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Norn Elite Shape-Shifting


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Can the creators please lessen the recharge time on the Norn shape-shifting ability from 240 seconds to 120 seconds? It takes so long to recharge after 30 seconds of playable time it is not worth playing at all. It is about time to correct this issue due to the tougher and quicker game play. A 4 minute recharge on a skill is way too long.

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> @"Lavith.8930" said:

> > @"TheNecrosanct.4028" said:

> > > @"Lavith.8930" said:

> > > Racial skills ~~and elite skills~~ never intended to be usefull.

> >

> > Fixed that for you.


> Racial elite skills are useless too


"racial elite skills" and "racial and elite skills" imply two very diffrent things

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> @"Lavith.8930" said:

> > @"TheNecrosanct.4028" said:

> > > @"Lavith.8930" said:

> > > Racial skills ~~and elite skills~~ never intended to be usefull.

> >

> > Fixed that for you.


> Racial elite skills are useless too


Racial elite skills, yes. But when you discern between the 2 (as you did, saying "racial skills AND elite skills") you imply that both racial elites and non-racial elites are useless. There are plenty of useful non-racial elites. Hence the fix.

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> @"Lavith.8930" said:

> Racial skills and elite skills never intended to be usefull.


What a silly thought. If so, they should have never been implemented in the first place. You really think game developers intentionally implement something completely useless into their game? :s


I am with the OP: Make them useful at last! :+1:

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Lavith.8930" said:

> > Racial skills and elite skills never intended to be usefull.


> What a silly thought. If so, they should have never been implemented in the first place. You really think game developers intentionally implement something completely useless into their game? :s


> I am with the OP: Make them useful at last! :+1:


Devs have stated that all racial skills are deliberatly undertuned compared to profession skills, in order to make sure no race is better at a profession than others.


I agree with the intent behind the decision, but feel sad for the loss of racial flavor in combat. It feels a bit wrong that my Norn hasn't Become the Bear (or any other shape) to kill something since she passed level ~40.

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Agreed with OP. Though they were never supposed to be better than class elite skills so one race would never be better than the other, the recharge eliminates any incentive to use these fun flavor skills completely. Reduced recharge without changing anything else about the skills would be very welcome, and still keep them where they stand as not really very powerful. This should go for all hyperlong-recharge racial elites. I think many players (casuals) xD would enjoy this.

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> @"Dall.9752" said:

> I wish they'd go full cosmetic on racial skills. For example, make Norn's shapeshifting into a toggleable ability that's disabled during combat. That way you'd get the flavor without worrying about balance.


I would suggest the exact opposite: Activate the shape-shifting automatically only **during combat.**

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Transforms, especially the Norn racial elites, should be more like kits. Longer cast time to get into them, but freely able to do it at will.

It's okay to have the skills undertuned (longer cooldowns, less damage) as long as the racials can cover the incomparable elements.


And while we're at it, can we get Rev skills to include racials? I realize ANet is lazy-coding their way through it and deliberately hedging out racial skills, but it's the parity of the thing. >.>

Also-also, Charrzooka. Make it a kit, kitten it.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Dall.9752" said:

> > I wish they'd go full cosmetic on racial skills. For example, make Norn's shapeshifting into a toggleable ability that's disabled during combat. That way you'd get the flavor without worrying about balance.


> I would suggest the exact opposite: Activate the shape-shifting automatically only **during combat.**


Maybe have the shape shift activate during combat at a certain point, like at 50% health. Even if it was just cosmetic, it would be an implied power up if they're taking a beating. Deactivates once out of combat or after x number of seconds.

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I actually find this part of GW2 beyond annoying. It's sad that they can't seem to find a dev team to give this turdy part of the game some polish. Racial skills should be special, should be balanced, and should make you feel good using them. Shape shifting is part of norn culture, and should be a normal part of gameplay for anyone playing norn. It's the same thing for golems and asura, or being grumpy and playing charr...its a cultural birthright that is completely wasted in it's current state. I'd fully support a racial revamp (#gw2racialrevamp2019) if it meant we could have fun playing racial skills again.

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> @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > @"Lavith.8930" said:

> > > Racial skills and elite skills never intended to be usefull.

> >

> > What a silly thought. If so, they should have never been implemented in the first place. You really think game developers intentionally implement something completely useless into their game? :s

> >

> > I am with the OP: Make them useful at last! :+1:


> Devs have stated that all racial skills are deliberatly undertuned compared to profession skills, in order to make sure no race is better at a profession than others.


I know. That's why it's time to apply some changes and think of something else, because this way they _are_ useless. Either **add a skill slot for racial skills only** _or_ make them cosmetical (i.e., a mere visual effect during fights) - I would prefer the former (that additional skill slot could be made unavailable in PvP and WvW, if so needed for balance).

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:


> I know. That's why it's time to apply some changes and think of something else, because this way they _are_ useless. Either add a skill slot for racial skill only _or_ make them cosmetical (i.e., a mere visual effect during fights) - I would prefer the former (that additional skill slot could be made unavailable in PvP and WvW, if so needed).


An extra skill slot could remove the opportunity cost, but it might make it necessary to make them *even weaker*, as you instead **increase** the risk of one race being better (or just *percieved* as better) than others for specific roles, due to complimentary racial skills.


Note: I **want** a lowered threshold for using racial skills!

I'm starting to think mechanical homogenization of racial skills is the only way we can get them more playable, however distasteful I find the idea...


Edit: or combine the extra skill slot with an ability to learn other races racial skills, maybe with a less signature animation or something...

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> @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:


> Edit: or combine the extra skill slot with an ability to learn other races racial skills, maybe with a less signature animation or something...


I don't like this idea as it would take away from the uniqueness of the races. Granted, the elites really don't get any play now as it is, but how would a Norn teach another race how to shapeshift for example?

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:


> > Edit: or combine the extra skill slot with an ability to learn other races racial skills, maybe with a less signature animation or something...


> I don't like this idea as it would take away from the uniqueness of the races. Granted, the elites really don't get any play now as it is, but how would a Norn teach another race how to shapeshift for example?


In a game based around magic, I would bet there could be a story line that could pull it off.

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I think there should be a lessened CD on them only in PvE for RP purposes. Take racial elites out of competitive modes. I'm still kinda bummed that Norn spirit forms mean nothing lore wise in the game on your Norn character. I don't RP, but a little more effort with that sort of immersion would be nice.

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I have been after something like this for a long, long, long time...I don't want them to be OP...just useful enough to actually use. I have mained a Norn Warrior from launch...and I miss the shape changing choice if I actually want to survive...as many have said...just for the flavor...the Norn were changing all the time in GW1 for battles...and I thought that was gonna be so cool for GW2.


maybe take it to 45 seconds in form, and a 120 cool down that doesn't start til you leave the form...no changes to skills...just make enough of an adjustment where they make sense to be used.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:


> > Edit: or combine the extra skill slot with an ability to learn other races racial skills, maybe with a less signature animation or something...


> I don't like this idea as it would take away from the uniqueness of the races. Granted, the elites really don't get any play now as it is, but how would a Norn teach another race how to shapeshift for example?


In GW1 the human PC could learn to *channel* the spirits without physically shapeshifting, just like we could learn to technobabble like the Asura enough to daze non-boss mobs ;)

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