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candy corn cobs...

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> I always recommend buying off the TP. You can farm enough pieces of candy from mining, ToTs, etc, but... it's super tedious and drains the fun out of the festival for me.


Yeah, I never really partook in Halloween stuff in previous years, but I decided to give the labyrinth a try because I really wanted Touch of Fog. Could only last an hour before boredom stopped me, so I just bought the rest of the cobs. Well worth it. I think I got like 4 cobs in an hour during the farm, so yeah...not worth the investment in my opinion. However, I really don't like farming stuff in games, so I am not surprised.

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> @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > @"Joranti the Harvester.3976" said:

> > I need 30 of these darn things for the witches hat...what would be the fastest way to scare that up?


> Farm Labyrinth (or whatever farm you prefer if you can't stand Lab) - but **don't open the bags!** Sell the *bags* on the TP, and use that gain to buy Cobs.


Exactly what I was going to say. Unless you get a very rare drop the bags are worth more than their contents, far more than the candy corn, so it's better to sell the bags and buy candy corn.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> If you have the King-Sized Candy Corn (node), you will receive 6 -12 x 365 (or however many days you gather). (2190 - 4380)

> If you have the regular Raw Candy Corn (node), half that amount. (1095 - 2190)


And to note, if you've got a friend, or a second account that you can log onto both at once, have one instance with the regular and the other with the king-size. They count as different nodes, so you can harvest both in one day for 9-18 pieces of candy corn a day. Naturally this is more profitable for those with alt accounts since they effectively get 18-36 a day.

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It does seem weirdly expensive.


I think the original plan was to mimic GW1's system of having a unique hat awarded for the 'finale' of each festival (which for Halloween is Mad King Says) with the hat given out changing each year. Halloween 2012 was the first special event GW2 had and at the time their plan was that all new content would be special one-time events which progressed in real time, with different activities becoming available through the event and some ending before the whole thing was over.


That proved unpopular for a variety of reasons, mainly because it was massively inconvenient for players (for example they announced Halloween would start with a one-time, never to be repeated event and some people actually took the day off work or woke up in the middle of the night to be there and then it turned out to be a 1 minute cut scene of Mad King Thorn bursting out the fountain in LA) and it caused all kinds of issues with lag and crashes because of pushing everyone into the same areas of the game.


But I suspect some people at Anet still wanted this hat to be rare or special, so they brought it back but 'compromised' by making it very expensive to get.

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