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Mad Realm Mount Suggestions [merged]


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wings are fine, except for raptor and jackal's placement location, looks awful...


raptor looks like a de-feathered charred chicken... need to shift it back to be center of the saddle

jackal needs the wings to be between the handle and the saddle


other than that, wish they are bigger, 3 times the size on raptor, springer and jackal

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> Also the wings are clearly a nod to people who put bat wings on their pets during halloween and if that ruins your entire enjoyment of them maybe you never liked the skins to begin with.


The problem with that logic is then it only really makes sense to use them at Halloween, and I'm not going to spend 1,600 gems on mounts for 1 month a year. That's the same reason I didn't buy the spooky and Wintersday packs and was disappointed when it took months to get anything except festival themed packs and purely RNG skins for mounts.

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I love the wings, and the bats- they were the major selling points for me. I already had the spooky set from last year, but when i clapped eyes on the mad realm set i knew i had to have it :) Raptor becomes a mini-dragon, jackal is demonic, bunny is the stuff of nightmares, ironically it's the already-winged mounts which are a bit lacklustre for me but idm, dyes can make or break them :)

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This is one of the most dissappointing features added to the game for me because the visual, glow and face is very good that i really want to buy them but those weird bats and wings blurs the beauty of the base, shadowy concept. Why the bats even come inside of a bunny or a griffon? I think it has way too much effects it suppose to be. Please Anet, remake or make an alternative of those skins without wings and bats. This skin has way more potential without them!

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> @"Eldem.8462" said:

> This is one of the most dissappointing features added to the game for me because the visual, glow and face is very good that i really want to buy them but those weird bats and wings blurs the beauty of the base, shadowy concept. Why the bats even come inside of a bunny or a griffon? I think it has way too much effects it suppose to be. Please Anet, remake or make an alternative of those skins without wings and bats. This skin has way more potential without them!


I actually agree with this. I was stoked to see the new mount package and was ready to buy. But ... when I previewed them and saw the bat wings?? Thats a hard no from me. I was disapointed but, a lot of people like these skins I guess? Hopefully we will get another set like these shadowy mounts, sans wings! lol

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> @"Purgatori.3645" said:

> > @"Eldem.8462" said:

> > This is one of the most dissappointing features added to the game for me because the visual, glow and face is very good that i really want to buy them but those weird bats and wings blurs the beauty of the base, shadowy concept. Why the bats even come inside of a bunny or a griffon? I think it has way too much effects it suppose to be. Please Anet, remake or make an alternative of those skins without wings and bats. This skin has way more potential without them!


> I actually agree with this. I was stoked to see the new mount package and was ready to buy. But ... when I previewed them and saw the bat wings?? Thats a hard no from me. I was disapointed but, a lot of people like these skins I guess? Hopefully we will get another set like these shadowy mounts, sans wings! lol

I loved these skins, except for the wings. I wish they weren't a deal killer for me, but they are. :-( I'd have purchased them for sure if not for those wings.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > Also the wings are clearly a nod to people who put bat wings on their pets during halloween and if that ruins your entire enjoyment of them maybe you never liked the skins to begin with.


> The problem with that logic is then it only really makes sense to use them at Halloween, and I'm not going to spend 1,600 gems on mounts for 1 month a year. That's the same reason I didn't buy the spooky and Wintersday packs and was disappointed when it took months to get anything except festival themed packs and purely RNG skins for mounts.


That's the entire purpose behind the Festival mount skins, so you have skins that you use during the Festival...keep in mind it's a one time purchase and you now have the skins to use every single year when that Festival rolls around. So in 12 years you'll have used them for 12 whole months, or if you prefer, one single year.


Also, for those that dislike the bat wings, just think about it, they're serving their purpose...it's to make it look silly and/or cute, they're supposed to be Halloween costumes for your mounts.

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