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Scourge, Reaper or Core?


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What spec do you play on necromancer and why? Maybe add, what direction of build you generally play.


Example: scourge, hybrid, because my guild wants me to play this


Edit: oh I thought I had posted this in WvW section. So what are you playing in WvW.

-did it get moved?

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I've been playing core lately, was doing reaper before that. I only use scourge once in a blue moon when I am lazy and need bags and to finish skirmish track. I generally go hybrid'ish and just experiment with my builds but it leans more towards power. I still prefer the feel of core and reaper compared to scourge for combat. I just feel like scourge is not for the mechanically inclined - it is perfect for someone to casually play on though and easily pick up. I don't hate it by all means, I just don't enjoy it as much as the others.

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I'm voting core because it's my favorite Necro spec. But primarily, I play glass power Reaper.


Condition heal siphon tank is my favorite spec for core and what I played for well over 3 years. It wasn't until earlier this year after some Reaper buffs that I went to that.


I've hated Scourge since the beginning and my opinion hasn't changed.

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Lately I really enjoy playing carrier-scourge (skilled in rezzing, barreir and boon corrupt).

Damage is worse than most other necro builds (still upper part of the table), but it's fun. ^^

Collecting all those loot-hungry or half-asleep people that die during fake pushes or due to bad positionion via F4, rezzing them with the two blood wells+mercy-runes and helping the rest via undead-signet... usually I take the condi→boon and boon→condi well with flesh golem in addition.


But I also like playing scourge. either hybrid-damage or viper-condi. Both still do moderate damage since many zergs fight without heal scrappers...

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Scourge because it's the closest GW2 has gotten to a real necromancer since launch. I didn't make a necromancer to play a death knight. I made a necromancer because I like sacrificing health, energy mechanics, minions and spreading disease. Reaper and core offer none of those things for me.

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I'm rarely playing necro lately. Mostly because it just isn't that good anymore. Right now I'm playing the glass cannon reaper. It's like the snowcrows build, but a bit more snowflake since I like to run Bitter Chill and some of the shouts. For more vulnerability and protection, of course, since I just use it in PUG fractals and the overworld.


Worst part is, this doesn't feel like a choice. I play glass reaper because there's nothing else to play. Core necro is just a weaker reaper. Scourge has been nerfed into the ground. The activation times and the cooldowns on all of the skills feels like I'm perpetually wading through hummus. Scourge requires a spammy and obtuse rotation to do inferior damage, and with epidemic being nerfed into the ground it has lost nearly all practical use for me.

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Ive been playing reaper mostly since the first betas of HoT and continued even when reaper was in its bad points (as a power reaper)

Scourge is not my cup of tea, offers no real creativity, and no (real) power option.


I do like to play core but its easily ran over in pvp due to lack of offensive pressure and defensive tools at the same time and its too limited on damage in pve. But it is still fun to play.

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I play core power necro, because i like to feel the pain of being slow, unrealiable and have no stability, for the rest is awesome :) ah and also reveal on thieves also killing people on core feels so much better, because people rage more and are more salty against you, which gives me the daily dose of salt i need xD

Here's my scrap build, i reused whatever i had in bank, not full zerk cauz that is my pve power reaper


a variation with more toughness


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I like Scourge because it feels that i have more tools at my disposition and the ability to put shades and damage enemies from everywhere.


I have joy in playing Condi with terror, i put the shades below my enemies, then use F4-F5 simultaneously, watching them die while runing in fear is so satisfactory that makes me laugh maniacally.

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I mainly do PVE condi reaper because core/scourge PVE is crap- dmg of core in PVE is lackluster and the only way I can get meaningful dmg out of scourge is against bosses after a VERY VERY LONG buildup and even only on certain bosses THAT NEVER MOVE or if they get constant boons for me to corrupt which depending on the boss to buff themselves for me to get dmg off from my skills is very depressing, that only leaves reaper but with all the nerfs in the past months that even core necro skills are being like scourge skills where the only way to get meaningful damage out of them is to either be power spec OR if you want condi spec you can only get decent condi dmg from continuously corrupting boons which no PVE enemies will continuously apply boons for you to corrupt, but again that was when I was playing this crappy balanced game, since then necro and epi has gotten even more condi nerfs so my insentive to come back to the game is even less now then it was then. when playing condi dmg necro I feel like im hitting everything with a wet noodle

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