ap armour and weapons to fit into current reward structure.. I actually think the ap rewards structure needs a bit of rework to provide better reward at every milestone reached especially at higher ap.

Also, its much more fun to do the achievement when it provides more ap eg 5 instead of 1 ap.

So there's two separate issues I think dev can revisit and improve:

1) a better ap progressing reward system.

2) better and more generous points reward for future activities.


I think anet can certainly put a small attention to this part of game because I think the higher ap achievers are group of players that we can say are solid number of base players in this game

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> @"Ze Dos Cavalos.6132" said:

> I don't really know why so stingy about rewarding ap.


If you do the math, they aren't stingy about rewarding AP. There is this misconception that they used to award more AP in the past, but this isn't true, there was a huge gap before Heart of Thorns and another after the release of Heart of Thorns that really made AP awards look terrible for that time. But ever since Season 3 started and up to this point, AP awards have been consistent with the past.


Further, removing the cap doesn't help the least bit with the OP's problem, PVP/WVW players getting AP rewards.


> @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> I guess that pretty much obliterates any argument in favor of caps.


It doesn't. If there was no cap nobody would have the 40k reward, or the 45k reward, or whatever next reward was up there. "Nobody has reward A" is a very weak argument against the caps, because with or without caps there will always be rewards that nobody has. Only with a cap, PVP/WVW players will be at an even higher disadvantage and missing even more rewards.

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Festival AP is very ideal. Almost too much. But it seems like its implemented that way to get people to participate in them without adding very many new, exciting rewards.


> @"WhatLiesBeneath.9018" said:

> > @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> > The magic formula for AP is not making them less than 5ap each unless its a tiered achievement. HoT had it right. Then LW3 came out.


> The amount of AP from HoT vs LS3 is almost identical.

> Same with PoF, it had a small amount more in total then HoT.

> So nothing has really changed since HoT :P


This is a logical fallacy. Just because the totals overall is the same doesn't mean the individual achievements are equal. HoT was handing them out at 5 or 10 points at a time. LW3 has more achievements but because of the poor reasoning to make a certain amount in total per area they reduced the amount you get and not reduced difficulty of getting them.

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There are no new (PvE) achievement points to be had in festivals for people who have been here a long time. We're already capped.


Clearly there's a huge problem when not a single person in the world is able to get a whole armor skin set in over six years. They're not rewards any more; they're carrots hanging on the end of a stick, hoping to get us to stay the course, with no real intention to give out rewards. It absolutely stinks to high heaven. Even if I had the best skills in the world, there's no way I could have earned those rewards.


What promise is there for an average, but extremely loyal player? Our loyalty is stepped on and squashed to a pulp. But, at least I thought there was a reason: all the pro-cap people kept telling us it was so new players can catch up. I knew it wasn't right, but at least it sounded like a valid argument. But, that is now proven absolutely false. There is no hope whatsoever for a normal player to EVER achieve a full radiant set.


No wonder ANet has never made a statement on the subject. It sickening, and they know it! But, they don't care.

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