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Reaper is the worst spvp class I've ever played. Went 0-16 today, felt great.


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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> Are you NA? If you are, hit me up in game if you want and I can try and help ya out.


> Or you can try this video, I'm not the best example but it's better than 0-16, build is in video and maybe swap out assassin for the toughness ferocity ammy



A dude is humble enough to offer someone help to learn their class while saying he isn't the best at it.


In comes several posts insulting the dude that wants to help saying he sucks, no idea how to play (lack of positioning), and saying the dude starting the thread has an ego problem.


Such good manners. Greatest community ever, I can't believe people are so nice here.


Btw Sephiroth, thanks for offering to help, people like you are why games are fun. The others ........................

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> To put things in perspective, Reaper had one of the highest win-rates and play-rates in ranked last season.


Can we get some of that cool data to look at as well? Along with the past seasons as well? Im really intrested in seeing the progression of win rate vs played classes vs the balance changes that was done to them.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> To put things in perspective, Reaper had one of the highest win-rates and play-rates in ranked last season.


You need to stop keeping things like this secret. At the end of the season there should be a post with a bunch of stats. Play rate by class. Win rated by class. Etc etc.


These are thing things the community would find interesting instead of just something you can use to comment on a thread like this.


It's upsetting we only get stats like this in these types of comments from you...


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@"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> To put things in perspective, Reaper had one of the highest win-rates and play-rates in ranked last season.



It is discouraging to see you post this Ben.


You know best that reaper experienced a quickness application boon buff at the sacrifice of their remaining sustain that made it desirable to try out in pvp once again, explaining the increase in play rate, and inexperience in low tier pvp with the change explaining the greater win rate there.


-Additionally, all of the complaints about reaper strength at start of season have disappeared in this forum, as any semi experienced player knows how to kite and defeat them with their glaring weaknesses. Interestingly, complaints on mirage and dead eye have NOT disappeared. -


Players have a good eye for balance in aggregate.


As others have mentioned, I would also like to know the statistics of reaper in platinum/diamond tier.

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> @"NICENIKESHOE.7128" said:

> "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." - Mark Twain


This is the most incorrect statement of all time. If you cannot measure things in aggregate you would not make accurate decisions about ANYTHING. If the result does not appeal to you that does not make not “true.”

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> @"otto.5684" said:

> > @"NICENIKESHOE.7128" said:

> > "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." - Mark Twain


> This is the most incorrect statement of all time. If you cannot measure things in aggregate you would not make accurate decisions about ANYTHING. If the result does not appeal to you that does not make not “true.”


Ofc its a false statement if you take the sentence by face value. Just look up on what kind of person Mark Twain is should've warned you there's more to the sentence than it sound.


Just as I can say every person in the world has an average of one ball between their legs if I don't talk about my statistical analysis. Its simply a humor/sarcastic statement saying people can lie through statistics if not properly elaborate themselves.

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> @"Orwyn.6104" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > Are you NA? If you are, hit me up in game if you want and I can try and help ya out.

> >

> > Or you can try this video, I'm not the best example but it's better than 0-16, build is in video and maybe swap out assassin for the toughness ferocity ammy

> >


> A dude is humble enough to offer someone help to learn their class while saying he isn't the best at it.


> In comes several posts insulting the dude that wants to help saying he sucks, no idea how to play (lack of positioning), and saying the dude starting the thread has an ego problem.


> Such good manners. Greatest community ever, I can't believe people are so nice here.


> Btw Sephiroth, thanks for offering to help, people like you are why games are fun. The others ........................


All good man, I'm usually a troll but I'm always more than happy to help others out...


I had a few mails in game over the video and was able to help a few people out too so it wasn't a lost effort ?

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> @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

> > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > To put things in perspective, Reaper had one of the highest win-rates and play-rates in ranked last season.


> You need to stop keeping things like this secret. At the end of the season there should be a post with a bunch of stats. Play rate by class. Win rated by class. Etc etc.


> These are thing things the community would find interesting instead of just something you can use to comment on a thread like this.


> It's upsetting we only get stats like this in these types of comments from you...



agree, just watch to LoL and how many statistics you get there ingame for free. the Problem with anets way is that they can use the statistics to support their own Statements but when their statistics Show the opposite of what they say anet simply can hide them.


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> @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

> > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > To put things in perspective, Reaper had one of the highest win-rates and play-rates in ranked last season.


> You need to stop keeping things like this secret. At the end of the season there should be a post with a bunch of stats. Play rate by class. Win rated by class. Etc etc.


> These are thing things the community would find interesting instead of just something you can use to comment on a thread like this.


> It's upsetting we only get stats like this in these types of comments from you...



Only thing that would cause 'nerf this,nerf that, that have too high win rate' . How that could be calculated even? How its count if both team had a reaper or two etc?

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> @"tinyreborn.1938" said:

> > @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

> > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > > To put things in perspective, Reaper had one of the highest win-rates and play-rates in ranked last season.

> >

> > You need to stop keeping things like this secret. At the end of the season there should be a post with a bunch of stats. Play rate by class. Win rated by class. Etc etc.

> >

> > These are thing things the community would find interesting instead of just something you can use to comment on a thread like this.

> >

> > It's upsetting we only get stats like this in these types of comments from you...

> >


> Only thing that would cause 'nerf this,nerf that, that have too high win rate' . How that could be calculated even? How its count if both team had a reaper or two etc?


It's more so the context that we get fed this information and how it's used.


I would be calculated the same what that is used to come into s thread and say x's play and win rate is good?

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> @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

I think statistic been taken around entire population that left .

What the matter even? Some random noob would come on forum ,would say 'MIRAGE IS TRASH! I JUST 16 GAMES IN A ROW!111 MY CLASS IS BAD BUFF PLX' . Same here .

I dont understand all this triggered necro mains because Ben said its have highest winrate/play rate.

Same argument I heard about 'duoq parties dont have higher wintrates than soloq players' w/o considering looking at higher rating duoq. MANY times iv seen 2 duoq vs full solo and its been 500-0 literally ,not in favor of solo q players. As we are there can we punish duoq players harshly or count both player rating by highest in group? =)


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As some people already pointed out. Your current problem isn't mechanical skill but bad judgment.


All classes in PvP have specific roles dictated by their trait designs.

Necromancers are in a general way, strong Team DPS dealers, as they can deal great damage to groups of players.

Keep in mind that of all Necromancers specializations, Reaper indeed has the highest 1x1 potential, tough that not means much.

In this video specifically you were fighting a SpellBreaker, which is one of the most solid 1x1 classes in the game. That was bad judgment.


Extra bad judgement is that once you noticed he started kitting against you and block important skill, you were against a SB that actually knew what they were doing. At that point you should already had raised the alarm and GTFO. From other MMOs perspective, that would be the same as a Healer 1x1 an Assassin class in any other game.


Reaper can hold its own when needed, but you should always try to keep up with your team.

it's extremely easy to kill a reaper with Hit&Run strats and ranged damage.


On a note, thats one of the reasons people always aim to kill reaper at the beginning of team fights, they are too dangerous to leave alive.

On other reason, if you bait and survive the initial burst, you and your team have free hands to burst down the team.



All that said, if "1x1" are important for your, you can always try some one the actual Duelist builds.

Some examples would be SpellBreaker, Core Warrior, Condi Mirage, Power Holosmith, Core ranger and Soul beast. Could probably add Druids and Scrappers on this list to a certain degree.



PS: When you got entangled with the Warrior, your team could and should've helped you. Well, can't expect people to play properly on unranked.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> To put things in perspective, Reaper had one of the highest win-rates and play-rates in ranked last season.


Thanks for red post and trying to calm things down.


BUT its blabla without context.


* winrate across skill tiers, are there outliers? is the hero easy to start but useless at top, or is the pro meta dominated by high skill 1shots?

* pickrate... is hero/class too niche, meaning he only gets used on certain maps and then its useless everywhere else?

* damage/healing/uptime etc.... is the class outperforming another classes role?


Given the playerbase, Arenent is a shame of an untransparent company.

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> @"Flumek.9043" said:

> > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > To put things in perspective, Reaper had one of the highest win-rates and play-rates in ranked last season.


> Thanks for red post and trying to calm things down.


> BUT its blabla without context.


> * winrate across skill tiers, are there outliers? is the hero easy to start but useless at top, or is the pro meta dominated by high skill 1shots?

> * pickrate... is hero/class too niche, meaning he only gets used on certain maps and then its useless everywhere else?

> * damage/healing/uptime etc.... is the class outperforming another classes role?


> Given the playerbase, Arenent is a shame of an untransparent company.


Devs never ever disclose their class performance measurement methodologies. This has nothing to do with transparency. They are under no obligation to provide such info and this opens Pandoras box for trolls and the uneducated masses that the devs have to answer to. Even for people who are better educated about class balance and statistics, they are unlikely to agree on how to measure things. I guantee even Anet devs would not fully agree on class balance and how even to measure it.



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Is Reaper weak against ranged preasure? Sure

Is Reaper weak in 1v1 ? You can have skills to win but class doesnt offer good tools for 1v1

Is Reaper absolute monster in teamfights? Yes it is.

Are Reapers tools better agains more targets then one? Exactly


If you have solid reaper in your team and you aren't dumb and you help him survive(his weakness) he will eat everything in our way. I Saw this multiple times.

You log in with Reaper and all your teamates have roaming oneshot builds. So you will have hardtime. But if someone think about things...holy Molly :)

Me and my friend both playing Necro/Herald(not even Firebrand). For me neco for PvP have only 1 weakness and its surviving if you wanna go full beast mode. If you dont have buddy to help you you cannot go fullfrontal. And I think thats kinda OK, because if you have someone with you...woof its pain to play against duo if Reaper is one of them.

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> @"Catchyfx.5768" said:

> Me and my friend both playing Necro/Herald(not even Firebrand). For me neco for PvP have only 1 weakness and its surviving if you wanna go full beast mode. If you dont have buddy to help you you cannot go fullfrontal. And I think thats kinda OK, because if you have someone with you...woof its pain to play against duo if Reaper is one of them.


The funny thing is that you don't even have to go full damage (in terms of traits and amulet) as a reaper to dish out ridiculous damage. Even with paladin's and some more sustain oriented traits (e.g. Blighter's Boon over Reaper's Onslaught) you will hit like a train in each team fight... However, you still need at least some support to survive :#


At topic: It's ridiculous that people always want to 1v1 on any class and with any build/specialization... I mean it's like asking for more damage on a Firebrand support or more (passive) sustain on a thief... If you want to 1v1 then just play a build that is made for this.

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> @"otto.5684" said:

> > @"Flumek.9043" said:

> > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > > To put things in perspective, Reaper had one of the highest win-rates and play-rates in ranked last season.

> >

> > Thanks for red post and trying to calm things down.

> >

> > BUT its blabla without context.

> >

> > * winrate across skill tiers, are there outliers? is the hero easy to start but useless at top, or is the pro meta dominated by high skill 1shots?

> > * pickrate... is hero/class too niche, meaning he only gets used on certain maps and then its useless everywhere else?

> > * damage/healing/uptime etc.... is the class outperforming another classes role?

> >

> > Given the playerbase, Arenent is a shame of an untransparent company.


> Devs never ever disclose their class performance measurement methodologies. This has nothing to do with transparency. They are under no obligation to provide such info and this opens Pandoras box for trolls and the uneducated masses that the devs have to answer to. Even for people who are better educated about class balance and statistics, they are unlikely to agree on how to measure things. I guantee even Anet devs would not fully agree on class balance and how even to measure it.




Jeff Kaplan and over 100 thousand overbuff.com account would like to say hi.

Ok, lets chill, overbuff is third party and thus skewed to above average levels, but given that blizzard is the rival for arenanet to beat, they could learn and repeat by now instead of reinventing the wheel.


Like i said, the goal of such a site is just to "show trends" in the meta.


With Arenanet, you couldnt even discuss that because theyre so casual and dont want to offend anyone.

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> @"syszery.1592" said:

> > @"Catchyfx.5768" said:

> > Me and my friend both playing Necro/Herald(not even Firebrand). For me neco for PvP have only 1 weakness and its surviving if you wanna go full beast mode. If you dont have buddy to help you you cannot go fullfrontal. And I think thats kinda OK, because if you have someone with you...woof its pain to play against duo if Reaper is one of them.


> The funny thing is that you don't even have to go full damage (in terms of traits and amulet) as a reaper to dish out ridiculous damage. Even with paladin's and some more sustain oriented traits (e.g. Blighter's Boon over Reaper's Onslaught) you will hit like a train in each team fight... However, you still need at least some support to survive :#


> At topic: It's ridiculous that people always want to 1v1 on any class and with any build/specialization... I mean it's like asking for more damage on a Firebrand support or more (passive) sustain on a thief... If you want to 1v1 then just play a build that is made for this.


Have you seen that power reaper had paladin amulet and oneshotted harrier FB with soul spiral ? He went 100-0 close to isntant :D (ROM tournament)

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> @"Flumek.9043" said:

> > @"otto.5684" said:

> > > @"Flumek.9043" said:

> > > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > > > To put things in perspective, Reaper had one of the highest win-rates and play-rates in ranked last season.

> > >

> > > Thanks for red post and trying to calm things down.

> > >

> > > BUT its blabla without context.

> > >

> > > * winrate across skill tiers, are there outliers? is the hero easy to start but useless at top, or is the pro meta dominated by high skill 1shots?

> > > * pickrate... is hero/class too niche, meaning he only gets used on certain maps and then its useless everywhere else?

> > > * damage/healing/uptime etc.... is the class outperforming another classes role?

> > >

> > > Given the playerbase, Arenent is a shame of an untransparent company.

> >

> > Devs never ever disclose their class performance measurement methodologies. This has nothing to do with transparency. They are under no obligation to provide such info and this opens Pandoras box for trolls and the uneducated masses that the devs have to answer to. Even for people who are better educated about class balance and statistics, they are unlikely to agree on how to measure things. I guantee even Anet devs would not fully agree on class balance and how even to measure it.

> >

> >


> Jeff Kaplan and over 100 thousand overbuff.com account would like to say hi.

> Ok, lets chill, overbuff is third party and thus skewed to above average levels, but given that blizzard is the rival for arenanet to beat, they could learn and repeat by now instead of reinventing the wheel.


> Like i said, the goal of such a site is just to "show trends" in the meta.


> With Arenanet, you couldnt even discuss that because theyre so casual and dont want to offend anyone.


I do not see any up side for devs to discuss meta trends or class balance methodologies in any game. It creates a torrent of attack points. And the value is extremely low since the vast majority players would not understand due to lack of knowledge in both balancing measures and objectives and lack of knowledge in statistics. even if you could overcome that, good luck overcoming bias.


Third party inputs, are just that. Though, if done professionally, can be of a good value.

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