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[Feedback] Mad King's Raceway [merged]

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> @"Zaxares.5419" said:

> I do think that under a minute is a bit too punishing, especially for those of us playing with bad ping. (Drifting is really unreliable above 200 ping, which is what most of us in SEA and OCX have to endure. Sometimes it works, but other times it doesn't register and you go careening into a wall.) I think that bumping it up to maybe 1:20 would be a good move, because that time is doable (though EXTREMELY tight) for someone on a Raptor or Jackal using the new Endurance mastery.



Not only the high ping is a problem but also motion sickness and headaches/paralysis attacks/hand pain and cramping attacks you get after some time if you're affected by certain disabilities like me



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> @"TopBadge.3569" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > Clearly not impossible

> >

> >


> All those tricks and still a minute flat.

> Now do it without being a thief and/or coming off the mount.


They were only a thief for a few seconds and there is clearly plenty of room for improvement.

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> @"Vavume.8065" said:

> Devs need to go back and play an old game like Wipeout and learn how to design a track that you drift around, cos this is not it. 1/10 pathetic.

> I'm about - this close to uninstall this game, this is not content...


I love the track and dysn of it, if your really not into the race, don't do it. plenty of other stuff to do. If your really that upset about completing something your not into maybe take a look at why that is instead of blaming the game.

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> @"Jwake.7013" said:

> I love the track and dysn of it, if your really not into the race, don't do it. plenty of other stuff to do. If your really that upset about completing something your not into maybe take a look at why that is instead of blaming the game.


Actually, no, not plenty of other stuff to do. If you want to do the meta, you can do 10 different achievements. This is one of them, and you have to do 9. That beetle is something I've tried, but I only get stuck behind every single small bump, no idea how to drift (I did read up on it, still didn't work). So, I must do that Ascent to Madness thing, which I also never liked doing, but might be able to finish (if I manage to find people that want to do it too).


Also, people that can not do the JP, probably also won't be able to do that lap within 1 minute and thus will never even have a chance of getting the meta.

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> @"Jwake.7013" said:

> It's very easy to get bronze and silver, even if it takes a few tries for some. I don't mind Gold being difficult, i't s gold. (and no I don't have it yet, but do plan to work on it when I find the time)


For your info, you don't have to get gold, you have to get under 1 min (gold is at 1:05).


> @"Jwake.7013" said:

> > @"Vavume.8065" said:

> > Devs need to go back and play an old game like Wipeout and learn how to design a track that you drift around, cos this is not it. 1/10 pathetic.

> > I'm about - this close to uninstall this game, this is not content...


> I love the track and dysn of it, if your really not into the race, don't do it. plenty of other stuff to do. If your really that upset about completing something your not into maybe take a look at why that is instead of blaming the game.

If only meta wouldn't require this specific achi, be sure that I wouldn't bother doing it!

Imho anet should do like many other metas in the past: there are let's say 10 new achis, for meta you have to complet 8 of them of your choice.

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Honestly when I heard about the Beetle race I imagined a wide open track where you could just go ham on speed boosts but what I got was a track filled with sharp turns (something the beetle isn't equipped to handle really) and a ton of tiny objects to catch your beetle and stop you in your tracks. Kind of a letdown tbh.

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> @"Vyrulisse.1246" said:

> Honestly when I heard about the Beetle race I imagined a wide open track where you could just go ham on speed boosts but what I got was a track filled with sharp turns (something the beetle isn't equipped to handle really) and a ton of tiny objects to catch your beetle and stop you in your tracks. Kind of a letdown tbh.


Yeah. Can't say I am enthused by it. It's not really a suitable beetle arena. Long straights, sweeping curves and big jumps is what is needed. This would have worked maybe as a jackal or raptor run with portals and attacks from Mad King minions and descending giant axes and fog and pumpkins being thrown at you and stuff

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i actually quite like the achievement, it just takes alot of practice. i found hotkeying mount/unmount beetle and raptor helped loads and after comparing my run to the run above i was able to eventually get it.


i just wish the reward was better, Mad Drifter title would've been awesome.

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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> The beetle does not lack maneuverability. Practice drifting ("Mad Drifter" might be a clue).


I tried skill 2 with A and D held down, but to no avail since it reacts extremely slow to my maneuvering and there is no way to abruptly slow down my beetle. What am I missing?

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > The beetle does not lack maneuverability. Practice drifting ("Mad Drifter" might be a clue).


> I tried skill 2 with A and D held down, but to no avail since it reacts extremely slow to my maneuvering and there is no way to abruptly slow down my beetle. What am I missing?


Use the small bumps in the ground to slow down (especially at the start of your boost animation) that way you don't go too crazy on the speed. Also for most situations you want to tap the drift, not hold it down. Takes a bit of time to get behind

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Drifting is bugged. It doesn't work properly for everyone.


You can try all the little pieces of useless advice people will give, it will be nearly impossible unless something changes and you stop being affected by the bug.


For people affected by such bugs, the beetle will often either ignore the drift altogether and not turn around even though the drift effect is under it, or not change the direction of the momentum and keep sliding in the previous direction, even though the beetle has been properly reoriented.


Maybe it's a bad interaction with a camera setting, or mount settings. I've been changing around some things and it gets a bit better, but it keeps happening.


Like the problems in the Clock Tower that got fixed when everyone else's model was hidden and the camera received a new setting to decrease collision sensitivity, it doesn't happen to everyone.


So you'll see people acting all high and mighty acting as if the problem was on you, when the problem is in the game, just like when we told people the camera collied with everything and we had to give up or complete the clock tower literally looking at the floor until we could move the collision sensitivity all the way to the right to stop that.


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Maybe if there was an actual track I could focus on, instead of repeatedly doing useless runs, hoping to somehow remember where the next hoop will appear in a landscape without any features to focus on for orientation. Maybe then I could be bothered to try again and again until I get a perfect run. On this horribly designed track that annoys me so much, it gets in the way of memorizing the route to take? Not. Going. To. Happen.

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This race is really terrible imo for several reasons.


First of all, its just not fun to use the beetle there. Its a mount designed for long distances without too sharp curves and is best used in vast open spaces. Meanwhile, this race features tons of obstacles and sharp turns you have to take.


Second, for players without the LS-episode its impossible, since you can rent a beetle, but you dont have the drifting-mastery unlocked. _Edit: I stand corrected, the drift-ability is not bound to the mastery._


Third, you are forced into using a specific mount rather than being able to choose the mount you can handle the best.

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> @"Jojo.6140" said:

> This race is really terrible imo for several reasons.


> First of all, its just not fun to use the beetle there. Its a mount designed for long distances without too sharp curves and is best used in vast open spaces. Meanwhile, this race features tons of obstacles and sharp turns you have to take.


> Second, for players without the LS-episode its impossible, since you can rent a beetle, but you dont have the drifting-mastery unlocked.


> Third, you are forced into using a specific mount rather than being able to choose the mount you can handle the best.


Drifting is NOT a mastery. You simply have to press the right button for it. For me it is "C"

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I actually got it after several tries. The thing that worked was learning when to release the drift button (have it mapped to "C"). I'll try my best to explain:


- Upon boosting (full endurance bar), beetle shoots straight with little to no maneuverability

- You will gain control a short while later, allowing you to drift ("C" button)

- Do not hold down the drift button trying to make the corners. Think of it like a bowstring, you want to release it once you feel you got the direction correct - beetle will make really tight 90-degree corners with ease once you figure this out (may take a few tries)

- Blue orbs refill your endurance, and right after are usually straight lines, so boost right after taking blue orbs

- Be careful of pumpkins and tombstones, one dismounts you (quickly re-mount if so) and the other blocks your way

- I did not have to dismount, switch mounts, or use any skills (shadowstep, etc) to make it within 1 minute for the achievement

- It took roughly 20-30 mins of practice


Hope it helps.

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Ok, this is the biggest bullshit timed achievement i saw in a lifetime of guildwars. The drift key does Not work. It responds 5% of the times i use it. 5% The other times my beetle is an uncontrollable (in this small track with hindrances) mount. Thanks Arenanet.


Griffon is already bugged (the charge down straight from stand still bugs and you loose strafing control - good thing i found a way mostly around that). And at least up and down worked from the start and i could practise like hell to do it.


I did an almost perfect raptor run 1 minute 18 seconds. Thanks for making it only posisble on the most bugged ever mount in a lifetime. No clue how ppl have it worked. It's assigned, works GREAT for griffon, fails epicly at beetle.


My frustration is now 1 million units. This will be a dark day in guild wars 2 history. 1 hour and going, still only 6 succesful straves (on 200+ attempts).

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> @"Phoebe Ascension.8437" said:

> Ok, this is the biggest kitten timed achievement i saw in a lifetime of guildwars. The drift key does Not work. It responds 5% of the times i use it. 5% The other times my beetle is an uncontrollable (in this small track with hindrances) mount. Thanks Arenanet.


> Griffon is already bugged (the charge down straight from stand still bugs and you loose strafing control - good thing i found a way mostly around that). And at least up and down worked from the start and i could practise like hell to do it.


> I did an almost perfect raptor run 1 minute 18 seconds. Thanks for making it only posisble on the most bugged ever mount in a lifetime. No clue how ppl have it worked. It's assigned, works GREAT for griffon, fails epicly at beetle.


> My frustration is now 1 million units. This will be a dark day in guild wars 2 history. 1 hour and going, still only 6 succesful straves (on 200+ attempts).


People come in with the opinion that the beetle is useless and trash, don't bother learning how to use it and then complain that it is useless and trash. That's the biggest issue.

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I love beetle, for instance the practise run on Gandara map is great. But it just doenst work. It's like doing a griffon race with a bugged up skill. Not in a lifetime does it work. I tried all kinds of combo's (press short, press long press multiple times etc), it does NOT work. My beetle flies 30 more meters (3 checkpoints) furter, before it even tries to turn (wich is same as 0 strafing.).

I dont know what is bugged but something is bugged. OF that i'm sure. Griffon up works (my mount skill two) and beetle doesnt.

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