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GEMSTORE REQUESTS: New Items; Items offered again - [Merged]

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First of all, I would like you to bring the Aetherblade sets back. I really want to buy the Light Version and maybe the Medium too since I already have the heavy one.

Second of all, I would HIGHLY reccomend you stop making Outfits. They are annoying and I almost never buy them due to the fact that you can't mix them with other pieces. SO PLEASE focus on Armor Skins and not ON OUTFITS.

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As an the owner of many alts, and totally friendless in the game (mostly anyway :)) I would really like a Teleport to Me. I am thinking it could work in a similar way as Teleport to a Friend except the teleport would work when you swapped characters. It would be so nice not to have to negotiate those tricky vistas/ skill points that you know you are just going to float past for the umpteenth time or miss your footing even though the feet of all your other alts have practically worn a groove there already.


For those who say 'Practice makes perfect', I will sigh and say 'It ain't necessarily so'.


It could work for people who aren't as jump challenged too. It could open up new areas for your alts - save them having to find their way there. I don't think it would be any more 'cheaty' than Teleport to a Friend.

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No. I have one personal, one old-friends-from-gw1 (2 active members), one megaguild, one medium sized NA and one aussie-hours. I keep having to turn down offers by nice people, because I've maxed my 5. :(


> @Arzurag.7506 said:

> > @"Misato Jurai.8625" said:

> > Since game release, we have had 5 guild slots, but we now have fractals, raids, role play guilds, people have different expansions purchased etc, far more variations of subcommunities than at release.

> >

> > I'm a cheap kitten, but even I would pony up serious gems for an additional guild slot or two. Please sell us additional guild slots.


> Five aren´t enough ?^^



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More ideas for gem store items:


1) A **Legendary Work Kit** to store all the various components that get dropped when you are working towards a legendary. I frankly get confused whether I'm supposed to keep them or delete them half the time. Also some of them just keep dropping forever if you haven't completed a task so it's nice to have a measure for it.

2) A **Produce Reseller** (Trashcan Pete?) in the home instance that can convert the karma items into something useful that might be sold or credits of some sort for purchases. I have waaaayyyy too many bananas or other odd karma items and always have to throw them away. Meanwhile the merchant keeps trying to sell me his old watermelon slices. Does he want my supply of bananas? Does he want that karma necklace I got to complete some achievement requirement? Nooooo....

3) An **Instrument Case** something to store my musical items in. You never know what you're going to need at your jam session. It would be nice if we could store the dance moves in the same case.

4) A **Tonic Storage **so I can have access to all my transformation tonics while I'm running around and can react to all the oddball things people are throwing out. Sometimes you want to be a Quaggan...sometimes a tree...sometimes furniture. It would be nice if we could also store the color change items from the Hylek in the same case.

5) New **Dance Moves**. We had volume 1 and then it went out of print...sad. Very sad. I thought it would at least be a trilogy. Maybe dance moves for the mounts?

6) **Saddles**. If I'm getting a mount I plan to ride it in style.... I might even want some flag pendants so people can see us when we're running around.




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1) zaishen menagerie grounds, most beautiful place in GW1! Buying this should add a skill to all professions to tame animals (of course not using them as fighting pet)


2) bookshelf


3) key ring


4) hall of monuments kind of thing for home instance


5) mount skins (i'm sure there will be some, but add lots of them)


6) capes (without clipping, if possible)


7) more bag slots for inventory (or maybe a huge bag which gives you 50 instead of 20)


8) a wife: she could shout at you, everytime you enter your home instance ("where have you been all the time you &@"!?€, the hoovering needs to be done!!!)

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A pass for Aspect Arena, since it was only available during the Zephyr story world events. I personally loved it more than southsun survival

and it would be great to be able to play it again.


also maybe adding the Cap that was given to everyone at the launch of guildwars 2, during the birthday week would be nice. not that i need it still have to left in my bank, but i know a few people who would have liked to be able to get it.



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"Raider's Log, Adventure Date 1530 AE. "I have fallen into a time warp, potentially an alternate timeline. They added the Braham's Wolf Mask from that old outfit to the store, this future seems brighter, better, more well funded. I'm not sure if I have the willpower to return. My only regret is that if I do not return my farm of baby dolyaks and kittens may die without my attendance." - Somewhere beyond the mists.

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I want to see in Gemstore for the future:


- Mount Skins/Saddles/Mount Accessoires/Mount Name Plates

- Skill Skins (Ability to change the Look of Skills, PvE/WvW Only), beginning with Summoning Skins for Elementals, Undeads, Spiritual Weapons ect.

- More GW1 Weapon and Armor Skins returning for example Celestial Weapons, we got Zodiac back, so why not also Celestial Skin Weapons?

- Wind/Sonic based Gathering Tools, like an Air Blade Sicle, Whirlwind Logaxe and a Sonic Pressure Pickaxe

- Cultural Glider Skins, when bought automatically used from that point on then as Default Glider Skin, unless manually changed, saw awesome concept designs here for them

< these are just a MUST HAVE, so good do they look, sadly Humans still missing

- Exchange Option to trade Permanent Gathering Tool X against Permanent Gathering Tool Y of the same Type

- More Emote (Eating/Drinking Emote whenever we use Buff Food that was somethign to eat or to drink, Sharpening Weapons Emote ect. when using other Buff Items that was no Food, more Dances, Sit Chair, lots of the missing old GW1 Emotes ect)

- Miniature Zhaitan/ Shatterer/ Jormags Claw/ Primordus for those that love justDragon Miniatures

- Melandrus Regalia as last missing God Outfit

- Keychain

- Permanent Personal On Demand-Waypointer (allowing you to place up to 3 unique Waypoints where you want)

- Teleportation Effects (Effects others/you will see, when you Logout, or when you WP, so that its for viewers/you not anymore just blink and away, Teleportation should have more visual style than just blink n away!)

- More Music Instruments, like a Violin, a Triangle, a Xylophone, an Ocarina/Panflute, an E-Guitar, Tambourines , Rattles ect. (and please improve the system to let it make it possible to Auto Play Songs, so that instruments become also more interesting for not so musically talented people. Allow People to sell their "Songs" as "Music Note Sheets" which you would need and which people should have an opption to preview hear, before buying from TP, what will make instruments in return again more interestign for musically talented people, cause then they can profit that way from selling their autoplay songs to the untalented.


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> @"Eldoth Dyrain.3504" said:

> 1) zaishen menagerie grounds, most beautiful place in GW1! Buying this should add a skill to all professions to tame animals (of course not using them as fighting pet)


> 2) bookshelf


> 3) key ring


> 4) hall of monuments kind of thing for home instance


> 5) mount skins (i'm sure there will be some, but add lots of them)


> 6) capes (without clipping, if possible)


> 7) more bag slots for inventory (or maybe a huge bag which gives you 50 instead of 20)


> 8) a wife: she could shout at you, everytime you enter your home instance ("where have you been all the time you &@"!?€, the hoovering needs to be done!!!)



I have no friends

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I'd love a "map maker's kit" that would allow the purchasing player to create a set of route markers and area descriptions that could be distributed via the BLTC to other players in the form of "scrolls" or "campaigns". They could be used as modding tools by role players or as play-through guides for guild leaders and commanders. The trade-ability of the distributed results of these kits could be offered for any amount, from 0 copper to 1000 gold, based on the goals of the author and the perceived value in the community. It might also give some rather talented players some trivial notoriety.


I know some third party attempts have been made at in-game waypointing and description systems; but, I think an official version might be nice.

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"Tamagotchi"-style offspring would make a silly mini-game for casual players. [with the help of a ton of coding, of course ;)]


I like the idea of having children of our characters following us about; but, I'd take it further and make purchasing a newborn similar to purchasing a character slot. This "apprentice slot" would allow the player to choose a parent or pair of parents from their own characters who would assign the race and general appearance of the offspring. Then any character on the account could be used to "train" the apprentice, which would begin as an infant and age over time. Training an apprentice would be as simple as choosing a pet in the ranger pet window: open the apprentice window, choose your current apprentice, close the window, play as usual. The personal story of the apprentice, it's profession, it's build and it's preferred gear would all be based on what characters it spent the most time with and what experiences it successfully completed without serious harm. Along the way, each apprentice would telegraph the kind of things it is interested in pursuing so that the player can better guide development. Fully matured apprentices would become regular characters, with maturity being reached in 6-12 months. For simplicity's sake, all apprentices might appear in the world as passive NPCs that characters can speak with or gift things to, thus avoiding them becoming GW1-style heroes. Players might also have a training area in their home instances or elsewhere in cities. Having special interactions between apprentices from separate players or NPCs might also be nice.


The goal here would be that player choices would shape the apprentice into a full-fledged character in a way that the current story mode does not. This might also be a way for altaholics to get their fix while avoiding the personal story altogether. (The personal story can get dry after the 5th play through. ;)) Perhaps having a Journal Tome of some sort that describes the development of each apprentice would be helpful.

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**Dunewalker's Burden Back Piece**


This would give the player the effect of swirling dust around their character, with sand dripping from their wrists and trailing from their feet. Aesthetically, it should marry well with the Scourge effects, with some sparkly particle effects. There would be no actual item on the character's back. The gliding effect of this piece would replace the character with a roiling cloud of sand.

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**Largos Dueling Contract**


This would be a consumable item that would randomly pick another player who is using the item and, after a "ready up timer", teleport both of you to a PVE map location to fight. The match would have no time limit. Wins, losses, forfeitures and the like would be tracked and displayed in the PVP interface, along with a leaderboard. Staging these bouts in PVE maps would eliminate the need to create dueling arenas. The randomization would prevent bullying. Players who value their 1v1 skills highly would finally have a way of proving backing up their talk with a traditional ranking system. A pre-duel countdown timer would give duelists a chance to have their friends teleport to them to witness the bout. Duelists would be invulnerable to other players and NPCs while the bout was active.

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