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What's the actual reward for wining in WVW in a full week match?


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I've started play WVW in recent weeks, try to craft my Warbringer. Before that I was fully focus on PVE content for around 1 year. I have done some research on how to get close to my Warbringer, but very soon I found out there's not much extra reward for the winner in a full week WVW match, I can still get all the thing I need in planned time even my world is keep losing. Of course I know there's a lot of reward track, and while finish other players/ NPCs they might drop some loot bags, but you can still get all of them even your world is in a total losing situation, you can still gain T6 participation for your reward track, all your pips, and there's not much good things in loot bags so if you are not able to farm many of them through fights you're still not missing too many things.


There is no reward for being the top of the match after 1 week fight - besides your world will went up 1 tier, and there's nothing you will miss if your world becomes the last, only your world will go down 1 tier, and it will not cause any problem for you to claim all the rewards you can get in next week fight.


I'm just curious that with all of the hard work that Anet has been done, trying to make WVW become more fair and playable. But players still get nothing extra but only excitement emotions through each great fights. Even the loot bags are not that worthy compare with how hard you tried to deliver a great performance to kill all enemies in sight, after a full night raid there's really not much of rare weapons/ armors been collected, by compared with many other PVE content.


I'm thinking that if it is possible to let the top world in their tier get some extra reward, and maybe not only PPT but also can gain more rewards on Killing count, to let player think it is worth to fight for win. It's a rough idea and I know there will be some problems with it, but I just not able to see why we are trying to win during the fight now since you can get everything while you are losing. No offence to WVW-lover, I'm just curious.

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> @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

> Because transferring is an option, ANet cannot add additional rewards for winning a match. Otherwise, people who care about those rewards will all flock to one server creating extremely one sided/stale matches.

even without any extra reward like what WVW is doing right now, the server population has already been one sided.


> @"Blockhead Magee.3092" said:

> Players should not be rewarded for joining a bandwagon. They should be rewarded for participating in the match. I wouldn't mind some improved rewards for some activities in WvW, but getting additional rewards because your server has a bigger population (and that how matches are decided) is not the way to go.

I understand your point, but now there's only participate reward in WVW, no other things for anything you do during the match, so what does Anet want? Get people inside the WVW that's all? And then they don't care if the match itself is fun or any reward through player's performance?


> @"Israel.7056" said:

> WvW isn't supposed to be for bunnies, that's what PvE is for.

So what do players play WVW for?



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> @"EmeraldNight.4307" said:

> > @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

> > Because transferring is an option, ANet cannot add additional rewards for winning a match. Otherwise, people who care about those rewards will all flock to one server creating extremely one sided/stale matches.


> even without any extra reward like what WVW is doing right now, the server population has already been one sided.



For some, not all. The majority has somewhat even matches. Not every server can be stacked after all.


> > @"Blockhead Magee.3092" said:

> > Players should not be rewarded for joining a bandwagon. They should be rewarded for participating in the match. I wouldn't mind some improved rewards for some activities in WvW, but getting additional rewards because your server has a bigger population (and that how matches are decided) is not the way to go.

> I understand your point, but now there's only participate reward in WVW, no other things for anything you do during the match, so what does Anet want? Get people inside the WVW that's all? And then they don't care if the match itself is fun or any reward through player's performance?


> > @"Israel.7056" said:

> > WvW isn't supposed to be for bunnies, that's what PvE is for.

> So what do players play WVW for?




These last two have the same answer: The gameplay. They enjoy the large scale fights, they enjoy working in a bigger group with a goal (to capture keeps and win fights) to achieve it. Reason of why it takes over 20 hours a week for normal players to get the last diamond chest. Everything is longterm, rewards are secondary.

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> @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> > @"EmeraldNight.4307" said:

> > So what do players play WVW for?

> >

> fun





I played WvW back when you _lost_ gold by being there. Armor repairs had a cost, upgrading objectives had a cost and there were no reward tracks.


Veterans like myself care very little, if at all, for rewards. Loot and such are absolutely welcome and a nice addition, but many people wouldn't much care if they got it or not. It just means they can continue to WvW without having to do PvE on the side to sustain their WvW needs like blueprints, consumables and armor.


I understand the desire to have an objective, such as additional rewards for winning a match, but WvW is unlikely to ever offer that, and for good reason. If you plan to WvW long term, you'll have to get used to the fact that rewards are secondary here.

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> @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

> > @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> > > @"EmeraldNight.4307" said:

> > > So what do players play WVW for?

> > >

> > fun

> >

> >

> >


> I played WvW back when you _lost_ gold by being there. Armor repairs had a cost, upgrading objectives had a cost and there were no reward tracks.


> Veterans like myself care very little, if at all, for rewards. Loot and such are absolutely welcome and a nice addition, but many people wouldn't much care if they got it or not. It just means they can continue to WvW without having to do PvE on the side to sustain their WvW needs like blueprints, consumables and armor.


> I understand the desire to have an objective, such as additional rewards for winning a match, but WvW is unlikely to ever offer that, and for good reason. If you plan to WvW long term, you'll have to get used to the fact that rewards are secondary here.


^^ this.


The fact that we have seen a bump in rewards for doing what we enjoy, that we don't have to lose money in WvW to play it anymore, and a chance to get more of the PvE shinies just by doing what we enjoy: it's just icing on the cake.

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I always thought that with the coverage/population meta that's been the meta for WvW since launch that the biggest rewards should go to the losing side(s).


But after years of servers gaming the current system there would be a way that someone would game this idea too.



To OP: I started WvW for map completion. Found a commander or two that was worth following. Got on TS. Joined their guild. Played WvW for years. I still only have one character with 100% map completion.

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> @"Swamurabi.7890" said:

> I always thought that with the coverage/population meta that's been the meta for WvW since launch that the biggest rewards should go to the losing side(s).


> But after years of servers gaming the current system there would be a way that someone would game this idea too.



> To OP: I started WvW for map completion. Found a commander or two that was worth following. Got on TS. Joined their guild. Played WvW for years. I still only have one character with 100% map completion.


There are enough servers tanking as it is . . .

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There was benefits for top ppt but it is very pointless benefits in this non grindy game. The benefits was increase xp, loot, gold etc. rate for the server.


In pvp mmorpgs, there are actual benefits for holding on to any forms of artifacts or territory or keeps due to its grindy nature and how these boosts actually will have long term benefits.


I believe it is quite hard to find anything worth rewarding for gw2. Furthermore, even if they do add a lot of rewards to it, wvwers already proved themselves they are capable stackers and bandwagoners so you end up in a very sad matchup, for those who refuse to bandwagon and stack.


We just not able to add nice things just because of the nature of the game and nature of the community.


There need to be better answers for the problems than just rewards.

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> @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

> > @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> > > @"EmeraldNight.4307" said:

> > > So what do players play WVW for?

> > >

> > fun

> >

> >

> >


> I played WvW back when you _lost_ gold by being there. Armor repairs had a cost, upgrading objectives had a cost and there were no reward tracks.


> Veterans like myself care very little, if at all, for rewards. Loot and such are absolutely welcome and a nice addition, but many people wouldn't much care if they got it or not. It just means they can continue to WvW without having to do PvE on the side to sustain their WvW needs like blueprints, consumables and armor.


> I understand the desire to have an objective, such as additional rewards for winning a match, but WvW is unlikely to ever offer that, and for good reason. If you plan to WvW long term, you'll have to get used to the fact that rewards are secondary here.


I am not a veteran. I am playing for bit over two years, wvw for maybe a year and a bit. First occasionally, now regularly.


I pretty much started to get Bifröst without having to do Arah... and I stayed.


Today, I don't care about rewards. If I need gold, I do the leather farm in Lake Doric, Tarir meta several times etc pp. If I have a nice drop, I am happy, but if all the loot is garbage I do not care. I am not doing it for the rewards. The rewards are... rewards. Some bonus while having fun.


I am not good. I am the first to admit that I am at best an average player. But I try hard to get better.


While I am trying to improve, trying to be a useful member of my squad and not some dumb rally bot, I have a lot of fun. More so than doing any PVE content (apart from boss trains with guild newbies). Tried fractals, done dungeons, tried raids.


BORING. The same stuff over and over and over. I don't do fractals and raids anymore. Occasionally I help out someone with a dungeon, but only if there is really nothing better to do. I just can't stand this repetitive, learn-the-mechanic-and-smash-the-buttons-in-the-right-order content anymore.


For me, wvw is about running around with a group or squad I trust having fun winning fights (and sometimes having fun despite losing fights, because I didn't suck).


And nothing is sweeter than a perfectly placed meteor shower, taking down a dumb thief with a staff ele zergling build... or burn a scourge to death....

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> @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:


> I am not a veteran. I am playing for bit over two years, wvw for maybe a year and a bit. First occasionally, now regularly.


> I pretty much started to get Bifröst without having to do Arah... and I stayed.


> Today, I don't care about rewards. If I need gold, I do the leather farm in Lake Doric, Tarir meta several times etc pp. If I have a nice drop, I am happy, but if all the loot is garbage I do not care. I am not doing it for the rewards. The rewards are... rewards. Some bonus while having fun.


> I am not good. I am the first to admit that I am at best an average player. But I try hard to get better.


> While I am trying to improve, trying to be a useful member of my squad and not some dumb rally bot, I have a lot of fun. More so than doing any PVE content (apart from boss trains with guild newbies). Tried fractals, done dungeons, tried raids.


> BORING. The same stuff over and over and over. I don't do fractals and raids anymore. Occasionally I help out someone with a dungeon, but only if there is really nothing better to do. I just can't stand this repetitive, learn-the-mechanic-and-smash-the-buttons-in-the-right-order content anymore.


> For me, wvw is about running around with a group or squad I trust having fun winning fights (and sometimes having fun despite losing fights, because I didn't suck).


> And nothing is sweeter than a perfectly placed meteor shower, taking down a dumb thief with a staff ele zergling build... or burn a scourge to death....


The beauty of WvW is that you can do the same thing a million times yet it's never actually the same.


Doesn't really matter how much or how little you're doing. It's just fun to shoot the sh*t with your friends and float around looking for trouble.

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> @"Aiga.3075" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > @"EmeraldNight.4307" said:

> > > So what do players play WVW for?

> > Team chat.

> >

> >


> This and the ERP on third floor of smc.


So that is why EB gets queues...now Anet will think WvWers are not only PvE, but also roleplayers :#

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