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Is this so difficult to say "Hi" and "ty" in PU ?

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> @"Grampybone.3716" said:

> > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > > @"Grampybone.3716" said:

> > > In my WoW days I always said Hi/Hello when the group started and 'Ty for the group' when the dungeon was finished. But I haven't done any dungeons in Gw2 yet lol.

> > >

> > > During a GW2 open word event I rarely say ty when I get ressed, not because I'm ungratefull but because I'm too busy staying away from (AoE)attacks and help getting downed others up. By the time I typed '/s ty! :)', and not paying attention to my surroundings, I'll be already downed again and they'll have to help me for a 2nd time hehe. I show my thanks and appreciation by keeping an eye out for downed players and ress them as well if possible.

> >

> > it takes them awhile to rez you tho so its fully possibly to say that while they are in the middle of reviving.


> Sorry I forgot the difference with helping up a downed player and truelly ressing someone. Helping getting you up is often very quick. If I'm really dead (as in travel to nearest waypoint) I don't bother people ressing me, I respawn at waypoint and get back into action asap.


Good wo/man I would like if everyone did this sadly they dont.

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  • 3 weeks later...

> @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:

> >>> Hi

> People key in loooooong adds on the LFG, but can say Hi or TY ?


I say ty to my groups (after for example CM+T4s) if I felt everyone pulled their weight, if I feel like 1 or more people were heavily carried I usually leave without a word and try to forget the whole thing ever happened

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> @"Vyrulisse.1246" said:

> Somewhere along the line it became rare to actually communicate with other people in these multiplayer games. I don't know when or where but it happened sadly x.x


That's easy it started when people thought abrivations where good substitutes for dialogue. Heck just take a look at the title, sure space is limited but one could say using shorthands like "Hi" instead of "Hello" is every bit as lazy as not saying anything at all.

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Its nice when people talk. i allways say 'thank you' after big events, and when im in a group 'hello' and 'thanks for the ride, have fun' when we are done.

Also i respond when someone else asks somthing, of says something.

i still do teq with sort of a fixed group of people that only meets at teq event at 20:00 and we all talk to each other about all sorts of things.

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I don't like typing pleasantries in chat.

I may do a /wave, and I will usually do a /ty followed by a /wave after a fractal run. Emotes are more than enough for that.


Also, holding such vacuous pointless filler is a good way to catch bad players that are likely to blame others for their own shortcomings and ragequit easily. I don't care for what people say as much as I care for what they do.


If the party has 3 people with the same guild tag, or someone makes a big deal about you not saying "Hi", get out of there ASAP. They will likely ragequit or kick you to make room for a leeching friend of theirs.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I always join a group with a "hi hi" or "herro!" to set less experienced players at ease. And runs always end with a "ty ty" - because politeness costs me nothing but a second of my time and earns me lots of goodwill. I also put people that are rude on instant notice so everyone knows I'm not having any of their nonsense in the run and THEY are free to leave if they can't behave (or get kicked). Overall it's a super rarity. Most of the GW2 community is a 10/10.

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