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[Feedback] Mad King's Raceway [merged]

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > If people are hit sub 50 second, I say that no adjustments need to be made at all. Clearly there’s plenty of room for improvement to get a better time as it’s not as tight as people are making it out to be.


> Discounting the bugs which actively stop people from drifting, a necessary skill and mechanic, correct?


Assuming that they are actually bugs and not because people don’t understand how to use the roller beetle.

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Hold Mouse 2 first, then press and hold Mouse 1 - if you hit Mouse 1 first it will dismount you.

You can see on this 520 degree drift that the beetle is kind of flicking out at the back-end - this is because I am Tapping "S" to keep more speed up, where as the start of the turn I held "S" down AFTER I flicked the view to the right.


It's a much easier way to drift that controlling steering and acceleration on your left (keyboard) hand.


#RACEsecrets haha

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Thanks to the relaxed time limit I knocked out the achieve's three laps on a jackal. I would love to do it properly on a beetle but the controls are murder. I'm going to have to find some time to play in a large flat area to figure out how drifting works, or if it even can work when I use my mouse to move and don't have keyboard finesse enough to do more than mount 1, 2, and jump. I see people talking about mixing in the backwards key and turns, but my mouse turn is a strafe not a pivot, the turn keys are not near the space bar as I left them on A and D.


No worries, though, the achieve is done. Couple of other easy ones to do and also carving a million pumpkins, tedious but definitely not hard!

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> @"Donari.5237" said:

> Thanks to the relaxed time limit I knocked out the achieve's three laps on a jackal. I would love to do it properly on a beetle but the controls are murder. I'm going to have to find some time to play in a large flat area to figure out how drifting works, or if it even can work when I use my mouse to move and don't have keyboard finesse enough to do more than mount 1, 2, and jump. I see people talking about mixing in the backwards key and turns, but my mouse turn is a strafe not a pivot, the turn keys are not near the space bar as I left them on A and D.


> No worries, though, the achieve is done. Couple of other easy ones to do and also carving a million pumpkins, tedious but definitely not hard!


Literally read the post before yours :)

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> @"Pyreo.8517" said:

> Well now I feel like a moron for putting effort into getting better at the race until I did it under 1 min. Might as well not have bothered.


How does it take away from what you did at all? You know you did it and I'm quite sure your name will be on the leaderboards for friends and such to see.

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> @"Vyrulisse.1246" said:

> > @"Pyreo.8517" said:

> > Well now I feel like a moron for putting effort into getting better at the race until I did it under 1 min. Might as well not have bothered.


> How does it take away from what you did at all? You know you did it and I'm quite sure your name will be on the leaderboards for friends and such to see.


He wants to be the very best. Like no one ever was. To beat the time was his real test. To drift mad was his cause.

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It was only nerfed in the sense that the race was made fairer for those of us further away from US/EU servers. Drifting is notoriously unreliable with high ping, and it's not as if we can pack up and move closer to the servers on a whim. :P Something similar happened when World 2 of SAB was first released; a lot of us OCX/SEA players reported bugs like the waterspouts knocking us down even though our screens showed them still up, or flowers just launching us right into pits. So ANet changed the waterspouts to be permanently up, and the flowers to always launch you to a predetermined spot. Was it a nerf? Technically, yes, but it HAD to be done in order to keep the game fair to all players.


If you're after a sense of challenge, you can still aim to be at the top of the Leaderboards in the Raceway. The lifetime scores show who are truly the best of the best at Beetle racing. "You're not in Top 3? GIT GUD!!!"

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> @"Vyrulisse.1246" said:

> > @"Pyreo.8517" said:

> > Well now I feel like a moron for putting effort into getting better at the race until I did it under 1 min. Might as well not have bothered.


> How does it take away from what you did at all? You know you did it and I'm quite sure your name will be on the leaderboards for friends and such to see.


^ Basically this. You're still up on the leaderboards at a < 1 min time, so you can continue to feel superior to all those who can't beat that score, if that's your thing. Meanwhile, the people who have better times than you are probably also chortling at all the people who can't beat their score. Feelings of accomplishment in this game are relative.

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I can't deny, I was concerned when I read Dulfy's notes on the meta achieve. She said doing the race in under 1 min was super difficult because the map terrain made it difficult to drift. I tried to look at it like an opportunity to master the Beetle Drift once and for all but after numerous frustrating attempts at the trial, I am happy to see that it was increased to 1:30.


I would really like to see the time trial option added for all festival races. It is really helpful and gives you an opportunity to learn the route without pressure of "I gotta win!"


Thank you Anet for the time adjustment.

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My biggest annoyance is that the boost is clunky. It locks your maneuverability without an ability to cancel it. The work around is to move in the backwards direction while boosting to kind of soft counteract it's full effect. If we could get the ability to cancel a boost, doing 1/2 or 3/4 boosts, then drifting in a track like this would be so much better. It would ease up on the timing of boosts. Right now, boosting can only be safely done in specific points before long stretches with a very small window because you quickly get too close to the next turn to allow for a full boost duration, and even then some amount of reverse direction is needed to counteract your speeds after boosting towards tight turns. The beetle's boost just pushes your speed overboard for such a tight track. Add boost canceling to the beetle, and it will be much more fun to race around with.

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Getting gold in the adventure still takes beating 1 min 5 seconds, so things aren't as nerfed as the OP states. The only thing easier is getting the umbrella achievement for 2018 Halloween.


The other implication in the OP's request is that ANet is always, 100% correct about identifying the correct level of difficulty they want for each & every achievement. Do we really think they've never overtuned before release? Do we really think that if they notice it that they shouldn't ever adjust it? I think it's far better that they launch with things being too hard and "nerf" things to a more manageable level for the target audience. The alternative is worse: starting off too easy and making things more challenging, which mostly screws over those people who aren't able to play the first day.

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> @"PseudoNewb.5468" said:

> My biggest annoyance is that the boost is clunky. It locks your maneuverability without an ability to cancel it. The work around is to move in the backwards direction while boosting to kind of soft counteract it's full effect. If we could get the ability to cancel a boost, doing 1/2 or 3/4 boosts, then drifting in a track like this would be so much better. It would ease up on the timing of boosts. Right now, boosting can only be safely done in specific points before long stretches with a very small window because you quickly get too close to the next turn to allow for a full boost duration, and even then some amount of reverse direction is needed to counteract your speeds after boosting towards tight turns. The beetle's boost just pushes your speed overboard for such a tight track. Add boost canceling to the beetle, and it will be much more fun to race around with.


I am not a fan of the beetle for exactly the reasons you listed. Although I am practising Drifting, I find myself smacking into walls/mountains terrain because it is simply too fast and we have no intermediate speed controls. It is like a race car only having first and sixth gears. With the extremely tight turns in this course in particular, it is a little bit impossible to get through the check points. Granted I did see some being counted as I whizzed past them attempting to turn right to get through.

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No matter how much I practice, I can not do The Mad Drifter with average 298 ping.

So for players from SEA base with 298 or greater ping, suck it up and should mever have touch any sort of adventures tied with time limit because some thinks practice to overcome a hard content will be rewarded, And high ping players, got screwed up by the "Ping", No one ever gives a kitten about players with high ping.

I hope someone had done the AP, try yourself with 298 ping and tell me to shut the kitten up!

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> @"Random Wax Orc.7695" said:

> Anet, how much of the player base has given up completing or completely ignores the HoT Adventures?

> How much of the player base has given up completing or completely ignores the PoF Adventures (Griffon races)?

> How much of these groups overlap with the groups that cannot complete either Holiday JP, Clocktower or Wintersday?

> I assume, from my extremely limited access to data, the answer to all three of these questions is a significant enough amount of the player base that Anet would not want to alienate them from the game. Comprising the annual repeatable holiday meta of 8 mostly casual activities and 2 highly skill gated (or ping gated/rig gated) trials is simply a poison pill for too much of the player base. I suggest changing the meta to 8/10 for this year, and reconsider how to approach holiday events in the future. I strongly believe that collections and holiday metas should not be blocked by such skill gated elements. "All or nothing" credit systems should be primarily reserved for things that don't block progress, at least for things like collections and holiday metas.


> How much of the player base that does complete the Beetle Drift race (or other adventure content) never replay it? Replayability is huge design goal in events that return every year. I am not saying there should be no "feather in your cap" content. That is fine, but it shouldn't be critical to the entire player base, and it shouldn't be a design goal that trumps replayability and general fun.


> If you want an elite skill race, make it a part of a future Raid mechanic. The goal of holiday content should be replayability and fun. A Mad King's Race, should be wild and whacky, more like lunatics inquisition or southsun survival, which are fun to repeat even if you can't win. A freaking Beetle Roller Derby race with a last one standing mechanic would have been perfect. There is so much that could be done in pursuit of a fun addictive holiday activity... but a skill test is simply not considered fun and often not even doable by a lot of the players you are courting.


> TLDR change it to 8/10 meta, keep skill gates from blocking general content, and try to make future holiday events addictingly fun more than exceedingly difficult.


> P.S. If you can do the race in question, congrats, but just because you can do something doesn't mean the content is accessible to everyone. Everyone is different and no less valuable to Anet... and they have different skills, pings and computers.


> Thank you.


THIS! I wish I could give you 100 thumbs up!

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Hey. I did like the race since it was something you cant do first try. At first i didnt like it since i thought of something else when consider a beetle-race. After some cleary off tries i even got a lil angy that i do suck seeing the times of my friends. Then i deceided to try, try hard - and it was fun.


This mentality drives me crazy - now its done without any effort. I trained yesterday for like 3 Hours and finally managed it. (i had no clue how to use beetle before) i was kinda proud and hoped not every1 can do it so i could maybe even climb up in Achievement leaderboard a Little, since im alrdy in top 100.


So i dont get it why are you doing this: each Content which is not totally brain afk hurts "bad "(they just dont care) players. They just come here to take everything for free. Going the direction you took will make doing "harder" content more impossible. Its called an achievment for doing something, which isnt complete obsolete?


IMO this fix and the deadeyefix in the Story are just a joke. you cant be real. You do/did "educate" this community in the wrong way. Even its a game efford should be needed. (not in each part - but at least in some).



BTW OFF-Topic and irony :

- Ultimate Dominator - WWW-title is much too hard. rest is ez to get. i cant get this ez on my own. even im like rank 3403 and playing a ton.

- Or some of the daily activties are just a hardcore grind.....


I really want that acms and im only at the half of them, even i consider myself in the very upper parts.



So if enough ppl will cry you will Change it?

PLS DONT, even if i really want it - things should take effort. You dont get unversity - degrees, money etc. for free too.(Yes i know, its a game and you DONT have to to put effort in it - but then you shoulndt be able to have some things)



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