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GEMSTORE REQUESTS: New Items; Items offered again - [Merged]

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> @"Omyrah.7389" said:

> Would love to see a peryton skyscale skin!


^^ This would be cool!


* Also, a Leviathan inspired skyscale skin.

* Dorsal fin backpiece!

* Trident staff skin.

* Underwater inspired armour (pants that turn u'r legs into a mermaid like fin while underwater) and/or outfit with fin details.


* New horns (I want to be able to wear a helmet while having my staghorns...) faces, hairstyles, fur patterns, tattoos...

* Kuuvanang/saltspray dragon mini, Mail Carrier, finisher, gatherer.


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I would love to be able to purchase stand alone glyphs for my gathering tools either from an in-game currency vendor or the TP. I have a set of "forever tools" with glyph slots & would be so very happy to be able to equip Volatile (or other) stand alone glyphs in them instead of buying the exhaustable stacks of gathering tools from currency vendors :)

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Also (previously posted in the wrong part of the forums-so sorry) I would be so happy to be able to get the Branded Mount Skin for my new Skyscale. It seems that the branded skin for the Skyscale is only offered in the "Skyscale Ascended Mounts Pack" which appears to have only been available twice: August 2019, & January 2020.


I bought the Branded mounts pack which unfortunately does not include the skins for either the Roller Beetle or the Skyscale. Please bring the Skyscale Branded Skin back as it has been over a year since it was available (from what I can find online- please correct me if I am incorrect about the last available date). Thank you:)

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Character name swap: switching names of two characters on one account. I know we have character name change, but we can't just change it to a character name we already have. We either have to delete a character to free up a name (not cool with old characters and birthday system), or we have to buy three character name changes to switch two character names: #1 for a fake name you need just to remove a name you like, #2 for the unused name to be used by the new character, #3 to fix the first character name from one you had because it was just a place holder to remove a previous name.

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