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"DH is bad and the weakest DPS ever"


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Apparently it's bad, noobish and people should switch to Holosmith/Deadeye to have "high dps" in fractals/raids instead of this, I wonder which "top tier" guild pugs got that info from but it's probably a really bad one.


God sometimes this game feels almost like real life with all these people...

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Wot? Dragonhunter is GREAT in fractals, due to having ridiculous burst damage that makes it perfect for fractal content. It is also decent in raids (not top tier, perhaps, but that shouldn't matter except in speedruns). As long as you can play your role, whatever that is, and carry your weight with it, no problem. Those people sound like trolls.

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> @"Torzini.1523" said:

> Wot? Dragonhunter is GREAT in fractals, due to having ridiculous burst damage that makes it perfect for fractal content. It is also decent in raids (not top tier, perhaps, but that shouldn't matter except in speedruns). As long as you can play your role, whatever that is, and carry your weight with it, no problem. Those people sound like trolls.


Sometimes I really wonder where people get these informations, I ran into several groups where people would kick me or DH players when I'm playing something else because they think it's noob.

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Without a real SupportChrono and a real harrier Druid at least, DH cannot keep up high dps for too long.

I am a noob on DH, but with the right people pushing the right buttons, I can sustain ~25-28k dps .

Too bad that most of the time, with the wrong people pushing the wrong buttons I can only do ~15k dps.

Conclusion: without good support people, for me at least, dps goes down the drain.

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Okey, so let me sum this up: Dh can burst over 80-90k in fractals(chrono dependent, no spirits counted), hard to kill, lowcd on burst and the sustained dps is around 30k with major fckups even and afaik its good in raids too due to aegis share and CC´s

This is really what Luna said and people are just too used to DH being bad(tho in fractals nor raids never was bad, or just idk about it) and they will call you bad for playing it. The same could happen with chronos too, i mean they coudnt even upkeep 6 boons, imagine what they are doing now, but people accept them because no one else wants to play chrono

so probably who said to you all this was just joking(we all know i didnt want to use the joking)

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It's not that DH is bad or the weakest dps ever. Great burst and simple rotation. But the simplicity of the class with the dragon word in it and the flashy animations attract a ton of new players that don't care about rotation and just mash buttons, place traps at random and overall have zero knowledge of the class.


Results: After meeting countless of braindead DH people started to be wary of DH players as they are very likely to be really bad.

Honestly i feel that the majority of players that i kicked in raid were DH players that messed up mechs, did lowest dps (If you are under BS you are doing really bad). In the best case we were able to carry them trough the encounter and kick them afterward. Worst case they mess encounter so bad that we have to gg.


In reality DH is a really useful class to have on a lot of encounter. If i have a valid DH player i am very happy because i know that he can use his utilities for the group.


DH is a good class. DH players tend to be very bad. Good players rarely play this class because of the simple rotation/design making it not really fun to play

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> @"Amineo.8951" said:

> > @"Torzini.1523" said:

> > Wot? Dragonhunter is GREAT in fractals, due to having ridiculous burst damage that makes it perfect for fractal content. It is also decent in raids (not top tier, perhaps, but that shouldn't matter except in speedruns). As long as you can play your role, whatever that is, and carry your weight with it, no problem. Those people sound like trolls.


> Sometimes I really wonder where people get these informations, I ran into several groups where people would kick me or DH players when I'm playing something else because they think it's noob.


When I'm doing fractals I'm looking for 4 other competent players. I've never kicked someone for a class, only for screwing up mechanics.

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Did he really say noobish should switch to holo? XD. No noob should suffer hand cramps from a class. Dragon hunter is fairly easy compared to rotations. And it’s actually a good class if people knew how to use it. I had a friend do a no greens on vg with me. And we was using his dragonhunter and was second on most dps. Ending with 22k.



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