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Winds of Disenchantment nerf was heavy-handed and unnecessary


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Seriously? 5 second duration? Actually, more like 4 second duration since nothing even occurs for that initial second. I have to say I'm quite annoyed by this change, Winds was fine, and even if the balance team felt it was too strong, why did you decide it was so strong you had to completely cut the duration and when that wasn't enough, you removed the initial pulse?


Why leave Winds as it was for so long then? Why not change it in a previous patch? I'm just extremely annoyed by this, it wasn't needed at all. I doubt people will actually bother bringing bubble anymore.

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The 5s duration was all the nerf it needed. It should still pulse on the initial tick since a warrior has to spend considerable time casting before WoD is up. It's a very visible tell with a long cast time so it has counterplay and deserves to be rewarded.


On the flip side, I like the duration nerf. 5s might be too short for some people but 10s was too long imo.

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lol, frankly the only way to have "balance" is to have ONE class with the same set of skills.... that's balance. Trying to balance different classes with different skill types will simply never be something that they can do.... and sadly every time they attempt some sort of 'balance' they seem to nerf something good and buff something that doesn't need buffing.


I'll never understand how the people who make this game (and say that many of them play it), can continue to make the sort of changes that they do....


Having said that, even though I play spell breaker a lot of the time I'm glad they nerfed the WoD.. Way too long and way too op, especially when you have a huge blob that drops 6 of them one after the other and is ready to drop more before those ones cool down. Yes it means my WoD runs for less time too but that's ok with me.

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> @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

> lol, frankly the only way to have "balance" is to have ONE class with the same set of skills.... that's balance. Trying to balance different classes with different skill types will simply never be something that they can do.... and sadly every time they attempt some sort of 'balance' they seem to nerf something good and buff something that doesn't need buffing.


> I'll never understand how the people who make this game (and say that many of them play it), can continue to make the sort of changes that they do....


> Having said that, even though I play spell breaker a lot of the time I'm glad they nerfed the WoD.. Way too long and way too op, especially when you have a huge blob that drops 6 of them one after the other and is ready to drop more before those ones cool down. Yes it means my WoD runs for less time too but that's ok with me.


Tone it down sure, but the fact that the first pulse doesn't even go off until 1 second after the skill is cast is absolutely ridiculous. No other skill in the game works like that for a reason. 1 second is a LONG time to get out of that bubble.

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> @"Strages.2950" said:

> > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

> > lol, frankly the only way to have "balance" is to have ONE class with the same set of skills.... that's balance. Trying to balance different classes with different skill types will simply never be something that they can do.... and sadly every time they attempt some sort of 'balance' they seem to nerf something good and buff something that doesn't need buffing.

> >

> > I'll never understand how the people who make this game (and say that many of them play it), can continue to make the sort of changes that they do....

> >

> > Having said that, even though I play spell breaker a lot of the time I'm glad they nerfed the WoD.. Way too long and way too op, especially when you have a huge blob that drops 6 of them one after the other and is ready to drop more before those ones cool down. Yes it means my WoD runs for less time too but that's ok with me.


> Tone it down sure, but the fact that the first pulse doesn't even go off until 1 second after the skill is cast is absolutely ridiculous. No other skill in the game works like that for a reason. 1 second is a LONG time to get out of that bubble.



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> @"Strages.2950" said:

> > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

> > lol, frankly the only way to have "balance" is to have ONE class with the same set of skills.... that's balance. Trying to balance different classes with different skill types will simply never be something that they can do.... and sadly every time they attempt some sort of 'balance' they seem to nerf something good and buff something that doesn't need buffing.

> >

> > I'll never understand how the people who make this game (and say that many of them play it), can continue to make the sort of changes that they do....

> >

> > Having said that, even though I play spell breaker a lot of the time I'm glad they nerfed the WoD.. Way too long and way too op, especially when you have a huge blob that drops 6 of them one after the other and is ready to drop more before those ones cool down. Yes it means my WoD runs for less time too but that's ok with me.


> Tone it down sure, but the fact that the first pulse doesn't even go off until 1 second after the skill is cast is absolutely ridiculous. No other skill in the game works like that for a reason. 1 second is a LONG time to get out of that bubble.


....... Apart from thief traps with the 1s arm time :)


Look at it this way, now you need twice as many warriors to achieve the same effect, so they'll be in twice as much demand in a zerg. That's good for warrior players overall.

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> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> Seriously? 5 second duration? Actually, more like 4 second duration since nothing even occurs for that initial second. I have to say I'm quite annoyed by this change, Winds was fine, and even if the balance team felt it was too strong, why did you decide it was so strong you had to completely cut the duration and when that wasn't enough, you removed the initial pulse?


> Why leave Winds as it was for so long then? Why not change it in a previous patch? I'm just extremely annoyed by this, it wasn't needed at all. I doubt people will actually bother bringing bubble anymore.


Huehue, other classes got nerfed too before, warriors will now understand a bit of that pain and there will be more to come! That salt pile is going to increase!

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> @"googel.3278" said:

> > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > Seriously? 5 second duration? Actually, more like 4 second duration since nothing even occurs for that initial second. I have to say I'm quite annoyed by this change, Winds was fine, and even if the balance team felt it was too strong, why did you decide it was so strong you had to completely cut the duration and when that wasn't enough, you removed the initial pulse?

> >

> > Why leave Winds as it was for so long then? Why not change it in a previous patch? I'm just extremely annoyed by this, it wasn't needed at all. I doubt people will actually bother bringing bubble anymore.


> Huehue, other classes got nerfed too before, warriors will now understand a bit of that pain and there will be more to come! That salt pile is going to increase!


What are you talking about? Warrior has received countless nerfs over the last year. Bonus stats from Attacker's Insight, Adrenal Health nerf, nerfs to Berserker's Power, Healing Signet.. do I need to go on? Yes, it has received several buffs as well, to Warhorn and usability buffs to shouts, but those barely matter. The only real buff that happened was Shake It Off becoming a 2 charge 6 condi clear skill. If they touch Revenge Counter or Magebane NOW as well after all this time I'll happily kick the spec into the trash and go back to playing Berserker, it's much more fun anyway.

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