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GEMSTORE REQUESTS: New Items; Items offered again - [Merged]

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Arena Net made the Black and White Wings available in October 2019. I am an older player, that started in 2015, played for about 6 months. But left due to real life stuff; and then discovered other mmorpgs, and sandboxs. Since my return a couple months ago, I went and purchased Path of Fire, and really, really enjoyed it. I have enjoyed unlocking and riding the mounts. And when Arena Net released the video of End of Dragons, I cheered; and am a happy camper since, Factions was one of my fave Guild Wars expansions.


Anyways. Please, Devs, please put in the Gem Store these Black and White Wings.


October 01

Hallows Fortune Fireworks 1 free - 200 Gem

Black Wings Glider Combo

White Wings Glider Combo

Golden Feather Wings Glider Combo 525 Gem.png 25% 700 Gem

Bunny Ears

Devil Horns

Wizard's Hat 140 Gem.png 50% 280 Gem

Furrocious Cat Ears 280 Gem.png 30% 400





It seems it was first released in May 2015.


[First made available during the Shadow of the Mad King 2015 festival.](http://https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/White_Wings_Glider_Combo)


The original Shadow of the Mad King was a Halloween-themed release and was the first major update for Guild Wars 2 that went live on 22 October 2012.


Please. Maybe have this Shadow of the Mad King for 2020, and add these Black and White Wings.


Dear Devs, thank you for reviewing this post. And thank you all for an enjoyable world.






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Please add to October Gem Store, the Black and White wings backpack and glider combo. It has been in the Gem Store in the past, in October. I've been with GW2 since 2015; but some how managed to miss when these wings are available. And back then I was not as interested as I am now that I have returned. [Mad King](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gem_Store/Halloween) - https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gem_Store/Halloween - https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gem_Store/Halloween#Shadow_of_the_Mad_King_.282012.29 - I would also love to see the Bloody Prince outfit, if it is in the realm of possibilities.

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These are some things I would totally love:

- New, different, unique looking **CURSORS** purchasable from the gem store, like account upgrades; (I'd rather pay the Devs for this feature than unknown programmers around the internet)

- **TAILS AS BACKPACKS** many would probably hate the idea, but I think it would be cool! We have all these cute ears, why can't we pair them with tails? For charr they could simply replace their original tail and since it'd be just a cosmetic item there wouldn't be the need to make it look like it's part of the character but just something above their gear, to simplify!

- **OTHER ACCOUNT CHARACTERS MINIATURES** how cool would it be to run around with a mini of your alt of choice? I don't know if it'd be doable, but I can dream!

- **HANBOK LOOKING OUTFIT** with Cantha coming, it'd be great to have some more Asian styled outfits! :3

- **CHILD TONICS** that turn your character into a child of the race it belongs to, with a set outfit so that there wouldn't be troubles with some armours and such!

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I have some request that seem like obvious QOL improvements:

1.) Shared Inventory Expanded To 32 - My OCD kills me. I have to downgrade my bags to get it to lineup. This would be easy money.

2.) Master Portal Holder - This can store all of our Tomes, Home Instance Portal, World Boss Portal, HOT Portal and more. Simply double click on it (or

3.) Food/Utility Storage - All Food can be stored in this item. This allows you to set a default per character. You can easily double click on the food to use it or keybind it to a button. Has a drop down arrow that allows you to change the character default, or select a one time different food if you are doing something like challenge modes. This would be a life savor for me. Food doesn't go in inventory, as it goes in it's own separate storage container (like Material Storage) Allow you to set a default per character. Then you can click on the default or change it depending on what you are doing. You would only be able to stack up to 250 in here. You pay to stack an additional 250. This is shared with all characters like Material Storage. There is no base version.

4.) Aura Menu - You can pay to unlock this. This allows you to turn infusions into Bind On Account versions and store them in your Aura. You can then select the ones you want to use. When you Bind An Aura, they infusion becomes a standard version, and the Aura is unlocked in something like the outfit tab. This would allow us to buy Aura's from the gem store if you wanted. Another Quality of Life Thing.


All of my things are really quality of life things that would allow me to enjoy the game more, without fighting with the UI or where things are stored.


Side Wish List:

1.) Primeval Skyscale - I think this complete the set.

2.) Glider/Backpack - Hologram Helicopter. Like an RGB Computer Fan where we can color it. I probably would only use the Glider portion; however, maybe the backpack can be the fan still or moving slightly depending on the direction you are moving?

3.) Glider/Backpack - Hologram Wings. RGB wings without Vermilion Performance Drops...

4.) Fairy Wings (We have Dragons, Angel, and Demon Wings. It's time for standard large Fairy Wings. Glowing and colored)

5.) True Exalted Outfit (The armor pieces never look "exalted")

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> @"Silvia.9130" said:

> - **TAILS AS BACKPACKS** many would probably hate the idea, but I think it would be cool! We have all these cute ears, why can't we pair them with tails? For charr they could simply replace their original tail and since it'd be just a cosmetic item there wouldn't be the need to make it look like it's part of the character but just something above their gear, to simplify!

> - **CHILD TONICS** that turn your character into a child of the race it belongs to, with a set outfit so that there wouldn't be troubles with some armours and such!


I'm also very interested by those two. Yeah I know, I will sound like a furry, but I would like to have a tail fox on my main character. (not for the pun of having another tale but for story background of "experiments" on the character as example. Wyvern tail too...)


For the second things, I'm very annoyed by the fact I can't uses the extremes in character creation: I can't make a progeny/cub/child , I can't make a very fat character, I can't make a very old character.... Infuriating. So yes, I would enjoy a "Kid - combat - Tonic" To turn myself into a kid of that race, would act like the shrink tonic but with the correct proportions and sizes.


-The third thing I would enjoy is being able to reset the personal story: The item would reset the personal story but without taking the character levels? Or it is coded to restart from lvl 1 instance and send you in same time, a level 80 boost in mail? Frankly dunno the coding, but there are surely a workaround. The point? If I experienced a storyline with my characters, but want to try another one without deleting my cool 80 characters, i would use that item. Second point, instead of forcing an hard reset of deleting a character to create another one for the weekly key farm, that item can make the process faster, by resetting your character to lvl1, allowing you to get that key the next week without deleting it. (In this case, no boost 80?).



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It would be fantastic to have more back bling skins. (E.g.) Cat tails / bunny tails to match our cat ear / bunny ear helmet skins.


It would also be amazing if we could show greater appreciation towards the water elements of gw2. I think it would be nice if the game had swimsuit armor tops/bottoms.

Many players like the freedom to mix and match, so having these in armor skins verses outfits would probably be superior in terms of sells. Many players might purchase multiple tops and bottoms.

I think players may enjoy swimming around more if they had more fashion to choose from.

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Sea adaption package:

* Dorsal fin backpiece

* Fin gloves (that gives u fins on the forearms)

* guils (spelling?) Headpiece (a helmet skin that gives u'r character guils).

* Mermaid tail pants. Shorts skin that turns u'r legs into a mermaid-like tail when entering water.

* Trident staff skin.

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Would be neat, I think, to expand upon the Caladbolg weapon set. There's already 4 weapons other than the greatsword, including a scepter, so why not a staff? It could be a continuation of the old achievement line, or gem store skins... I just like my weapons to match >_>

Alternatively, I'd like to see more butterflies in general. A butterflies aura without the need of the Grove Hydria backpiece (which I love). A mini that's a SWARM OF BUTTERFLIES!

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There is an item I’d like to know when it will be returning and that is the permanent Teleport to Friend. I didn’t know it would go away (new returning player) and I so need it. As someone with a bad fear of heights in real life and even the game, it sure helps if I tele to my husband when master point or whatever is on some tiny landing spot wayyyy up high. I try and do it myself but there are times that I just get frustrated.

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