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Serpent's Ire Meta needs nerf


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> @"Clyan.1593" said:

> > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > > @"Clyan.1593" said:

> > > > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > > > For me it means that you have a full squad with people who know what to do and when, yet you are arguing that you can't be expected to know what everyone's doing etc. That to me doesn't sound like a well-organized squad.

> > >

> > > Now I don't even know why I should justify myself here, because your claim that I can magically control or know if people actually LISTEN to what I said in chat and broadcasts, is very silly.

> >

> > You made the claim that you had a good reason but you didn't specify what that reason was and just telling people to read what you said doesn't tell me what you are referring to specifically. The main element I saw was your example of your squad failing. That's anecdotal evidence and compared to the fact that others did manage, it just means that for your group the content was too hard. To that I answered that I feel it's ok that the game has some content that is challenging, which by they way also means that many people will not manage. To me that's fine.

> >

> > As it stands you don't have to do anything as far as I'm concerned, but the problem is this: you believe you have a good reason and if people disagree then you automatically assume that they haven't read your comments properly. This is how I perceive it because of how you reply.

> >

> > I have read all your posts here and based on what you wrote I am not convinced you have a point. That could mean that you didn't actually write what you meant or you overestimate your version of the truth, or it is entirely possible that I misread or misunderstood something (which can always happen) but as long as you keep replying in generalities about people not listening or reading your words, I cannot say what the core of the matter is to you (since you seem to think I didn't address it I guess).

> >

> > So feel free to ignore my posts and carry on or feel free to actually succinctly state what in your posts is the "smoking gun" that proves to you this needs to change. I can already tell you that if it comes down to your group not being able to do it, you already have my answer.

> >

> > It's up to you. You don't have to reply but I am willing to try to understand your point better. Do what you will.

> >

> >


> This is a misunderstanding. You highlighted a specific sentence **I wrote earlier in this thread in which I said something about people who have no good reason to be against something. And I said that compared to them I did have a good reason to complain, mainly that the event is lowly populated and almost always fails**.

> So I was referring to those who attack me personally as a commander, how they try to shift the whole thing onto my person. I was talking about the mentality of the forums, this passive aggressive stance where people love to bash on someone who asks for a nerf, and immediately jump on the "you must be bad, git gud" train and then act like they have anything worthwhile to offer when they tell you to improve. Another example for this is how people will bombard you with accusations or ridiculous questions that more and more will dig deeper into a microcosmos of details until they find something to point at and say: See, this is why you failed!

> This thread is exactly that, with the difference that I don't play along so now the opposing side starts to get more personal towards me.



Actually, you are stating that people have no good reason to be against something with that something being your stance on this. Whether or not they question your ability to command the event doesn’t matter.


And then refer to your earlier post:


> At this point it becomes clear that you don't want to change your mind but rather are interested in deconstructing everything I have said or done or not done. **As usual with people who are against something without any good reason** they tend to focus on the person complaining and start to compromise and distract him/her by getting them entangled in a huge and pointless discussion in which the OP has to answer more and more questions/accusations that warp the whole thopic into a mess.


The way you have phrased your post before and just now is that you’re referring specifically to people who argue against your stance. Just see the bolded above and also the bolded further above in the first quoted post you recently made.


Both times you are dismissing someone’s argument under the pretense that they are “against something with no good reason” despite them having given their reasons. These people just happen to be on the opposite side of your stance. I had previously brought up to you that someone could just as easily say the same about your posts just as you are doing the same about theirs.

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> @"Clyan.1593" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > @"Clyan.1593" said:

> > > > @"Leablo.2651" said:

> > > > > @"Clyan.1593" said:

> > > > > > @"Leablo.2651" said:

> > > > > > I tend to believe the video evidence available on YouTube that this is perfectly doable with a single squad, though the quality of commanders may vary.

> > > > >

> > > > > I love this. So when 50 people are involved and the commander has explained everything, he's still the reason it fails?

> > > > > It isn't a secret that most people do not even know what CC is. Especially on EU most of them don't understand it. Even writing them it means crowd control doesn't help, because they simply don't know what it means nor which skills count as CC.

> > > >

> > > > So... you didn't ask for a show of hands for who was prepared for cc and count/assign them to subsquads so you knew how many you could count on? But you claimed your run was very well-organized... and this is all shown in YouTube videos... thinking...

> > >

> > > We had a full squad, and I never have seen ANYone ask for CC skill spam in chat. This is a meta event. What do you do when they don't show you the skills? Throw them out of the squad? In a meta that almost never gets played? How rediculous is the point you are trying to make? And how many weapon sets are there that do not give CC skills to you anyway? At least there is soft CC on most of them.

> > >

> > > And even if some of them didn't have CC, if a full squad that is evenly spread on all champs still fails, and if 4 further attempts fail too, then I think you can't make a point like this.

> > >

> > > As I said I did explain everything, so logically I also told them to use CC, not only once but throughout the event at least 10 times - until the bomb went off.

> >

> > So you expect everybody to know everything about this? It's your responsibility to remind others to bring CC ahead of time, otherwise you have no right to complain about the event failing. Seriously,. this is child's play. Everybody can reminds others, if you know better than them teach them. It's NOT ridiculous to expect the players who participate to try and do what is required to finish it. They take part in it, they all want to finish it. Stop pretending like they are absolutely unable to slot in CC in their utility skills. Things like Springer engage skill also exist for the first breakbar, you should always start mounted like that. Thieves take Basi venom and share it to 5 other people, warriors can take Headbutt or Rampage, use a Hammer secondary, slot in Bull's Charge and Stomp... But you have to tell them. It's an event where you can tell if people aren't pulling their weight, which is the only reason it is so hard.


> As I said already I told everyone to get CC, what's your point, that I specifically didnt check on every single player in a 50 man squad?

> It becomes very obvious you are trying to compromise me by making me the problem of the event failing.

> The event rarely gets played and if so it fails almost every time, so there is no point in trying to blame me for a single run that failed. Thx and goodbye.


You also said that people dont know what cc is you could link cc skills from the wiki for each class, headbutt, kick mace/mace hammer skills for warriors for example.

Ask rangers to bring pink moa, electric wyvern or rock gazelle longbow 4 or gs 5.


And ofcourse you do the same for the other 7 classes.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"Clyan.1593" said:

> > As I said already I told everyone to get CC, what's your point, that I specifically didnt check on every single player in a 50 man squad?

> > It becomes very obvious you are trying to compromise me by making me the problem of the event failing.

> > The event rarely gets played and if so it fails almost every time, so there is no point in trying to blame me for a single run that failed. Thx and goodbye.


> You also said that people dont know what cc is you could link cc skills from the wiki for each class, headbutt, kick mace/mace hammer skills for warriors for example.

> Ask rangers to bring pink moa, electric wyvern or rock gazelle longbow 4 or gs 5.


And I stand by that. I play on EU but of course we have people who do understand the term CC and such who don't. I cannot expect everyone to confirm that and you know that. Even in a full squad, which we did have, usually only very few people talk in chat. This whole idea that I failed to communicate anything btw is totally biased and unsubstantiated - in the beginning of the thread I already explained that I did tell everyone how the event works, I set the marks on the spots where the champs in the second phase spawn and of course I also did tell them to bring CC.

I already said all of this many times now, but you keep digging the same spot, and I can only repeat my self a thousand times, some people will continue to claim I am to blame, despite the fact that multiple further attempts by other coms who did exactly the same thing as I did failed. One does not have to be a genius to recognize this as a deliberate attempt to shift the event as a problem onto me as a bad commander.

I wouldn't try to defend myself if my own squad had blamed me as well, but they didn't and instead pointed out, what I am pointing out here: That the event fails too many times and the reason for it is the hefty CC bars.


That said you might start to understand why I find it so absurd that people try to point out that I failed as a commander.

You cannot keep that stance after all I have said and then still expect me to take you seriously.

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> @"Gop.8713" said:

> > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > Or players could learn to do the simple mechanic of using their CC skills.

> > >

> > > That said, I did make one suggestion many months ago, that if a nerf was to be done, reducing the damage reduction buff from 33% to 25% would be more than enough.

> >

> > Saddly without a full in depth, *mandatory* tutorial that explains *EVERY* little tidbit about CC, including *how much "cc damage"* each skill does it will never happen in this game, and do bear in mind in this game that a good player can do up to 5x as much as an average player, so obviously this game has fails at explaining things.


> More breakbars on world bosses -- esp some of the easy starter zone ones -- would probably go a long way towards helping new ppl learn about cc . . .


Some feedback on the damage you're doing to the breakbar would be more useful, I think. The game tells you your damage and healing but there's no breakbar damage floaters in the game. Which is kind of ridiculous.

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I had to about die laughing at the guy who said they succeeded because he explained everything over fifteen minutes.


I dunno about the rest of the average pugs who just want a collection box checked off but although I might THINK I am paying attention after about ten minutes if you asked me what step one was I couldn't tell you. Yep got this done with the tts folks and nope sure didn't listen to their explanation either. Good thing I can cc when told though.


As for said event it did take a metric Crapton of people and the rewards were terrible and I have not done it since nor do I have any expectation or will to repeat it. None of it was fun. Isn't THAT the point of relooking at it? The HOT metas are, by and large, fun. Serpents Ire is not.

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This event is not "hard" in the sense it requires any particular skill. Beyond one phase that requires a co-ordinated setup, plenty of CC skills and casting them all at the right time, there's nothing about it that's problematic to complete.


In fact, Serpent's Ire would be trivial if you just bring an army of bots for the CC phase, because they need absolutely no skill beyond pushing buttons on a timer. That's frankly idiotic.


Forget 33%, drop the CC bars by 80%. Yes, trivialize this step of the fight. It's completely out of proportion with the other phases and adds nothing of merit to the gameplay experience.

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> @"Gop.8713" said:

> > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > Or players could learn to do the simple mechanic of using their CC skills.

> > >

> > > That said, I did make one suggestion many months ago, that if a nerf was to be done, reducing the damage reduction buff from 33% to 25% would be more than enough.

> >

> > Saddly without a full in depth, *mandatory* tutorial that explains *EVERY* little tidbit about CC, including *how much "cc damage"* each skill does it will never happen in this game, and do bear in mind in this game that a good player can do up to 5x as much as an average player, so obviously this game has fails at explaining things.


> More breakbars on world bosses -- esp some of the easy starter zone ones -- would probably go a long way towards helping new ppl learn about cc . . .


oh yea, i would love to see that, it would be hilarious

even if they did do it (which they wont), you would have a tutorial for a feature, that was introduced YEARS ago

it is safe to say, that they have pretty much abandonded the concept themselves

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for me it seems bugged, I commanded it easily in the first few months with disorganized squads, and now suddenly it is very difficult. Sounds like a silent bug in some of these patches. and also has a visible scaling problem.


Ignore the white knigths, people saying that this event should stay as it, is clearly they not run that event frequently.


the attention of the developers should be called to this event.


Repeating: in the first 3 or 4 months I was in charge of this event, without needing much organization or explanation, **nor did I need to be begging for CC**.


It's also ridiculous, depending on the schedule of organized guilds to do it.

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