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GEMSTORE REQUESTS: New Items; Items offered again - [Merged]

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I’d like to see Lord Caudecus’s Sword & Pistol skins available again, as well as the Outlaw outfit. I’m a relatively new player so I’m not sure when they were last available, but they’re the only items I’m after.


Found out I started playing a week after the vouchers for outfit & weapon skins ceased to be sold on the gem store. Feels bad.

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No More Chair or mount or glider skins please


**We need new character options that people have been asking for**

Better beard options

New tattoos

New body types

Better Faces- No more lazy reskin

Adjustable makeup


Longer & better hairstyles, don't use clipping as an excuse

Use GW1 Hairstyles if need be


No more Hair or Eye colors. We have enough

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Nothing makes me more sad than when another chair or stool enters the Gem store or game.

Not because I don't agree with the idea of them being ingame - quite the contrary - I love the idea of this game having such a wide array or expertly designed items.

It really brings the community together.

But why, why are there restrictions on where I can use my items?

The first example of many that enrages me is the nightwatch stool. It was advertised with a little story about keeping watch while others are asleep, hence why it has a light. Not only does it look cool, bring to mind feelings of selflessness and the escapism of micro-roleplaying whenever we want, it (I thought) would encourage people to keep watch (including me) at towers and keeps in WvW. At the moment there is only one commander I follow that rewards people for refreshing siege, keeping watch, running dollys and other tasks that are not zerg or kill. I thought, this is perfect for me while I watch 8 out of 10 cats does countdown, unwind from a stressful day, and keep an eye on our T3 keep or towers. Sometimes I don't have the energy to do a propper world boss, zerg, or pvp. Don't get me wrong, I can understand the reluctance to put the functionality of chairs in pvp (though it would be funy). But why not WvW?

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> @"LimeTwyst.7039" said:

> Quality of life for the LFG tool - there should be an error/confirmation message when you try to join a squad that's on a full map - something like "The squad you are trying to join is on a full map, are you sure?" with choices to "Join anyway" or "Close" and return to LFG


This is an awesome suggestion, you should post it to the QOL thread. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/718805#Comment_718805


An addition that might also be nice, have a counter on the post that indicates how many spaces on the map are available once it gets to a certain threshold.



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Well this Thread escalated quickly^^


And as I allready posted earlier in the QoL Thread:


I am waiting for years now for a "cape" as Back-Item like in GW 1. Cool would be a hood as headarmor fitting to that cape. (Similar to the Grenth hood, but without his Face.)


Who is also waiting for a Moa as Raptor Skin since there were these funny Moa races in "Old-Lion´s Arch"?

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If you sell Mount Packs; I'm sure they'd sell better if there was also a corresponding outfit. I noticed that the Exo-Suit Mount Pack went down to 1200gem on the last sale and we have 2 Exo-Suits, 1 Dynamics and 1 Inquest MKII, which I surmise made the pack more appealing as it completes a theme, more people bought it and it went on a bigger discount for everyone else from now on (at least I hope that's the case).


So the Mad Realms Mount Pack could do with a themed outfit to complete the ensemble. I'm players would love to run around wearing a ethereal outfit in the same style as this pack.


Also for future themes; Dwayna/Lyssa/Bath/restofthe6or7 since some of them have outfits already: Godly Mount Packs. Mounts wearing armours styled in the various gods of Tyria ... and Abbadon, I guess :p


Also; Charr Mechs Mounts and Sylvari Plantbeast Mounts (we have Fern Hounds, why not 'Fern Raptor/Springer/Skimmer/Jackal/Griffon'?).

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I'l like to suggest a staff (or a whole weapon set) with an ethereal look, like the [Emissary's Staff](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Emissary%27s_Staff_(skin) "Emissary's Staff") or the [Envoy Scythe](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Envoy_Scythe "Envoy Scythe"), but with a bluish color scheme that would match [Ad Infinitum](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ad_Infinitum "Ad Infinitum"). :)

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I've been thinking these things for a while, so this is nothing more than my flight of fancy but it would be nice to see these things in the gemstore someday:

* Formal military uniform/dress uniform (outfit): we already have special armors and weapons for the three orders, I think it would be nice if we have dress uniforms as well, it could even have capes or those fancy peaked cap (just don't make the characters bald please) or draw elements from the three orders or based on Pact aesthetic.

* Summer clothes / swimsuits (outfit): I've been dying for these to come out ever since I saw Kasmeer in her swimsuit, this outfit would have each races have their unique style as well! (I think I saw the fanart/concept of those said outfits on twitter), it would be nice if there's a special summer event going on in Southsun as well to go along with it.

* SAB themed mount skins

* Racial themed mount skins

* How to Dance, Volume 2

* Library or bookshelves in home instance where the players could store their books or gizmos (like Parables of the Gods, Memory of Vlasts, etc), would be nice if the players could view special cutscenes that's been unlocked in their personal stories/living stories.


Other than that, I was hoping for Rampart, Strider, and Incarnate armor to come back to the gemstore.

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An outfit. A grand outfit fit for the berserkers of auld. Not these pansy tin cans hiding behind layers of metal afraid to get paper cuts we see running around, but real, big, bloody, smelly, berserkers. Something along the lines of this (note, not my art... probably copywritten as well, but i ain't saying copy this exactly):



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Improvements to hairstyle and makeover kits.


Often times, after using the hairstyle/makeover kit, I find that the appearance in-game is very different from the makeover preview window. It could be that it looks odd in motion, or the lighting in the preview window is very different from in-game, etc. This makes me not want to take risks with hairstyle and makeover kits.


When a player consumes a hairstyle or makeover kit, add a soulbound item in the character’s inventory that allows that character to change appearances as many times as the player wants for 1 week. This way, if the changes don’t look right in-game, the player can change more times without penalty until the player can finalize the look in-game.

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