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GEMSTORE REQUESTS: New Items; Items offered again - [Merged]

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> @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> There is nothing on this list I find worthy of the development time it would take to make them happen.


> They are items *you* want, and are not necessarily indicative of the community's desires.


Actually, most aren't even items he wants but stuff Arena Net, in keeping with their vaunted quality standards should have implemented in the first place.

1) I don't EVER use the witch's hat on human or Norn because it makes the character bald.

2) Most helms look incredibly bad on charr (including some cultural ones) because it exposes the charr's neck too much, hence looking like crap.

3) We actualy have a couple of goggles that go onto the head instead of on your eyes, but they could "easily" give old goggles the same treatment as they gave the visor on the Luminous Heavy Warhelm Skin, having a up and a down skin.

4) When they released the Shining Blade Glider, this should have immediately entered the development radar, i bought it, and i kinda regretted it immediately, because while i could dye the glider to match my armour, i had to dye my armour and glider, to match the back piece version of the glider, it's poor quality and they know it.

7) He's true, especially post LS2, there's been a lot of helmets that amputate charr horns and char/asura ears. That's really poor quality work there.

8, 9, 11) They keep pumping out new hairstyles and hair dyes, and yet, with one or two exceptions those hairstyles are generally inferior to the free ones, and the colours are so neon-like that only people who want to make themselves look like xmas trees would pick.

13) Meh.


Most of his claims are reasonable, and are gripes that most players will encounter. I'm betting even the contrarians on the forums have had these gripes, but it's too hard to admit someone else's right.

Sadly, the company aligned with these "we want moar new stauff, cause new sauff is good" mentality, and have ceased to work on old QoL and Quality improvement for the game. Guild Wars 2 used to be a game where these little quality of life increments were a huge factor into turning the game from good to great, but, sadly the way they're operating of late left no room for that quality, and the game has dearly suffered for it.

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14 - Remove air breathers entirely. Air breathers are anyways just copies of our head gear, they can't be much other for many reasons. In any case, if you like to improve underwater performance, you need to have separate underwater gear & build set for your toon, because of the limited number of weapons you can use. So remove that annoying little head piece entirely, or replace it with full underwater gear & trait set.


It wouldn't hurt that you would also get rid from underwater weapons, too, and tailor regular weapon set skills for underwater combat: if this is not possible, at least give us some more options for underwater weapon skills so that we could choose the weapon based on our armor + trinket stats (that is, power or condi dmg and so on).


If that is not possible, at least give us invisible airbreather skin (for all weights), or add a checkbox to airbreather to turn it invisible like helmet.

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The things I want are mostly large underlying changes:


1. Remove item stats flat out. No replacements. Skills simply do what is said in the tooltip, and **that** gets balanced. We'd still have oodles of character customization via traits / skills / weapons / runes / sigils.

2. Speaking of runes, with the stats removed collapse the number of runes significantly, going for *actually* interesting bonuses. Make some class-exclusive to facilitate stronger interactions.

3. Change underwater breathers to use a special type of rune which - as usual - breaks your 6-set bonus for a new, underwater centric, effect.

4. Reduce elite spec power to the overall power of the main specs. Make them actual sidegrades.

5. Collapse many traits, no more unneeded choices just to power up the same thing with 6 traits.

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> @"Chasind.3128" said:

> 1. Hoods/ Hats/ Outfits that make characters bald. Stop. Doing. This. Anet.




> 2. Helmets/ Armors that expose the neck Area.




> 3. Goggles. The goggles we do have side on our characters face, great! Now, can we get some that sit atop out characters heads? Without removing our hairstyles?


That would be neat.


> 7. STOP ignoring Charr Horns & Ears and Stop ignoring Asuran Ears.




> 8. Melandru Outfit.


There is a Nature's something outfit.


> 9. Long, Nice looking Hairstyles for all humanoid Races.


:+1: And both genders.


> 10. No More Anime Hairstyles for Charr.




> 12. Epic/ Good-looking facial hair. No silly mustaches or sad stubble. [sample Here](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/705517097852083701/ "Sample Here")


Oh, yes! **So much this!** <3 :+1: The one mustache we have is so badly designed, it consists of two layers, which makes it look ultra fake.

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> @"Chasind.3128" said:


> 1. Hoods/ Hats/ Outfits that make characters bald. Stop. Doing. This. Anet. There is literally no reason this should be ignored. Give us placebo hairstyles atleast, much like the Inquisitor Hat with the updo! [Example Here](https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/110/images/47423-1-1384784912.jpg "Example Here")



The reason most of my characters hide the head slot. I don't even bother trying to skin headpieces anymore, except the heavy helms that cover the whole head.


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Here's your problem: I don't need anything of this. I do not need housing, and I don't need a shitton of hair styles (there are a lot anyway). You may be right with more long hair styles though.


A lot of people think it is fine as it is. There are to me a lot more stressing points I want. Mainly quality of life features like additional side bars for food and utility, a fully customisable UI. Those things.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Chasind.3128" said:

> > 8. Melandru Outfit.


> There is a Nature's something outfit.


They mean one that looks like [Avatar of Melandru from GW1](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Avatar_of_Melandru "Avatar of Melandru from GW1"), since the other Human God outfits look like the respective Dervish Avatars.

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Unfortunately my comment have been removed because it was inappropriate. So i try to say it different... :D

It would be nice if we can get armour for male characters, where they show some skin. We have a few coats, but for example not so many trousers, especially the light armour section. Can we get some short leggins or kind of a robe, like the trousers of the elementalist outfit?


If someone dont know the outfit, i mean this: https://i.imgur.com/Ybiexfz.jpg



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How about an infusion that functions similar to the crystal brand infusion which makes the skin and eyes appear like the free awakened? Or simply add these options to the character creation? Or total makeover kit, I mean it’s already in the game so why not? (I‘m talking about the awakened that have the character model of humans and just have zombified skin and eyes)

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> @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> Here's your problem: I don't need anything of this. I do not need housing, and I don't need a shitton of hair styles (there are a lot anyway). You may be right with more long hair styles though.


> A lot of people think it is fine as it is. There are to me a lot more stressing points I want. Mainly quality of life features like additional side bars for food and utility, a fully customisable UI. Those things.


I would suggest looking at the Quality of Life thread for your suggestions. This is now stuck to the main page, but you can find a bunch of others posted throughout the forum using the search, which now works btw.

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> @"BlueIce.6951" said:

> > @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> > Here's your problem: I don't need anything of this. I do not need housing, and I don't need a shitton of hair styles (there are a lot anyway). You may be right with more long hair styles though.

> >

> > A lot of people think it is fine as it is. There are to me a lot more stressing points I want. Mainly quality of life features like additional side bars for food and utility, a fully customisable UI. Those things.


> I would suggest looking at the Quality of Life thread for your suggestions. This is now stuck to the main page, but you can find a bunch of others posted throughout the forum using the search, which now works btw.


Thank you for the advice. I think I mentioned it there several times or at least in this (and the old) forum. I'll check it out otherwise I will remind them of these QoL stuff :wink:

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I would love to see a new type of item added to the gemstore -> Custom Revive Animations.

We already have finishers, which make WvW more fun. But for us PvE players who enjoy group content and often have to pick eachother up, something like that would be cool to see.

Maybe your friend died and you're giving them a CPR. Or maybe you summon a bunch of small quaggans who shake your friend awake. There are many possibilities with this and personally I wouldn't mind purchasing some new cool resurrection animations.

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